#indian junior engineer
zilabee · 6 days
Tony Bramwell, on the Death of Happiness:
- Perhaps it was the world’s press taking them too seriously and asking silly questions about the deeper meaning of their songs and about where the words came from that changed them from being simple songwriters. Songwriting became a “creative art” and was reinvented as being difficult.
- For John and Paul, songs were suddenly something that were “crafted” and then taken off to Abbey Road like a half-finished jigsaw puzzle for George Martin to work his alchemy on. It all became serious and expensive.
- Things changed. The passion went. […] I came to see on a regular basis how the four of them would be slumped in a corner at Abbey Road, with cups of coffee and bits of paper and cigarettes and joints, not doing a thing. George Martin and the new engineer, Geoff Emerick (who had replaced Norman Smith), would be sitting in the control room, or the canteen, bored out of their minds.
- I will always remember the twelve empty boxes [Magic Alex] made for George. They contained nothing and didn’t actually do anything, but George told John that they contained some kind of light ray that could recognize bad vibes. “Really? I’ll have some of those,” said John. “Yeah, me too. In fact, I’ll have two dozen. Put ’em on my bill,” said Ringo who was the most cynical of all the Beatles. Alex produced dozens and in all seriousness, they were lined up in key points around the Beatles’ homes, where, as far as I could tell, they continued to do nothing at all.
- The Beatles were under a lot of pressure at that time to prove themselves in the aftermath of Brian’s death. Consequently, the people who worked for them, or for Apple, were under a lot of pressure not to take the piss out of even the smallest of the Beatles’ bright ideas, including their involvement with the Maharishi, Alexis Mardas, or the Fool. They’re looking at you saying: “Go on. Say it. Say what you’re thinking! I can take it.” And you’re going, “No fucking way. One: you can’t take it. Secondly: I like it here!” To disagree would prove you were not tuned in and turned on.
- Denis left for the ashram, where he discovered that the Beatles were too high up in the clouds, literally, to care about films. George so desperately wanted to believe in this new religion that he called Denis into his hut and made him watch while he sat down cross-legged and levitated. When I asked Denis if he actually saw any space between George’s bottom and the concrete floor, he said evasively, “I’m not sure. George was wearing a robe, and it was very dark in his hut.” Denis was always very diplomatic.
- It seemed to me—and from what they said—that they were very earnest about meditation and Indian music, but found the Maharishi a faintly repulsive figure. They argued about it, but in the end they decided to give him the benefit of the doubt just in case he was some kind of magician
- [on hearing Jumping Jack Flash for the first time on the radio, Paul sends Tony to immediately request the station play it again.] There was a very funny look on Paul’s face as I went off to find the phone. As if, not only was the whole world on his shoulders, but now the Stones were about to hit their stride.
- As the sixties gave way to the seventies, the fun left. It was like a carousel on a merry-go-round slowly grinding to a halt, with the music dying and the lights going dim.
- Klein couldn’t have known that John was sensitive about being slightly dyslexic, but he had guessed correctly that John resented being seen as the junior partner.
- Not only was it hard work drumming up sufficient Krishnas to placate George when he wanted them around, but we were all bored to death at having to go along with the bunch of dropouts who marched up and down, chanting, clanging bells and begging for money.
- Previously, the Beatles had tried to get along; now there were factions. It was like walking on a knife-edge of conspiracies and backbiting. I watched the madness and the slow disintegration of Apple as barriers went up and years of lawsuits and wrangling began. […] People who worked for the Beatles and Apple were supposed to be totally faithful, but it was impossible to be loyal to everybody.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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John Boyd Dunlop, who patented the first practical practical pneumatic tyre, was born in Ayrshire on February 5th 1846.
Notice I didn’t say invented there, because he might have perfected the tyre but he didn’t come up with the idea, it was another clever Scot called  Robert William Thomson who made the first pneumatic tyre on 10 December 1845, some 43 years before John Dunlop’s re-invention, it was way too soon for the world to appreciate it though, so on this day in 1846 a Scotsman re-invented the wheel...sort of :) 
John Boyd Dunlop was a veterinary surgeon from Scotland who had settled in Belfast in Northern Ireland. He didn't really have much to do with then newfangled driving devices like the bicycle, but is said to have worked a lot with rubber in his practice. To make his son's tricycle faster and more comfortable, he tinkered with the sheathing of the wheels. He developed a rubber tube that was wrapped in canvas and glued to a wooden rim. A baby's dummy is said to have served as a valve.
With this air-filled tyre, Dunlop junior whizzed happily along the streets of Belfast in the spring of 1888, easily outstripping his comrades. Dunlop realised that the pneumatic tyre held great promise and successfully applied for a patent for his invention at the end of the same year. This marked the beginning of the rise of the Dunlop brand, which is still famous today (including 129659, DE word mark since 1910; DE756765 or EM005125489). 
But: Dunlop should never have been granted this patent. The UK Patent Office had overlooked the fact that someone else had already received the patent for a pneumatic tyre some 40 years earlier. Robert William Thomson (1822-1873) was also Scottish and an extremely talented inventor. At the age of 23, he was granted pneumatic tyre patents in France and the USA ( US5104A). His tyre consisted of a hollow belt of Indian rubber inflated with air and covered with a leather casing. The wheels laid, as it were, "a cushion of air on the ground, rail or track" on which they ran. Thomson demonstrated his "Aerial Wheels" on horse-drawn carriages in London's Regent's Park in March 1847.
But unfortunately the time was not yet ripe for his invention. Like many other ingenious inventor´s ideas, Thomson´s tyre fell into oblivion. But he was luckier with other projects. He developed, among other things, the fountain pen, new types of steam engines and electric ignition devices for blasting, which greatly advanced railway construction. He died a rich and respected man.
John Boyd Dunlop is said to have known nothing of his compatriot's invention when he registered his idea with the patent office. He further improved his pneumatic tyres and had a series of 50 bicycles fitted with them. With one of these bicycles, William Hume, the previously unsuccessful captain of the Belfast Cruisers' Cycle Club, suddenly achieved spectacular success in bicycle races.
Among others, Hume beat the national champion Arthur Du Cros on 18th May 1889. The latter's father, the entrepreneur William Harvey Du Cros, recognised the marketing potential of the invention. He sought contact with Dunlop and together they founded the "Pneumatic Tyre & Booth's Cycle Agency" in Westland Row in Dublin on 18th November 1889, which was soon renamed "Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co. Ltd". The triumphant advance of the pneumatic tyre began.
