#info; susanna harrison
deadlymodern · 4 years
You know what. Answer any of those random questions you want for my woman Sue please, merci uwu
I'm sorry I didn't answer before! I didn't really log in on Tumblr yesterday so I forgot 😶 But I'll answer you now!
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2. Do they believe in luck?
Yes! And also in fate, karma, destiny and whatever else in between! Sue is more of a "mystical" believer and is also superstitious. So you can easily spot her looking for four-leaf clovers, turning around when she sees a funeral procession to avoid meeting it head on, never opening umbrellas inside of the house etc. 
She finds some sort of comfort in "trying to control" her luck, but it also makes her feel insecure because Sue believes everything she has accomplished in life was pure luck, not a result of her own efforts...
10. Do they prefer hot or cold weather?
Cold weather. Sue's skin is very delicate and Summer can leave her feeling miserable. She usually gets overwhelmed during hot days, with headaches and shortness of breath, and her skin is quick to burn if exposed to sunlight for one hour straight. She tries to keep herself covered from head to toe, but the feeling of linen garments against her skin make her uncomfortable for some reason.
Cold snowy weathers are also harsh on her skin, but at least she feels comfortable walking outside fkgdlfk. My poor ginger bb. Winter is also a moment where Sue can get away with wearing black/dark garments without people wondering if she's in mourning.
13. Would they rather run a mile or do math?
Maths! Sue adores Maths and is actually quite good! She also finds any kind of sports - other than swimming - very tedious. She does believe that women don't need to be active like that, it makes no sense to her.
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Thanks for asking Senu! I answered the ones I thought you'd like to know 😌
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deadlymodern · 4 years
hey, I think this will be random but I just want to say I love your attention to details in your story like in the lookbook gif you made of Mary and Beth showing that Beth only has one pair of shoes and Mary has a shitload lol. It makes your story so much more immersive :3 That makes me wonder if any of the characters clothing pieces have some meaning? Like the feather hat Beth always wear?
Thank you so much! I love adding details and even just something random that is my headcanon because it makes me feel so happy dhfidhsfsk. I'm glad you think that, that's so nice of you! 🥺🥺🥺
I adore this question so much, oh my god!! I think a lot about my characters' clothing and I try to have certain patterns for them. Though I think the only character I actually thought about thoroughly in that sense is Beth fhgf
I see Beth as a very clever person when it comes to reusing things and getting creative, being from a family that struggles with money. My headcanon is that she found the hat in her mother's stuff and revamped it to make it look more in fashion! Like, adding the feathers and all. But that was back in '95 and I love the idea of having all my female characters get more fashionable trendy hats while she is getting by with the little feather one lfdgjldf
Also, you'll rarely see Beth wearing another colour other than light blue because I imagine her and Eliza bought that one light blue cloth once and have been reusing it to make skirts, blouses and mendings. You'll mostly see Sue in green for the same reason!
Pieces of jewelry are also meaningful. Beth's ring - that is currently being worn by Mary - belonged to her mother and you can go to early posts and actually see Tessa wearing it. Sue has a black chocker that she wears sometimes and it belonged to her grandmother. Idk, silly stuff like that make me so happy HUSDHFIUS
God I'm sorry for the long reply, but thank you for asking and showing interest in my story! 🥺 xxx
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deadlymodern · 4 years
Wait wait waaaaait. I was reading your character infos and... SUE IS BI??? im ScReEcHiNg.
You were?! 🥺🥺🥺🥺that makes me so happy gjhfkljf
And yes! She has liked Ned for a long time so society's heteronormativity has stopped her from ever questioning herself like Beth did. But, headcanon, Sue has desired to kiss girls a couple of times before. She gets desire and admiration mixed up, though! 
Who knows? Mayhaps it will be explored in the future... The # of straights in this damn story will only get slimmer ehe. 
