#indian express fashion
hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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Vyjayanthimala (Madhumati, Amrapali, Sangam, Devdas)—Strong contender for /the/ OG queen of Indian cinema for over 2 straight decades. Her Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award came not a moment too soon with 62 movies under her belt. Singer, dancer, actor, and also has the most expressive set of eyes known to man
Audrey Hepburn (My Fair Lady, Sabrina, Roman Holiday)—Growing up, Audrey Hepburn desperately wanting to be a professional ballerina, but she was starved during WWII and couldn't pursue her dream due to the effects of malnourishment. After she was cast in Roman Holiday, she skyrocketed to fame, and appeared in classics like My Fair Lady and Breakfast at Tiffany's. She's gorgeous, and mixes humor and class in all of her performances. After the majority of her acting career came to close, she became a UNICEF ambassador.
This is round 6 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
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Audrey Hepburn:
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"She may be a wispy, thin little thing, but when you see that girl, you know you're really in the presence of something. In that league there's only ever been Garbo, and the other Hepburn, and maybe Bergman. It's a rare quality, but boy, do you know when you've found it." - Billy Wilder
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Raised money for the resistance in nazi occupied Hungary. Became a humanitarian after retiring. Two very sexy things to do!
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where to begin......... i wont her so bad. i literally dont know what to say.
My dude. The big doe eyes, the cheekbones, the voice. The flawless way she carried herself. She was never in a movie where she wasn't drop dead gorgeous. Oh, also the fact she raised funds against the Nazis doing BALLET and she won the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her humanitarian work.
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"It’s as if she dropped out of the sky into the ’50s, half wood-nymph, half princess, and then disappeared in her golden coach, wearing her glass slippers and leaving no footprints." - Molly Haskell
"All I want for Christmas is to make another movie with Audrey Hepburn." - Cary Grant
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I know people nowadays are probably sick of seeing her with all the beauty and fashion merch around that depicts her and/or Marilyn Monroe but she is considered a classic Hollywood beauty for a reason. Ironically in her day she was more of the alternative beauty when compared to many of her contemporaries. She always came off with such elegance and grace, and she was so charming. Apparently she was a delight to work with considering how many of her co-stars had wonderful things to say about her. Outside of her beauty and acting ability she was immensely kind. She helped raise funds for the Dutch resistance during WWII by putting on underground dance performances as well as volunteering at hospitals and other small things to help the resistance. During her Hollywood career and later years she worked with UNICEF a lot. Just an all around beautiful person both inside and out.
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No one could wear clothes in this era like she could. She was every major designer's favorite star and as such her films are time capsules of high fashion at the time. But beyond that, she had such an elegance in her screen presence that belied a broad range of ability. From a naive princess, to a confused widow, to a loving and mischievous daughter, she could play it all.
Look at that woman's neck. Don't you want to bite it?
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Why, if this isn't one of the most disgusting news I've heard this week, second only to that of RFK Jr.'s modern Moby Dick real life adaptation. I guess what I wish John Glaser would do this season is: Do your fucking homework this time? Or work with someone who actually knows what the hell they are doing? Take a serious lesson or more in East Asian historical outfits, and actually consider with respect what works in East Asian (possibly South Korean) period dramas in terms of their costume design and Hair & Makeup.
And the easiest fix they could attempt with season 4? Get rid of the plastic, chemical-wastes coloured fabrics and the teabag fingerless gloves/Shein's self-harm bandages. Throw them in the trash, burn them in a furnace where they belong.
This is the show's last chance to do right by a story with an Asian woman lead. They have an opportunity to engage with a gigantic audience in East Asia and a large part of South East Asia. We're generally very welcoming to see our stories being told on a global stage (you can see the proof of that in the way many major news channels in EA have embraced and expressed excitement for Yerin). But that doesn't mean we will accept our cultures being disrespected, and we can be vicious when they are. See how Disney's live-action Mulan did abysmally in China? One reason for that disappointment was the ugly, underwhelming costuming. Had John Glaser spent 2 minutes considering India's fashion history with respect, he would have learned how rich, colourful and intricate a relationship Indians have with their fabrics and embroideries. The same goes for many East/South East Asian countries. I guess we just don't want to be treated like idiots and our cultures getting visually desecrated. I don't think that's too much to ask.
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myemuisemo · 5 months
In both #3 and #4 of the Letters from Watson for The SIgn of the Four, Watson loses his mind and babbles when he's trying to have a conversation in the presence of Mary Morstan, and I'm here for it.
For the rest of these two letters, especially #4, I feel like I've stumbled into a story by Edgar Allen Poe or Wilkie Collins. Mr. Thaddeus Sholto feels like exactly what would happen if a colorful Wilkie Collins character -- say, the terrifyingly affable, rotund Count Fosco from The Woman in White -- stumbled into Holmes' world of deduction and logic.
Thaddeus Sholto had me digging for physiognomy texts, as that protruding lower lip feels like a detail meant to say something specific in an era that took "facial composition as a sign of character" very seriously.
The Pocket Lavatar (1817) gives us one possible interpretation:
When the lower lip projects beyond the upper, it denotes negative goodness.
Also, relevant to Sholto's watery blue eyes:
Blue eyes are frequently found in persons of phlegmatic character; they are often indications of feebleness and effeminacy.
Physiognomy and phrenology both had multiple rounds of being in fashion in the 19th century, with different gurus disagreeing on what exactly your nose or the shape of your skull meant. The whole field is, of course, wildly racist, with a garnish of ableism and a drizzle of classism. It was also a fairly familiar vocabulary to contemporary readers.
Meanwhile, I feel like every reference to Thaddeus Sholto's snobby little habits is meant to make the reader chuckle at his pretentiousness and poor taste, but I can't prove it.
Since the premise of this story seems to require acting as if plundering India for gems and wealth is okay, my hackles went up at referring to Major Sholto's long-time Indian servant as Chowdar. Turns out this was a common transliteration of a name we'd now render more like Chaudhuri.
(Major Sholto had had malaria, by the way, as evidenced from the quinine bottle present when he received his startling letter. It's likely that malaria contributed to his fragile health.)
Major Sholto's relationship with his manservant Lal Chowdar is solid enough that they hide a body together, but I have to raise an eyebrow at the major's naivete.
If my own servant could not believe my innocence, how could I hope to make it good before twelve foolish tradesmen in a jury-box?
His own servant saw how he behaved in India and probably has an accurate view of his ethics. That he'd kill out of greed happens to be wrong in this case (assuming a reliable narrator, which is a big assumption).
A face was looking in at us out of the darkness. We could see the whitening of the nose where it was pressed against the glass. It was a bearded, hairy face, with wild cruel eyes and an expression of concentrated malevolence. 
My bet was "monkey," but then the Sholtos found boot prints, so either it's a monkey that wears shoes, or it's a man. Oh well.
My hackles weren't up about taking Miss Morstan's mysterious pearls from a "chaplet," but they should have been. I blush to admit that I was envisioning some sort of tiara -- but I googled before making a fool of myself and discovered that a chaplet is prayer beads. It's like a rosary, but not all chaplets are rosaries, and not all rosaries are chaplets. Is this an Anglican chaplet made from stolen gems, or were Sholto, Morstan, and their friends straight-up stealing prayer beads of another culture?
Honestly, I'm up for the Sholtos being actively cursed, but since Holmes is a rationalist, I'm also up for the more plausible outcome of their actions having brought mundane vengeance down upon their heads.
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roller6262 · 11 months
Harvey Gives Fashion Advice
< Previous Part | Next Part >
Harvey still had time before his next class, so he headed straight for his dorm. Harry's bed was topped with cardboard boxes, and Harry himself was rummaging through his wardrobe. He would evaluate individual items before deeming they were no good and tossing them behind him. "Dude, I've been gone for a few hours, are you still trying to find something to wear?" Harvey asked his room mate.
"Oh, Honey, I already picked out a casual outfit for the day" Harry replied without taking his eyes off his clothes. "That's what I wore to pick up all those boxes."
"By the way, what is all this stuff?" Harvey sat on Harry's bed and peeked inside the boxes. It was a mix of decorations, papers, and small items that looked like they could be used for games.
"Those are the supplies for tomorrow's Queer Student Union meeting. As secretary it was my job to pick them up from storage."
"So why are you changing again?"