At the first Olympic Games in Athens in 1896, all cyclists competed with pneumatic tyres.
However, as the invention became more widely known, Thomson's patent came to light again. Dunlop initially lost his patent. The brothers Edouard and André Michelin from Clermont-Ferrand took advantage of this and produced pneumatic tyres on a large scale. They were also the first to equip the emerging automobile with tyres, thus considerably accelerating its success story.
Dunlop continued to further develop the tyre and was able to obtain new patents for his improvements, which ensured his economic success
Above all, the valve, which is still named after him today, proved that he was an able inventor. Incidentally, he also applied for patents for developments in completely different fields, such as a skin lotion as seen in the pics.
Only four years after the foundation of his company, Dunlop's first foreign branch was established in Hanau. It still exists today. Dunlop was soon to manufacture numerous other rubber products such as golf and tennis balls, floor coverings and brake shoes. The company became one of the first "global players", a worldwide manufacturing company.
John Boyd Dunlop withdrew completely from the company in 1895 and returned to his veterinary practice. Along the way, he and his son worked on new inventions, such as a patented eau de toilette.
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facultytick · 2 years
Teaching Faculty Jobs 16 August 2022 Announcement & Interview Notification By Faculty Tick
Diamond Harbour Women’s University invites applications for the post of Contractual Teacher (Temporary) in the Department of Botany and Contractual Librarian (Temporary)
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Contractual Teacher/ Contractual Librarian post
Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Guest Faculty Recruitment
Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Guest Faculty for the following vacancies
Fakir Mohan University invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Project Assistant Recruitment
Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Project Assistant for the following vacancies
Delhi Technological University Walk-in interview for engagement of Guest Faculty in the Department of Environmental Engineering for the odd semester
Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Guest Faculty for the following vacancies
Sreenarayanaguru Open University Invites Applications from the eligible candidates for the post of Deputy Registrar / Assistant Registrar / Section Officer
Applications are invited from excellent academic experience for recruitment to the Deputy Registrar / Assistant Registrar / Section Officer post
Somany Institute of Technology & Management invites eligible candidates for appearing in Walk in interview for the following Teaching Faculty (Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant...
Applications are invited from excellent academic experience for recruitment to the Director / Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor post
National Institute of Technology Andhra Pradesh invites eligible candidates for appearing in Walk in interview for the following Technical Associate posts
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Technical Associate post
National Institute of Technology Durgapu Applications are invited from Indian citizens for the following Project Engineer post to work in a project funded by...
Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Project Engineer for the following vacancies
Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Senior Project Engineer /System Administrator Recruitment
Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Senior Project Engineer /System Administrator for the following vacancies
National Institute of Technology Karnataka Corrigendum Notice for Walk in interview for the following Temporary Faculty Positions
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Temporary Faculty post
Indian Institute of Petroleum and Energy (IIPE) Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position to work on National...
Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Junior Research Fellow for the following vacancies
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Software Architect Recruitment
Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Software Architect post
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Field assistant Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Field assistant post
Yenepoya Institute of Technology invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty Recruitment
Applications are invited for faculty positions from eligible candidates at the level of Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata Applications are invited from the citizens of India for Research Associate position in the DSTSSERB sponsored...
Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Research Associate for the following vacancies
Sri Venkateswara college of Engineering & Technology (SVCET) Autonomous invites eligible candidates for appearing in Walk in interview for the following Teaching Faculty posts
Applications are invited for faculty positions from eligible candidates at the level of Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
Institute of Chemical Technology Announced Extended date of Application Submission for the following Teaching Faculty Positions Main Campus Recruitment
Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor post
Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology invites eligible candidates for appearing in Walk in interview for the following Guest Faculty posts
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Guest Faculty/Retired Faculty post
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awfulwordmonger · 2 years
O3-123-4L Living on the USS Kitty Hawk
That was my address: three levels above the main deck, also known as the Hangar Deck, the O3 level put me directly below the Flight Deck, where all the noisy stuff happened. 123 “frames” aft of the bow of the ship - roughly amidships. 4L was a “living” space, a six-man bunk room for JOs on the port side of the ship, relative to the midline. Our space was also called the “Bowling Alley” due to its narrowness, roughly 8-10 feet wide and its length, around 20-30 feet. It was divided length-wise into three smaller rooms running fore an aft along the ship.
The “front room” opened in from a ladder well coming up from three stories below, and contained four “lockers” which, since we were Junior Officers, had a portion for clothing on hangers and two or three drawers on the bottom for or other stuff. The remainder of the space was filled by “desks” - aluminum planks attached to the wall on either side and a couple of ancient (non-rolling) metal government chairs. Fluorescent lights were placed above the desks and on the overhead (ceiling).
The second room held two more lockers and two stacks of three bunks. The bunks each had a thin mattress on top of a wire mesh suspended from springs along the frame. They were slightly wider than a body, but not as wide as a standard single bed. The ship was about twenty years old at this time. Having been home to many, many people by then, the springs were pretty tired and when weight was applied were more like a hammock than any other sort of bed. The first time I tried to sleep on board the ship, I woke up feeling like I had been in a cocoon all night. When your body sinks completely below the level of the bed frame, there’s no rolling over. Just getting out of bed was a formidable task! At least I was in the middle of the three-stack. That meant my feet were pretty close to the floor when I swung out from between the almost floor level bottom bunk and the head-height upper bunk. Each bunk also had its own small reading light, supplemented by large fluorescent lights on the ceiling. This was the sleeping room, though, and the overhead lights were almost never on. One never knew when someone might be catching up from a late night. For our first two month stint motoring in circles in the Indian Ocean, I was the night watch officer in the CVIC (the ship’s intelligence center) so I came to appreciate the consideration from my roommates!
The third room, past the bunk room, was a tiny space with two sinks, one on either side, with mirrors above them. The middle of the room was dominated by a vertical ventilation tube about two feet in diameter running, I was told, straight down to one of Kitty Hawk’s four engine rooms.
