ssolessurvivor · 6 months
[WRESTLE]: sender wrestles receiver, pinning them on the floor from Nyra thinking Hunger Games with this one
memes - always accepting! - @incissam
He had to do this right if Rhae had any hope of getting out of that arena on top of the rest of them. While he had a fleeting moment of feeling unspeakably awful for thinking that, for disregarding the very lives of the other tributes going in to the Games, they were discarded in favor of training her better.
Hit harder. Run faster. Hide quicker. Focus, dammit.
Just as he thought he had the upper hand, she came at him from his blind spot. She twisted his arm, quite literally, and he grunted as she swept his legs out from under him. Logan barely registered until it was done that she had him pinned to the ground, arms above his head, and he's smirking up at her, trying to catch his breath.
"Good..." He murmurs before a wince from his bad shoulder causes honey brows to furrow for a moment. "Use those high vantage points and launching tactics and you'll have the wind knocked out of 'em too, give you even more of an advantage." He could still technically get her off of him quite easily, given he's bigger on her in size, but he holds that back for now.
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malbcrtha · 6 months
@incissam ;
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Mal had awoken to find that she was no longer in Auradon. At least, she didn’t think she was. She quickly began to walk around, hoping to find a building, a landmark, something that was familiar to her, but everything as far as she could see was foreign, almost…medieval. When she sees how peculiarly garbed the people who are walking about are, Mal knew she was far from home. Those that had noticed the stranger in their midst regarded her with suspicious, odd gazes.
Suddenly, before she knew it, a group of armored guards seized her by the arms and led her inside a pyramid-like structure of many colored bricks. When she tried to wriggle herself free of their grasp, the guards only tightened their hold on her. Giving a frustrated sigh in defeat, she had no choice but to follow them.
 ❝ What’s happening? Where are you taking me? ❞ She asked, to which her answer was to the queen. Who is the queen…? I guess I’m about to find out, she wondered as they led her deeper inside.
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adversitybloomed · 8 months
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        ❝  @incissam, if i am going to be your barbie doll that you get to dress up, can i at least get some boba tea out of this ?  ❞   
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astormofsilk · 5 months
@incissam liked for a started
“Khaleesi….khaleesi wake up.” Irr whispered softly, doing her best not to awake the other girls that slept in the tent with her. The air was cool but warm enough that they weren’t sleeping on top of each other as they had in nights past. Her hands came forward and she gently stroked the other’s arm to help awaken her more. The young dragons started to trill and chirp in protest to Irri’s voice, as unwilling to awaken as their mother seemed to be.
She hated to wake her, it had been the worst time in any life with the death of their Khal and the khalasar dissolving. They were on their own now and her Khaleesi had lost her husband and child in one night, and had taken her first life. For most dothraki their life was a war so they were used to violence and fighting, but the silver haired girl had been raised in silks and comfort compared to that. Irri wanted to give her all of the rest she could, but there were things to be seen that she felt the other would enjoy.
Letting Viserion crawl up onto her shoulders and trill at her angrily, she bent over the lot of them again, putting her lips against the sleeping one's ear. “Khaleesi wake up, there is something you need to see.” Irri pitched her voice a little louder, trying to rouse her quickly before what she wanted to show her faded. “I am not so above myself to carry you from this tent if I must but you must wake up.” It was a tease, she and her Khaleesi were almost the same height and Irri would not have an easy go of it if she tried.
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caracarnn · 5 months
His heart broke for her and he wasn't entirely sure how he was meant to ease whatever was storming inside of her. Rand knew that with this announcement the entire realm would change, somehow he knew that. And judging by her tears Rhaenyra also felt that. It was rare to see her in such a state and feelings of upset and anger swirled inside of him. He could not understand how they would reduce her to such a state and not care to come after her, not care to comfort her either. "I'll take you anywhere." He told her softly as he moved closer to her and lifted her easily into his arms. No one was about, no one would see and, for the moment, Rand simply didn't care. He wasn't sure whether to take her from the city or simply to where he slept but he left the Godswood with her anyways.
@incissam - cont'd from here
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slumberingchaos · 6 months
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The sound of his footsteps were always accompanied with the tinkling of the bells that adorned his jahak and with it came the loud boisterous sounds of the men who had left with him on their hunt. The man in the center was quieter, more reserved, than the men at his side his focus on making his way towards the largest tent within the heart of the Khalassar. Waving off the men around him he entered, the mask of indifference leaving him and the softest of smiles reaching his lips. The scent of cedar, lavender, and fire reached his nose as he pushed passed the drapes just past the door his words soft as to not startle the other inhabitant of the tent.
