#inej and the ppl who love her <33
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soc sketches!
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@thewafflemaker @spritesaavy @raelovesbooks @whereismyhairbrush @duolingo-is-a-bitch-2 @babe-get-some-help @thewindandthewolves @simplecurses @get-me-therapy-asap @duncan-taylors-version13 @lily-chen-supremacy @nayastory @peachtreewitch
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popquizhot-shot · 3 years
hello! i've had recently more time so i decided to read some of your works and i don't know what to say. they are amaizing and kaz in your writning style is so cool. that's why i want to request something.
could you please write a kaz x female!reader, where the reader is merchant's child (her mother got pregnat by her boyfriend – a gang member from the barrel – in very young age. now she is merchant's wife and besides y/n she has other child/children who aren't bastards like y/n) and she helps kaz with his ice court heist from inside because her family got invited to hringkälla. she is also a little bit jealous of inej and kaz likes to make fun of her in his own way, when they are coming back to the ketterdam.
thank you in advance! <3
You stop his heart-Kaz Brekker x fem!reader
Hi! thank you so much for requesting! I loved the plot idea! and I'm really glad you like my writing! I love you're writing too!<33 Here reader and Kaz are in a secret relationship because I love secret relationships so deal with it ppl. :P
Summary: ^^read the request!!
I like this a lot so please tell me how you like it! @messers-moony-lupin  @sirisuorionblack @mrs-brekker15 @confuscita @scandalous-chaos
“Stay safe Brekker.” you held his gloved hands in yours, kissing his palms, smirking at the way his cheeks turned red.
It was ten bells past eleven and everyone at you’re house was asleep, including you’re brothers.
“I might see you there.” he smirked, “you’re family’s invited are they not? I’ll be able to see you in a ball gown for the first time.”
“You won’t be able to recognize me.” you teased.
“I would recognize you even if wore a potato-sack and shaved you’re head, you’re burnt into my memory, angel.” 
“And people dare say you’re emotionless.” you giggled.
“Oh hush.” he whispered and hid his face in the crook of you’re neck.
He would have to go soon, climb out the window and into the darkness, and maybe he’d never return.
No, let me cherish this moment. 
He pulled away, a little shaky, but with a small grin on his face, “Smile for me angel, I don’t like seeing you all sad like this.”
So you smiled, teeth showing, cheekbones turning up.
He grinned, kissed your forehead and squeezed you’re hand.
“ See you in Fjerda, angel.” 
Inej was worried. Kaz had disappeared into the night for a long time and even she could not find him.
As she leapt over a rooftop in the Garden District, she spied his hat, he was climbing down a window pipe.
Curious, she decided go a little closer.
Kaz had visited someone in the dead of night, always before important heists and came back an hour or two later.
She waited until he left and decided to do some investigation of her own, she stalked over to the roof of you’re house and shimmied down the pipe soundlessly to the room she saw Kaz come out of.
Damn, the curtains were closed. She couldn’t see who Kaz had come to visit.
As she moved to leave, she realized whose house this was, this was the house of the merch, Viktor Steign. His two sons and his stepdaughter.
She had an inkling of an idea as to why Kaz had come here, and to be honest, she didn’t quite like it.
“Papa, if you want, I can go in the other boat, I know how you and my brothers like to have you’re own time and I’m sure I’d be fine on my own.” you asked you’re father, well, you’re stepfather.
“Are you sure dear? It wouldn’t be a problem if you were with us, besides it would be safer.” he looked up from his newspaper.
“Father, she just wants to be away from us.” you’re older brother George said, ruffling you’re hair from behind.
“I want to be away from you and Neil.” you swatted at you’re brother’s hand.
You’re mother died after giving birth to you’re youngest sibling Lizzie, who currently was in Novyi Zem in a boarding school.
You’re stepfather, had a wife before marrying you’re mother, and had George and Neil, and then after his wife had left him, he married your mom, who already had you, she never told you who you’re biological father was, just that he was a barrel rat and not worth her time nor her love.
You’re brothers were protective of you, regardless of the fact that you were their stepsister, they treated you as their own. Oh and Lizzie? They spoiled her and doted on her every second of the day.
“Papa don’t listen to that oaf, you know I’ll be fine.” you reasoned.
“Alright my dear, alright. But that means you’ll have to get a boat from Fjerda to Ketterdam.” he said.
“I’ll arrange passage, not to worry Papa. Thank you!” you all but squealed and hugged him.
As you left, your father sighed, “ She’s growing up George.” 
You’re brother narrowed his eyes, “ Mmm, you’re right father,”
“Welcome! Mister,Steign Welcome to Hringkalla! It is an honour to have you here!” a man in a blue uniform made his way to you’re family.
“Mister.Brum! It is an honour to be here, Hringkalla is a sacred festival and I am glad to be a part of it.” you’re father said politely.
Jarl Brum, famed leader of the Druskelle, a Fjerdan special corps who hunted Grisha.
“And this must be you’re daughter.” Brum exclaimed, “Although she doesn’t look like you at all, are you sure the nurse hadn’t picked up the wrong baby?” Brum nudged you’re father.
“No Mister. Brum, we’re sure.” Neil stepped forward, his curly brown hair contrasting Brum’s white.
“Of course of course. Please do enjoy the festival.” you saw how his eyes went to a plump redhead dressed in teal who was talking to another officer, and you nearly scoffed. What a creep.
