#inciting traumatic moment in her youth where she gained a very rudimentary understanding
mollypaup · 1 year
kozue my beloved little freak. you could not game the system that oppresses you but by god and the devil you did your best to try.
#kozue is so fucked up i love her#inciting traumatic moment in her youth where she gained a very rudimentary understanding#of the system of misogyny and how it works#coming to the conclusion that if she can somehow control the men around her she can by proxy control her own life#developing into her being sexually manipulative of her male peers and teachers#a warped obsession with her brother because he was at the center of that trauma#both of these things resulting in the world's most fucked up perception of her brother#to the point when being used as an object of violence in a duel#she tried to seduce the object of her brother's affections#because she 1. did not believe her just asking miki for something would yield results because she does not believe#relationships between men and women can be openly amenable and that she must lie and steal and cheat for what she wants#2. also has destroyed her own ability to behave normally around others. even anthy who is an imperfect reflection of kozue's own situation#3. thinks controlling anthy will help her control miki which will let her control herself#she's so fucked! she's perpetuating the cycle in a desperate attempt 'win' it but doesn't know the only way to win is not to play!#you need to LEAVE girl#you have to escape#ough the bird scene makes me so fucking insane#it feels like such a wild departure of the present kozue#but she sees them. small and defenseless and unaware of the circumstances that are coming for them#and has to intervene even at risk to herself#anyway do you think kozue dreams of gentle hands lifting her from a falling nest#rgu
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