"And repeat an outfit on the same day? Hell no. There's an executive meeting with all the Queer Student Union's leaders tonight, so I need to look my best."
"Sheesh, I'm glad I'm not a member of your gay club" Harvey sighed, "If I spent as much time on clothes as you did, I'd never get out of this dorm."
"Oh shut up" Harry said, tossing a shirt he was looking at onto his bed, "I bet I spend less time on clothes than you do styling that ridiculous pompadour" Harry ran his fingers through his own curly hair, then turned around to face his room mate, finally seeing that Harvey was wearing a patka, "Or at least, how much time you usually spend on it. That thing on your head is new. Is it some kind of fashion statement?"
"Huh?" Harvey placed his hands on top of his head, feeling cloth where he expected to feel gelled hair. "I thought I took this thing of last night. Did I tie it back on this morning?"
"What are you mumbling about?" Harry turned back to his wardrobe, "instead of making fashion statements like that, I wish you were a fashion guru. I could use some advice." Harry grabbed a pink scarf and wrapped it around his neck. He considered it for a moment before tossing it towards the bed like all the rest. This time, it landed on Harvey's head.
The scarf wrapped itself around Harvey's patka, forming a pink UK-style turban. "Wait… this is just like with Gurpreet's table cloth. Was- was that real? It is happening again!?" While Harvey was expressing a great deal of panic, the texture of his face became smoother, and his cheek bones were more pronounced. All of his hair once again darkened to a shade of black. His mustache thickened, covering his upper lip, and his beard grew to his collar in a squared off shape. To maintain this shape it was not cut, but rather well maintained. Harvey winced, expecting to bloat into a fat man like before. Instead, he grew a bit taller and slimmed into a model physique. He got that warm feeling again as his skin turned an Indian hue, a bit darker than Harvey's normal time, but a good amount lighter than previously. His features changed slightly to be more telling of a Punjabi man, but it was unmistakably Harvey's face.
Finally the rest of his clothes were altered. He was wearing a light blue silk button up with grey wool trousers and brown leather shoes. A tricolor, diagonally striped long tie appeared around his collar. A pink scarf, matching his new turban, hung from his neck, and a dark navy suit jacket topped his shoulders. Harvey looked at his arms in disbelief, his wrists were decorated with a gold watch on the left and an iron Kara bracelet on the right. "Am I imagining things again? Why is it so different this time?"
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"So Harpinder" Harry started, as if Harvey hadn't said anything just now. He was holding up two shirts, one in each hand, "Which do you think would look better on me tonight?"
"What are you talking about, Harry?" Harvey realized this was just like with Gurpreet. Harvey, or Harpinder as he was now, seemed completely normal to Harry. "You never ask me for advice about clothes."
"I just didn't want to bug you with my day to day stuff" Harry admitted, a bit embarrassed "you're such a famous fashion influencer after all. I'm sure you have more important things to do." Just then Harvey got a notification on his phone, actually he was receiving several. He unlocked it and the phone opened to a photo-sharing social media app. Instead of his usual profile, he was logged into @sikhstyleguru under the name Harpinder Singh. The page looked like it was regularly updated with photos of Harvey as he appeared now, wearing a variety of fashionable suits and street wear. Scrolling down, Harvey figured this page had to have been active for a few years, which should have been impossible because he only transformed a few weeks ago. Was reality changing? Is that why no one thought his sudden changes were odd? Either way, Harvey took this as proof that he wasn't imagining things, he really had become a Sikh man.
He tapped on his most recent photo, the one he was getting notifications for. The like count was already well above three thousand and still ticking up. Comments included phrases like "waheguru" followed by praying hands emoji and "Att" with the fire emoji. "I really am a fashion influencer" Harvey said to himself.
"That's why I'm asking you, you know better than anyone" Harry said. Harvey was confident he'd be able to return to normal, as he had before. For now he decided he would play along with Harry's vision of him, as it would be useless to try and convince Harry that he was someone else. Still, Harvey's idea of a good outfit was a white tee and black jeans, hardly the wisdom that Harry was expecting. He decided he should just answer truthfully. "Honestly, Harry, I don't think either of those shirts would work." Harpinder stroked his hairy chin while thinking, "If you're going to meet with other leaders of your organization, you yourself should look like a leader. I think I can lend you something." He turned to his own wardrobe and saw that it was replaced by a pop-up closet. Due to the dorm's restricted space, it was smaller than any proper closet would be, but it still had enough rack space to hold Harprinder's many suits, with drawers at the bottom for the rest of his clothes. He picked out a deep blue dress shirt, a vibrant yellow dress tie, brown slacks, and matching black leather belt and dress shoes. Harry quickly changed and the items fit surprisingly well on him, despite belonging to someone else.
"This is awesome, I've never had a suit I liked this much" Harry was checking himself out from a few different angles.
"It's all about finding the right fit. Now you look ready for business" Harprinder grinned. Harry threw his arms up and gave Harpinder a big hug. He chuckled and hugged back, "Easy there, try not to wrinkle my shirt too much." Harpinder impressed even himself with his wisdom. Maybe this fashion influencer thing wouldn't be too hard. Once Harry had let go, apologizing for any wrinkles he might have caused, Harpinder turned back to his closet and considered his next move. He thought Harry's outfit could use a little something more to truly stand out. He grabbed two cloths from his closet. "Hold still Harry, I just need to add one last touch." Harpinder first tied the blue cloth around Harry's head into a patka. Harry did as he was told and didn't stop Harpinder, but he was still visibly uncomfortable.
"You know, Harp, these turbans look really good on you. I'm just think this is weird on a white guy like me."
"Nonsense, you just need to see it all together" Harpinder tied the yellow cloth into a morni pagg turban. Then he used a salai needle to smooth out the folds. "See? Isn't that better?"
Harry looked at himself in their dorm's mirror, turning his head to check a few different angles. "I guess so…" Harry saw his face turn a darker shade of brown and became delighted. "Yes! This vibrant yellow does go well with my skin tone. That was a good choice, Harpinder" Harry said in a Punjabi accent.
Harpinder nodded, "Now we must do something about your hair."
"But all of my hair is under my dastaar" then a short chinstrap of curly black hair grew on Harry's previously bare face.
"Obviously I meant your facial hair" Harpinder chuckled, using a wooden comb to remove the tangles in Harry's new beard.
"Ah, that is much better" Harry admired his Punjabi features in the mirror.
"I'm glad I could help" with this task complete, the pink turban on Harpinder's head unspooled and returned to being a simple pink scarf. Harpinder himself reverted to being Harvey, and his pop up closet disappeared, leaving behind Harvey's original wardrobe. The only thing that didn't turn back to normal was the now Sikh Harry. "Woah, who are you!?"
"Harvey you are so sweet. Pretending you don't recognize me because I look so much better in this suit? I'm flattered" Harry winked.
Harvey recognized that jokingly flirty attitude, "Harry, is that you?"
"It's pronounced Harri, you know that. Anyways, thank you for helping me pick out an outfit, I'll have to return the favor some time. But for now, I'm off to meet my felllow Queer Student Union leaders" Harri lifted the boxes from his bed and made his way to the door of the dorm.
"You can't leave, there's something wrong!"
"The only thing wrong here is that a cute guy like you is still only wearing a patka. Before the next Sikh Student Alliance meeting I am going to have to tie the most handsome dastar on you. See ya!" And with that, Harri blew a kiss and left the dorm.
"No, Harry, wait!" But it was too late, Harri was gone. "This is so freaky! First I'm changing, now Harry is too! Did I do that to him?" Harvey took a look at himself in the mirror. "It's got to be because of this patka I got from that Indian club. It's making me look like them!" Harvey tried to yank the black cloth from his head, but it wouldn't budge no matter how he pulled. "It's no use, the thing is tied on like some kind of magic." he sighed. "At least I can take care of you" Harvey said, looking at his short brown beard. Harvey went to his "hair care" drawer. He was pretty obsessed with maintaining a perfect pompadour, so he always kept a drawer stocked with hair scissors, razors, tweezers, an electric shaver, Combs, and his favorite gel. Opening the drawer, he discovered that most of these items were gone! In their place was a wooden comb, a salai needle, some kind of beard oil, and multiple patka cloths. "Where's all my stuff!? I thought I changed back" Harvey slammed the drawer, "I am not giving up that easy, you stupid beard"
Harvey grabbed a pair of office scissors from his study desk and went back to the mirror. They weren't the ideal tool for grooming his beard, but they would have to do. He brought the scissors close to his chin and attempted to cut, but the scissors wouldn't close. "Huh?" Harvey pulled the scissors away from his face and heard the satisfying "snip" of the scissors cutting the air, but as soon as they got close to his face, he couldn't bring himself to close his fingers together. "Are you kidding me? I can't cut my beard either!?"
