#including Alice going on a rampage because she technically peed herself XD
victorluvsalice · 2 years
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We’ve reached Winterfest again in the Chill Valicer save, and I was wrong in my prediction about how many posts this update will be! It’s not seven!
IT’S EIGHT. Yeah, uh, sorry about the glut of posts today, but apparently I took WAY more pictures than I thought I did for this one. *facepalm* What can say, it’s Winterfest! A lot happened! So let’s get right to it!
-->First things first -- remember how Alice was looking pretty Furious when we ended last time? Well, after her little nap on the porch, she went to “mark her territory” in the front yard --
And that was enough to send her over the edge into a rampage. XD Welp! I had her go around scavenging the farm for goodies while Guidry stole one of her easels to paint, Smiler played some modded Sims Forever, and Victor got his breakfast and went to chat with Smiler -- she picked up a time capsule (which I believe had a Hopper in it -- already had that one, so sold it), a fossil rock, some phazonite, and two common upgrade parts, nice. AND she managed to regain control of herself on the very first try! Pretty damn good for a rampage, I feel!
-->However, Alice wasn’t really feeling good about it -- her temperaments make her really worry about her more beastly behavior. :( So after another quick nap, I sent her inside to chat to Victor and get some advice from him. He was only too willing to cheer her up and listen to her ruminations on being a werewolf --
-->And THAT was the extra bit of XP she needed to finally become an APEX werewolf! Maxing out her werewolf rank, hooray! I promptly chose Super Speed as her next werewolf power, because that will DEFINITELY be useful in the future, believe you me. Gotta say, THAT is a Winterfest present --  well, that and Guidry helpfully taking care of the laundry. XD That ghost annoys me sometimes, but he also does his part when it comes to the chores!
Oh, but speaking of Winterfest -- we gotta make the farm look appropriately festive, do we not?
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