#including 'tardies' 🙄
freepassbound · 9 months
Merry Christmas to you 🎄🎁😊
30+38 :)
30: What I hate the most about work/school
There is far more administrative busywork at this school than there ever was at my school - stuff that does not contribute to the teaching of children (which is kind of the point). It drags on me.
38: My childhood career choice
I don't know that I ever really had anything beyond the cliché dreams of being a professional athlete (baseball first, I would think, segueing into basketball) as an actual child... by teenage years, I was leaning toward architecture or something with computers.
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ae-azile · 4 months
About 15k into Chapter 29 of Progression, so I figured I would share another scene as an apology for my tardiness. Definitely going to be a long chapter, unless I split it. Trying not to do that though.
The Updated and Still Complicated Family Group Chat
Khun: Arm and I are embarking for our trip tomorrow night! You know what that means!!!!!! 🪨🍃😈🥬🟫
Nalin: Weed brownie night?!?
Arm: Please tell me you didn't add my younger sisters to this group chat.
Khun: Well, I didn't add Preeda! She went to rehab! 😱 Mustn’t tempt her. But of course I added Nalin! If Macau and Chay can be in the group chat, then she can be too!
Nalin: Don't be sexist, Hia. 🙂
Vegas: Someone needs to watch my baby.
Pete: Why is she only your baby when you talk about her?
Vegas: Because she's mine.
Malai: Someone needs to watch my babies too. I want to join.
Hansa: I don't mind watching the girls.
Vegas: Is my baby included with these girls?
Hansa: Sure. 🙂
Vegas: I want six references, your resume, and a background check.
Hansa: By tonight?
Macau: Hia, she owns a flower arrangement and gardening shop. Chill.
Vegas: I am chill. And reasonable.
Pol: I can sit out and help with the girls too. 🙂
Vegas: You can also give me six references, a resume, and a background check. 🙂
Pete: It's literally Pol.
Vegas: I don't know him like you do.
Pete: Consider me his and Hansa’s first reference.
Khun: Consider me their second! 2️⃣🥈🕑
Porsche: I'm their fourth!
Chay: Hia, you skipped a number.
Porsche: He wouldn't have even noticed if you hadn't pointed it out, brat. 🙄
Chay: Sorry. I guess I will fill in the third spot, then.
Kim: I’ll fill the fifth.
Chay: Hia, switch spots with Kim so we can be next to each other.
Porsche: No. I went out of order and called fourth for a reason. It's mine. 😏
Macau: I’ll take the sixth spot so Chay can't grab it!
Porsche: Good thinking, Macau!
Kim: ?
Chay: 😤 🖕🏽
Vegas: Macau, just because you are close with Nalin doesn't mean you know her sister well enough to be her reference.
Arm: Define “close”.
0272781005: I’ll call second!
Kinn: Whose number is this?
Khun: I demand that you reveal yourself!!! Arm! Do a search and find out who this intruder is. 😡
Arm: It's a number provided from a text app.
Arm: The text came from the property.
Khun: PA?!?!?!?
0272781005: Nam. 🙂
Porsche: MA?!?!?!?
Chay: MA?!?!?!?
Khun: Everyone stop! It might be Pa playing a trick to test us! Play it cool!
Khun: Oh, silly Pa! You know Namphueng can't talk! She sits there and says and does nothing! Such a bore! 🥱
0272781005: If Korn enters chat, I will stab. 😌
Pol: 😳 That sounded like her.
0272781005: Hi, son!
Porsche: Ma?
Chay: Ma?
0272781005: I am adopting Pol soon. When I have answers. He's my future son. He already knows. I told him. Accept, thanks.
Porsche: Wow.
0272781005: He has no family! Sad for him! Sucky life. 😢
Pol: Wow.
Chay: Kim and I just got back from walking Koda and checked on Ma. Who gave her an ipad?
Arm: Not me.
Kinn: Not me.
Porsche: Not me.
Vegas: Not me.
Kim: Not me.
Chay: Kim, you told me you didn't in person. You didn't have to text it.
Kim: I just wanted to make sure Porsche knew.
Porsche: Aw, Kim. I feel so close to you recently. ❤️
Kinn: 🤨
Chay: 🤨
Pol: Not me!