The noise? Imagine having an Auxiliary Power Unit from a 747 running just outside your bedroom, 24/7. That was the ventilator shaft, running Dow to (I believe) one of the ship’s boiler rooms. Add to that, our “air conditioner” in the bunk room - a unit that was supposed to provide cooler air, but probably hadn’t been maintained since the ship was built. It sounded a little like an idling chainsaw. Then, maybe less than three feet above the room, was the flight deck: inches (feet?) of armor plate covered in thick non-skid coating. Being a runway that handled up to a couple hundred departures and arrivals every day, there’s a lot of noise generated! Aircraft taxiing, launching at maximum power, landing (also at max power) with a tail hook dragging along until it snags a two-inch steel cable at more than a hundred miles per hour, a “bolter” (missed landing, when the aircraft has to go around for another try at the cables), disengaging the cable after landing… All of the above are amazingly noisy, believe it or not. At the time I described the noise as anything from a freight train running over your head with a flat wheel (the sound of a tail hook banging across multiple “pad eyes” which allow a plane to be chained to the deck in any location) to a truckload of bowling balls falling on the ceiling of your bedroom (the sound of a huge cable going slack and falling to the deck, plus a metal hook slamming down, sometimes repeatedly, as the now-stopped plane tries to get free of the cable) and the sound of the jets still at max power after stopping, until the pilot’s scrambled brain realizes it’s not still flying. Now… you’ve worked all night and finally crawled into your “rack” at about 10 AM. You fall asleep, only to be interrupted within the next one hour and forty-five minutes by the start of another flight of aircraft getting ready for the “cyclic ops” to repeat and repeat and repeat all day long - first the departures, a lull and then the arrivals of all those who departed earlier. Each event typically includes 10-20 aircraft. And I learned to sleep through the whole thing, about 6 feet below the center of the runway. I lived with that for a little over two months, during our first at-sea period in the Indian Ocean.
Another interesting feature of living in a space that was clearly an afterthought: we were outside the range of all of the ships PA system, aka the "1MC". Any important announcements, like say "General Quarters" (Battle stations), had to be relayed by telephone, which rarely worked, or by a person making the trip to our door as fast as humanly possible! Because we worked odd hours, and might be asleep when the drills (and they were almost always drills), it was always a very near thing for someone to haul ass from our squadron ready room, up 4 decks to the O3 level, across the ship and about 30-40 yards aft, wake everyone up and then get back to where they were supposed to be before all the watertight hatches, etc. were slammed shut at the end of four minutes! Once General Quarters was set, one could only open a watertight hatch with the permission of Damage Control Central. Not a pretty thing, once it was logged, the squadron CO was notified, etc. I was lucky - my Battle Station was in the ship's CVIC (Intelligence Center), also on the O3 level and about 20 yards from my bunkroom! My five roommates weren't so lucky, having to traverse the ship as fast as they could to the ready room.
The rules for getting around the ship during the four minutes when setting GQ was in progress:
Up and forward on the starboard side
Down and aft on the port side
If a watertight hatch or door is already closed, call DC Central to get permission to open it, and prepare to get your ass chewed.
Hope to God that you don't have to visit the head during GQ, as the nearest head might be on the wrong side of a watertight door!
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Parag Agrawal Biography: Salary, Net Worth, Age, Wife, Height, Family, IIT Rank, Twitter & Other Details
Parag Agrawal was appointed as the CEO of Twitter in 2021 after Jack Dorsey stepped down. However, with Elon Musk taking ownership, Agrawal has reportedly been ousted from the position. Here, we provide details about Parag Agrawal’s salary, age, wife, family, height, IIT rank, net worth, and more.
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Parag Agrawal: An Overview Full Name: Parag Agrawal Born: May 21, 1984 Age: 38 Years Place of Birth: Ajmer, India Title: CEO, Twitter Education:
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (BTech) Stanford University (MS, PhD) Predecessor: Jack Dorsey Spouse: Vineeta Agrawal Children: 2 Nationality: American, Indian
Family, Early Life, and Education Parag Agrawal was born in Ajmer, Rajasthan, India. His father was a senior official in the Indian Department of Atomic Energy, and his mother is a retired Economics Professor from Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute in Mumbai.
Agrawal completed his higher secondary education at Atomic Energy Junior College, Mumbai. In 2005, he earned a Bachelor of Technology degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay. He then moved to the United States to pursue a PhD in Computer Science at Stanford University under the guidance of Jennifer Widom. His doctoral thesis, published in 2012, is titled “Incorporating Uncertainty in Data Management and Integration.”
Twitter CEO and Early Career Before joining Twitter, Parag Agrawal held research internships at Microsoft Research and Yahoo!. He joined Twitter as a Software Engineer in 2011. In October 2017, he was appointed Chief Technology Officer (CTO) following Adam Messinger’s departure. In 2019, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey announced that Agrawal would lead Project Bluesky, an initiative to develop a decentralized social network protocol.
In November 2021, Jack Dorsey resigned as CEO, and Parag Agrawal was named the new CEO of Twitter.
Parag Agrawal’s Salary and Net Worth As the CEO of Twitter, Parag Agrawal received an annual salary of $1 million, along with stock compensation worth $12.5 million.
Personal Life: Wife and Children Parag Agrawal is married to Vineeta Agrawal, a general partner at the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz. The couple has two children, born in 2018 and 2022. Agrawal took paternity leave during his tenure as CEO of Twitter for the birth of his second child.
Views on Twitter Policies When discussing freedom of speech and Twitter’s policies, Parag Agrawal emphasized that the company’s role is not to be constrained by the First Amendment. Instead, Twitter aims to serve healthy public conversations, focusing on adapting to changing times rather than strictly adhering to free speech principles.
Conclusion Parag Agrawal, an Indian-American software engineer, made significant strides as the CEO of Twitter, bringing attention to Indian leadership in the tech world. Despite recent changes in Twitter’s ownership and his reported departure, Agrawal’s contributions to the company and the tech industry remain noteworthy.
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sachiyasteel · 3 days
ISMB Weight Chart And ISMC Weight Chart
MS Channels or commonly known as C Channel, because of their C like shape is represented by its Web height & Flange width of the channel. ISMB Weight Chart And ISMC Weight Chart. MS Channel primarily carries horizontal gravitational forces and is used for bus body, EOT cranes and many more engineering industry needs. Sachiya Steel International suppliers as top supplier for building material, stock all sizes/ weights of channel from companies like SAIL, RINL and other prestigious manufacturers of mild steel channel. 