It had become evidant that whatever magic had transformed Harvey twice today was also preventing him from removing his patka and hair, even in his white form. "I need to find a way to get 100% back to normal, and also prevent future transformations." Harvey thought the best way to do that was to write down everything he knew about his predicament. He grabbed his Religious Studies 372 notebook and started a list on a new page. 1. This all started when those people from the Sikh club tied this patka on my head. 2. I can't take the patka off, except to sleep and shower. Even then, I end up tying it back on without noticing. 3. When fabric touches this patka, I turn into one of those turbanned Indian guys. The table cloth and the scarf had very different results. Maybe the type of cloth matters? 4. When I transform, my personality changes a little bit and my memory gets a bit foggy. I should keep this notebook with me so I don't forget who I really am.
Harvey sighed and closed the notebook. He didn't know much yet, but this was a start. "It goes without saying I need to avoid that Sikh club, even if it does cost me a grade" Harvey checked the time on his phone "can't let my other grades slip though, my break's almost over" Harvey packed his things and marched to his next class, believing that he was temporarily safe from Punjabification.
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flyestdesi · 28 days
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sharmila tagore in the 60s ♡⁺‧₊˚
an iconic south asian actress, know for her grace, beauty and talent! sharmila tagore played a pivotal role in shaping indian cinema from the 1960s to the 1980s.
with her striking on-screen presence and expressive brown eyes, she brought depth and emotion to a wide range of beloved characters! she could effortlessly portray the quintessential romantic heroin, the complex modern woman, or the intense + dramatic female lead.
her fashion sense easily blended traditional indian wear with contemporary styles, making her a fashion icon to many! with this, she was able to break new ground and re-define the portrayal of women on-screen in a more progressive light.
she will forever be a spirit of strength and independence which left an undeniable mark within south asian culture! 🪷
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ravenbloodshot · 1 year
Enhypen members view of countries 🇧🇷🇮🇳🇵🇭.....Kpop Reading
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Brazil 🇧🇷
They view this country as a country full of passion and energy. Like a very lively scenery in which something is always happening and a party is always around the corner. A place where you wouldn't want to be inside all day looking at a TV or scrolling through your phone, you'll actually want to go exploring
Enhypen seems to see this country as, yes a beautiful country where a lot of parties occur but they do seem to think that the place is kind of like a beautiful illusion. It's as if they know as a tourist you may getting a glamorized version of Brazil but if they were to live there, reality could hit that its a country with problems like any other country
Enhypen thinks Braizilians are very animated and expressive when they speak. the members may like how they can make ppl feel like family when they're really just strangers. I do see enhypen thinking Brazilians can be a bit overconfident and too aggressive like the type of ppl to stake claim to a person they find attractive and actively go after them (even if rejected still being persistent)
India 🇮🇳
Enhypen thinks it's a religious country with pretty buildings representing their religions. They like the land features of this country (I'm seeing some kind of rainforest). They also like the films this country produces
They may know of some of the political issues India faces (I'm not sure if acid attacks are still common there bc I got a card named "acid" so the members may think/know these attacks happen, maybe they've seen something on the news).
I'm definitely seeing these guys knowing about this countries artistic achievements. Especially when it comes to movies, music and artworks. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the members want to film a movie/music video there.
They don't think the Indian people may have a good sense of fashion/style. They may think Indians live their daily life as they please and isn't seeking to appear "put together", they just do them.
Philippines 🇵🇭
The members think Filipinos are also quite religious and that they're quite compassionate/kind ppl. Enhypen may like the restaurants and the way the people serviced them (professionally but treated them like family).
The members think the country either runs on a lot of charity (the members may have donated to a cause in the Philippines) or that the people are quite charitable (its likely both).
They may think the Philippines/Filipinos don't really solve their issues head on but kind of sweeps it under the rug in hopes it goes away. Like a country that could face a natural disaster and have the country damn near demolished but don't really rebuild the nation and they continue life as if nothing happened.
The members may view Filipinos as ppl who are happy with what they have and appreciative of life. Like ppl who may not be rich financially but their rich mindset wise.
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nikkiiiscute · 9 months
Frank Frankly's Character Analysis !TW! Metal Health, M4ss4cr3, death
Eddie got his analysis so of course his husband would have one! (Fun Fact! despite Wally being the main character, Frank shows up in 18 outta 53 images!) fun facts outta the way, HERE WE GOOOO!!!
He likes Honesty and Truth - quote from his bio "He enjoys being frank, even if it means being Frank" i love this quote on his bio and this is the main reason they're my kin.
2. Frank is an Asperger? - Although he is confirmed to be autistic by @partycoffin , his personality makes him an Asperger (My tito has Aspergers so i know the gist of it). His official Bio points out his Bookworm Tendency, and his Grumpy attitude and that points it to Asperger Syndrome. So here's the traits
Resistance to or Obliviousness of Social Niceties, Blunt Honesty ("Frankness")
Non-Instinctual Facial Expression (his neutral face is a frown and not a smile like the others)
Comprehensive Academic Knowledge, with unique Specialist Subjects (Bookworm who loves Butterflies)
Periodic Emotional Volatility, "Meltdowns" (His Head Physically Spins when angry, to the point he is exhausted and dizzy; he also flaps his arms when excited)
Adherence to Formal/Traditional Decorum to navigate social situations (he has a few costume changes of his own, talk about that later)
Sensory Sensitivity and rigid dietary habits (Frank is shown making Green Gelatin Salad on two separate occasions, I'm guessing he likes the Color and Softness)
Anxious in otherwise Moderate Stress events (he was freakin out when carpooling with Wally)
Friends in different age groups (Poppy and Julie are confirmed as autistic so poppy might be older and julie maybe younger. i have friends a grade below me)
3. Entomologist job from a university??? - Y'all prolly already know this, Frank's love of butterflies isn't just a hobby non non, he is infact an entomologist, we can confirm this with the spinning head GIF, there's mounted butterfly specimens on his wall. Alright alright, Bug Collecting won't buy you a can of beans and traumatizing Howdy from the Bodega, UNLESS your an employee from a University to research the nearby Insect Wildlife. (It's not rlly mentioned in The Show but most of them have some sorta job) I think thats how Eddie reunited with Frank bcuz the university might be working in the military program Eddie enlisted in back in 1953. What is obvious is that This University MUST exist or frank and eddie wouldn't reunite.
4. Ethnicity Analysis Time!!!!! - Frank showed his ethnicity through his Valentines Card (thx frank!). Frank is wearing an Old-Time Safari Costume when catching Butterflies, but it's not just a stereotypical costume non non, the design is inspired by a VERY specific Uniform. he's wearing is a British Expedition Bush Jacket, topped with a matching Safari Pith Helmet, Light Tan Fabric of the Indian Variety. Although the card is in a pinkish hue, I can tell that the uniform is a tad bit lighter so its a Light Muslin Fabric. Yeah Sure, the British Invasion of the 60s revived the Shacket look for Women's Fashion, but Frank's pragmatic personality made it clear that he was issued that Expedition Uniform with Function planned in it. In addition with his Grey skin, Black hair and his iconic Unibrow, He is designed to look like The Stereotypical Depiction of a Gentleman Scientist of Hindoo Colonial Heritage or to simplified it, he came from Hindu / Indian origins.
5. Frank's Story - Frank Franklin was born in 1942 and was born Half Indian from his mother, He was fascinated with bugs and specifically Butterflies as they represent change and rebirth. He was teasedfor having his name as his last name (Have u guys even heard of Tweek Tweak?) even with his blunt honesty he made friends and even became childhood sweethearts with eddie. One day in Senior High, Eddie said that he was gonna enlist and may return 2 years later, Frank was worried as to add salt to the wound his soon to be Ex sunny became toxic and mean-spirited so ofc they broke up. 2 years later he was working as an Entomologist at St. Marioneta University (I made that up) and then he ran into Eddie, they were happy to see each other still okay so on an unknown date in 1969 they married in secret (THANKS ALOT TIME PERIOD D:<). months later in October 11 1969 a man named Ronald Dorelaine Isekai'd Frank, Eddie and some friends you know to the World of Welcome Home, but tragedy struck 4 years later, An event known as The Playfellow M4ss4cr3 killed the crew and the stars of the show but Dorelaine's body was not found and was reported MISSING and presumed dead, This marks the 50th year they were stuck in the void, Are they longing for Freedom or The Sweet release of DEATH?