You nodded in thanks to you’re brother and left to go mingle with the crowd, eyes scanning the ballroom for anyone who remotely looked like you’re boyfriend.
Oh there he was, standing next to a druskelle guard, wearing the uniform. Wait what?
You did a double take and you’re mouth almost dropped in shock.
From the corner of you’re eye, you saw another guard approaching them, looking quite stern.
Shit, I have to do something. You quickly shuffled over to where they were, almost grinning at the way Kaz’s eyes widened.
“Oh dear, sir, may I please know the way to the balconies? I feel rather sick.” you fan yourself with you’re hand and breathe fast.
The guard’s eyes pass over you’re body and Kaz’s eyes darken. That man might not have a good night tonight.
“Of course madam, let me take you there myself” he extends his hand and you take it, smiling fakely.
“Oh thank you, kind sir.”
“Call me Andor”
“Of course, thank you Andor.”
You snuck a quick glance at Kaz and winked, making him turn a shade of red as he and the blonde man next to him walked into a small hallway.
“Papa, I think I’ll leave now, I don’t wish to be here any longer.” you whispered to you’re father, who nodded.
“Stay safe dear.”
“Yes Papa.”
You made you’re way out, showing the different officers you’re identification papers.
As soon as you stepped out, you quickly made you’re way to the Ferolind, Kaz had told you his entire plan, and you wanted to surprise him.
You saw Speight, the ex-Navy officer and went up to him.
“Mister.Speight.-”you began.
“How do you know my name missy?” Speight narrowed his eyes.
“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t interrupt me, and don’t call me missy. Mister Brekker gives you money to support you’re sister in exchange for Navy sea routes, the ship you came to Fjerda on does not transport merchandise or goods. Now, I know Kaz Brekker personally, you will let me on the boat or Ghezen help me I will-”
“Alright! yes ma’am.” he said timidly and you entered the Ferolind, waiting in the deck below.
Nina had taken the parem, shit hit the fan, he almost killed the guy that flirted with you.
But yet, Kaz felt happy, they had succeeded. Now all he wanted to see was you’re proud face smiling at him and you’re hands playing with his hair. He  subconsciously ran his hand through his hair and made his way down.
 “Hello Kaz.”
He froze.
“What the hell are you doing here?” he slammed the door shut.
“I needed a way to come home faster than my family and this fit the bill. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have acted so-”
Kaz made his way over to you and touched his forehead to yours.
“Angel.” he whispered, “ I’ve missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you too Kazzie.” you answer.
“You look lovely.” he hid his face in you’re neck again, nose against you’re pulse.
“Thank you, even the guard seemed to think so.” you said, you’re voice teasing.
“I wanted to kill him.” Kaz almost growled.
“You didn’t right?”
“No, didn’t get the chance to, I broke his nose and fractured his collarbone and legs though, so I’m satisfied” he said.
“Good.” you kissed his nose.
“Can I meet the rest of the Crows?” you ask.
“If that’s what you want, sure.”
You nodded and he opened the door.
“Guys, this is Y/n.”
You waved shyly, “Hi!”
“Hello Lovely!” Jesper cheered,  pointing finger-guns at you, which you returned, making him grin.
“ Hello. I saw you at Hringkalla, Thank you for helping us at the right time.” Matthias greeted solemnly.
“Thank you, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” you shake his hand, and he smiles.
“Finally, someone who is civilized.” he comments, making you laugh.
“She’s anything but.” Kaz piped in.
“ Oh hush.” you swat at Kaz, making him grin, just a little bit.
You made you’re way to Wylan and Kuwei, who both seemed to like you, Wylan opening up a bit more, talking about music shows and chemistry.
And finally Inej and Nina.
“You’re beautiful.” Nina’s hoarse voice said, making you shy all of a sudden.
“Likewise lovely, you’re hot.” you answer, making Nina huff out a small laugh.
“Nice to meet you Miss Ghafa. Kaz tells me a lot about you.” you shake her hand, unsure of what to say. She seemed so perfect.
“It’s lovely to meet you too! All good things I hope?” she asks.
“All good things, you’re amazing!” you exclaim, making her smile.
“Thank you.”
“You know, Kaz is really in love with you.” Nina commented.
“What makes you say that?” you ask her, eyebrows furrowed.
“With Parem, I can hear how his heart skips a beat whenever he hears you’re voice, or if even someone says you’re name. It’s so cute its borderline disgusting.” she finishes the tea you gave her and you both laugh.
“And I know you love him too.” she said.
“I can hear how you’re breathing changes when you look at Kaz. It catches every time. As if you’ve never seen him before. Again, so cute it’s disgusting.”
“Well, I am in love with him.” Kaz beckons you to come next to him.
“ Excuse me, Nina. I’ll be back in awhile.” you smile and leave.
“Well, everyone loves you.” Kaz says.
“Of course they do, it’s me we’re talking about!”
“Exactly why I’m confused.” he teases.
You’re mouth flies open in fake offence, “You meanie.” 
“You love it” 
“No, I love you.” you say, making him freeze and turn to look at you.
 “What?” he asks, his voice low.
“Yes, I love you. And there’s nothing you can do about it.” you reply.
Kaz rests his head on you’re shoulder, kissing you’re cheek, “ I love you too angel.”
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ravensfreckles · 7 years
92 Truths
Rules: once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose 25 people to tag!
Tagged by: @unvoidance (thanks so much lovely!!) Tagging: i’m not tagging 25 ppl lmao but i will tag @storyteller1212 @bisexual-inej @wildlittlebirdd @ztrek808 @bellamyfiguero