ISMC and ISMB are two widely-used terms in structural engineering. ISMC stands for Indian Standard Medium Weight Channel, while ISMB refers to “Indian Standard Medium Weight Beams.” Both designations help categorize steel sections according to their load-bearing capacities and dimensions; ismc full form specifically to medium-weight channels while ismb full form to medium-weight beams; engineers and architects need to be familiar with these distinctions when selecting structural components for various construction projects.
Full form of Angle/ Channel/ Beam sections Indian Standards 
ISMB: Indian Standard Medium Weight Beam
ISMC: Indian Standard Medium Weight Channel 
ISJB: Indian Standard Junior Beams 
ISLB: Indian Standard Light Weight Beams 
ISWB: Indian Standard Wide Flange Beams
How to calculate the weight of the mild steel channel? 
Mild Steel channel are U- shaped structure made of steel defined by dimension of its sides and thickness. Mild steel channel have two parts flange and web base and horizontal part of it is known as flange and top vertical part of it is known as web. It has unequal sides for example 100×50×5 mm, both the sides’ web and flange of Mild Steel channel are 100 and 50 mm and their thickness is of 5 mm.
Mild Steel Channel Weight in kg per Meter
MS Web Volume 
MS Channel Size = 100×50×5 mm 
Web Depth = 100 mm =0.1m 
Web Thickness = 5 mm=0.005 m 
Web Length = 1 m Volume = l×b×h Volume = 0.1×0.005×1 m3 
Web Volume = 0.0005 m3
Understanding the unit weight of steel in civil engineering is critical when working with structural materials. Common terms used are ISMC and ISMB, with ISMC standing for “Indian Standard Medium Weight Channels” and ISMB for “Indian Standard Medium Weight Beams,” helping
classify steel sections based on size and load-bearing capacities. calculate the unit weight in kg/m one can use this formula: (Steel weight per meter x Length of bar in meters / weight per kg per meter )/(Steel weight per Meter * Length of Steel Bar in meters) = (Steel weight per Meter * Length of Bar in meters) * 1.58 =0.395 kg/m. For instance if we had a 32 mm steel bar of 12 meters length that weighted 1.58 kg per meter its unit weight would equal to 0.395% kg/m. 
ISMB beams play an essential part in building sturdy frameworks for buildings and bridges. An ISMB 350 beam, known for its robustness and load-bearing capacity, may vary in its unit weight depending on its dimensions and length; using the steel bars formula, one 12m long ISMB 350 beam has been calculated at 0.617 kg/m using steel bars formula calculations; this information helps engineers and architects in determining overall weight distribution and structural stability for projects.
Why Choose Us? 
Working in the industry for a decade now, we have always followed severe internal standards and quality procedures to make sure that we always deliver the best. We are also known for our advanced pricing structure. 
MS Channels are mainly used in the construction of trucks, trolleys, cranes, ships, containers, bridges, parking lots, etc. Its extensive use in several constructions makes it an integral part of the structure. Knowing its importance as mild steel channel suppliers, we make sure that all of our products are built to give strength, support, and durability to the construction. Sachiya Steel International is one of the well-known mild steel channel suppliers in India. 
ISMC and ISMB beams are prominent terms in civil engineering, representing steel sections with specific load-bearing characteristics. Calculating their unit weight is a core task in design and construction engineering; using appropriate formulae such as those mentioned earlier allows engineers to accurately ascertain these values when planning and executing construction projects.
Read More: https://steeltube.co.in/ismb-weight-chart-and-ismc-weight-chart/
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Exam Season 2024: A One-Stop Guide for Upcoming Government Exams in India
Do you want a government job? And are you looking forward to government exams this year? Well, MyEducationWire is at your service. They bring you a brief but complete overview. 
Here are some of the most popular exams scheduled for 2024:
Central Government Exams:
UPSC CAPF 2024- perfect forces exam:
For a career in CAPF, this is the right exam. The exam appoints candidates for CRPF, BSF, or similar forces. 
SSC Stenographer Group C and D 2024 Exam- old is still gold 
This exam offers opportunities for stenographer positions. The SSC Stenographer Group C and D 2024 appoints in various central government ministries and departments. Applications for this exam are usually opened in July.
SSC JHT 2024:
Do you want a career in languages? Consider the SSC JHT 2024 exam. This exam appoints junior Hindi translators. They are posted at various government departments. 
So stay tuned for the related notification.
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IBPS PO 2024: 
This exam is highly competitive. And it opens doors to a career in the public-sector banking industry. The notification for IBPS PO 2024 and exam dates are usually announced around September–October.
State Government Exams
UP Deled 2024: 
This exam is for the post of teacher in primary schools. But this is only limited to Uttar Pradesh. The application process and exam dates here are determined by the state education board. 
The UP DELEd 2024 is best for young teachers. 
Orissa Deled, 2024:
Similarly, the Odisha Deled 2024 is there for Odisha. This is also for teaching positions in elementary schools in Odisha. Information on the application process and exam dates will be available on the official board website.
National Level Exams
NEST 2024:
This exam is the entry to prestigious programs in science. The NEST 2024 allows admission to such programs. This is applicable to various universities across India. 
CGSET 2024:
This exam tests eligibility for the role of assistant professor. The CGSET 2024 exam includes two papers. These are Paper 1 tests of teaching and research aptitude. 
And Paper 2 is subject-specific aptitude. This exam is conducted by the Chhattisgarh government exclusively. 
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Exam- best job facilities 
RRB ALP 2024:
The RRB ALP 2024 exam makes a career as an assistant Loco pilot. The post is available in various zones within the Indian Railways. The notification and exam dates are typically announced by the respective RRB zones.
Other Institutes
Cipet Exam 2024:
This entrance exam is conducted for various academic programs. The various diploma and degree programs are included here. But the CIPET Exam 2024 is especially for the field of plastics engineering.
Stay Prepared!
This list provides a starting point for your government exam exploration in 2024. Keep in mind that this is just a mere overview. So, do visit the official websites of the respective exam-conducting bodies. 
Stay updated for the latest updates on notifications and exam patterns. Focus on the syllabus and application procedures. And thus, utilize MyEducationWire as your study partner. 
They will keep you updated on exam schedules. They will also provide valuable preparation resources to help you ace your chosen exam!
