bookinng · 1 month
Si, sé que soy una mujer inferior, pero míreme usted una sóla vez.
Fíjese en la franqueza de mis ojos, en su claro color café; compárelos con algo, con alguien antes visto. Fíjese en mi cabello, bien cuidado, y repase la cascada que cae sobre mis hombros. Fíjese en mis labios cuando los adorno con colores, adore la textura y compruebe la suavidad. Fíjese en el rojo de mis mejillas cuando me habla, cuando me llama por mi nombre. Así, pues, fíjese primeramente en lo que es sencillo de adorar; haga sus conjeturas.
Y luego, si desea, fíjese también en mi esencia de espíritu, en mi divina moral, en mis deseos de ser y no ser. Fíjese en mi adoración por lo artístico, por lo musical, por lo real. Fíjese, también, en mi adoración por usted.
Si, sé que soy una mujer inferior; pero míreme usted una sóla vez y dígame, sin deseos de adulación, si le infundo sutilmente la aspiracion a amarme.
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orozcocampos · 4 months
No rechino mis dientes
ni endurezco la mirada,
sin pretender valor, no infundo miedo;
voy por ahí contando mis días venciendo mi mundo
hollando mis caminos.
Pareciera una roca inamovible muchas veces,
mas soy bambú que se dobla sin quebrarse;
viento de torrentes apasionados,
luna, sol y estrella. Soy mi propia galaxia. orozcocampos nicaragua 16524
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la-odiseaa · 1 year
Aquel diente de leon
Es probable que me mienta a mí misma, deseando no sentir, engañando a mi propia piel.
La calidez, cuando en mi mente tu esencia retumba, me perturba y me asusta.
Creo sentir tanto de ti en mí que apenas puedo contenerme.
Es absurdo pero lo hago; veo una estrella fugaz, te deseo a ti.
¿Cuánto más puedo mantenerte escondido dentro de mí?
Me condeno sin intentarlo, este miedo, hace que mis sentimientos sean como aquel diente de leon que espera ser golpeado por el viento para lograr ser libre, aun sabiendo cuánto le costaría, y cuan fugaz sería, que se fracturaría y sus partes no volverían a juntarse, y se aferró a la idea de estar cabalgando entre el viento, dejándose llevar, aunque sea por un instante, ahora solo tenía que fluir y seguir.
No quiero el miedo que yo misma infundo por no tener vigor de lanzarme a este mar de emociones, quiero tener ese dominio emocional de aquel diente de leon.
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Por Dian Diz
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Texto Louise Hay
✨1 de Marzo
Me infundo ánimo con cariño y entusiasmo.
✨2 de Marzo
Pongo atención a los mensajes de mi cuerpo. Todo mi cuerpo respira salud.
✨3 de Marzo
Me río de mí y de la vida, y nada me puede dañar.
✨4 de Marzo
En todas mis experiencias procedo con sabiduría, amor y naturalidad.
✨5 de Marzo
Estoy abierta y receptiva a nuevas fuentes de ingresos.
✨6 de Marzo
Me entusiasma la vida. Todo en mí es energía y optimismo.
✨7 de Marzo
Cada momento me ofrece una nueva y maravillosa oportunidad de ser más quien soy.
✨8 de Marzo
Hoy elijo liberarme de todos los resentimientos y heridas.
✨9 de Marzo
En todo momento, sólo veo armonía a mi alrededor. Estoy a salvo y segura.
✨10 de Marzo
Dondequiera que voy, mi experiencia es de amor.
✨11 de Marzo
Los cumplidos son ofrendas de prosperidad. Los acepto con gracia y de buena gana.
✨12 de Marzo
Mi parte masculina y mi parte femenina están en perfecto equilibrio y total armonía. Me siento a gusto en mi cuerpo.
✨13 de Marzo
Pienso cosas positivas porque cada célula de mi cuerpo responde a cada idea que pienso y a cada palabra que digo.
✨14 de Marzo
Miro dentro de mí para encontrar mis tesoros.
✨15 de Marzo
Soy consciente de que lo que no quiero cambiar es exactamente lo que más necesito cambiar.
✨16 de Marzo
Todos cambiamos, y yo acepto que todo el mundo cambie.
✨17 de Marzo
Alegría, alegría, alegría. Con amor permito que la alegría inunde mi mente, mi cuerpo y mis experiencias.
✨18 de Marzo
Confío en mi guía interior. Cualquier cosa que emprenda será un éxito.
✨19 de Marzo
Siento una amorosa comprensión por mi padre.
✨20 de Marzo
Hoy es un día maravilloso porque he decidido que lo sea.
✨21 de Marzo
Acepto la salud perfecta como el estado natural del ser.
✨22 de Marzo
Mi entendimiento es claro, y estoy dispuesta a cambiar con los tiempos.
✨23 de Marzo
Yo creo mi propia realidad, y elijo a todas las personas que forman parte de ella.