Wanna hear a wholesome fun fact? In Hinduism, Butterflies are symbolic of birth, ancestry, marriage, deceased soul, death and divinity. No wonder why frank is so attached to Butterflies.
Thank you for reading! o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o
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This blog really made me rethink my approach towards my culture and how whitewashed people around me really are. It made me try indian sweets from different states and not being ashamed to speak hindi in situations where the people around me prefer to stick to English to be more professional. However, this acceptance and realisation has in itself been a journey because i used to be a very non desi person with an inclination towards western things and culture because i was conditioned to believe that it is cooler than indian things. In highschool I realised that it is okay to have different interests and when i got the freedom to purchase things for leisure independently I naturally chose desi items . From their it started feeling like an aesthetic that i was choosing for myself. Now i have come to the realisation that it was still superficial. It was an acceptance of the aesthetic not of the entire culture. It helped me find out who i am and think independently, but i did not grasp it entirely. I understand it and like it , but I’m not it . Living in a house where they keep making things Minimalistic and western and progressive I realise that if we need everyone to be more involved in desi lifestyle and art, we should start treating it as a natural part of our everyday lives. Why do we need plain toothbrushes with a modern design yet no indian element . I understand the need for minimalism and that Indian art and culture has always been the opposite. But what if we take elements of it and use it in modern design. Most importantly, manufacture and design all this in india. Globalisation has lead to people having a disregard of their culture. Globalisation is being modern these days. I see so many people wearing korean outfits nowadays. While it is alright to express yourself using fashion as a medium I hold the belief that no one can ever be completely happy wearing or using anything that doesnt have a hint of their culture and roots. Girls are happy wearing kurtis with jeans. They will prefer that over a tshirt and jeans. An outfit that doesn’t have an indian element will always make me feel like I am missing something. It might be fine for a day , but I can’t have that aesthetic around me forever. I love how architecture and interior magazines of india have modern architecture infused with desi elements . It could be jaaliwork instead of western windows. Indian Woodwork instead of fluted panels. Wallpaper with indian motif prints , or just simple sculptures with some indian element. What’s a home without a hint of your roots.
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jgroffdaily · 1 year
Karan Soni and Jonathan Groff to Lead Rom-Com Movie ‘A Nice Indian Boy’ [Exclusive]
Directed by Roshan Sethi, ‘A Nice Indian Boy,’ which will begin shooting later this month is a rom-com about changing traditional norms and pursuing a life of happiness
Deadpool star Karan Soni and Mindhunter star Jonathan Groff are all set to lead the gay rom-com movie, ‘A Nice Indian Boy’ for Scythia Films and Levantine Films.
The film will be directed by Roshan Sethi based on a script written by Eric Randall. ‘A Nice Indian Boy’ will begin filming on May 29, 2023, in Vancouver, BC, Canada, and will take just three weeks to officially wrap up on June 23, 2023.
‘A Nice Indian Boy’ is a contemporary tale about Indian marriage in the 21st century. The protagonist, Naveen Gavaskar (Karan Soni) is aware of his parents' expectations of him and his sister. They want them to profoundly respect their Hindi background, uphold all Hindi traditions, and, most significantly, exult in strictly Hindi marital ceremonies. This proves to be much more difficult for Naveen, who is openly gay in a culture where being gay can be tough. His parents want him to have a traditional Hindi wedding, but he worries he will never live up to their expectations. Naveen meets a white male, Jay (Jonathan Groff), whom he is attracted to and begins a relationship with. Despite his fear of introducing Jay to his parents, Naveen ultimately expresses his love for him and proposes in a dramatic fashion. The story is about changing traditional norms, having acceptance of who you are, and pursuing a life of happiness.
Tory Metzger is producing through Levantine Films, while Daniel Bekerman is producing on behalf of Scythia Film.
Karan Soni is known for starring as Dopinder in the Deadpool film. He will again reprise his role in the upcoming Deadpool 3 shooting at the end of this month. Karan is also giving voice to Spider-Man India in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, which will release in theaters on June 2, 2023. Karan's acting credits include films such as Strange World, Trolls World Tour, Ghostbusters, Goosebumps, Pokémon: Detective Pikachu, Office Christmas Party, and many more.
Jonathan Groff is an award-winning actor known for the Netflix series Mindhunter in which he portrayed Holden Ford and Frozen and Frozen II where he voiced Kristoff. He recently appeared in M. Night Shyamalan's Knock at the Cabin, Netflix series, Lost Ollie, and The Matrix Resurrections. He is also set to appear in a mysterious role in the upcoming season of Doctor Who. His acting credits also include Hamilton, Glee, Invincible, and many more.
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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Vyjayanthimala (Madhumati, Amrapali, Sangam, Devdas)—Strong contender for /the/ OG queen of Indian cinema for over 2 straight decades. Her Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award came not a moment too soon with 62 movies under her belt. Singer, dancer, actor, and also has the most expressive set of eyes known to man
Gloria Swanson (Don't Change Your Husband, Queen Kelly, Sadie Thompson, Sunset Boulevard)—the absolute BALLS this woman had! an icon of the 1920s, her career had simmered down, decent living in radio, deciding you know what? you know what i'll do? I'll star as the haggard old aging decrepit horror icon in Sunset Boulevard, that's what I'll do. Nobody else in Hollywood would take the part (every other actress didn't want to be framed as a has-been)—gloria said, fuck that, I'll eat this role alive and serve cunt the whole time. she was still so gorgeous when they made Sunset Boulevard they had to intentionally make her up/costume her to make her look older than she was. mad respect for the screen legend who says yeah, i am a screen legend, i was always that bitch and here I am again to prove it
This is round 4 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
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Gloria Swanson:
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She was THE idea of a 1920s sex comedy star, and was a hot (and totally unhinged) older woman in Sunset Boulevard. Hot as a young woman and as an older woman? Yes plz
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I feel like she would slay in alternative fashion
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her performance as Norma Desmond in sunset boulevard makes me insane. I love her
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feral-sock-boy · 1 month
Info about my iteration tmnt:
Yoshi (Splinter) is from the hidden city, when he turned 25 he went to explore the world above. He gets himself into shit, finds a bunch of baby turtles with goop on them, and becomes a father (btw, bro comes from a pretty shitty household full of generational trauma).
He runs away to raise the turtles, and ends up finding a nice little space in the sewers, to which he builds them a home.
Donnie and Raph are twins both 16 with an hour age difference, Leo is the middle child at 15 and Mikey is the youngest at 14. Casey is a 16 year old transgender bitch and April is a 17 year old Girlflux KRAANG hybrid thing. O’neils mother really just banged a mushy alien thing that can shape-shift into anything in the universe.
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Galapagos Tortoises
16 (oldest child, older than Raph by an hour)
Intersex, Biromantic, they/them
Has a dinosaur obsession, likes learning about the human body and other animals, like trains and machines, has probably had a couple lab rats and just didn't tell Yoshi (Splinter). Bro definitely knew.
Usually a bit too big for clothes, so he gets Raph to make most of them to make them bigger. Usually wears "baggy" pants (they ain't baggy on him), long sleeve thermals and flannels.
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Common Snapping Turtle
16 (second oldest, younger by an hour)
Bisexual, He/ Him
He likes sewing, knitting and painting. Has a massive collection of old magazines, comics, books and other random items because he has a hard to giving stuff up.
Has a little pet turtle named Slusher. He will fight you over food and will bite you if deserved.
Usually wears windbreaker pants, singlets and jackets.
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Painted Terrapin
15 (middle child)
Unlabelled, Trans Fem, She/Her She likes skating, finding cool bugs and watching si-fi movies. She's not really into horror movies, but can handle them. If you give her the chance she'll talk on and on about her interest in Galactic Heros (similar to space heros). She also really likes glitter.
