gesslen · 3 months
Trải qua những thử thách và thử thách của ⛵👭👫 nhập cư, chúng tôi vượt qua những chặng đường khó khăn 🧵🔍🌾 để tìm kiếm một điểm đến tốt hơn. Bất chấp những trở ngại và sự phân biệt đối xử của chúng ta, lời hứa 🤲🏼🙏🏼 về một khởi đầu mới vẫn thúc đẩy chúng ta tiến về phía trước. Với sức mạnh và sự kiên trì, chúng tôi 🗺️🧭🚣‍♀️ vượt qua những điều không chắc chắn và thách thức được thúc đẩy bởi hy vọng về một 👀🔮 👉👪 tương lai tươi sáng hơn. Và mặc dù cuộc hành trình đầy thử thách, chúng tôi vẫn kiên định với 🕌🚗🛐 niềm tin rằng những khó khăn cuối cùng sẽ dẫn chúng tôi đến một 😍✨💐 điểm đến tươi đẹp đầy cơ hội và 🙌🙏🗺 tự do cho thế hệ tương lai của chúng ta, một di sản của sự kiên cường và quyết tâm sẽ tồn tại trong nhiều năm tới 🌍🌄🌊.
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marybrownnaturals · 6 months
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prahimofficials · 11 months
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"Honoring the indomitable spirit, bravery and triumph of the heroic warriors on this Vijay Diwas, a salute to their unyielding courage and ultimate victory in Kargil."
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prahimofficial · 11 months
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"Honoring the indomitable spirit, bravery and triumph of the heroic warriors on this Vijay Diwas, a salute to their unyielding courage and ultimate victory in Kargil."
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michonnescarl · 1 year
Thrills at High Speed: Unleashing the NASCAR Spirit 🏁🔥
✨ This adrenaline-pumping video takes you into the heart of the NASCAR world, where the roar of engines and the rush of speed ignite the senses. As cars zoom around the track, I'm captivated by the thrilling spectacle that is NASCAR. It's a testament to the passion, skill, and unwavering spirit of the drivers and fans alike. 🏁🔥💫
🚗💨 The power and precision displayed on the track are awe-inspiring. The drivers navigate the curves, push their limits, and unleash a symphony of horsepower, leaving trails of burnt rubber in their wake. It's a showcase of sheer determination, teamwork, and a quest for a victory that drives the NASCAR spirit, gis assignment help, arcgis assignment help and cipd assignment help
🏆 The energy and camaraderie of the NASCAR community are infectious. The cheers from the stands, the anticipation before every turn, and the shared excitement unite fans from all walks of life. It's a celebration of the pursuit of greatness, the love of the sport, and the indomitable spirit that fuels the NASCAR experience.
🌟 So here's to the thrills of NASCAR, the embodiment of speed, precision, and the pursuit of victory. Let's celebrate the courage of the drivers, the dedication of the teams, and the passionate fandom that keeps the spirit of NASCAR alive.
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goseenews · 1 year
The Athletic Coup Film Festival: Apply Now!
Experience the captivating world of athletic pursuits and triumphs at The Athletic Coup film festival. From remote landscapes to bustling city streets, discover hidden gems and inspiring stories of athletes from all walks of life. Be immersed in the power of storytelling and the indomitable spirit of athleticism. Submit your film and join the global celebration of excellence.
Read more: https://www.gosee.news/thecoup/page/blog/item/41317/search/2
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sixba · 24 days
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"Bugs lose their arms or legs?! That sounds way worse than getting a grey hair!"
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musemelodies · 2 months
((You know it occurred to me that it's funny that Timon makes Newsies jokes about Centipede because ironically, Timon's OG actor in the Broadway show was one of the OG Newsies! XD))
lol yes, he's also in the sopranos and the voice of daxter from the jak and daxter series. also the voice of the love monkey (???) and the random penguin in the little mermaid 2.
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honeydewmuses · 2 months
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“Yeah! He has backup named Pumbaa!! And I’m— and that’s— uh, Pumbaa is ME!!”