✨24 de Marzo
El poder interior que respira en mi cuerpo es el mismo poder que me proporciona todo lo que necesito, con sencillez y naturalidad.
✨25 de Marzo
Mi cuerpo quiere mantenerse activo y sano. El ejercicio es un placer para mí.
✨26 de Marzo
Soy libre de tener pensamientos maravillosos. Yo controlo mi propia mente.
✨27 de Marzo
El amor fluye a través de todo mi ser: toca a todas aquellas a quienes conozco y me encamina hacia una mayor compasión.
✨28 de Marzo
Todo lo que busco lo tengo ya dentro de mí.
✨29 de Marzo
Perdono a las demás, y ahora creo mi propia vida tal como quiero que sea.
✨30 de Marzo
Voy más allá de las limitaciones del pensamiento humano y me pongo del lado de la infinita Mente Divina, donde todo es posible.
✨31 de Marzo
La vida es eterna y rebosa de júbilo. Soy un ser eterno.✨🙌✨
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teenageeaglerebel · 2 years
Dicen que soy la fuerza que enciende tu vida, el Dios todopoderoso que te cuida, dicen que soy el alfa y el omega, que hice el mundo en 7 días, que plasmé mis pensamientos en las escrituras como guías.
Dicen que soy un invento para que sonrías, dicen que soy el culpable del sufrimiento y así varias teorías que cuestionan mi existencia, dicen que estoy en tu corazón y en tu conciencia.
Dicen que soy prepotente, que mi propósito precisa de apresar tu mente en una burbuja, dicen que infundo temor y se me ilustra como un triangulo con un gran ojo en su interior.
Dicen que no me preocupo del ser humano, dicen que al morir todo acabó, te comen los gusanos, dicen que soy energía,naturaleza, pero no todo es verdad, escucha y piensa.
Desde el cielo en mi trono brillaba lleno de luz, criaturas celestiales me honraban con actitud, elegí un ayudante,al mas perfecto,Lucifer, le di poder tuvo el mayor papel,el primer ángel fue.
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Por ambición quiso ocupar mi puesto, conspiración y convencer al resto, pudo arrastrar a un tercio,pudo luchar pero no pudo evitar perder la guerra y le arrojé a la tierra.
Trajo consigo el pecado,la confusión,el orgullo, la envidia y la mente del hombre engulló, (comed del árbol prohibido,sabed los dos, que el dia que lo hagáis podréis ser como Dios).
Envíe lo mas preciado,lo que mas amaba yo, con la sangre del cordero obtendrán liberación, principal muestra de amor, recen con fe, yo les escucho, porque así es mi voluntad,abrid la senda de la salvación.
Es la incógnita entre la mentira y la verdad, son el estandarte de una ciega voluntad, son las 2 caras de una partida sin final, puede resultar interesante.
Dicen que mi reino es el infierno, dicen que soy Dios del inframundo,señor del fuego eterno, dicen que cambio de forma, que puedo ser una bella mujer o un hijo de puta con un cuaderno.
Dicen que soy el diablo aka Satán, dicen que compro las almas,que tengo un plan, dicen que entro dentro de niñas y las dirijo y matan curas y se meten por el coño crucifijos.
Dicen que doy miedo y que mi lenguaje es deleznable, dicen que soy seductor y engaño siendo amable, dicen que soy la cabra Montesa,la bestia, que el 666 me representa.
Dicen que yo fui la serpiente y que a la zorra de Eva con la manzana tenté, dicen que puedo jugar con tu mente,que tengo cola, cuernos y tridente,no todo es cierto créeme.
Brillaba en el Edén,flechado de virtud, el más bello y mas sabio,el portador de luz, el líder por derecho,el toro celestial, l ángel del talento y,¿represento al mal?,¿eh?.
El hijo de la aurora,predilecto Serafín, alcé mi copa al cielo,sí,¿porque no hacerlo?, pequé de doblegarme al gran Yahvé, ese fue el fin, por alzarme en rebelión me desterró al Averno.
Que no es otro sitio que la tierra, llena de miseria y el fuego de las guerras, halle el dolor y hambre causados por el hombre en la cumbre en el nombre del señor.
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Es la incógnita entre la mentira y la verdad, son el estandarte de una ciega voluntad, aon las 2 caras de una partida sin final, puede resultar interesante.
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synphori · 2 years
Antes tenía miedo, hoy infundo miedo
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Dáselo a tu hermana, que nos demuestre, como lo resiste, se agarra fuerte
¿Qué si pierdo y fallo al soportar?
Si me quiebro, en lo profundo algo me inquieta y se empeora, yo debo salvar a todo el mundo, en lo profundo, el barco no vira aún sabiendo el riesgo rotundo, en lo profundo, la imagen que yo infundo se cae en un segundo, levanto el dominó en alineación y el viento resoplando lo derriba sin control
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burlybanner · 5 years
Notes: New story. Will be putting it in installments, probably once/week. This is more or less to keep me honest with writing it. If I don’t, I won’t finish. I know me far too well. It’s a monster, probably close to NaNoWriMo levels if I’m honest. But it’s a nice monster. Note the tags.