She'll probably eat anything. Like. Anything.
Usually wears sweaters, leg warmers and tracksuit pants.
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Spotted Turtle
14 (youngest)
Aromantic, Agender, usually just uses it/they
They're a very random person, and would probably eat anything and everything. They definitely collect hot wheels and all that stuff. Bro has a 2000s alt fashion mixed with little boy vibe to them, it think it's really cool. They like to express itself with bright colours.
Usually wears beanies, shorts, hand gloves, shirts and ties. Sometimes bracelets too.
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Yoshi (Spliter):
Rat Yoki
41 (father of turtles)
Demisexual, He/Him
He's extremely new to parenting even now, has had no idea what he was doing from day one. He's not the best father but he tries. Watches soccer, dramas and soap operas. Gets all their from the thrift store or the bins. Has a bracelet that disguises him as human. Usually wears a band t-shirt and sweatpants or pyjama pants.
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April O'Neil:
Part Indian, Part KRAANG
17 (friend of the turtles, has an older brother)
Sapphic, Girlflux (she/her, they/them, she/ they)
She can "shape-shift"into pretty anything as long as they can picture it. It's a defence mechanism of the KRAANG. It's basically camouflage. She's able to hide their ear tentacle things, which are usually used for hunting things down and connecting to other KRAANGs. She's a pretty good fighter, and usually uses a baseball bat. And she usually hides her KRAANG features.
They also play baseball. They moved from Michigan when she was 13. She's into filming, journalism and photography.
Usually wears long sleeves, jeans, converses, cardigans and her homemade necklaces and earrings.
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Casey Jones:
Part Mexican, Part American.
16 (friend to turtles, oldest child of two)
Bisexual, Trans Masc (He/Him)
He's a bit of a trouble maker. Especially after he moved back in with his dad after his mother died. His dad had no idea he was trans, but didn't really care, cause he'd always wanted a son. He's a big hockey fan, watches and plays. Never misses practice or a game. He eventually becomes captain.
Born and raised in New York. He's lost a couple of teeth but he's all good. He's broken his nose twice, busted his lip, fractured he's knee, elbow and a couple of his fingers. Did get put on medical marijuana for a bit after he'd been bashed against the barrier, causing him to dislocate his shoulder. He's a pretty good skater, on and off the ice, and really enjoys it. Usually wears jeans, tops and/or singlets and boots.
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18 (friend and allie to the turtles)
Pansexual, Bigender (She/He)
She is a timestress trainee, and works part time at a clothing shop. He likes going to raves and concerts, and has a LOT of merch. She likes skating, surfing and road trips. Moved from Liverpool to New York to live with his grandparents. Very much in love with everyone she thinks is pretty and has an attractive personality. Usually wears tank tops, jackets, flared jeans and a gazelle indoor shoes.
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17 (friends with the turtles)
Lesbian, she/her
She grew up with her dad and mother in brazil, until they got divorced, leading her to leave with her dad to live in New York with her dad's parents. Her dad meets Timothy's mother, and they hit it off, leading her to become step siblings with Timothy and his little brother. She's into swimming, sculpting and dancing. she goes to visit her mother every school holidays.
Usually wears lounge pants, shirts or tank tops, jackets, leg warmers and boots.
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16 (friends with the turtles)
Omnisexual, he/him
He grew up with his mum and little brother in a farm house. They moved to New York when his mother gets a job. He's really into basketball, and is pretty good at it. He's kinda like Troy from High School Musical. But gayer and better. His mother met Sunita's dad, they hit it off and he and his little brother become step siblings with Sunita. He likes singing, basketball and books. He has nothing to do with his dad.
Usually wears cargo shorts, long sleeves, jackets and Nikes.
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heaventextiles75 · 4 months
Refresh your wardrobe with Heaven clothing store in Trivandrum
As we search in the ever-changing landscape of fashion,it is easy to get lost in the sea of trends and fast-fashion. But at Heaven Clothing Store in Trivandrum,we believe that style and sustainability go hand in hand. Our mission is to provide high-quality,fashionable clothing that not only makes you look and feel great but also supports a more environmentally friendly future. As we support more sustainable future fashion clothing 
Indian fashion culture
Indian fashion culture is a vibrant tapestry woven with threads of tradition, innovation, and storytelling. At the heart of Indian fashion lies the timeless art of handloom weaving. Across the length and breadth of the country, skilled artisans ply their craft, creating fabrics that are as rich in history as they are in texture. From the luxurious Banarasi silks to the earthy elegance of Khadi, each handloom creation is a testament to India's artisanal heritage, passed down through generations with love and reverence. We cannot talk about Indian fashion without mentioning legendary sarees. The sari, a beautiful piece of clothing, represents grace, tradition, and feminine charm. It comes in many different styles across India, showing the country's diverse culture. Despite changing fashion trends, the sari remains a timeless symbol.
So Heaven Clothing and the saree boutique in Trivandrum know the importance of sarees. We are passionate about sarees and dedicated to providing our customers with the finest handcrafted designs that celebrate India’s rich textile heritage. We provide a huge collection of traditional and special sarees for our customers.
Indian ethnic wear includes lots of different kinds of clothes that people wear for special occasions or just every day. For example, there's the saree, which is a long piece of cloth that women drape around themselves in different styles. Then there's the salwar kameez, which is like a long shirt paired with loose pants and a scarf. It's comfy and can be fancy too. For big celebrations like weddings, women often wear lehenga cholis, which are fancy skirts with matching tops and scarves. Men have their own traditional outfits too, like the sherwani, which is a fancy coat worn with pants, or the kurta pyjama, which is a long shirt with loose pants. These clothes come in lots of different styles and colors, showing off India's rich cultural diversity.
Indian fashion culture extends far beyond the glitz and glamor of the runway, permeating every aspect of daily life. From the ornate bridal ensembles worn during lavish weddings to the everyday attire of bustling markets and bazaars, fashion is an integral part of Indian society. It's not just about looking good; it's about self-expression, cultural identity, and storytelling through attire. In this way, Indian fashion becomes a language of its own, speaking volumes about tradition, status, and personal style.
In Kerala, people wear a mix of old and new styles. Women often wear traditional Kerala sarees, and men wear Mundus, especially for special events. They look very classy, especially when paired with fancy gold jewelry. But nowadays, Western clothes are also getting popular, especially among young people. Even with these new trends, people still love and value Kerala's cultural traditions. You can see this in the colorful and stylish clothes they wear, which show off both old and new influences. Kerala's fashion is like a mirror, showing its rich history and changing identity.
Heaven clothing store really looking forward to Kerala fashion culture; it becomes heaven as the leading Trivandrum dress shop. We set up a special collection of a mix of traditional wear and western clothing for you. However, as fashion changes, Heaven's clothing also changes.
Traditional wears of India.
India's traditional attire is a vibrant tapestry reflecting the country's diverse cultures, regions, and historical influences. The sari stands as an iconic symbol of Indian femininity, with its graceful draping styles and intricate designs varying from region to region. Meanwhile, the salwar kameez, with its combination of a long tunic, loose trousers, and scarf, holds sway in North India, offering both elegance and comfort. For festive occasions and weddings, the lehenga choli steals the spotlight, blending ornate skirts, fitted blouses, and flowing dupattas into dazzling ensembles, particularly popular in the northern states. 
In the world of men's clothing, different outfits have their own special place. The sherwani is the go-to choice for fancy events, with its fancy designs and classic look. On the other hand, the kurta pajama is more relaxed but still stylish, making it good for everyday wear or less formal gatherings. In the southern parts of India, the dhoti is popular. It's simple and traditional, worn by wrapping it around the waist and legs gracefully. In Gujarat and Rajasthan, during celebrations, you'll often see women wearing the colorful ghagra choli. It has vibrant skirts, fancy tops, and flowing scarves, reflecting the festive mood.
India's clothing also varies by region. In Kerala, men wear the mundu. In Kashmir, the pheran is common. And across India, the bandhgala, or Nehru jacket, is loved for its classy look. Each outfit has a story behind it, reflecting the culture and history of its region. Together, they create a rich tapestry of colors, fabrics, and traditions that represent India's diverse people.
Heaven Clothing Store in Trivandrum has special collections of traditional wear, not just Kerala's traditional wear. All over India, traditional wear is in our collection. We also have special wedding collections for the bride and groom. You can select any Indian traditional wear from our store.
