#incidentally my least fav emotional moment is when hamids crying after the airship crash
thoriffix · 3 years
14, 21, 28?
14: Who is your favorite villain?
mm maybe barret! (barrett? i still dont know how its spelt) hes so slimy OH OR SHOIN shoin is so fucking funny i do love that arc
21: What mystery are you most excited to figure out? 
oh hmmm... does What Happened To Grizzop's Kids count hajshs (honestly idk!! i forget a lot of the mysteries very quickly i dont have the mental bandwidth for theorising lmao)
28: What’s your favorite emotional moment?
im not like.. that big on zoscar but their scene in last words part 2 does get me it has to be said... or maybe just like all of the garden of yerlik?
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