#in this house we respect value and cherish the women of b5
when she could break your heart and your tyrannical government >>>
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Yes, Delenn started a war. Yeah, that's objectively bad. But do we really think that EarthGov would have given anyone the courtesy of asking about why they killed a significant (political) figure before committing massive violations of the Geneva Convention?
Obviously we shouldn't condone this behavior- but let's at least give it some perspective:
It's literally her first day on the job. she just finished her internship the night before
she's been trained for this role and this role alone, her life experience is limited at best and nonexistent at worst
her mentor just died -> that's essentially going from training wheels on flat and even ground, with a helmet to a unicycle on a mountain during fire season... uphill
nobody really cared about what she said until 20 minutes ago when she became One of Them
there were four other members of the Grey Council that were pro-war, she didn't decide to go to war by herself
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me: Susan Ivanova has never done anything wrong, ever.
me watching sic transit vir: ARE YOU FRAGGING KIDDING ME, IVANOVA?
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G’Kar: you really like to cause problems.
Na’Toth: that’s not true. I don’t cause problems, I *am* said problems.
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