Rating: M (themes/language mostly)
Pairing: Stark Spangled Banner
Special note: an AU of Infundo (post-Infundo Chronicles).
Summary:  They’d always been a triad - sun and moon, encircling a heavenly body...
The question was so out of the blue, so perplexing, so - fuck no, he must be losing his hearing - insane that Tony dropped the spanner. It bounced and clanged angrily across the lab's cement floor causing one bot - U - to chirp softly and pick it up. U tried returning it to its creator by repeating bumping against his leg, but Tony focused on one thing right now. One person.
"Run that by me again?"
"You heard me." Bruce Banner stared at an oil smudge between their feet. It was twisted in an odd shape, reminiscent of pancake-shaped licorice. "I don't think I need to repeat myself."
"Oh hell, no. No." Tony yanked the spanner from U's grip and tapped his shoulder with it while pacing the floor. "You don't drop a bombshell like that without giving a guy a hint. What brought this on?"
"Yeah, honestly."
"It looks comfortably soothing, I’m tired of running, I like who I am...and." He bit down his response, holding it between his teeth, but Tony could see Bruce mentally shifting gears - frustratingly choosing to conceal a portion of truth. A skill Bruce was, unfortunately, still good at doing.
Bruce sighed. "Maybe I'm warming up to full-on pampering from you and Steve. Do I really need to explain myself?"
"All right, fine. I...get it. Sort of." Tony paused mid-pace and gave Bruce the side-eye, but not without sauntering over to his extremely significant other while poking him in his gut (and Tony's finger sunk in a good five inches, before Bruce swatted his hand away).
Like diving into fresh dough, Tony thought wickedly.  
“Stop that.”
"Whatever. I'm just saying, you're what. Three-sixty? Three-seventy?"
Tony tutted his tongue against his teeth, his eyes scanning Bruce from head to toe. He'd overlooked how round and jowly Bruce's cheeks had become and how much more his heavy belly wobbled over his belt like an over-inflated water balloon.
Tony slowly scraped his lower lip with his teeth and let his libido drink in Bruce's delicious form.  His fat had dissolved all his chiseled edges, smoothing them like candle wax, dimpling him in places Tony never expected to notice. Arms, legs, face, chin, chest, neck - even elbows and fingers Pillsburied up into scrumptious fat. Bruce'd blown up like a county fair attraction and Tony couldn't tell where he'd even put on the extra twenty; Bruce’s fat had settled into all his body’s spare nooks and crannies. All that lovely jiggling Jell-o. Waiting for touches, prods, tickles, and gropes—
"Earth to Tony," Bruce muttered, snapping his fingers in Tony's slackened face.
Tony snorted, pretending Bruce hadn't mesmerized him and turned him so the fuck on. Was he becoming more like Cap these days? Wouldn't doubt it. "ANY-hoo," Tony said, grabbing a rolling chair. He took inventory of Bruce more thoroughly by rolling around the scientist, taking a good 360-look while Bruce stared at his circular pattern.
"Are you trying to orbit me?"
Tony laughed. "No. Although that could be an experiment for another day." Tony poked and prodded Bruce’s flab, freely grabbing fistfuls of his favorite butterball and fluffing his ample butt cheeks.
"Tony," Bruce cautioned.
"Sorry. Couldn't resist."
"What are you plotting?"
"Me, plotting? Perish the thought. I'm planning, Banner. I have ideas, I have a million ideas. But we're gonna have to get Cap involved. He'll want to know."
Bruce fidgeted somewhat, which surprised Tony. Didn't seem like something Bruce would be shy about.
"So soon?"
"Well, yah, the sooner the better." Tony narrowed his eyes at him. "What's bugging you, Care Bear?"
"Nothing," Bruce said, but Tony didn't believe him. He let it slide as he rolled back to his desk.
" 'Nothing' for now, babe, but I'll challenge that declaration later." He did a quick calculation in his head and pulled up Jarvis' keyboard. "J, open a new file for me. Call it, 'Operation Supermax.' "
"Don't mock the name, Brucie Bear. It's not like I had time to come up with something better."
"New file created," Jarvis intoned, flooding the room with his soothing AI voice. "Would you like to add to it now, sir?"
Tony grinned at Bruce. "Scan Brucie for me, Jarvis. Put all his current vitals in there. Show us what we're working with."
Jarvis threw up a 3D image of Bruce‘s body and stats. “I will say, I'm quite curious, sirs."
"So‘re we, J. Especially interested in what'll happen after we tell Cap."
Bruce looked less enthused at telling Steve, but whatever. Steve was their partner; not telling him would be ridiculous. "Sure you don't wanna say why you're lookin' grim?"