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shraddhamatre · 5 days
Get Through the UPRVUNL Exam: A Complete Guide
An important player in the Indian power industry, Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited (UPRVUNL) is principally in charge of producing electricity in the state of Uttar Pradesh. UPRVUNL, an institution dedicated to the production and distribution of energy, draws thousands of applicants year with its array of employment opportunities. A crucial first step for anyone hoping to pursue a career in this field is the UPRVUNL exam. This blog will offer a thorough explanation of how to comprehend and get ready for this important test.
Comprehending UPRVUNL A state-owned thermal power company called UPRVUNL was founded in Uttar Pradesh to increase and improve electricity output. In an effort to improve its operational effectiveness, the company hires people in a variety of fields, such as engineering, human resources, finance, and administration. During the hiring process, especially for technical positions, candidates must pass a demanding test intended to evaluate their abilities.
Exam Structure and Pattern Depending on the particular function, there may be several phases to the UPRVUNL test. When hiring for technical roles like assistant engineer (AE) and junior engineer (JE), the following steps are typically taken: Written Exam: This is an objective-type computer-based test (CBT) with written questions. The portions of the test are General Awareness, Reasoning Ability, General Hindi, and the candidate's chosen discipline (Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics, Computer Science, etc.).
Interview/Document Verification: Those who pass the written exam are invited to an interview or to have their documents verified. This phase is crucial since it evaluates the applicant's general fit for the position. Medical Examination: A comprehensive medical examination guarantees that the applicants fulfill the physical and health requirements needed for the position. Planning Approach Strategic and targeted preparation is necessary for the UPRVUNL exam. The following are crucial pointers to aid in candidates' success:
Recognize the syllabus and format of the exam: Get acquainted with the comprehensive curriculum vitae and testing guidelines for the particular position you are seeking. This aids in efficiently organizing your study schedule. The selection of appropriate reference books and study materials is crucial. Standard textbooks and discipline-specific guidelines are essential for technical topics. Books by well-known authors can be very beneficial for Reasoning and General Awareness. Frequent Practice and Mock Tests: The secret to succeeding in competitive exams is preparation. To gauge your level of preparedness, work through past years' exam questions and take frequent practice exams. Enhancing time management abilities is another benefit of this.
Keep Up: It's critical to keep up with news and current events in order to complete the General Awareness portion. This can be achieved via reading periodicals, newspapers, and reputable news portals. Concentrate on Weak Areas: Determine your areas of weakness and set aside more time to fortify them. This well-rounded strategy guarantees thorough planning.
Important lessons learned Taking the UPRVUNL test can open doors to a fulfilling career in the power industry in Uttar Pradesh. A well-thought-out study plan, familiarity with the format of the test, and regular practice will greatly increase a candidate's odds of success. A career with UPRVUNL gives security, progress, and the chance to contribute to the state's development beyond simply passing the exam. In general, aspirants should approach the UPRVUNL exam with commitment, preparation, and a positive outlook. Passing this test gives candidates access to a wide range of options and the chance to contribute significantly to the expansion and sustainability of the power industry.
Start Your Preparation With: https://gameacademy.in/ / https://clppenny.page.link/cTBm
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sjsports123 · 9 days
Light Batting Pads | sjsports.com.au
Choosing the right cricket pads for you is important, as it can help protect your knees and ankles from injury. You also need to consider the size, material, and style of the pad.
The Ton Glory Light Weight Cricket Senior batting pads are engineered to provide optimum protection, flexibility, and longevity. From the high-quality PVC facing to the lowdensity foam sheet reinforcement vertical bolster, these pads offer exceptional impact performance.
The pads protect the batsman's legs from impact injuries from balls that can travel at high velocities. Traditionally, they are made of leather, but modern materials have allowed manufacturers to make lighter pads. They are usually secured to the legs using three velcro straps.
The tensile properties of the composite samples were also evaluated to determine the best material for the pads' construction. The FP5 sample, which was prepared by flax and polypropylene with five layers, performed best in the impact tests.
The ambidextrous design allows the pads to fit left and right-handed batsmen, and they provide generous protection for those facing fast bowlers. The pad is light enough for young cricketers to run between the wickets with confidence, and the hook & loop touch fastening systems around the knee, calf, and ankle allow the pads to be comfortably fitted to the legs. The padding is also vented to reduce the buildup of sweat. This is a great choice for those looking to play club cricket.
Designed with the needs of professional players in mind, these pads offer exceptional protection, comfort and performance. Featuring advanced lightweight memory foam, they seamlessly conform to your legs and are barely noticeable when you’re at the crease. A high-quality PVC facing offers outstanding durability and superb protection against fast-paced deliveries, ensuring you’re fully prepared to face any bowling attack.
Superior knee protection is offered by the extra high-density sponge-filled vertical bolster with TPU insert, which absorbs the impact of balls struck against your leg to minimize the risk of injuries and allow you to bat confidently. The ambidextrous adult Junior batting pads also feature a county grade foam side profile and dual layered knee locator, which mould to your leg shape to optimise shock dissipation and comfort.
The compact wrap-around fit eliminates distractions, keeping your pads securely in place so you can focus on your game and unleash your full potential. A padded strap with reimbursed pittard leather foot allows for a comfortable fit, while the sweatwicking mesh design cover on the vertical bolster helps keep you cool and in top condition all day long.
Light batting pads, or leg guards, are an important part of a batsman’s protection gear. They shield his legs from fast bowlers’ lethal deliveries. However, they must be lightweight enough to allow the batsman to move freely at the crease.
This is possible with a design that includes thin high-density foam bolsters reinforced with cane rods. This offers unparalleled protection in the front of the pad without the bulk and added weight that can compromise other designs.
These batting pads are also ambidextrous, meaning that they can be worn by left handed and right handed batsmen. Additionally, they feature a padded knee that gives the batsman comfort as he shifts his weight from side to side. This allows him to hit the ball with greater power.
Elevate your game with the ultimate combination of lightweight design, superior protection, and exceptional comfort. Crafted with precision and Indian pride, the Ton Glory Light Weight Cricket Batting Pads deliver unparalleled performance to elevate your game to new heights. From the high-quality PVC facing to the low-density foam sheet reinforcement vertical bolster, every aspect of these pads has been engineered for optimum protection, flexibility, and longevity.