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cxnscience · 4 months
📏 Centipede is 4.5 inches pre-magic and 5'9" post-magic. :D
Send me 📏 (ruler) + your muses height and I’ll compare them to mine!
you know the pre-magic comparison isn't that bad. like this is a reasonable difference in Bug Heights. they're chilling.
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post-magic on the other hand... i didn't even bother with their actual proportions i just Know jiminy hates this
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handsomethrowrug · 3 days
❤ ((I MISS YOU; let me interact with your lion boy plz. 👀💖))
Today is a good day to love and cherish your rp partners! (Always accepting!)
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Honestly, the only reason I haven't sent Scar to Centi is because every time I think about it, all Scar offers is "I step on the bug and kill it. Oops." which is totally not helpful in the grand scheme of things.
Anyway! After all this time, your dedication to the muses never ceases to amaze me. You put so much time and effort into researching and analysing characters, and it shows time and time again. I also really like how you don't care how obscure a character is or how dead a particular rp fandom might be. You just march right on through and make everyone adore the character and franchise. I'd nearly go as far as calling that an rp superpower.
Keep your head up, and keep the faith, Faith! (Har har Ash is very original) I know things have been difficult for you, but I know you're made of strong stuff. Plus, you've got a roster of characters to show you have a very reputable creative merit.
Now. Let's try and figure something out with muses. :D
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dreamsofalife · 9 days
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"I love it."
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cunning-matriarch · 27 days
The small watering hole just a little ways from pride rock had come to be used for the cubs of the clan these days---and it was one of Shenzi's favorite spots to lay and get away from the lionesses, from Scar.
She was laying on the grassy outcrop on her side, watching a couple of younger cubs play when one who was slightly older practically jumped on her head. Making her laugh.
"We're gonna get you, Queen Shenzi!" The little cub laughed and tugged harder on the older hyena's ear, tumbling over the top of her head as another cub the same aged joined in for 'pile on the matriarch'.
"Aaaaaaa oh noooo" Shenzi groaned dramatically, gaping and gently waving a paw at the cub. "Theres too many of you! How can I ever escape!"
She had a cub on each ear, and two more and started to climb on her to join in the game. All of the cubs were laughing and practicing their pouncing on the older hyena.
"We win we win!" The cub that was standing on her head, cried with a excited cackle.
"Orrrrr im gonna get you!" She playfully gaped at the cubs who all squealed, laughed and scattered. Shenzi flipping herself over to chase a couple of them at a time before letting them chase her in return.
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leaderintitleonly · 1 month
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@indomitablespirits asked:
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Oh. Her. Well it's more than a day for just his ex-wife... "Ah. Well, uh. I 'member... Think lotta fellas think they got a shi-" He pauses. Well that's a bit of a freudian slip. He inhales and tries again, trying to force the conversation onwards. "I mean, uh, a pretty Ma. She woul' tie 'er braid back an' check the mirror frice, uh, twice. Always lookin' uh... Perfect. Y-yeah. Sometimes I'd peek in 'er room an' watch 'er tie 'er 'air up." There's a tiny sigh and he deflates. "Fingers workin' like they were at a loom... An' all those pins. I think my Pa gave 'er most. Befer the accident. Uh... she caught me once." Doc subconsciously rubs the back of his neck. "Ain't end well. Erm, but she was real pretty... Took pride in it, too."
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sixba · 3 days
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"Why's it bad?" Simba asked watching the centipede. "Did something happen?"
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musemelodies · 9 days
A nickname. Centipede has to ruminate on this one for a second, looking Timon over. Back in his neighborhood, and in his line of “work”, nicknames were key. Real names weren’t tossed around too much, lest they had a price over them. And a nickname said a lot about a guy - in his own case, “Scraps” was a warning in itself that the bug could put up a good fight. Hmm. The red hair, the mammal…ness, the attitude…
“……Fireball,” he proclaims.
Give my muse a nickname!
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"That's me, all right! I'm unstoppable! Why, this fire'll never be put out! By the way, thanks, uh...Scraps."
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