Hansa: Not me.
Pete: Not me.
Malai: Not me, but Korn has infringed on her rights and she deserves communication with the outside world, despite the power he still holds over everyone.
0272781005: Friend. 🙂
Hansa: Malai, his sons are in this group.
Kim: We agree with her, it's fine.
Khun: I also agree that Namphueng should have all of the technology she wants! 😤
Khun: But I didn't give it to her either.
Arm: I am also in agreement that she should have a way to reach us, but also didn't give her the iPad.
Kinn: You sure? You have the most access to extra technology in the compound.
Nalin: Fine. Preeda and I got it for her. She's our lesbian ma. 🥺
0272781005: Daughter!
Porsche: Ma, please. Nalin, while that was a nice gift, Chay and I should have been informed prior to her getting something like that. We have to be very careful around Korn.
Nalin: She promised to be careful with it! We downloaded some digital art apps! If Korn does happen to see her use it, Preeda plans on telling him that she downloaded the apps she uses for art so Nam can try new mediums!
Macau: They were being thoughtful. And they're right. Nam deserves to have a way to reach out to any of us, anytime she needs.
Nalin: 🥹 🩵
Macau: 🩵
Arm: 🤨
Chay: I think they're right, Hia. She deserves a way to reach out to us. She's gotten a lot better and she would be able to talk to Fern, Vegas, Pete, and Macau whenever she isn't at their house. It's time.
0272781005: I already made an email so I can make a YouTube account to subscribe to other lesbians. 🙂
Malai: As you should.
Porsche: Fine, Ma. You can keep the iPad. Just keep it hidden. And be RESPONSIBLE with it.
0272781005: I MADE AN EMAIL.
0272781005: BY MYSELF.
0272781005: 🖕🏻
Porsche: You found the middle finger emoji. Great.
0272781005: Glad it's settled. I will bring ipad to weed night. So I can watch YouTube while I'm high.
Porsche: Ma, I don't know if that's a good idea.
0272781005: That's because it's not just good. It's great. Bye. I will get ready now. Meet you in ArmKhun suite.
0272781005: 💃🏻
Khun: How did she add herself to the chat?
Nalin: Preeda probably snuck into your phone and added her. She is the one who programmed everyone’s numbers into the text app.
Hansa: Sounds like Preeda.
Preeda: Sure does. 🙂
Preeda: I never stopped weed.
Malai: Which we don't condone.
Arm: ⬆️ What she said.
Preeda: You hypocrites are literally all gathering at Vegas’s to get high tonight. 🖕🏻
Preeda: I'm joining.
Khun: But you're so young…
Preeda: If I am not invited, then I will go hang out with Korn. Willingly. All night. Just for fun.
Khun: Ew!
Preeda: Your choice. 🤷‍♀️ Bye. 💃
Vegas: Just invite her.
Macau: Yeah, I would prefer her giggling because of a weed brownie than having a self-inflicted all-nighter with Uncle Korn. 😳
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melmac78 · 6 months
Well… erm… looks like they’re having me transfer to another place near here. Not for any bad reason (I’d be getting a decent enough raise and it looks like I’d be dropping some extra work because bigger staff), but just was out of the blue. I’ll take it over other options obviously.
I can commute but I even know it’ll be ultimately a move if it stays long term. Of course they waited until after I could give my two months notice so I’ll have to pay extra unless I stay until December (which I’m still debating, as there’s fun stuff here I’d forget about and it’s an hour drive approx. and I’d actually get to have fun and not get behind a camera… plus I may be fed up in 8 months, want to leave and it’d save me an extra move.)
I think I’d become the pub, which is a step up technically (just a convoluted hierarchy… explaining the TARDIS would be easier).
One of the many interesting things in my town this week, which included a manhunt yesterday (which I didn’t realize until I remember said helicopters were used to protect the President George H.W. Bush’s funeral train in 2018 - yes I covered this procession) - covering some unusual events beyond this, and getting a card WITH a rubber duck on my car from someone wanting to fix my mostly barely noticeable hail damage. (I’ll give points creativity though).
I’m going to watch the Rockhounds in Midland tomorrow, which has me excited because I’ve missed any form of pro-baseball (they’re the A’s minor league team) and they’re fairly cheap (well to me compared to the Amarillo Sodpoodles). Do have to cover something tomorrow but it’s a fun event and co-worker attending offering to assist so I’ll let her.
