phoenixculpa · 2 months
care package muddied by outside
elements wouldn’t stick to change
perception with a tick or a warned
discipline like it’s didactically mean-
ingless, notice she’s nice to neigh-
bors, stern with kids and red truck
blocked cia affiliate’s parking lot
who won’t raise rent or maybe
she’s restricted as html’s op-
ened at work or on job in-
terviews that shouldn’t
compel new hazel to
fruit forbidden and
wandering mind
intrusive, gentle:
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discboii · 10 months
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MFW I realize life might be meep-ingless
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amadarosales · 2 years
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superdecibels · 4 years
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Hi, yes, I did laugh at myself the entire time.
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stralciletterari · 4 years
Presi un sorso di vita
Di Emily Dickinson
Seguimi su instagram: @stralci.letterari
Quadro di Waterhouse: The Soul of the Rose
Presi un sorso di vita –
Vi dirò quanto l’ho pagato –
Esattamente un’esistenza –
Il prezzo di mercato, dicevano.
Mi pesarono, granello per granello –
Bilanciarono fibra con fibra,
Poi mi porsero il valore del mio essere –
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Un singolo grammo di cielo!
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ask-porcupine · 4 years
¿aún le tienes fobia a los pájaros ?
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“Bueno...¡Si! Y tengo un razón por esta fobia...”
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“Esto me paso cuando tenía nueve años.”
“ Mi madre me llevó a un huerto para comprar algunos duraznos para una tarta porque tenia una fiesta de té ese mismo día.” “Yo de tontita me fuí adentro del establo a donde estaban las gallinas y les di de comer semillas...Bueno, entre alimentando a las gallinas se me trabo mi mano y no lo podria sacar. Las gallianas despues me picaron mis dedos y la palma de mi mano. Todavia tengo la cicatriz de ese dia y tambien el miedo de pájaros especialmente el pico de los pájaros”
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hongjooong · 4 years
You have a dog named Loki?? I have a little angry white dog named Loki too!!! (Also tell him happy birthday from me! 😊)
Aha yeah I think it suits him since he's a little mischievous lol but oh name twins!!!! We have good taste!!! And thank you~~~~
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sem-humor · 7 years
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Crying my eyes out
I just finished Orange is the new black's season 5 finale and I feel like I want to kill myself. I'm fucking pissed, sad, and depressed. I'm not going to wait a whole year for the next season. Now I'm crying and It's like I just lost my family. The better not send them to different prisons and the better make Flaritza happen. I hate the MCC, I'm glad Piscatella is dead, and Caputo better fix this. Also where the hell is Mr. Healy and I like CO Bayley but he needs to be arrested.?
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redrobin-detective · 5 years
An entertaining possibility comes to mind for the meme AU: Izuku, Camie, Bakugou, and Todoroki doing that scene from Hot Fuzz where they needed the translator for the dialect. Example: Izuku: Weird flex, but okay. Shouto: What did he say? Camie: You needed Hellfire to light a match? Shouto: What did she say? Bakugou: There was no f**king need to go that far.
Level of proficiency is Izuku, Cami, Bakugou and Todo so Cami and Izuku will be talking in a whole other language and Bakugou only knows enough to know when they’re making fun of him meanwhile Todoroki is reading “Life is Meme-ingless: How to Meme in 30 Days or Less”
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aerialfluff · 4 years
Idk how this challenge works but @issachuu7 tagged me and who am I to say no to her 💜 Below behold my two moods - when I put in effort, and basically the next morning.
Tagging @bella-hi , @k-ingless , @spicymangosmoothie and @can-i-go-to-sleep-please .
Also @tinyatuin again henlo UwU
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Picrew link
@averysafebtsblog look bby I made a thing
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Handwriting Tag Game
Thanks for the tag, @cat-hwa 💜 you can call me Lilly 💐
1. Your URL and side blog
2. Once upon a time
3. Sphinx of black quartz, hear my vow
4. Some characters you know
5. Any WIPs you have (if you have any)
6. Who you're tagging next
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Tags: @aerialfluff @k-ingless @bella-hi 💜
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lexiconjure · 7 years
plural n. [usually treated as sing.] a plant of the daisy family, which has long slender tail feathers that are sometimes used as a stage district.
Genus Antelopus, family Agavaceae.
early 19th century: from Spanish, literally ‘ingress’.
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ellicelluella · 5 years
life is mean(ingless) everything you hold dear is ephemeral and will be deleted in the blink of an eye
also fuck you nsfw bans
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gcrdenofpixels-a · 5 years
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{💔}: ❝Guys, for once, please just say something normal on dash.❞
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{✧}: ❝Gravy Spaghetti!❞
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{📕}: ❝Vinegar burrito!❞
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{🎼}: ❝Wingless fish!❞
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{💔}: ❝I hate you all.❞
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youandmeinfuture · 3 years
Holaa llegue y acabo de escuchar la canción esta muy bonita y me dolio la parte que dice que decidieron cruzarse que intentaron amarse pero no pudieron quedarse auch:(, te cuento que el dia de hoy hubo un pedote porq se cayo el sistema como por 1 hora jaksjaks y luego estaba el dueño ahi ps y asi pero logramos reponerlo aaa y nos regalaron unos sueteres negros para el frio muy padre y me dieron mi pago semanal bueno por mis 3 dias asip me dieron 500 pero se me olvido la propina pero mañana voy por ella, mañana tengo dia libres, hoy estuvo tranquilon y sobro pastel y comi
He de decirte que cuando entre a bodega y lei tus textos de tumblr llore pero me tuve que limpiarlas para seguir trabajando:(, cada dia te extraño mas espero poder estar juntos.
Espero que te haya ido muy bien hoy cuidate mucho y echale ganas a la escuela y al gym y al ingless oooh y que no se te olvide tomar awa awa y comer bien okiss??
Te amo Nicole, lo hare siempre <3
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