#including but not limited to rocks marbles cloth scraps lego wrestling chips and various stickers and trading cards
layalu · 2 years
Got tagged by @rozhevisny and @blueheaded! <33
Favourite time of the year: Early/mid spring and mid/late autumn
Comfort food: Rice (plain or fried or with dal (or with anything really)), roasted corn, and whatever sweets i'm craving at the time (rn it's chocolate crisps)
Do you collect something: Things to put on my to-read/to-play/to-watch lists I wanna say books but I don't even have that many hsfhksfhk. It's more that when I buy books from a series I wanna have all of em, and two of the series I have are very long (i don't have all books for either of them lol)
Favourite drink: Sparkling water or lemon and ginger tea
Current favourite song: Not my favourite but the ffvii gold saucer music has been stuck in my head for days now I hate it here (it's not bad but it gets real annoying real fast hdfhksd)
Favourite song (of all time): Uhh no clue :'')
Tagging: @a-drama-addict, @brainworm-terrarium, @elfrootsalad, @beelzebard, @bearsizedant, @best-of-the-vein, @fade-touched-shenanigans, @exotic-inquiry, @creativegoblin, @echigo825, @the-penguinspy, @cryptidyork, and anyone else who'd like! :) As always of course no pressure or obligation <3
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