So gentle did the words pass over his lips. Was she awake? Or was she indulging herself and soothing the aches from the long trek here?
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bcbliophile · 4 months
@incissam Alicent & Rhaenyra Mafia AU
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"I finally got the money wired to Harwin, so he'll likely be beating down our door anytime now" Alicent plopped down next to her now fiancé on the couch, her engagement ring now happily back in place on her finger, it had been a long two days she had to be without it. She admired it for a moment in the low light of their new Livingroom, with a lot of help they were finally unpacked and their new furniture had been delivered and assembled that morning.
"I was thinking I could go with you to the gym a couple days a week, sale the story that we are trying to find common ground and bond before the wedding?"
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vezhave · 4 months
@incissam || plotted
Oh, how he had raged when he had first entered the twilit fields of the Night Lands! It was wrong... all wrong. From the manner of his death to the death of his unborn son. Worst by far, though, was being separated from Daenerys. The moon of his life, who had become his reason for being. A tiny woman with a brightly shining soul.      He had promised her and their son the Seven Kingdoms. He would've crossed the seas for her. Killed the men in their iron suits, torn down their walls. Taken their women and children. She had bid him to fight, and he had, but he could do nothing. So he watched.      He sat beside his black stallion, blazing now from the inside with the fiery light of the stars, and watched the living world through the unmoving waters of the Sun Pool.      No matter how the winds blew in the Night Lands, the Sun Pool remained still. It's waters burned with the light of the sun from far away but, as you drew close, an image would haze slowly into focus. Drogo had learned quickly how to shift that focus, to draw the moon of his life into view.      He watched.      Dany stood in the smoldering ashes of his funeral pyre, naked and sooty and cradling three dragons. A small khalasar stood around her -her khalasar.      He watched.      Her khalasar crossed the Red Wastes, came to the city of Qarth, and traveled further still.       He watched, as she went to the city of Meereen and took the face of the man-made mountain. The Sun Pool seemed to wave with the force of it.      Her dragons burned the man with the sun emblazoned on his clothes and the Sun Pool roiled with the heat.      One of those dragons bore her back to the Dothraki Sea, wide and parched beneath the sun's eye. Sickness came to her, and worry to him.      He watched.      The image shimmered before him and he frowned, leaning in. Ripples... there were ripples forming in the still waters of the Sun Pool.      His fiery stallion raised it's head, ears pricked, and something in Drogo stirred.      He leaned further, his braid slipping over his shoulder and chiming softly. Cautious, he brushed the Pool with the tips of his fingers. Warmth burned from the surface as it warped beneath his fingers. Warmth, like the heat of the sun beating on the Sea and warming the air.      His breath caught. The first time he had done this, the Sun Pool had remained unmoving beneath his touch, cool with the air of the Night Lands.      "Moon of my life," he said, longing.      His stallion snorted, one hoof pawing at the ground, and he turned to it. It stared back, pale eyes steady and watchful. Beyond it, the Night Lands stretched into the distance. Riders ranged across the lands on smoky and blazing horses.      He looked back to the Pool where Dany stumbled through the grass, alone in the vast Sea.      He rose.
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He was first aware of the warmth. His copper skin soaked up the heat of the sun, and it warmed the clothes that his wife had dressed him in for his pyre.      Then, light. The brightness of the sun, shimmering in the sky and reflecting off of pale blades of grass.      The grass swam into focus next, a thousand thousand blades shifting in the gentle winds. Each blade was yellow or brown, and many curled from a lack of water. They rustled about him as if whispering.      For a moment, all he could do was close his eyes and soak it in. Then, he remembered. Daenerys.      His eyes opened with a purpose and he turned his head, listening. Sound carried far in the open fields of the Dothraki Sea but there were few obstructions to direct the sound.      His heart yearned in his chest, reaching out, and he followed without question, stepping determinedly in a direction with no way to explain why he had chosen it.      His bells, heavy in his hair, chimed softly with each step. Each one brought him closer to her.
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agoldenlily-archive · 6 months
The North was bitter with cold and she knew that it would take her sometime to acclimate to the hard winter. Of course she had been to the North before but never for an extended stay. And definitely not in this sort of way. Coming here with Daenerys Targaryen was an experience that Elayne had just known would be an absolute adventure. The trip up had been littered with wonderful inns, smaller villages, meeting new people, and showing Dany various things that Elayne thought she should see now that she was Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Seeing Dany's delight was something that Elayne relished in.