"I'm not grim," Bruce stated, and Tony waggled his finger at Bruce's lie.
"Not my monkeys, not my circus. But you know Steve'll get it out of you if I can't, Pooh."
"I know."
"Easier to rip off the band-aid."
"I said I knew, didn't I?"
"Fine, fine." Tony toggled a few buttons on his keyboard. "J, call Steve down. We're gonna have a family meeting."
But Steve relayed a message through Jarvis saying he'd meet up after he'd finished his workout.  Bruce had grabbed five pounds' worth of snacks and wanted to wait for Steve in the media room, but Tony cajoled and wheedled him until he caved. Which was why he ended up joining Tony in the exercise room instead, ogling Steve's lifting routine.  Well, “cajoling and wheedling” wasn’t exactly right, to be fair. Watching Steve work out was a damn privilege.
"I feel like a stalker," Bruce muttered, unwrapping one of his remaining chocolate bars. He wasn't not staring, though.
"He probably knows we're here. He says he doesn't, but I think he does. I'm just obeyin' my thirst."
"Quit watching those dumb commercials." Bruce scarfed down his jumbo Snickers bar with two or three grateful grunts and gulped down his soda. And no, Bruce's Adam's Apple bobbing so deliciously up and down did not mesmerize Tony. Certainly not.
"Mmf--and/or, get off social media. Sounds like you’re trying too hard to fit in with the cool kids."
"Heh. You can't tell me Steve doesn't like teasing us right back." Tony pointed his chin at Steve powerlifting weights rivaling Thor's class. "Look at 'im, you can't tell me he's not a thirst trap."
Bruce made a face as he tossed his wrapper and soda can in the trash. "Definitely too much social media."
Tony's eye lingered over Bruce's dwindling dragon hoard of snacks, which teased a lecherous smile from his lips. "You startin' early, or what?"
"Gotta keep up my strength."
"Mhm." Tony went into his head, thinking about how Steve'd go bonkers. In a good way. Probably in a good way. "You know Steve'll have his own ideas. You gonna let him go hog wild?"
"Oh, hardy-har." Bruce tore into a packet of mini donuts. "Yeah, okay, fine," he grunted. A smattering of donut crumbs sprayed from his full mouth before he put a hand to his lips to stop them. "You figured out why I'm apprehensive. Don't rub it in."
"I'm not tryin' to, Brucie. In fact, I think you're blowing this up way out of proportion." And don't think Tony didn't recognize the pun, even if Bruce didn't. He casually watched Bruce scrape crumbs from his shirt. "Don't you think he cares enough that h--"
"Oh, hey, fellas!"
Steve finally noticed them salivating in front of the spy window. Which was what Tony called it. Really, it was a breezeway with a window to the exercise rooms so folks could check for occupied training floors. But Tony mostly used it to indulge his naturally nosy nature.
Steve grabbed a fresh towel and wrapped it around his neck while Tony bit his tongue. Making lewd comments was tempting and although Steve wouldn't have minded, Bruce would get skittish if he ramped up the tension now. And if Bruce bolted, well...kinda made what he was about to do moot.
"What's up?" Steve dabbed sweat from his forehead and plunked next to Bruce on the thirst trap bench. His cheeks reddened when he noticed the mound of opened goodies. "Is it an emergency? Fury call us in?"
"Oh, nothing like that," Tony said. He propped his feet beneath the breezeway window. "Bruce has something he wants to say."
Bruce wiped powdered sugar off his lips while swallowing thickly. "Well, not...exactly."
"Yeah, ya do, exactly," Tony said, nudging Bruce's shoulder. "Boy Scout," he said, calling to Steve. "D'you think you could steel yourself enough to not act like a kid in a candy store?"
"Bruce, hon', it's all good. Steve," he started again. Poor guy already looked five kinds of confused. "It's something that'll affect the three of us but unless Bruce explains with his big boy words I'm not gonna help him."
"Traitor," Bruce huffed.
"Only way to kick you out of the nest."
"What," Steve said, finally getting a word in edgewise, "the hell. Are you two talking about?"
Bruce shot Tony a narrow look before turning to Steve. "It's...it's not enough," he began slowly. "I-I mean, we're fine," he stuttered, gesturing to each of them. "We're great. But I want. I want more. And I'm not sure how you'll take it."
"Just know," Tony interrupted, "I'm on board 100% if you are. But I'm looking at this from a scientific perspective more than--"
"I thought you said I should tell him."
"Well, you're taking too long, Banner. Cut to the chase!"
Steve held up a hand, motioning both to shut their traps. "Thank you," he said once they quieted. "Now. Bruce. Muffin." He stroked Bruce's chubby cheek and Bruce melted like butter in his hand. "Gimme the specifics. Let me decide if I'll be okay or not with whatever it is."