A low-density foam sheet reinforces the vertical bolster to offer maximum protection against fast deliveries, safeguarding your legs from impact and ensuring you can continue to play with confidence throughout your innings. The wear-resistant PVC instep with hard-wearing piping further increases the lifespan of these pads, helping them maintain their integrity for longer. Whether you’re a professional cricketer or an aspiring player, these pads are the perfect choice for anyone looking to step up their game.
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chennaitop10article · 12 days
Success Stories: Chennai's International School Students Making a Difference Globally
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Chennai, a bustling metropolis in Southern India, is renowned for its rich cultural heritage and booming technological landscape. Amidst its vibrant environment, the city is also home to several prestigious international schools that have been consistently producing students who excel not only academically but also as global citizens. These students have gone on to make significant contributions worldwide, embodying the spirit of innovation, compassion, and leadership.
Uncover top junior colleges in chennai, where academic excellence meets holistic development. Discover renowned institutions fostering a dynamic learning environment and empowering students to achieve their fullest potential, setting the stage for a bright future ahead.
Academic Excellence and Beyond
International schools in Chennai, such as the American International School Chennai (AISC), the British International School Chennai (BIS), and the Sishya School, offer world-class education following curricula like the International Baccalaureate (IB), the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE), and the American curriculum. These institutions emphasize holistic development, encouraging students to pursue excellence in academics, sports, arts, and community service.
Innovations in Technology and Science
Students from these schools have made remarkable strides in technology and science, often outshining their peers in global competitions. For instance, a team from AISC won accolades at the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) for their project on renewable energy solutions. Their innovative approach to harnessing solar power more efficiently has garnered attention from environmental organizations and tech companies worldwide.
Leadership in Social Initiatives
Beyond academics, students from Chennai's international schools are leading social initiatives that address pressing global issues. One notable example is the project "Clean Oceans Initiative" spearheaded by a group of students from BIS. This project focuses on reducing marine pollution through awareness campaigns, beach clean-ups, and advocating for policy changes. Their efforts have not only cleaned significant stretches of Chennai's coastline but have also inspired similar initiatives globally.
Cultural Diplomacy and Arts
Chennai's international school students also excel in the arts, using their talents to bridge cultural gaps and promote global understanding. A notable cultural ambassador is Ananya Raghavan from Sishya School, who has performed Bharatanatyam, a classical Indian dance form, at various international festivals. Her performances have been praised for their artistic excellence and for promoting Indian culture on a global stage.
Real-World Impact: Success Stories
Sustainable Entrepreneurship
One of the standout success stories is that of Aarav Patel, an alumnus of AISC, who founded "EcoGen," a start-up that develops eco-friendly packaging solutions. Aarav's passion for sustainability, nurtured during his school years, led him to create products that significantly reduce plastic waste. EcoGen's products are now used by several multinational corporations, highlighting how education in Chennai's international schools can lead to impactful global enterprises.
Medical Innovations
Another inspiring story is that of Dr. Meera Suresh, a graduate of BIS, who has made significant contributions to medical research. Her work on developing affordable diagnostic tools for early detection of diseases in underprivileged communities has been groundbreaking. Dr. Meera's innovative approach has improved healthcare access in remote areas of Africa and Southeast Asia, showcasing the global reach and impact of Chennai’s international school alumni.
Global Policy and Governance
Chennai’s international schools also nurture future leaders in global policy and governance. An exemplary figure is Rohan Verma, an alum of Sishya School, who now works with the United Nations. His work in climate change policy has been instrumental in drafting international agreements aimed at reducing carbon emissions. Rohan credits his school’s emphasis on global citizenship and critical thinking for his success in international diplomacy.
Cultivating Future Global Leaders
The success of these students is a testament to the robust educational frameworks and nurturing environments provided by Chennai's international schools. The emphasis on inquiry-based learning, critical thinking, and real-world applications prepares students to tackle global challenges with innovative solutions.
Mentorship and Alumni Networks
These schools maintain strong mentorship programs and alumni networks, providing current students with valuable guidance and inspiration from successful graduates. This support system plays a crucial role in shaping the next generation of leaders and change-makers.
Commitment to Community and Global Citizenship
Moreover, the schools’ commitment to community service and global citizenship instills a sense of responsibility and empathy in students. Initiatives like the Model United Nations (MUN), international exchange programs, and community outreach projects are integral to the curriculum, ensuring students are well-rounded individuals ready to make a positive impact.
Chennai's international schools are more than academic institutions; they are incubators of talent, innovation, and compassion. The success stories of their students making a difference globally are a testament to the high standards of education and the holistic development fostered in these schools. As these young leaders continue to rise, they carry with them the values and skills honed in Chennai, making the world a better place, one achievement at a time.Chennaitop10 offered comprehensive guide for choosing top 10 International Schools in Chennai to users.
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zonetech100 · 1 month
ZoneTech Is India's Best Institute For Engineering Exams Preparation.
ZONE TECH “India’s Best Institute for Assistant and junior Engineers” 
We working in the field of Rajasthan for over 10 years, focusing on Assistant & Junior Engineering Exams in Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering. We do this through well-planned and comprehensive online and offline programs in education. Quality education is the main motivation of zone tech. we are working for the dreams of students where the main aim of zone tech and all the faculty of zone tech is to provide guidance and give basic concepts to students so that they can be at the top of their careers.
ZONE TECH “ A Temple for Engineers” is a Leading institute in the field of engineering education in India. We have had tremendous success in all our courses since our inception. We have dedicated, result-oriented, student-friendly faculty with an excellent track record. Our team of highly knowledgeable and experienced technical and non-technical experts provides quality guidance for written and personality test.
ZONE TECH faculty use identical methods of teaching which include easy techniques, timely completion of syllabus, and emphasis on critical areas. We provide well-planned Online and Offline Test Series and regular appraisal of performance in various courses of action. zone tech starts its journey with the first batch of engineering students in which hundreds of students participate. The main objective of our coaching has been to provide golden employment opportunities to the students, thousands of youth have received training from the coaching. The students of the ZONE TECH batch are serving with various government and non-government organizations at higher posts. ZONE TECH Institute students secured first position in RPSC AEN (Public Works Department) Civil Engineering and RPSC AEN students secured first position in electrical engineering PHED Department all over Rajasthan. Our students get top ranks in all India AEn and JEn exams. Out of the top 10 students in RPSC AEN, 10 students secured their positions. a student of our institute secured the first position in the whole of Rajasthan in J.En recruitment in PHED (Public Health Engineering Department).  
