#incredibly curious about sol and simeon appearing at the end of 63!! i wanna know what theyll say!!
rsmrymnt-tea ยท 3 years
MC's place is at Solomon's side!!! You're so right!!!
(obviously it differs with each specific MC) but for the MC of the game being a protector of Earth with Sol is a logical end for them??
They're introduced to the Devildom and by consequence the magical side of existence, they find their magic and its powerful stuff, they make pacts which just amps up their power even more, and then end up apprenticed under Sol.
It's not a stretch for them to dedicate themself to working with him!!
Suddenly the student council member thing is looking very self-indulgent (though who's been asking for that I don't know). Really I think if MC has to be apart of the government they should be working as like an ambassador type?? Not just like general government who is in charge of the actual citizens to some degree.
Student council member!Dola!!! I was considering if Sol would be a better candidate than MC because of his lifetimes of experience, but then I was thinking his reputation might get in the way. But maybe Dola becoming a member later in her life? When she's well established as a sorcerer (doe she prefer sorceress?) and perhaps the relations between realms are further along? Yes please??
(oh and yknow I've seen people with MCs who are minors!! - playing platonic 'routes' obviously. Imagine Dia asking a 14 y/o to become a part of the council I-???)
Oh also how much does this council member thing change the status quo of the game? I've got an inkling that beyond it like perhaps allowing them to get around the No You Can't Marry thing it's gonna fall to the wayside. No lore on how the government works. No great affect on how the MC's life goes.
- ๐Ÿ
Who's the audience for MC joining the student council? Diavolo of course lmao maybe Lucifer too since this means you get to toil through Diavolo's work together /hj
But for real, I agree that if there is any position at all for MC in the Devildom's government it's some kind of ambassador-like one with perhaps a hint of advisorship? Considering that Dia's said at some point (I think somewhere at the end of S2?) that he wants MC as some sort of 'guiding light' for achieving his goal to unite the realms. Anything else just doesn't seem right? They have so much else to do between their apprenticeship, whatever they have going on in their life in the human world, and spending time with the brothers lmao
Because yeah. I think being an ambassador/advisor is connection enough to warrant frequent trips to the Devildom while they continue their magical studies under Solomon/at RAD? There's probably a point where studying with Solomon's just more efficient than at RAD and then it'll be a thing where MC freely travels between realms to manage both responsibilities, which imo still allows MC to spend plenty of time with the brothers without the restrictions that come with having to formally attend school >.>;; I just really don't think a position where MC would need to stay in the Devildom for forever is a good thing.
(And I really would prefer if this idea didn't come up for Dia because the brothers want to marry MC?? This is an idea that should've been in the works regardless imo like what else would this spiel about wanting them to be in the human world have been for??)
(Also, yeah, I don't really think much is going to change when MC's part of the student council either. Maybe we'll actually get to hear what goes on in meetings that aren't all about Diavolo's more frivolous plans for everyone? Stuff like... World building? Lore? Rules of the universe? Stuff similar to the guidelines for summoning that I remember them discussing during the start of S2... Please, I hunger for some canon lore [just so I can scrutinize if I like it or not, then proceed to make up something I like more lmfao])
Oooooooh hmmm re: Dola the student council member, she'd totally be up for it in her later years when she's got a good among of knowledge and wisdom in her brain, because oh boy is she not going to be into the idea of being a government figure at the age of what... 25?? She's barely learned enough about the world, about magic, and all that by then and she knows it.
If I were to fit this part of the S4 content into Dola's canon, Diavolo proposing that she become an ambassador of sorts comes in much, much later, and has been something that he's been planning and hoping to ask ever since she became an apprentice for Solomon... So it's an idea that's been stewing for like a century or so lmao he's just been waiting for the right time >.> And I think while they'd both be his main consultants for anything regarding the human world, it would just be Dola he'd offer ambassadorship to because Solomon has his own hands busy focusing on stuff in the human world. He's apparently pretty popular in RAD, but I like to think that a lot of the demons he actually has pacts with have beef with him and would oppose having him take any sort of seat in the Devildom's government?
(And as an aside... Considering the sheer power the brothers have and their mastery of magic from being alive and trained for like thousands of years vs the handful that MC has, isn't it unfair of a lot of levels? Unless Diavolo tones it down for MC's sake, but that's not very good for his or MC's image either? Thinking too much about the logistics of this hazing makes it even harder to buy >.>) Also omg the minor!MCs... I can imagine them all breaking down from the sheer pressure of what Diavolo's asking for :( RIP this season's gonna be wild for them I guess
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