But Tony could see the small trembling smile on Cap's features; Steve was noticeably scared. He made a face, hoping Bruce hurried it up before causing irreparable damage.
"I want," Bruce sighed heavily. His glance went back and forth at the men in his life, then to his hands. "I'm not exactly happy at my current weight."
Steve's lips thinned. He looked like someone had taken his favorite toy away, but the expression fled before Bruce caught it.
Tony noticed, though.
"So you want to lose weight," Steve sighed. He kept his voice level but Tony detected his disappointment. "Well, I understand. It's not like we expected it forever and--"
"No," Bruce interrupted, quieter than before. He wrapped his hand around Steve's, stilling the man's jitters. "You've misunderstood. It's...ah. It's the opposite."
Steve's cheeks flared while Tony choked back laughter from Steve's startled expression.
"W-what? You wanna gain more?"
Bruce slowly nodded. "I know you've always been encouraging, and you seemed satisfied when I tapered off. But I really like it when you and Tony feed me." Bruce reached for Tony's hand and rubbed his thumb across their knuckles. "I like breakfasts in bed, lazy nights watching B movies, and eating crappy takeout. I like feeling overstuffed, and the headiness the feeling brings me. I think I've gotten as large as I can on my own. So I'll need help from you and Tony to get...um. Larger."
Steve visibly gulped. "Um. H...how much larger are we talkin'--?"
Bruce glanced Tony's way, and Tony encouraged him with a nod. "Um. To a point where I can  stay sedentary. I'm happy at home - I'm happy here. With us. I don't want to run anymore, and I want to feel grounded. Literally. So--"
"He wants to become immobile," Tony explained, butting in again. "Which is no mean feat, with his metabolism. Even with Bed, even with all the snacking and meals he gets, he's probably leveled off. But if we're talkin' immobility, we're probably addin' another three hundred to him, more or less."
Cap let out a shaky sigh. "Whoa..."
Tony shrugged. "Again, more or less. Depends on what 'immobile' means to a guy like Bruce. 'Course you know," Tony said, sobering. "He's wouldn't be totally immobile, not really." His dark eyes roamed Bruce, emphasizing the seriousness of his next words. "The only way that would happen is if we separated him from the Hulk."
"Which I'm not asking for," Bruce quickly piped. "That's not my goal."
"Good. 'Cause that's more than my paygrade. What'dya think, Spangles?" Tony turned to Steve. "You in, or what?"
"I...I'm not even sure." His expression remained pensive before hovering between Tony and Bruce. "I think I want to understand what that means before I agree to it. It'll change our 'rules,' our dynamics, the team--"
"Absolutely," Bruce agreed. "But I guess...I'd like to retire, if that's okay. From the team. I've already spoken with the university--"
"You have?"
Bruce motioned for his boyfriends to calm down.  "I'm not giving up teaching, I'm just switching to an online format. I'll still be an adjunct but I won't teach in person or in front of a classroom. And besides..." He sighed, but a small smile teased his lips. "I won't be mobile enough for a classroom. At least that's what I'm hoping."
Tony shared a look with Steve who looked both mesmerized and stunned. But then Tony noticed something else a sly, (dare he say it), evil mastermind grin on Steve's face rivaling their greatest enemies.
"Steve. Your bad boy expression is showing," Tony muttered.
"I know, I know," Steve breathed. "But I kinda I wanna know how soon we can start."
Part two: https://burlybanner.tumblr.com/post/185854349769/syzygy-2
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la-semillera · 2 years
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Sylvia Plath & Leonor Fini
He vuelto a hacerlo.
Una vez por decenio
me las compongo…
Especie de milagro andante, mi piel
que destella como una pantalla de lámpara nazi,
mi pie derecho
mi rostro sin rasgos, delicada
tela judía.
Arráncame el paño,
oh enemigo mío.
¿Infundo terror?...
¿La nariz, las cuencas de los ojos, todos lo dientes?
El aliento agrio
en un día se irá.
Pronto, pronto, la carne
que devoró la tétrica caverna
en mí estará a sus anchas
y seré una mujer que sonríe.
No tengo más que treinta años.
Y, al igual que los gatos, siete ocasiones para morir.
Ésta es la Número Tres.
¡Qué basura
a aniquilar cada diez años!
¡Qué millón de filamentos!
La multitud de masca cacahuetes
se apelotona para mirar
cómo me desenvuelven de pies y manos.
¡Gran strip-tease!
Caballero, señoras:
éstas, pues, son mis manos.
Mis rodillas.
Puedo estar en los huesos,
pero, no obstante, sigo siendo la misma idéntica mujer.
La primera vez que sucedió yo tenía diez años.
Fue un accidente.
La segunda vez estaba decidida
a seguir hasta el fin, a no regresar nunca.
Meciéndome, me cerré
como una concha.
Tuvieron que llamarme una y otra vez,
que arrancarme uno a uno los gusanos, como perlas pringosas.
es un arte, como todo.