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deadlymodern · 4 years
7 for the whole bunch please!! I'm super curious haha
Hi! I'm sorry for the long break but I'm gonna answer everything now 😅
7. Describe them in three words. Now let them describe themself in three words.
me: bossy, self-conscious and imaginative
them: perfectionist, boring and a dreamer
me: vain, dramatic and cunning
them: moody, outgoing and demanding
me: insecure, hot-headed and determined
them: hard-working, frank and confident
me: wise, introverted and compassionate
them: smart, cowardly and awkward
me: materialistic, impulsive and musical
them: talented, fun-loving and adventurous
me: shy, clever and creative
them: quiet, plain and gullible
me: generous, passive and proud
them: efficient, optimistic and kind
me: extroverted, loyal and aloof
them: approachable, naive and funny
me: stubborn, outspoken and independent
them: carefree, brave and blunt
Thanks for asking! It was hard to put it only in three words jsdlkfjdk 🥰
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deadlymodern · 4 years
8, 27, and 28 for Sue :o)
8) What’s their favourite dessert?
Sue loves apple pie with lots of cinnamon, and she makes the most delicious one c:
27) Something that they’re really passionate about?
She is very passionate about the thought of being a mother and it is one of her biggest dreams, for sure. She has names planned out, has learned how to knit baby clothing, she loves children in general. She just loves imagining herself with a big and happy family.
28) A secret of theirs?
Sue likes to draw human bodies, especially some erotic drawings. She has a little notebook filled with some spicy art that she keeps very hidden in her room and would die if anyone one found it. Even Ned. She feels embarrassed that she enjoys making these. But they are very beautiful!
Thank you for showing my freckled baby some love c: xxx
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deadlymodern · 4 years
Lesson learned: Tumblr hates hearts and eats them along with anything that follows. Got it. TTwTT I wanted to ask if you could do 22 facts for Sue . . . ? Only if you want to of course!! úwù
Omg lol And sure thing! c:
1. Full name:
Susana Grace Norman
2. Height:
1.69m (google says that is 5′6)
3. Sexual orientation:
As far as she knows, she is very much straight.
4. Where are they from:
Brindleton, a fictional village located in Suffolk, England.
5. Occupation:
She recently graduated from high school but, since she is getting married soon, she’s just helping her mother out at home for now. So, none.
6. Bad habits:
Obsessing over things that have already happened and saying “yes” to every favour people ask of her, even when she can’t do them.
7. Insecurities:
She is insecure about her appearance, mostly due to her childhood peers picking on her ginger hair and freckles. It’s better nowadays, especially since she’s been with Edward for a while now. Yet, she’s often scared by the thought of people leaving her because she’s ‘unattractive or uninteresting’. 
8. What makes them proud of themselves:
She’s really happy when she manages to speak her mind in a conversation and people actually listen to her. She’s also very proud of how good of a plant mum she is.
9. How would they describe themselves:
Altruistic and perfectionist.
10. Hobbies:
She enjoys arts and crafts, ice skating, fishing and tending to plants uwu.
11. Dream vacation:
Just like Beth, Sue doesn’t think that travelling is a possibility. But, if she could, she’d love to visit somewhere like Japan. 
12. Favourite animal:
She vibes a lot with ravens for some reason.
13. Favourite music:
The dark cliche Moonlight Sonata. She loves it.
14. Guilty pleasure:
Gossiping and forcing herself to finish books she doesn’t enjoy just to get it over with.
15. Pet peeve:
People that speak with their mouth full of food.
16. Favourite subject at school:
Maths c:
17. Anything strange about them:
She likes to stealthily smell strangers when she’s out and about. Some people just use really nice perfumes and hair oils!
18. Best friend:
She’s always been a very reserved person, so her best friend ended up being Edward since she’s only been able to fully open up to him.
19. Partner:
20. One trait they like in others:
She really admires brave and bold people who can speak their minds and follow their dreams despite what others will think. 
21. How would you describe their aesthetic:
22. Random fact:
She likes getting slightly drunk because she feels it’s easier for her to show her true self like that. Also, she used to collect feathers. 
Thank you for showing my girl Sue some luv xx 
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deadlymodern · 4 years
🔥, 📙, & 🌸 for Sue!! UwU
Hey lovely, sorry for the late reply, I ended up having a meeting. But here you go!
🔥 Give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colours, textures, music, weather and other stuff!
