#incredible that I had next to nothing to say abt cybersix & lucas LMAO truly a head empty no thoughts moment
cowboyhorsegirl · 1 year
Cybersix character ranking?
this is simultaneously so much easier and so much harder than trying to rank the succ characters bc there are so many characters in cybersix who I genuinely love and my ranking is literally just all my faves are number 1 and everyone else is number 2 😅
But if we're being thorough about it (and by thorough I mean just the characters I remember off the top of my head), then I think my ranking would go something like this:
Tie between Adrian/Cybersix & Lucas: I simply can't choose between them, I tried and I can't. They're both so good and such wonderful characters and I love them and their love for each other with all my heart <3
Dataseven: the existence of Dataseven appeals very specifically to the part of me who gravitated towards all the animated cat characters I grew up with and whose first favorite animal were snow leopards. Also he's cool as fuck with a great backstory. The realest catboy.
Lori: controversial take perhaps?? That Lori is so high on this list?? But idk I like that Lori is the person who Cybersix reveals their identities to, I like that Lori instantly hops on that motorcycle with Lucas and goes towards the bomb in an effort to try and help and/or save Cybersix without thinking twice about it, and I personally like that Lori has a crush on Adrian. Which is not to say that I like Lori x Adrian as a ship, but it feels very real for what reads to me as a closeted/repressed/unaware queer kid to have a crush on the most androgynous teacher in school you know? I think there's probably more depth to Lori than the show had time to explore.
Griselda: episode 12 ahhhhhhh!!!!! First of all I just have to say that my feelings towards seeing Griselda & Cybersix on screen together are exactly the same as my feelings towards Madame Hydra & Black Widow in EMH. Two extraordinarily pretty women who represent opposing ideals having a power struggle!! I mean not to be a lesbian but— Aside from that though, I think it's so interesting how Griselda seems to be an upgraded version of Cybersix, and one of the only villains who actually stood a real chance at beating him. I would have loved to see more of her character, more interaction between her and Cybersix. It's heartbreaking that the moment she seems to decide that Cybersix needs to be the one that lives, she resigns herself to being the one who has to die to allow that to happen. It makes sense to me why Griselda would think that in the narrative as I imagine that binary response may have been a holdover of her conditioning at the hands of Von Reichter. She's been ordered to capture Cybersix by any means necessary, so even though she's now realized that Cybersix is not her real enemy, she still can't let go of the notion that in order for one of them to live, the other must fail. Personally, I don't think she's really dead (and I also don't think either Cybersix or Dataseven are dead either) so I hope they all find each other post-canon and become a bad bitch triumvirate. My only gripe with Griselda is why is she named that?? Why isn't she also called a Cyber or a Data or some other type of Technocreature? Why does she get a real name??
Elaine: hot werewolf lady, what's not to love? I think Elaine should get to join the bad bitch triumvirate too (maybe the triumvirate is cybersix, griselda, and elaine instead of cybersix, dataseven, and griselda who knows we're just having fun with it). I like that she both bewitches Lucas body & soul and also that she indirectly turns him into a werewolf, like what can't she do! She has the range. I like her hair. I am a big fan and honestly I do support women's wrongs xoxo
Terra: 😢😢 I'm very sad about his story. Unlike Griselda, Cybersix, or Dataseven, I really do believe that Terra is dead. I love how many villains are redeemed because of Cybersix's kindness and compassion, and I believe Terra was the first of those villains (save for Dataseven who I think is in a category of his own because of his & Cybersix's shared history). And the way Terra was animated just lent to such an expressive character that made his death hit even harder, even though he isn't as human in his appearance. In any case, I'm pretty sure that he and Griselda are the only villains to sacrifice themselves for Cybersix, and the show did a good job of conveying the emotional weight of those moments for both Terra & Griselda.
Julian: I didn't mean for julian to be this far down on the list lmao i just kept forgetting to add him and now he's down here. But tbh he belongs in this spot, I like him but I'm just not as interested in him as a character. I do really like that his sleight of hand recurs throughout the series in the form of multiple different skills like his ability to pickpocket, do card tricks, and make string figures. I think that's a cool bit of character building and I love how they all consistently incorporate his dexterity. I'm very concerned about his living situation. I guess he's just a little subway boy now?? I also like that it seems as though Dataseven is his main pseudo parent figure lmao (if anything Cybersix is the cool aunt to Dataseven's exasperated guardian wrt Julian)
Yashimoto & Ikiko: ugh these two... Aside from the racist caricatures, I really did like these characters. I respect how Yashimoto doesn't take Jose's case at first and that he doesn't fold to Jose's initial intimidation tactics. It's endearing how much Yashimoto cares for his little sister and it's fun to see how clever he is when he realizes he can work together with Cybersix to get Ikiko & Julian back instead of carrying out Jose's wishes completely. Plus I think Ikiko is cute! I like her friendship with Julian!
Enrique: he's a cop (boo!) but Julian needs all the help he can get so I'm glad there's another adult around who cares about him (yay!). Anyone else think it was weird how Jose (& I assume by extension Von Reichter) both brainwashed Enrique and the other cops and gave them military-grade weapons, but after Enrique shed the mind control he still held on to the military-grade weapons? Just me? There's a not insignificant chance that I'm overthinking it.
The Tentacle Creatures: I don't actually feel any strong type of way about the various tentacle creatures in Cybersix, but if I had a nickel for every tentacle monster in this kids show, then I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice in the space of only 13 episodes🤨🤨🤨
The Fixed Ideas: cool name, cool concept. I feel as though these guys were probably more redeemable than Cybersix gave them credit for lol. I especially kind of like the Fixed Ideas as maybe a commentary on the way fascism packages up complex societal issues as an oversimplified and uncomplicated 'us vs. them' framework, which makes it easier to get people to follow along with your ideology (read: easier to follow your orders 👀). I'm not entirely sure if that metaphor was intentional in either the comics or the tv show (I'm not even sure if the Fixed Ideas were in the comics at all though I imagine they probably didn't make them up solely for the tv show), but that's how I read them and I think it's an interesting way to view those characters.
The Eye: I did not like the eye, I do not like eye gore, I am very squeamish about eyes, overall I was not having a great time in the episode (but that's more a me problem than a That Episode problem). I will give props to the episode for that one moment where Cybersix makes the eye hypnotize itself by holding a mirror up to it because that was both a cool lil moment of creative on-the-fly problem solving on her part and also bc it was animated exceptionally well. And I'm giving myself a pat on the back because I saw the scene of Lucas demonstrating how liquid nitrogen works and immediately was like 'Oh I know exactly where this episode is going' (yes I know it's a kids show but I still felt Very Smart for picking up what they were so obviously putting down).
Jose & Von Reichter: literally Nazis. Also Jose is annoying.
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