Yo lo hago excepcionalmente bien.
Tan bien, que parece un infierno.
Tan bien, que parece de veras.
Supongo que cabría hablar de vocación.
Es bastante fácil hacerlo en una celda.
Es bastante fácil hacerlo, y quedarse esperando.
Es la teatral
reaparición a pleno día,
en el mismo lugar, ante la misma cara, al mismo bestial
y divertido grito
-¡es un milagro!
-que me deja inconsciente.
Hay que pagar,
por verme las cicatrices; hay que pagar
por escucharme el corazón…
Late de veras.
Y hay que pagar, hay que pagar muchísimo,
por palabra o contacto,
o un poquito de sangre
o un jirón de mi pelo o de mi ropa.
¿Y pues Herr Doktor?
¿Y pues, Herr Enemigo?
Soy tu opus,
soy tu inversión
el bebé de oro puro
que se funde en un grito.
Me doy vuelta y me abraso.
No creas que no estimo tu preocupación en todo lo que vale.
Ceniza, ceniza…
Que eres tú quien atiza y quien remueve.
Carne, hueso, no queda nada…
Una pastilla de jabón.
Un anillo de boda.
Un empaste de oro.
Herr Dios, Herr Lucifer,
tened cuidado,
tener cuidado.
De las ceniza
scon el cabello rojo me levanto
y me como a los hombres como aire.
- Sylvia Plath, Ariel. Traducción y notas de Ramón Buenaventura .Edición bilingüe. Poesía Hiperión
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jesusfp2889 · 3 years
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Não existe flor no mundo,
que com você possa se comparar.
Você transpira um perfume profundo,
Que a todos consigue agradar.
Seu jardim é tão fecundo,
Nas noites de luar.
Em seu aroma eu me infundo,
Em sua mel, eu quero transbordar.
Autor: Jesus R. Fleitas Puig
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witchbythebay · 4 years
Philter or Infusion?
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I came across a post describing types of potions, but got curious about its descriptions of philters and infusions. 
°Philtre: water based, delicate ingredients
Infusion: water based, delicate ingredients 
I was familiar with infusions but not at all with philters (philtres?), so this got me wondering what actually differentiates the two. That ended up leading me down a big ol’ rabbit hole, so I’ll share what I found in case anyone else has ever wondered the same thing. 
Literal Definition & Etymology
I started with the dictionary definition of philter (also sometimes spelled philtre). While the generic denotation may not capture the nuanced meaning of a word within a specific domain (like witchcraft!), I figured it couldn’t hurt to start with the basics. 
Borrowed from Latin philtrum, itself a borrowing from Ancient Greek φίλτρον (phíltron, from φιλέω (philéō, “I love”))   A kind of potion, charm, or drug; especially love potion intended to make the drinker fall in love with the giver. [from the 16th c.]  x
So not just a potion, but a love potion. Note that the root of the word itself has to do with love. But, obviously definitions change over time and can become quite removed from their original meaning, so this is by no means conclusive. 
For what it’s worth, here’s infusion’s definition as well:
Borrowed from Old French infusion, from Latin infusio, infusionem (“a pouring into, a wetting, a dyeing, a flow”), from infundo.
A product consisting of a liquid which has had other ingredients steeped in it to extract useful qualities. An extract of rooibos and chamomile makes a refreshing infusion. The act of steeping or soaking a substance in liquid so as to extract medicinal or herbal qualities. x
Popular Usage
Next, I decided to look around some witchy and occult spaces online and see how other practitioners were using the word (if at all), particularly if there was any consensus about how a philter is made and what distinguishes it from other elixirs or potions, such as infusions. 
Online resources can be pretty dicey; I think we’ve all seen “witch tips” that may have started out as something reasonable, but have been passed through so many people and platforms, changing a little each time, that the end result is incorrect, incomplete, or even dangerous. So, my hope here wasn’t to find a single definitive Answer, but rather to collect a variety of them and see what they had in common. 
In the interest of saving space since this post is already really long, I won’t list all the results verbatim (although I have them saved if you’re just that curious), but the gist is this:
Unsurprisingly, few modern witches even seem to use the word philter; it seems antiquated or maybe literary at this point
It’s almost always used to describe either a love potion or other potion intended to evoke strong emotion in another person
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Bibliographic Usage
To round things out, I also looked for written sources, which can also be kinda fraught, especially when you don’t have many trusted sources on hand.
To give you an idea of what you might find, one example I came across is Ellen Dugan’s Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week (2012):
"No, technically, it is generally thought that a magickal potion is to be brewed or steeped over heat, while a philter is mixed together like a potion but the ingredients are not brewed. Another definition of a philter is simply "a magickal liquid" (which says classic potion to me). Potion and philter recipes both typically contain the following: water or a base oil, various essential oils, and other magickal ingredients such as herbs, flower petals, shed animal fur, or even tiny chips of crystals."