Cloudy days and thunderstorms, gothic architecture, apple pie and the smell of freshly baked goods, the colour pink, knitted clothing pieces, being sang to, reading about Asian cultures, feathers, ravens and crows, her long hair, Moonlight Sonata, neck kisses, being alone, sketching, the smell of people's perfumes, the sound of church bells and men's low moan. 
Being the centre of attention, her freckles, hot weather, mosquitoes, heights, being shouted at, gossip, people who bite their nails, pumpkins and tomatoes, humidity, when people expect her to speak up, beer, Vivaldi and repeated constant sounds.
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun?
What things bore your OC to tears and they couldn’t care less about? Why?
Sue is a mix of artistic and scientific. She likes when she can talk about topics that involve both things such as human anatomy (sketching and physics/mathematics/biology). She could also spends hours talking about different kinds of plants - how they evolve, their rooting system -, birds and arts & crafts material. She's the kind of person who would go on a hike and collect many things that she finds so she can use them as crafting pieces. So, if someone is interested, she'll spend hours and hours talking about her collections and how she was feeling when she found them.
She also likes talking about gothic architecture and literature, as well as she can go on and on about supernatural beings and her beliefs that "so and so is a witch, I'm sure." She's quite superstitious, though, and she'd rather only mention these during the day.
On the other hand, she gets uncomfortable talking about social issues because she doesn't have opinions formed about any of these matters and she gets insecure. 
You'll bore her to death if you start talking about the latest fashions, fabrics, jewelry, new technology (she's skeptical and a bit scared of them) and films. She could care less.
🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent?
For some reason, I can really imagine Sue's voice being similar to Laura Carmichael's (Edith from Downton Abbey). A bit low, suave and gentle, but also very clean. But, obviously, without the posh accent to it. Her mannerisms would be similar to Daisy's. 
I'd say her laugh is really adorable and sweet, and she can really laugh out loud sometimes to the point her eyes get filled with tears. But never in public. She'll always cover her mouth and try to contain herself as much as it is possible.
And she can't sing to save a life. Nope. And she's aware of that, so she allows herself to hum and sing songs along with others during events. That's all. 
Thank you for sending these!! :') x
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deadlymodern · 4 years
🎭, 🩺 for Sue!! c:
🎭 - Does your OC show different sides of themselves to different people?
Oh, for sure.
Sue is quite shy and introverted, so she finds it a bit hard to be herself around people. She is always very polite and pleasant to be around, but if you're not close friends with her, you won't be getting much more than that.
She's comfortable around a handful of people. She feels like she can be comfortably quiet around her childhood friends, such as Beth, Mary and other girls from school (Jane and Charlotte, they've made brief appearances once or twice). She knows that, with them, she can just be introspective and randomly talk if she needs to without judgement. 
Out of her friends, she's closer to Beth - especially now that Sue has spending a huge amount of time at the farm. Beth is the only person, other than Ned, that gets to see Sue's humorous side. And Sue feels as though Beth understands her in a deeper sense, where they can just talk and be philosophical together.
But, obviously, she is herself the most around Ned, and she can be very talkative when she's with him! 
🩺 - Does your OC accept help easily? Are they willing to admit when they need help?
Yes. She is not a very proud person and actually enjoys when people are eager to help her. It makes her feel seen and loved!
Thank you for asking and sending my girl Sue some love xxx
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deadlymodern · 4 years
20, 24, and 26 for Sue Harrison!!
20) What was their Halloween costume last year?
She doesn’t really dresses up for Halloween, but if she was alive today, she’d probably enjoy doing silly couple costumes with Ned or cosplay as a real person such as Bob Ross hjfdkg.
24) Do they like cheesy romantic novels/movies/shows?
Yes, she likes them a lot! She likes how cheesy novels make her fluster and squeal like an innocent child. They are not her favourite genre, though. She enjoys suspense and thriller books a lot more.
26) Any special talent of theirs?
She is very good at drawing and cooking, and she’s very knowledgeable with plants and herbal medicine :)
Thank you for always sending some love to my favourite red head c: xxxx
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