ZONE TECH Selections and result in government competition exams are here-
In the last few years, a total of more than 15873+ students secured government jobs in various examinations.
Total Selections in all India AEn & JEn Exams = 15873 + Students
Total selections in all India AE Exams   = 3012 + Students
Total selections in all India JE Exams  = 5572 + Students
Total selections in all Rajasthan A.En Exams  = 1128 + Students
Total selections in all Rajasthan J.En Exams  = 3125+ Students
Total selections in India’s All Psu’s  = 3036+
Zone Tech offline classes, online classes, offline and online test series, and interview guidance program
are very helpful for all engineering aspirants. we start online and offline classes and test series In which many exams of Assistant & Junior Engineer like RPSC AEn DLB, RPSC AE Housing Board, PWD JE, WRD-JE, PHED JE, SSC JE, RPSC-AE, BSNL JE, DRDO, SAIL, BRO, JMRC -JE, RTO- INSPECTOR SSC (CPWD, MES, CWC, BRO, Farakka Barrage and Department of Posts), DMRC, Indian Railway (RRB), NTPC, BHEL, DRDO, IOCL, SAIL, GAIL, ONGC, and other PSUs. State J.En. Level exams like PHED, WRD, PWD, JMRC, Panchayati Raj, and other Competitive Exams.
To increase the enthusiasm of students and teachers, seminars are organized by the institution from time to time. On this occasion, guidance was received from various professors and teachers, and students who performed well were honored with prizes and certificates, due to which new people continued to join. Assistant & Junior Engineer has always been a dream for many engineers, Zone Tech helps those aspirants to Qualify with a good percentage and proves our name as "ZONE TECH - A Temple for Engineers". Junior engineering has always been a dream for many engineers, Zone Tech helps those aspirants to pass with a good percentage and proves its name as "An Institute for Engineers".
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zonetech10922 · 1 month
Railway Recruitment Board Junior Engineer
The Railway Recruitment Board Junior Engineer started the RRB JE Exam led by the Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) to recruit enthusiastic competitors from designing branches or engineering backgrounds to fill in different specialized profiles in the Indian Railways from all over India. The RRB JE enrollment is a cycle intended to recruit Junior Engineers (JE), Chemical and Metallurgical Assistants (CMA), Junior engineers (Information Technology Branch), and Depot Material Superintendents (DMS). Interested candidates from all over India keen on showing up for the RRB JE 2024 Recruitment Exam should read the complete article for various details regarding RRB JE 2024 Recruitment. The official RRB JE 2024 Recruitment Notification is yet to be released by the Railway Recruitment Boards.
This article contains all important details on RRB JE 2024 Recruitment including details such as Exam Pattern, Schedule, Educational Qualification, the application process, etc. RRB JE 2024 examination is a golden chance for candidates who want to be Government Engineers in the Indian Railways. Check the full RRB JE 2024 notification
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triviareads · 2 months
ARC Review of The Letters We Keep by Nisha Sharma
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Rating: 3.75/5 Heat Level: 2.75/5 Publication Date: May 7th
Studious college freshman Jessie Ahuja and billionaire nepo baby junior Ravi Kumar team up to solve a decades-old mystery about letters belonging to secret lovers, and fall for each other along the way.
My review:
This is Nisha Sharma's first new adult romance, and I thought she did a good job of writing characters who are technically adults but not quite Grown Up yet, and writing a romance that fits the vibe. Ravi and Jessie are both Indian-American but could not be more different. Jessie comes from a middle-class family who sacrificed their dreams to come to America. As a result, she's driven to succeed and wants to be an engineer of her own volition, and because of this is a bit anti-social. Ravi on the other hand comes from an extremely wealthy family that's big in the tech space, but wants to be a writer, much to his parents' irritation. I appreciate that Nisha Sharma didn't make the Indian-American experience monolithic within the context of this story. As someone who grew up mostly surrounded by first-generation Indian-Americans, I thought the way Nisha expanded on second and third-gen Indian-Americans and wrote an interracial romance that occurred in the seventies was fascinating.
The actual romance is fairly sweet. Jessie and Ravi harbor some mild dislike towards one another at first, but quickly bond over study sessions in a shared secret library space. This is where they discover letters from Divya, a student at their same university back in the seventies, who was in a secret relationship with a fellow white student in a time when interracial relationships were looked down on by both communities. These letters are connected to a mysterious arson that burned down a part of the university library, which the couple attempts to solve. Jessie and Ravi's relationship follows the beats of each letter they read, which I thought was clever. I think my one note regarding the romance is that Ravi and Jessie say the love one another surprisingly early, especially considering their ages, and it comes at a point where I feel their relationship still needed to develop some more.
The sex:
So, Jessie and Ravi's first kiss comes after Ravi admits he's quit vaping for her which... is cute, but I thought was a Choice, as far as making a romance hero a vaper goes. There is one explicit sex scene in this book shortly after.
I think at this point, I am no longer the target audience for new adult romances (which was surprising to realize— I graduated a year ago, but honestly, I think I stopped being the target audience some time before I even fell out of the technical age range for this subgenre), however, this was well-written and very diverse in terms of the subgenre, and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a solid new adult romance novel.
Thank you to Nisha Sharma's team and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review.
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facultytick · 2 years
Teaching Faculty Jobs 15 August 2022 Announcement & Interview Notification By Faculty Tick
Rajkiya Engineering College Mainpuri invites eligible candidates for appearing in Walk in interview for the following Guest Faculty posts
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Guest Faculty post
Rajkiya Engineering College Azamgarh invites eligible candidates for appearing in Walk in interview for the following Guest Faculty posts
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Guest Faculty post
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning Deemed University Online Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the Post of Teaching Faculty Recruitment
Applications are invited for faculty positions from eligible candidates at the level of Professor/ Assistant Professor
Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow in a SERB-funded Research Project
Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Junior Research Fellow for the following vacancies
Anna University invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Project Associate I and Project Associate II Recruitment
Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of JProject Associate for the following vacancies
National Forensic Sciences University invites eligible candidates for Walk-in-Interview to recruit Teaching faculty positions on contractual basis for its Delhi Campus
Applications are invited from excellent academic experience for recruitment to the Associate Professors and Assistant Professors post
Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing Kancheepuram invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Project Associate Recruitment
Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Project Associate for the following vacancies
Aligarh Muslim University Online Applications are invited for the temporary appointment of Assistant Professor (Contractual) in the Centre for Distance and Online Education
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor post
Vignan’s Foundation for Science Technology & Research invites eligible candidates for appearing in Walk in interview for the following Teaching Faculty posts in (CSE)...