Now that the King in the North had greeted them and given them grand quarters within the Keep, Elayne looked towards her friend with a small and knowing smile - secretive too. She was glad that they had a joint room, on request, after all they needed to discuss all of the men that they had seen in coming here. Someone had to catch their eye - especially Dany's. Elayne was adamant that her friend find some happiness with that crown weighing heavily on her head.
"So - they are quite different." Much rougher, not at all the perfumed Southron lords that Elayne had known her whole life. "Please tell me that you saw one of them and felt your interest pique?" Her brows lifted and she swallowed down a teasing laugh as she looked across at her friend. "If not, we'll have to sweep of the population once morning comes." - @incissam
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xradiant · 11 months
The Queen herself. He almost grimaced at the thought before a small laugh came from him. "Maybe that would be best to step away from, just in case. After all I don't think that the Queen likes me very much." He shook his head as he continued to hold her eyes. She looked thoughtful and he supposed that she didn't actually know, just the way that she had said. "Have you noticed?" He questioned with a small furrow of his brows. "Maybe I'll put the thought aside and just focus on forming a casual friendship with you. Political alliances and the like."
@incissam xxx
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caterva · 3 months
@incissam || liked for needy bezi
Bezi whined as he felt Dany move beside him. His arm tightened and he nuzzled into her shoulder, wriggling up against her. "Wer're you goin'?" he mumbled, one of his long legs wrapping around her.
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ssolessurvivor · 6 months
bath:     for our muses to share a bath together. from Dany
memes - always accepting! - @incissam
It started out as any other time when he'd just refuse to leave her side, he had to stand watch, to ensure she was safe and secure. Just as soon as her lady's maids left, the tub was full of steaming hot water and Dany poured a couple fragrance oils into it. Logan briefly zoned out on the ripples before he noticed what was happening. She came over to him and started to help remove his armor.
The invitation couldn't be equally more innocent and enticing all the same.
Soon enough, they're both stripped and lowering himself first into the water. It burns almost but he pays it no mind as he holds his arms out for Dany, to help her stand gently and lower herself into his embrace, almost into him, really. To curl on his lap where his arms can hold her close, comb some of the water through her ivory hair. Just to be as near as he can be...he's content.
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ravarui · 5 months
💗 for Tony from Dany
Love meter Accepting @incissam
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"Talk about unexpectant results. A Targaryen and a Stark being compatible like that. Who would have thought?"
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empathetixs · 1 month
THE ROYAL TREATMENT. @incissam asked: “My reign has been anything but traditional. Let’s not start now, shall we?” from Dany for Margy <3
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Margaery felt the hand of her queen brush against her shoulder. She smiled softly as she felt the soft fingers of her love brush through her curls. "Dany… They are saying that we'll never have a true heir… That you'll never have a true heir. I would hate to be the reason The Kingdom revolts. I love you too much for that." The hand that brushes against her cheek makes her look up at her. "My reign has been anything but traditional. Let's not start now, shall we?" God… She loved her.
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caracarnn · 5 months
She doesn't tell him not to. She doesn't even hesitate and that makes his breath all but hitch there in his chest. She's so close that he can breathe her in, her perfume mixing with the smell of the fire, the sweat from being out here among all these people. She's all softness but it's the fire inside of her that drives him absolutely crazy. No one is paying attention to them, they wouldn't as the drink and the music were keeping them all busy, and so he brought her with him backwards so that he could sit down where he had been and she could fall into his lap. He didn't even pay mind to the cup that had fallen. His arm fitted around her waist to keep her there, his other hand reaching down to hike up the hem of her dress, touching along the hot skin of her inner thighs. "Do you want me to touch you?" He questioned into her ear, his whisper no doubt heard above the loud noise around them. Because he wanted to. More than anything.
@incissam - cont'd from here
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adaintywrenn · 4 months
" where did you find this ? " from Dany
memes - always accepting! - @incissam
"Nevermind that." Wren hushes, speaking to the young lawyer she'd met at a different party or other, she couldn't remember anymore. Everything was blurring together into a haze of champagne, dresses and camera flashes. "Here, please take it." Unearthing a small disk in a case, written on it in sharpie is 'years 3-5 daily logs'. "I was only able to copy this much at once before I lost access, I didn't want to get caught."
In a way she hopes this young woman doesn't fault her for this, unearthing the horrors she went through to become this...thing, this object. This trophy. Shoulders stiffen at a sudden flare of pain like a dagger in the back, but brows furrow for a moment and she glances over her shoulder, ensuring she wasn't watched. "I-I hope you can glean something from it." Was this because she desperately wanted to be free of their clutches? She still couldn't tell, it was all very fuzzy, so overwhelming.
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