whumpmasinjuly · 3 years
Whumpmas in July - Day 1
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Day 1: (Re-)Introduce yourself and/or your creations
Blog introductions are a staple of the whump community! Browsing tags such as "#whump intro" and "#whump community" you can see new whumpers introducing themselves every day. If you haven't formally introduced yourself yet, take today as an opportunity to do so! Tell us as much or as little about yourself as you want--who you are, what sorts of whump you love, what content we can expect to see on your blog, favorite color, etc.!
If you've been around a while and have already introduced yourself, feel free to re-introduce yourself for any new followers, or take a moment to give an overview of any whumpy projects you may be working on at the moment!
You can reblog this post with your introduction, or make your own post. And don't forget to browse the reblogs here and the relevant tags to see other people's intros! You might just find your new favorite story or a wonderful new friend!
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whumpmasinjuly · 3 years
Whumpmas in July - Day 5
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Day 5: What trope do you wish there was more content for?
What's that one trope you can't get enough of, but is so hard to find? Something you're so desperate for you'll watch the trashiest movie just for that one scene? Gush about your favorite underrated tropes, and maybe share some recs if you have any. Who knows, maybe someone else will have more suggestions for you, and you'll find a new whump favorite!
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whumpmasinjuly · 3 years
Whumpmas in July - Day 11
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Day 11: Who's your favorite whumpee, or favorite traits in a whumpee?
Who is your favorite whumpee lately? Take a moment to gush about them! They could be from a tv show or movie, a book, someone's original writing on tumblr, or even the vague character who's been starring in all your whumpy daydreams!
Aside from your current favorite, what are some of your favorite traits in a whumpee? Fighty and defiant? Soft and scared? Maybe there are some physical traits you lean towards, or maybe a certain actor you like seeing whumped again and again? Maybe you love all whumpees named Daniel. Tell us some of your favorite whumpee tropes, and see if there's any patterns you've noticed cropping up in your favorites!
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whumpmasinjuly · 3 years
Whumpmas in July - Day 9
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Day 9: creation prompt - "Look at me"
Full disclosure: this prompt was completely inspired by a lovely whump words post by @straight-to-the-pain! We're passing the metaphorical mic over to them, so check out the linked post for inspiration on the many fun and whump ways these three simple words can be used!
Write, draw, create—and don’t forget to tag us @whumpmasinjuly​ and #whumpmasinjuly when you do!
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whumpmasinjuly · 3 years
Whumpmas in July - Day 7
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Day 7: Brag about a creator or piece of whump you think is underrated
Take some time today to hype up someone or something that deserves some extra love! It could be that quiet author consistently putting out amazing works, that one piece you've gone back to read a million times, or that TV series with the pitch-perfect whump that no one is talking about. Whatever it is, spread some love, and don't forget to check out everyone else's responses! You might just find something you love!
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whumpmasinjuly · 3 years
Whumpmas in July - Day 10
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Day 10: Share a snippet from something you're working on
Calling all creators! Give us the sneak peek we're all dying for! An excerpt from your latest chapter, a sketch of some upcoming art, a behind-the-scenes look at your gifs in photoshop—whatever you're making, drop a little teaser here! And if you aren't making anything at the moment, peruse the reblogs and cheer on the creators who provide the whumpy content we all love to enjoy!
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whumpmasinjuly · 3 years
Whumpmas in July - Day 3
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Day 3: creation prompt - sleep
Today we have our first creation prompt! You can write a drabble, draw some art, make a moodboard, or create anything else that strikes you!
How's your whumpee's sleeping been lately? Is it the fitful sleep of someone who can't let their guard down, or the deep sleep of someone who realizes they're finally safe at last? Unable to sleep from the pain, or unconscious from anesthesia? Alone, or in the arms of a loved one, or in a hospital bed, or in the dungeons of their enemy?
Do they have dreams? Or, if we're very lucky, nightmares?
Write, draw, create—and don’t forget to tag us @whumpmasinjuly​ and #whumpmasinjuly when you do!
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whumpmasinjuly · 3 years
Whumpmas in July - Day 2
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Day 2: How did you find the whump community?