Applications are invited for faculty positions from eligible candidates at the level of Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
The Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed to be University) invites eligible candidates for appearing in Walk in interview for the following Guest/Part Time Teachers...
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Guest/Part-Time Teachers post
Indian Institute of Technology Indore invites applications from eligible candidates for the Non-teaching positions of Registrar, Superintending Engineer and Sports officer
Online applications are invited from excellent academic experience for recruitment to the Registrar, Superintending Engineer and Sports officer post
National Institute of Technology Warangal Advertisement for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Recruitment under a Research Project
Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Junior Research Fellow for the following vacancies
Aligarh Muslim University for the temporary appointment of Assistant Professor (Contractual-01) in the Department of Strategic and Security Studies
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor post
Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad Notification for Recruitment of Junior Research Fellow, Electrical Engineering Project Funded by SERB Start-up Grant
Application invited from the eligible candidates for the Post of Junior Research Fellow for the following vacancies
Bharathiar University Invites Application for the following Post of Temporary Technical Officers / Technical Assistants / Programmer / Lab Attender Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic experience for recruitment to the Technical Officer, Technical Assistant, Programmer and Lab Assistant post
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT) invites eligible candidates for appearing in Walk in interview for the following Temporary Faculty posts
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Temporary Faculty post
Doctor Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya Applications are invited online from eligible candidates for the Regular/Contractual Teaching Positions (Assistant Professor)
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor post
Chaudhary Charan Singh University Online application are invited for the post of Principal & Assistant Professors at Constituent Government College
Online applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Principal & Assistant Professors post
The Bhawanipur Education Society College invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Faculty Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Teaching Faculty post
Indian Institute of Geomagnetism Online applications are invited for various Academic and Administrative Posts
Professor/ Reader / Fellow/ Senior Hindi Translator / Superintendent/ Assistant / Upper Division Clerk/ Stenographer / Lower Division Clerk
Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology Kollam invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Contract Faculty Recruitment
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Contract Faculty post
All India Institute of Medical Sciences Nagpur invited Applications from eligible candidates for the following post of Teaching Faculty Recruitment
Online applications are invited from excellent academic experience for recruitment to the Professor / Additional Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor post
Guru Nanak Institutions Hyderabad, Telangana invited Applications for the following positions of Teaching Faculty Recruitment
Applications are invited for faculty positions from eligible candidates at the level of Professor/ Associate Professor /Assistant Professor
Vignan’s Foundation for Science, Technology & Research Deemed to be University invites eligible candidates for appearing in Walk in interview for the following Assistant...
Applications are invited from excellent academic record and relevant work experience for recruitment to the Assistant Professor post
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onlinetypinghindi · 5 months
Defence Research & Development Organisation Invites eligible Candidates to attain interview For Junior Research Fellow Recruitment
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lpuengineering · 5 months
Scope and Career Prospects of Aeronautical Engineering in India
Have you ever been fascinated by the airplanes or the fighter jets that fly above us? Have you ever wondered how they’re built or able to fly that high? Aeronautical engineering doesn’t just deal with airplanes and jets but much more including space shuttles. Each one of us has a different idea on what aeronautical engineering is and what scope it has in India. To make things clear, read below:
What is Aeronautical Engineering?
It’s a discipline of engineering which deals with designing, testing and maintaining aircraft related technologies that stay and fly within the earth’s atmosphere and can be used for surveillance, defense, transportation, and research. It’s a complex yet interesting branch of engineering.
List of Courses in Aeronautical Engineering
Aircraft engine repairs and maintenance:
This is a course in which students will learn the working of aircraft engines and ways to repair and maintain them.
Aircraft reliability and safety engineering:
Students will be taught about different types of hydraulic machines and fluid mechanical principles.
Aircraft engineer
Aircraft maintenance technician
Professor of aircraft engineering
Aero-thermal engineer
Aircraft performance engineer
Repair design engineer
Stress engineer
Eligibility criteria:
Any student who has passed 10+2 with 60% aggregate marks and physics, chemistry and mathematics as their subjects are eligible to join aeronautical engineering.
Scope of aeronautical engineering in the government sector: India is rapidly growing and giving tough competition to other countries in the field of aeronautics. Government provides numerous opportunities in various companies such as Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), Defense Research Development Organization (DRDO), Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML Limited),Bharat Dynamics Limited reasons why it’s better to pursue a degree in aeronautical engineering in LPU. The scope of aeronautical engineering in India is rapidly on the rise with the governments of various countries and the billionaires in the race to space.
Aircraft system and maintenance:
This course provides practical exposure toaircraft systems and their maintenance.
Airport planning and design:
Explains the principles of patents, trademarks, industrial designs, and copyright.
Focusses onthe study ofnoise production using turbulent fluid motion or aerodynamic forces.
Introduction to cryogenics:
Students will study about production and behavior of materials at very low temperatures.
Rockets and missiles:
This course will inculcate the knowledge of various materials and tools used in building rockets and missiles.
Satellite technology:
Provides knowledge of the tools involved in the manufacturing and production of satellites.
Careers in aeronautical engineering:
There is a huge scope for aeronautical engineers in India and because of the number of people opting this branch is very low, the job opportunities are very high in India as well as abroad. Some of the careers are as follows:
(BDL),BrahMos Aerospace, Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI), Ordnance Factory Board (OFB).
Scope of aeronautical engineering in the private sector:
Various research, transport and aviation companies operating in the private sector provide jobs in India. In private sector, at the start of one’s career, one may be recruited as a junior engineerand then will be promoted along with being given a lucrative package based on one’s experience and expertise.
Scholarships in aeronautical engineering:
Students can avail up to 50% scholarship at Lovely Professional University in aeronautical engineering courses by appearing for LPUNEST.
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