Office Outfits.
An office outfit refers to the clothes people wear to work in a professional setting. It typically includes formal or semi-formal attire such as dress shirts, trousers or skirts, blouses, suits, dresses, and appropriate footwear like dress shoes. The specific dress code may vary depending on the workplace culture and industry norms. The aim of an office outfit is to look polished, presentable, and suitable for the work environment while also reflecting personal style within professional boundaries. It's all about looking professional and appropriate for your job. For guys, this usually means shirts, pants, and maybe a tie or a suit. For ladies, it could be a blouse and skirt or pants, a dress, or even a professional-looking top with trousers. The key is to choose clothes that are neat, clean, and not too casual. You want to make a good impression and feel confident while you work.
Women's fashion is currently experiencing a dynamic shift towards sustainability, with a notable emphasis on eco-friendly materials and ethical production practices. This trend reflects a growing awareness of environmental issues and a desire for clothing choices that align with values of responsibility and stewardship. Additionally, the athleisure trend remains popular, seamlessly integrating athletic wear into everyday outfits for a comfortable yet stylish look. Oversized silhouettes are also making a statement, offering a relaxed and effortless aesthetic that prioritizes comfort without sacrificing style. Another emerging trend is romanticized cottagecore fashion, characterized by soft, feminine silhouettes, floral prints, and vintage-inspired pieces that evoke a sense of nostalgia and simplicity. Furthermore, there's a noticeable shift towards gender-neutral fashion, with styles and silhouettes designed to be inclusive and accommodating, shaped by factors such as social media, cultural influences, and sustainability concerns, providing women with a diverse range of options to express their individuality and style preferences. to individuals of all genders.
Men's fashion is currently embracing a blend of classic styles with modern twists, catering to a diverse range of tastes and preferences. Sustainable fashion is gaining traction, with an increasing number of brands offering eco-friendly materials and ethical production practices. Athleisure continues to be a prominent trend, seamlessly blending athletic wear with casual and formal attire for a versatile and comfortable look. Tailoring is also making a comeback, with a focus on well-fitted suits, jackets, and trousers that exude sophistication and style. Additionally, streetwear-inspired looks remain popular, characterized by bold graphics, oversized silhouettes, and urban influences. Men's fashion is evolving to embrace individuality and self-expression, with a focus on quality craftsmanship, versatility, and sustainability.
The "dark side" of fashion refers to the less visible but deeply concerning aspects of the industry, characterized by unethical practices and environmental harm. One prominent issue is the exploitation of workers, particularly in developing countries, where labor regulations are often lax. Garment workers endure long hours, low wages, and unsafe working conditions in factories, contributing to social injustices and human rights violations. Moreover, the fashion industry's rapid production and consumption cycle, known as fast fashion, fuels overproduction, excessive waste, and environmental degradation. Processes like dyeing fabrics and chemical treatments contribute to pollution and resource depletion, further exacerbating the industry's environmental footprint. Additionally, a lack of transparency in supply chains makes it challenging to trace the origins of materials and ensure ethical and sustainable practices throughout production. Addressing these issues requires collective action from industry stakeholders, consumers, and policymakers to promote ethical labor standards, environmental sustainability, and transparency in the fashion supply chain.
Solution for this is sustainable fashion Sustainable fashion refers to clothing, accessories, and footwear that are designed, produced, and used in ways that are environmentally friendly and socially responsible. This involves considering the environmental impact of materials and production processes, as well as promoting fair labor practices throughout the supply chain. Sustainable fashion encompasses various practices, including using organic or recycled materials, reducing waste through efficient design and production methods, and supporting ethical labor standards. Additionally, sustainable fashion encourages consumers to make mindful purchasing decisions, such as investing in high-quality, long-lasting pieces and supporting brands that prioritize sustainability. By promoting environmental stewardship and social equity, sustainable fashion aims to create a more ethical and resilient fashion industry.
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bollywoodirect · 10 months
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Happy Birthday, Zeenat Aman (19/11). Regarded as a path breaker of Indian cinema, she opened the new door for all the other actresses and being an inspiration for so many other heroines. A distinguished Indian actress and former fashion model, Aman's journey in the limelight began with her modeling career. At 19, she achieved significant milestones, winning the Femina Miss India pageant and the Miss Asia Pacific International pageant in 1970. Aman's foray into acting started in the same year, with early roles in "The Evil Within" and "Hulchul." Her major breakthrough came with "Haré Rama Haré Krishna" (1971), earning her the Filmfare Award for Best Supporting Actress. This success was the start of a stellar career that defined the 1970s Bollywood. Zeenat Aman became synonymous with strong, independent characters in films like "Roti Kapada Aur Makaan," "Ajanabee," and "The Great Gambler." Her role in "Satyam Shivam Sundaram" (1978) garnered a Filmfare Best Actress nomination, and her portrayal of the CBI agent Roma in "Don" (1978) left a lasting impact, contributing to the creation of the Don franchise. The 1980s saw Aman in leading roles across various films, including "Abdullah," "Qurbani," and "Insaf Ka Tarazu," the latter earning her another Filmfare nomination. Her acting journey continued through the decade with notable performances in "Laawaris," "Mahaan," and "Pukar." After marrying actor Mazhar Khan in 1985, Aman took a step back from films, returning in 1999 with "Bhopal Express." Post-2003, she embraced roles in independent films like "Ugly Aur Pagli" and "Dil Toh Deewana Hai." Her cameo in "Panipat" (2019) and upcoming lead role in "Margaon: The Closed File" mark her remarkable comeback. Apart from cinema, Aman made her theatre debut in 2004 in "The Graduate" and continues to explore stage acting. She also ventured into web series with "Love Life & Screw Ups" in 2017, receiving praise for her performance. As we celebrate Zeenat Aman's birthday, we reflect on her journey—a blend of grace, talent, and resilience. Her roles have not just entertained but also inspired generations, making her a true icon of Indian cinema.
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tbfamily-if · 2 months
Care to tell some facts about the ROs?
Sure! Here are some facts!
Bo Wu
Favorite Memory: One of Bo's favorite memories is the first time he performed a solo at a local bar. The crowd's reaction and the adrenaline rush from being on stage solidified his love for music.
Favorite Food: Bo loves spicy Szechuan cuisine, particularly hot pot. He enjoys the communal aspect of the meal and the intense flavors.
Bullied in School: Bo was occasionally teased for being different, particularly for his dramatic flair and passion for music. However, he used humor and confidence to deflect the negativity, eventually earning respect.
Other Facts:
Bo has a collection of vintage vinyl records.
He is an avid fan of martial arts movies.
Bo often uses music as a way to connect with others and express his emotions.
He hates chocolate cake.
Rakesh Bakshi
Favorite Memory: Rakesh cherishes the memory of the day his twins, Alisha and Asim, were born. Despite the chaos, it was a moment of pure joy and love for him.
Favorite Food: Rakesh loves traditional Indian dishes, especially biryani and butter chicken. Cooking these meals reminds him of family gatherings from his childhood.
Disaster Marriage with Rachel: On their wedding day, everything went wrong, culminating in the wedding cake falling on Rachel's head. Despite the mishaps, it became a cherished, humorous memory over time.
Other Facts:
Rakesh enjoys snowboarding, even though he's not very good at it.
He has a knack for storytelling, often entertaining his kids with exaggerated tales.
Rakesh is very community-oriented and often volunteers for local events.
He was quite disappointed not to have another daughter.
Grace Clarke
Favorite Memory: Grace's favorite memory is winning her first acting award. It was a recognition of her hard work and passion, and it opened many doors for her career.
Favorite Food: Grace enjoys a good British roast dinner, complete with Yorkshire pudding. It reminds her of home and family Sundays.
Movie Incident: Grace was asked to eat a living animal for a movie role but refused and walked away, deciding not to take the role.
Other Facts:
Grace practices yoga daily to stay grounded and focused.
She loves spending time by the sea and often goes surfing to unwind.
Grace has a keen interest in fashion and often designs her own outfits.
She tried to be a singer once but gave up quickly.
Grace was homeschooled and didn't attend traditional school.
Scott/Skye Smith (S)
Favorite Memory: One of S's favorite memories is winning a photography competition in high school. It was a proud moment that validated their passion for photography.