Are you an old-school whumper from the livejournal days who migrated to tumblr after strikethrough? Did you find whump two weeks ago via pinterest prompts? Tell us the story of how you found this community, when you decided to make an account, and what convinced you to stay!
Question posts such as this are meant to serve as conversation starters—so while we won’t be reblogging every response, we encourage you to look through the reblogs and the posts in the #whumpmasinjuly tag and see what other people have to say!
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whumpmasinjuly · 3 years
Whumpmas in July - Day 13
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Day 13: Make a whump meme
Today's community challenge: make your own whump meme! Poke fun at some of your favorite tropes! Create a meme that perfectly summarizes a character from a fandom, or dedicate something to your favorite original work. It can be a text post, a video, an image... whatever tickles your funny whump bone!
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whumpmasinjuly · 3 years
Whumpmas in July - Day 17
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Day 17: What do you do when you need some fresh inspiration for whumpy creation?
We all burn out sometimes when we're busy creating. Maybe we're consuming too much whump (impossible!) and need to take a step back, or maybe we need to turn back to the classics that got us into whump in the first place. What's your go-to strategy for reviving your creative energy and reinvigorating the whumperflies?
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whumpmasinjuly · 3 years
Whumpmas in July - Day 23
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Day 23: Do you have any IRL whump friends?
Is your whump experience purely online, or do you have any real life friends you share this interest with? Maybe you have a friend who was a little too into that whupping scene in that one movie, and you were able to introduce them to the beautiful world of whump. Or is it a secret that you'll bring to your grave? Have you ever talked to anyone in real life about whump/whump tropes?
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whumpmasinjuly · 3 years
Whumpmas in July - Day 31
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Day 31: Give a shout-out to someone who makes the community great for you!
If you're reading this, congratulations on a wonderful Whumpmas in July! Whether you did every day's prompt or this is your first time, we really appreciate everyone who joined in and made this event a blast. Thank you all!
For our last day, we want to give everyone an opportunity for one last message of love. Take today to shout out someone who makes this community what it is for you! It could be someone who always seems to have a nice word for others, or who always takes the time to answer questions, or who leaves the best gushing tag essays on reblogs. Or it could be someone who has supported you personally and helped you find your place in this big community. You can even do a shout-out to the community in general--tell us everything you love about the whump community!
Thanks again for joining in, and happy Whumpmas in July!
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whumpmasinjuly · 3 years
Whumpmas in July - Day 26
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Day 26: What's a memorable moment that gave you whumperflies?
Think back on all the movies and shows you've watched, the games you've played, the books and stories you've read, the things you've written. What's one moment that stands out to you? Maybe it was your first memory of whumperflies, or something that caught you off-guard with how much you completely enjoyed it. Tell us about it, and share a video/excerpt/etc if you can!
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whumpmasinjuly · 3 years
Whumpmas in July - Day 22
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Day 22: Share a favorite memory from the whump community.
Today is a chance to reminisce about good times in the community. It could be a past community event that really sparked your creative energy, a pitch-perfect whumpy season of TV, that story that kept you on the edge of your seat for months. Think about a time that was memorable not just for the whump itself, but for the way it brought the community together!
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whumpmasinjuly · 3 years
Whumpmas in July - Day 16
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Day 16: Share some advice for new members of the community.
New members are joining the community every day, and we all remember what it felt like to be new. What's one piece of advice you would give to someone just starting to join the community? It could be advice relating to content creation, how to meet other whumpers, or whatever you think is important to know!
If you're pretty new yourself and aren't sure you have any advice, then take this as an opportunity to ask any questions you might have about the whump community. We're a friendly, helpful bunch, and there are no stupid questions!
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whumpmasinjuly · 3 years
Whumpmas in July - Day 8
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Day 8: What makes something "whump" to you?
Whump is a term with a long history in fandom, and like all language, its usage has shifted and changed throughout the years. While we may use it as an overarching label for similar themes and tropes, everyone's exact definition will be a little different and personal! So, what makes something "whump" for you? What are some key features that you see that make you think that's some good whump right there? What are the ingredients necessary to make something hit not just as a satisfying plot or fun character piece, but as some excellent whump?
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