And I’m making another key paracord bracelet but a more modern key someone gave me.
And taxes… gotta pay them.. shouldn’t be but I am. 🙄
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expectiations · 2 months
Dear Tia,
I am scared of pressuring you, but it is rather difficult to keep track of whether anonymous asks have been answered already. And I saw you answering asks and just wanted to check in whether you have gotten around to my ao3 asks yet. So that if you have, I can go scavenge for them :)
I hope you are having a good day <3
(And don't listen to the River haters; I pity them, it is so much better to love her)
OH SHIT I AM SO SORRY. I genuinely thought you're the same participant. Or maybe it's two? Idrk 🥹 but anyways here are my answers. And I'm assuming (🥹) that these previous asks came from the same person? So I'm grouping them into this ask too.
– one
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When I wrote that DNW, I was in a messy headspace (heh) so I just wanted lighthearted fluff stuff. However, it's also okay for me to have a few angsty moments while keeping the overall fic lighthearted in feels.
Playful DoctorRiver banter? Sure! They're fine for me.
I'm a bit partial to River but if the situation fits for Mels, go ahead! Same goes for using another regeneration of the Doctor.
– two
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I am glad to say that I've been doing my best to sleep before 12 am 🫶🏻✨ (except last night. that was a fluke. and totally @croxxbunx's fault 🙄)
Aw thank you! I totally missed writing fanfics 🥹
I am proud to say I'm quite good at drumming up endless prompts. I'm just rubbish at moving it from prompt-level to fic-level lol
– three
I didn't include it since the questions have been answered but thank you for the hug!! 🫂
On another note, I just remembered how I came up with that prompt in the first place. I found it amusing to put the Paternoster Gang in a situation where they have to deal with DoctorRiver shenanigans but in a sort of loop. Cause I have this headcanon that the Gang are sort of like parental figures to River. And also provide marriage counseling on the side. And the fun Strax and young!River, who's still quite attached to her guns, would have together!
I mean we all know how the TARDIS totally adores her Water, right? So she makes River a room full of weapons and she and Strax have such a fun time there. Totally for the glory of the Sontaran Empire of course.
Like just imagine young!River, new to Luna U, struggling to be more 'human' than 'weapon'. Fighting the urge to punch/shoot first, ask second. Here comes along the Gang, who shows her how to find her balance, who comforts her and assures her it's okay to hold a weapon while also holding her back from going on a rampage at the slightest grievance.
Strax also had a nursing stint, yes? He nurses River's wounds (you really should be more careful, boy. you are not a strong and mighty Sontaran.) and teaches her how to take care of different kinds of wounds and how to fight for the glory of the Sontaran Empire. I can just hear baby River's giggle and see her bright eyes taking in everything Strax teaches her.
Jenny and Madame Vastra. Feminominons of the Victorian Era. Also River's badass mothers who try to teach her empathy and etiquette, how to give as good as she gets. I like to imagine them dropping in on River and making sure she's eating well, helping her study. (They also totally had nothing to do with the disappearance of the Professor who tried to claim her essay as their own. Absolutely not.)
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furufuro · 3 years
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Before and After Updated these two! Xatur, his smug looking... 🙄. Anyways,
The lesson here; they were weird before, and they still look weird. 👁️👄👁️
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Also my sims:
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🤨 😕
I’m trying y’all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Quick update! This is one of the posts that was not ready (which is why I have CAS pics for the before(s) instead of in-game 😑), but I scrounged this up. Still, don’t have my laptop 😒 (something about a backlog on their end), but I’ll see what I can do for posts 🤷🏿‍♀️. And guys, I’m sorry for the lack of updates/presence on here 🙏🏿. I’ve been very busy: went out of town for a week, lots of birthdays this and next month, COVID restrictions have lifted and my job is switching things up. It’s a lot going on, so I haven’t had free time for Tumblr. Anyway, just wanted to fill you guys in and let you know that I have not forgotten you (including @nativeafua​​, please forgive my tardiness, I’ll be re-crafting my response soon 🙏🏿)❤️! Hope to be stalking y’all soon 🧐.
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