So this seemed concerning for something meant to be ingested, but it does then clarify that, "the magickal philters featured in this Book of Shadows are not meant to be taken internally," or “worn on the body”; they’re meant to anoint and bless objects instead. Still, I didn’t find any other source that mentions this “lack of brewing” distinction, although Dugan may have cited a source later in the book somewhere? 
There were also lots of references to philters/philtres in older texts of all kinds, usually love potions or aphrodisiacs, but sometimes used interchangeably with any kind of liquid with pharmacological properties. 
For an example of the magical variety, in Henry Cockeram’s The English Dictionarie or an Interpreter of Hard English Words (from 1626), a philtre is, "an amorous potion to procure loue."  
Another example, philters get a shout-out in the lyrics to A Christmas Cantata by Stanley Schell (Werner’s Magazine, 1899):
"A love philter which I need; Make it sweet, and good, and strong (...)The poison philter that I need; Make it heavy, swift, and strong." 
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Finally, I found something that, based on the wording, seems like it could be the actual source of the info in the tumblr post that started this all. 
"A Philtre or Infusion is a form of water based potion, similar to a tea, and best suited for immediate ingestion of delicate ingredients such as leaves or petals." 
This is from Advanced Potion Making By Noel Green (2015). We see the same “water based”, “delicate ingredients” wording as the tumblr post. However, the description of the work itself says, ”Note: this is NOT a real potion book but is made for the fan of all things magical."  So there’s that.
My takeaway from all this is that the word philter:
is kinda antiquated
typically describes a love potion or aphrodisiac specifically
isn’t a subtype of potion in the same way as infusions, tinctures, decoctions, salves, etc, which each entail specific methods of creation or physical properties
As always, double-check what you read online. You might not find a conclusive answer to your questions, but you can still find out if what you’re being told is from folklore, or if it’s (probably unintentionally) sourced from (what seems to be) a narrowly-avoiding-copyright-issues HP fanwork. 
BUT I’m not a terribly experienced witch myself, so if anyone has further insight, clarification, or corrections to offer (or suggestions for further reading!) please don’t hesitate to add on or send it my way. Cheers!
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pesybeldragon · 5 years
Marketing like a Pro
Ogni volta che al mega cliente vengono idee geniali indice una videoconferenza per delucidarsi sulle sue FANTASTICHE ed assolutamente innovative idee che noi dobbiamo per forza adottare.... Malgrado le bestemmie e lo scontento lo abbiamo sempre assecondato perchè beh, in fin dei conti ci paga la pagnotta. MA Questa volta abbiamo toccato livelli così alti e magnifici che siamo arrivati alle vette del paradiso: perchè il discorso di introduzione al nostro prodotto invece di farlo in italiano non lo facciamo NEL DIALETTO DELLA REGIONE DOVE SI LAVORA.  Giuro che mi stavo strozzando con la mia stessa saliva e non so come ho fatto a non ridere. MA ASPETTATE c’è di più: Non tutto tutto il discorso eh, solo frasi mirate ed alcune parole all’ interno delle frasi che rimangono in italiano ovviamente abbiamo anche aggiunto delle parole a cazzo di cane in inglese perchè fa figo. Dulcis infundo una di queste sentenze che ci sono nello script è così tanto priva di tatto e di cattivo gusto che sarebbe come andare a chiedere ad un pastore: Hei, ciao, so che a voi pastori piace fottervi le pecore, se vuoi posso venderti le mie che hanno la passera più accogliente -occhiolino- non invidio per nulla le ragazze sul campo. 
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kokylo26 · 2 years
Sosiego hogareño.
Tranquilidad fuera del hogar es lo que busco, pero en realidad solo busco engañar la cabeza, fingiendo que no logro dejar de llenarme la cabeza de problemas y agobios, que yo mismo me infundo buscando volver a vivir y sentir aquellos momentos y esos preciosos sentimientos, porqué aún tengo miedo de lo nuevo.
Dejándome embriagar de mis propios miedos sin poder hacerles frente como lo pude hacer en algún momento, naufragando en mi cabeza buscando el inicio o el fin de este inmenso mar, y de no ser capaz de alcanzar algún extremo al menos poder encontrar un lugar para poder reposar tranquilamente, hasta ser capaz de continuar con está eterna angustia.
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chicalesbiana · 3 years
Creo que mi esfuerzo es nulo si siento que no ayudo, peso, la imagen que yo infundo se cae en un segundo, flotar!