Favorite Food: S loves hearty, protein-rich meals like steak and grilled vegetables, essential for their active lifestyle.
Forgotten in a Restaurant: As a child, S was once forgotten by their family at a restaurant. It was a frightening experience that taught them self-reliance at a young age.
Other Facts:
S has a pet dog that often accompanies them on outdoor adventures.
They are passionate about environmental conservation and often participate in cleanup drives.
S enjoys hiking and has climbed several significant peaks.
They have a dog allergy and own a hypoallergenic dog.
Charlie Andrew
Favorite Memory: Charlie's favorite memory is a solo hike they took in the mountains. It was a time of self-discovery and deep reflection, away from societal expectations.
Favorite Food: Charlie loves traditional Native American dishes, particularly fry bread tacos, as they connect them to their cultural heritage.
Family Celebration: When Charlie came out as non-binary, their family threw a big party. Now, every year on that same day, the family gathers for a celebratory dinner.
Other Facts:
Charlie is an avid reader and has an extensive personal library.
They enjoy sketching landscapes and often draw during their hikes.
Charlie is involved in advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights and frequently speaks at local events.
They often wish to let the kids play instead of study.
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dustymagpie · 1 year
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Name: Seraphim Reed Born: 3rd March 2051, 26 as of 2077 Nationality: American of very mixed descent, the most prominent being Irish and Indian, but the family is from all over. Pronouns: She/her Sexuality: Straight-ish. She has trouble describing herself as bisexual despite being attracted to other genders, especially women, because she doesn't feel like she fits what's required.  Gender: Female Parents: Divorced but still very good friends. Mother lives in Night City and manages an art gallery. Father lives on the East Coast and is a graphic designer. They all try to meet up a few times a year at least. Both are artistic (and do not have names because I suck at names!) Siblings: One older sibling, Wembley. They are very close even now. When Wembley started experimenting with gender and how they express it and once it was explained to Sera she jumped into action. She let Wembley look through her wardrobe, they raided their dad's wardrobe, and she helped them customise and alter their clothes, so they fit. This cemented her love and drive for the fibre arts. At this point, she also considers Scott her brother (or BIL) as well.  Romantic partner: Muamar Reyes Friends: Esme Richards, Scott Dodd (they also dated for about a week. Shh! Don’t tell Wembley) Vanessa Vergara @gloryride. Hobbies: Art, mostly painting using oils. Going out to loud clubs with her friends. Designing clothes (it's not just a job, but a hobby as well) Job: Fashion designer and entrepreneur. She had been a wage slave, saving up the eddies to buy her own boutique till Muamar filled the gap. She was pissed, she had wanted to do this on her own. But she admits, it’s easier to create when you are not trying to scrimp and save every eddie you can.   Notable features: She is tall, over 6ft, and most of that is legs. Her hair reaches down to her lower back at it’s longest. She often keeps it up on a couple of buns. Her makeup is always pink and/or blue, and her cheeks always have hot pink stars scattered across them. Cybernetic hand. It was originally a cheap one with a fancy looking skin, but Muamar made her upgrade.  Has an iron stomach. Personality: Fiery, independent and resourceful. Tenacious and won’t back down from a challenge or a fight.   Tattoos: Flowers on both shoulders and a little heart under her left eye (to match Wembley’s) Style: Hot pink, heels, short skirts and loud loud loud! She never wears pants.
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mohifashion · 3 months
15 Traditional Indian Bridal Wear from Different Regions
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India is a land of diverse cultures, languages, and traditions, showcases a diverse array of bridal attire, each intricately tied to its respective region. Weddings in India are extravagant , and the bridal wear holds significant importance in defining the overall aesthetic. The cultural tapestry of the nation finds expression in the distinct styles, fabrics, and embroidery techniques that vary from state to state.
From the luxurious Banarasi silk saris of the North to the graceful Kasavu sarees of Kerala, and from the lively Phulkari of Punjab to the majestic Zardozi lehengas of Uttar Pradesh, each bridal ensemble narrates its unique tale. As India progresses, these customary bridal dresses persist as enduring symbols of the nation's vibrant cultural legacy.
 Bridal Wear From Different Parts of India
Let's explore 15 types of traditional Indian wedding attire from different regions, showcasing their significance, craftsmanship, unique attributes, materials, embroidered designs, and other captivating elements. We'll also touch on what the bride's family can wear during the ceremony.
Banarasi Silk Saree (Varanasi):
The Banarasi Silk Saree, the origins of Banarasi saris can be traced to the Mughal era around the 14th century , symbolizes bridal luxury, elegance, and enduring tradition. These saris hold immense cultural significance and are favored by brides seeking a regal presence on their wedding day. Crafted with meticulous detail, they boast intricate weaving of gold and silver threads, a skill passed down through generations. 
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Featuring elaborate brocade work with resplendent Zari, inspired by the majestic Mughal era, they exude timeless allure. Made from pure silk renowned for its luxurious texture and sheen, and adorned with exquisite gold and silver threads, these saris epitomize opulence. 
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Their elaborate embroidery, incorporating Zari and brocade, presents upon brides a royal grandeur, ensuring they feel like queens on their special day. Thus, Banarasi silk sarees remain a cherished and timeless choice for bridal attire.
Kanjeevaram Silk Saree(South India) :
The Kanjeevaram Silk Saree,  got its name from the temple city of Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu, India. Kanjivaram silk sarees have their origins in Hindu mythology. The Kanchi Silk Weaver is believed to be a descendant of Sage Markanda, the Gods' Master Weaver. Kanjivaram weave has a history of 400 years and it is said that the two large weaving communities Devangas and Saligars from Andhra Pradesh relocated to Kanchipuram to weave Kanjivaram sarees. 
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What sets the Kanjeevaram silk saree apart are its distinctive features: rich color combinations, intricate temple borders, and traditional checks patterns. These saris' vibrant hues and contrasting shades create a stunning look for brides, while the temple borders, inspired by South Indian temples, add a divine touch. The check pattern enhances their timeless elegance.
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                                         Image Courtesy: Wedding Wire
Characterized by heavy golden Zari work, the embroidery style of these saris exudes regal opulence. This seamless blend of luxurious silk, vibrant colors, and intricate Zari work makes the Kanjeevaram silk sari a quintessential representation of South Indian culture, offering brides a timeless choice to radiate elegance and tradition on their special day.
Mohi Fashion
Website: www.mohifashion.com
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Mohi is a curated multi-designer online marketplace offering lehengas, Indian sarees, designer wear, lehenga for engagement, lehenga for reception, Ghagra choli for women and men's groom wear. They source their products from Surat, Jaipur, Kolkata, Tamil Nadu, Chandni Chowk, Lucknow, Assam, Pakistani wear and so on, providing a focus on reflecting the diversity of South Asian fashion. Mohi Fashion provides a 10% discount on all MRPs year-round and exclusive offers, along with video consultations for brides and customizable outfits in all sizes.
Lehenga Choli (Rajasthan, North India) :
The Lehenga Choli, a traditional bridal attire originating from Rajasthan in North India, is a masterpiece that accentuates the bride's beauty, evoking a princess-like feel on her special day. Lehenga became most popular among women, mainly in North India in the 10th century. Lehengas were the attire of Rajput's but it was Mughals who evolved the lehengas into Indian fashion.
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Embellished with intricate Gota patti work, it exudes grandeur, same as royal adornments, elevating the bride's stature. Crafted from luxurious silk or georgette, it offers both comfort and graceful draping, enhancing the bride's elegance. The enchantment lies in the embroidery – mirror work, Zari, and sequins – reflecting the bride's radiance, adding sophistication, and lending sparkle. 
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Beyond mere attire, the Bridal Lehenga Choli embodies a celebration of the bride's beauty and new journey, enhancing her charm and honoring Rajasthan's rich heritage. It transforms dreams into reality, rendering the bride as the epitome of beauty and royalty on her special day.
Paithani Sari (Maharashtra, West India) :
The Paithani Sari originated in Paithan, in the 2nd century B.C. Satavahana Empire nestled a small town on the banks of River Godavari, named ‘Pratishthana’. Pratishthana was the capital of the Satavahana Empire under the rule of Shalivahana. Pratishthana hosted a trade center and was renowned for being an international hub for the sale of Silk and Zari. The old city of Pratishthana was named Paithan later.
