#inca! god craig
thehauntedartist · 7 years
Can we have Inca!God Craig?
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I really enjoyed making this oml
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asterixer · 5 years
Who’s the handsome black hair glowing guy in your banner? I want him to step on me
oh god uh
That's my version of Inca Craig from South Park for one of my AUs
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crewneck · 6 years
craig smith got his start in music on the andy williams show as a member of the good time singers in the early to mid 1960s. soon becoming disillusioned with the show, he broke off to focus more on writing his own songs. in the late 1960s he took a trip on the 'hippie trail' (a journey taken by people of the hippie subculture; usually through iran, afghanistan, pakistan, india, and nepal.) while in afghanistan he was assaulted within an inch of his life, eventually wounding up in an insane asylum - an experience he may have recovered from physically, but never mentally. after returning to the states he slowly spiraled downwards, changing his name to maitreya kali ('maitreya' being an advanced spiritual being who will appear in the future to teach enlightenment in buddhist religion) as he was under the delusion he was a higher being - possibly god himself. he released two albums in the early 1970s, apache and inca. entirely self-released in very small batches and sold on the street/given to his close friends, these two album are somewhat of a holy grail for collectors of obscure 1960s psychedelia/folk. both albums were a mix of songs by the penny arkade (a group he was a member of before his travels overseas), field recordings from his travels on the hippie trail, and more recent solo acoustic recordings. he then faded into obscurity, living on the streets of los angeles until his death in 2012.
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sandojac · 7 years
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Okay, I don’t use twitter but my wife send me this. It’s about Temari’s AU when Craig is an Inca and Tweek is an archaeologist. She explains that a peruvian fan said that this AU is disrespectful towards Peruvian culture. - breathe- I’m peruvian and I don’t feel offended at all with that AU. If you don’t wanna know my opinion you can keep watching the others posts. You just have to know before you go that my opinion is not gonna change Temari’s final decision, I don’t blame her either but I just don’t get it why that AU should offended me or offended my culture.
Okay so I was HOURS thinking what kind factors would make feel hurt with a friend and we end to the conclusion that there is no way to feel insulted  because as a Peruvian it’s lovely that they made their AUs wrapped in Peruvian culture, variety is god. Just think about this, creek is my OTP and see them involve in my culture is like a dream.
I have two reasons why Temari’s AU should be offensive and I’m going to discuss them.
1. Tweek looks whiter than Craig: Maybe because Tweek is raised as a foreigner and that can be seen as racist. Let me tell you something, Peruvians are not white. There is not a person with the same skin color as another,  neither in families. Modern Peruvians are a mixture of  Americans, Japanese, Jews, Portuguese, Germans, and if I continue I would have no end. We have diversity of races.
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This is a picture of the Peruvian races just in 1542. It’s in Spanish but I’m going to translate the name of one of these mixtures that is called “I don’t understand you” to see the variety of races. With all the diversity of skin tones, I can not be offended by the skin color of a drawing.
2. History: According to the story of how the Inca empire ended, first there was an exploration trip and seeing the richness of the place his second trip was to conquer. Then, the Incas were judged for being dyslexics (for not speaking in Spanish) and sinners (for not being Catholic). That can be taken offensive too because Temari explains that Craig’s first words in the same language as Tweek is Tweek’s name. Temari’s AU poses Tweek as a foreigner. It is offensive if we see the Inca culture as ignorant, because our mother language is not English? Our mother language is not English yet and we are not ignorant.
If you’ve read this far let me tell you that I love you and my intention is not to go against the artist or the fan. I respect the opinion of the fan and Temari’s decision. I just want to express my opinion why ,personally, that AU don’t offend me at all. If you want to comment something I will be very grateful.
(”jay?” means “what?” basically, in Quechua)
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