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sitiomagico · 3 years
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Miércoles, 29 de diciembre del 2021 AMOR Hoy abro mi corazón y mi mente al poder espiritual del amor. Soy una expresión radiante del amor divino, una corriente brillante de posibilidades infinitas. Este amor irradia desde mí y brilla en un arco iris de colores a medida que amo a los demás. Cada día es una oportunidad para amar. Busco lugares y personas a las que pueda bendecir en silencio. Si miro las noticias, las uso como una herramienta para saber dónde enfocar mis oraciones, mi amor y mi positividad. Busco los ejemplos edificantes de bondad amorosa que abundan en este mundo. Encuentro formas creativas de realizar actos de bondad: un pequeño obsequio, una gran propina, una nota positiva, un cumplido. Infundo mis sonrisas con luz y amor. Cuando elijo mantener mi mente enfocada en el amor incondicional como el mayor poder en mi vida, creo y experimento mayores posibilidades de las que jamás había imaginado. Y si tuviera el don de profecía, y entendiera todos los misterios, y tuviera todo el conocimiento, y si tuviera toda la fe, de tal manera que trasladara los montes, y no tengo amor, nada soy.—1 Corintios 13:2 Afirmar: Doy la bienvenida al amor, la alegría, el éxito, la salud, la sabiduría, la abundancia y la armonía en mi vida ahora. #12poderes #12poderesdenavidad #feyesperanza #unity #arziade (en MIAMI florida / EE.UU) https://www.instagram.com/arziade/p/CYEeN_7AiJS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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flussodiincoscienza · 6 years
Principio #2 ~ Peccatore di Innocenza
3 anni - 5 anni. In questa fascia di età il bambino è già più propenso a voler fare da solo certe cose, a interagire con il mondo e con le cose intorno a sé, innocente e spensierato, andare all'asilo insieme a tutti gli altri bambini, giocare, ridere, fare tutto quello che fanno i piccoli. Non sto per parlare di cose che mi sono state negate, ma che questo mondo così viscido si è permesso di calpestare il mio animo, trascinandomi subito nella visione dell'ingiustizia che governa questa società, sulla legge che prevale sempre il più forte e il più potente.
Passavo le giornate con una baby-sitter mentre i miei erano al lavoro, tornavano tardi, entrambi li vedevo la mattina presto e un po' la sera prima di addormentarmi. Dormire, come facevo?
La babysitter mi picchiava, mi maltrattava, mi lasciava in solitudine la maggior parte del tempo e maggior parte delle volte mi chiudeva nel bagno. Con il passare degli anni si aggiunse l'asilo, si certo, un privato con altri bambini con insegnanti severi, una specie di collegio. Costava poco però. Eri troppo spensierato? Punizione. Uscivi dalla fila del trenino nell'ora ricreativa? Punizione. Facevi qualcosa di "fuori controllo"? Punizione. E che punizioni erano secondo voi? Una volta non mangiavi insieme a tutti gli altri bambini e aspettavi che se ne andassero tutti, il cibo che mangiavi era freddo nelle vaschette e sott'olio, mi rifiutai anche una volta, venni ricoperto del cibo delle vaschette e picchiato; un altra volta ti facevano mettere paura fino a fartela fare addosso per poi metterti faccia al muro con le gambe divaricate nell'angolo, così che il fetore di urina si espandesse fino al naso costringendoti a vomitare, e vomitavo, ma dovevo rimanere lì un'ora; dulcis infundo erano le righellate sulle mani, ma mica come nella vecchia scuola, nah troppo semplice, una sorta di roulette russa, seduti ai banchi e con i palmi delle mani aperti dietro la sedia, la punizione per chi aveva fatto la spia anche per una cazzata, quel righello non arrivava mai.
"Non l'hai mai detto ai tuoi?" Riusciresti a dire, in tutta la tua innocenza, cosa ti fanno, pensando, in tutta la tua innocenza, che dovrai ritornarci lì? Mia madre non lo notava, si faceva abbindolare, qualcuno finalmente parlò e il posto venne chiuso. Per la babysitter dovetti ingegnarmi di mettermi i cerotti in fronte e farmi trovare così davanti lei e mia madre, tanto mi lasciava in solitudine, cosa poteva andare storto per un bambino di 5 anni.
Cominciai a parlare solo poco prima dei 6 anni, terapisti e dottori lo chiamarono "il boom oratorio", pensavano addirittura fossi sordo perché ero come in trance dicevano, come se non li sentissi, non facevo neanche un cenno; come se fossi muto, perdendo l'uso della parola; come se avessi un ritardo, perdendo l'uso delle gesticolazioni facciali. Mi chiusi tra le videocassette dei film, il computer che adoravo scoprire, ed era la cosa che amavo fare da solo, come ormai mi ero abituato, nella mia solitudine. Imparare tramite i film come emozionarmi e con quali emozioni relazionarmi, i valori di giustizia da adottare.
Non sono mai stato normale per molti, ma forse questo lo sapevo già. La mia terapista me lo disse "Signora, suo figlio pare avere un'altra mentalità, anche per ciò che ha passato. Al suo inizio come alunno in una scuola, fino al diploma, non verrà capito e verrà sempre considerato fuori luogo, strano, vulnerabile". Aveva ragione.
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