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                                            Image Courtesy: Vogue
Crafted from pure silk with gold and silver threads, it offers luxurious comfort and elegance. The shimmering threads create a magical aura, enveloping the bride in a captivating glow. Embroidered with lustrous gold Zari, the Paithani Sari captures the bride's innate radiance, serving as a living tribute to Marathi artistry.
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More than just attire, the Paithani Sari bridges history and tradition, allowing the bride to embody tradition and grace in a remarkable way on her special day.
Mekhela Chador (Assam, Northeast India) :
The Mekhela Chador, originating from Assam in Northeast India, enhances the bride's beauty while reflecting the simplicity and elegance of Assamese culture. This attire epitomizes tradition and grace, distinguished by handwoven motifs resonating with Assamese heritage. Adorned with delicate designs featuring peacocks, flowers, and traditional patterns, it embodies Assam's natural beauty and cultural richness.                          
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   Image Courtesy: Pinterest
Crafted from fabrics like Muga silk, Eri silk, or cotton, it drapes gracefully around the bride, offering a unique texture and natural sheen that accentuates her elegance. The minimalistic yet intricate embroidery adds a touch of artistry to the attire.
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                                              Image Courtesy: Pinterest
Symbolizing Assamese culture and the assam mekhela saree bride's connection to it, the Mekhela Chador elevates her beauty by embracing simplicity and heritage, allowing her to exude a unique charm that speaks of tradition and grace on her special day.
6. Phulkari (Punjab, North India):
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Phulkari, originating from Punjab in North India, is a bridal masterpiece reflecting the lively spirit of the region. This traditional attire features hand-embroidered floral motifs that uniquely enhance the Punjabi bride's appearance. Known for its vibrant colors and intricate floral patterns, Phulkari symbolizes the exuberance and rich cultural heritage of Punjab. 
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                                                 Image Courtesy: Pinterest
Crafted from lightweight fabrics like georgette or chiffon, Phulkari drapes around the bride with delicate grace, enhancing her beauty. Its dense threadwork in vibrant colors infuses the Punjabi bride's ensemble with vivacious energy, embodying Punjab's joyful and colorful culture. Worn not just as an outfit, but as a celebration of roots, Phulkari elevates the bride's beauty while honoring Punjab's spirit on her special day.
Kasavu Sari (Kerala, South India) :     
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  Image Courtesy: Shaadi Wish
The Kasavu Sari, originating from Kerala in South India, enhances the bride's beauty with its simplicity and grace. This bridal attire, characterized by plain white fabric and a golden border, symbolizes the cultural richness and elegance of Kerala. Its hallmark is the traditional gold border, often adorned with cream or off-white fabric, imparting the bride with a delicate and airy aura.
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Kasavu Kerala Saree Crafted from comfortable materials like cotton or silk, this sari drapes the bride with gentle, natural beauty. Featuring minimalist embroidery, the main focus remains on the plain fabric and the golden border, evoking traditional charm and allowing the bride to radiate in understated elegance on her special day.
8. Chanderi Silk Sari (Madhya Pradesh, Central India) :
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The Chanderi Silk Sari, originating from Madhya Pradesh in Central India, enhances the bride's beauty with the region's unique charm. Featuring delicate handwoven motifs such as graceful peacocks and intricate florals, this sari adds elegance to the bride's look. Its sheer texture and pastel colors, complemented by shimmering silver or gold Zari threads, exude refined grace. 
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Chanderi sarees are Crafted from comfortable materials like silk, cotton, or blends, it drapes the bride with sophistication. The embroidery style highlights fine motifs in Zari and buta work, showcasing the skill of local artisans and transforming the bride into a vision of timeless beauty on her special day.
9. Pochampally Saree (Telangana, South India) :
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The Pochampally Saree, originating from Telangana in South India, is a bridal masterpiece that enhances the bride's beauty while honoring the region's rich weaving heritage. These Pochampally Sarees are crafted using the intricate Ikat dyeing technique, resulting in stunning geometric designs that enrich the bride's appearance with cultural significance. 
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Handmade from premium materials like silk or cotton, they drape the bride with graceful allure, highlighting the mesmerizing dyeing technique that encapsulates the spirit of Telangana. This unique symbol of heritage turns the bride into a living work of art and tradition on her special day.
10. Bandhani Lehenga (Gujarat, Western India) :
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The Bandhani Lehenga, originating from Gujarat in Western India, enhances the bride's beauty while reflecting the vibrant Gujarati culture. Crafted using the tie-dye technique, it features intricate and colorful patterns that add vibrancy to the bride's ensemble. Made from materials like georgette or silk, this lehenga drapes the bride with an elegant flow. 
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The minimalist embroidery style highlights the captivating Bandhani patterns, paying homage to the local artistic tradition and turning the bride into a canvas of tradition and beauty on her special day.
11. Gota Patti Lehenga (Rajasthan, North India) :
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The Gota Patti Lehenga, originating from Rajasthan in North India, is a bridal masterpiece that exudes Rajasthani grandeur, enhancing the bride's beauty with meticulous gold or silver gota work. This attire boasts elaborate embellishments, including mirror work, creating a resplendent ensemble. 
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Gota Patti Lehengas are Crafted from luxurious fabrics like silk, georgette, or chiffon, it drapes the bride in regal splendor. The intricate embroidery style features stunning gota work with mirror accents, transforming the bride into a vision of opulence and magnificence on her special day.
Kasuti Saree (Karnataka, South India) :
The Kasuti Sarees, originating from Karnataka in South India, is a masterpiece that enhances a bride's beauty with artistic splendor, representing the rich cultural heritage and craftsmanship of the region. Adorned with hand-embroidered geometric patterns, these kasuti sarees showcase Karnataka's unique artistry and are celebrated for their rich black and red color combinations. 
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Crafted from fine materials like cotton or silk, they drape the bride with comfort and elegance. The striking embroidery style features intricate geometric designs in contrasting colors, celebrating art and culture, and making the bride's beauty stand out on her special day.
13. Zardozi Bridal Lehenga (Uttar Pradesh, North India) :
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The Zardozi bridal lehenga, originating from Uttar Pradesh in North India, epitomizes Mughal-era extravagance and opulence, paying homage to the region's rich cultural heritage and historical grandeur. Intricate gold and silver embroidery adorn the lehenga with meticulous precision, featuring heavy embellishments often adorned with precious stones for a regal touch. 
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Crafted from sumptuous fabrics like velvet, silk, or brocade, it drapes the bride with a lavish aura, evoking a sense of royalty. Elaborate zardozi work and beadwork further enhance the grandeur of the lehenga, creating a bridal outfit that celebrates tradition while elevating the bride's beauty to epitomize timeless elegance and sophistication on her special day.
Zardozi bridal lehenga is Crafted from luxurious silk or brocade, the fabric drapes the bride with finesse, evoking a princess-like feel. The heavy Zari and sequin work add shimmer and magic, ensuring the bride exudes enchanting allure on her special day.
Gharara (Hyderabad, South India) :
The Gharara ensemble, originating from Hyderabad in South India, exudes Nizami elegance, enveloping the bride in grace. Adorned with intricate hand embroidery featuring Zari and sequins, it adds opulence and regal charm to the bride's look. This ensemble's specialty lies in its richly embroidered kurti, flared pants, and accompanying dupatta, creating a complete look that elevates the bride's beauty with royal grandeur. 
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Pheran and Kalidar (Jammu & Kashmir, North India) :
The Pheran and Kalidar ensemble, originating from Jammu & Kashmir in North India, embody a royal masterpiece, adding a touch of regal charm to the bride's special day. Traditionally donned by brides, these  Pheran dresses carry profound significance, representing the rich heritage of the region. The Pheran dress is a long, loose outer garment, and the Kalidar, a set of flared trousers paired with a fitted tunic, feature exquisite hand embroidery and intricate Kashmiri motifs, showcasing local craftsmen's skill and artistry. 
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Pheran Dresses are Woven from luxurious materials like sumptuous velvet or silk, they present an elegant and regal look upon the wearer, creating a unique ensemble that exudes regal charm and cultural significance.
The diversity of Indian bridal wear reflects the kaleidoscope of cultures and traditions across the nation. Each region offers a unique glimpse into the rich heritage, craftsmanship, and artistry that goes into the creation of these stunning ensembles. 
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