[1] drink: slurpee

[2] phone call: my sister

[3] text message: my mommy

[4] song you listened to: 6lack - luving u

[5] time you cried: i have no idea

[6] dated someone twice: yes
[7] been cheated on: nope
[8] kissed someone and regretted it: nope
[9] lost someone special: yes

[10] been depressed: um yeah kinda
[11] gotten drunk and thrown up: nah

[12] purple

[13] rose gold/gold

[14] literally like all pastels lol 

[15] made new friends: yes i love all of you!!

[16] fallen out of love: no

[17] laughed until you cried: no
[18] found out someone was talking about you: no
[19] met someone who changed you: not really

[20] found out who your true friends are: yes

[21] kissed someone on your facebook list: ugh unfortunately yes lmao
[22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: pretty much all of them

[23] do you have any pets: i did but omg i think we’re getting another dog SOON PLS OH GAWD LET IT HAPPEN LOL

[24] do you want to change your name: i used to but not anymore

[25] what did you do for your last birthday: um just went out to eat with my family

[26] what time did you wake up: 8:30ish
[27] what were you doing at midnight last night: reading fanfiction lmao

[28] name something you cannot wait for: the day i finally get my license!
[29] when was the last time you saw your mother: yesterday

[30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: not too much in particular i like my life the way that it is but maybe just go back and fix past mistakes
[31] what are you listening to right now: bruno mars - chunky

[32] have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no
[33] something that is getting on your nerves: my favorite tv shows making dumb decisions

[34] most visited website: tumblr lmfao
[35] elementary: probably the most fun i had going to school lol
[36] high school: i met my bestest friend when i moved!
[37] college: major anxiety and depression but i kinda want to go back
[38] hair colour: brown
(39] long or short hair: short

[40] do you have a crush on someone: naah

[41] what do you like about yourself: im super nice and sweet and a great friend!

[42] piercings: my ears
[43] blood type: oh gawd i totally forgot
[44] nickname: rach

[45] relationship status: im single yo

[46] zodiac sign: taurus
[47] pronouns: she/her

[48] fav tv show: right now it’s into the badlands!

[49] tattoos: none yet but i would love to have a few

[50] right or left handed: right

[51] surgery: i was born prematurely so ive had like feeding tubes stuck in me and just a few years ago got a scar removed because of that

[52] piercing: ears
[53] best friend: was a girl named liliana
[54] sport: basketball, i hated it
[55] vacation: i think to the bahamas

[56] pair of trainers: what...?
[57] eating: just ate some bomb lasagna
[58] drinking: cranberry juice

[59] I’m about to: catch up my on subs on youtube

[60] listening to: nothing at the moment

[61] waiting for: jane the virgin to come on at 9
[62] want to: build stuff in ts4
[63] get married: yes

[64] career: therapist or something in tech
[65] hugs or kisses: hugs!

[66] lips or eyes: eyes

[67] shorter or taller: taller

[68] older or younger: older but not too old

[69] romantic or spontaneous: romantic

[70] nice arms or nice stomach: im a sucker for a nice pair of guns!

[71] sensitive or loud: sensitive

[72] hook up or relationship: relationship

[73] troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant

[74] kissed a stranger: nope

[75] drank hard liquor: no
[76] lost glasses/contact lenses: no

[77] turned someone down: yes
[78] sex on first date: no
[79] broken someone’s heart: maybe

[80] had your own heart broken: no
[81] been arrested: nope

[82] cried when someone died: yes but tbh i cry all the time lol
[83] fallen for a friend: it was a small crush but yes tho i never told her bc we were friends + she had a bf 

[84] yourself: yes u gotta when no one else will!

[85] miracles: yes

[86] love at first sight: yes and no??
[87] santa claus: not anymore

[88] kiss on the first date: i would totally

[89] angels: look my grandma is an angel always watching down over me so YES

[90] current best friend’s name: YUE!

[91] eye colour: brown

[92] favourite movie: the cinematic masterpiece that is captain america: the winter soldier!
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