frcakshq · 2 years
( JOSHUA BASSETT ) in a crowded room , i can still hear BOYS DON'T CRY by THE CURE playing , and that's because it's coming from the headphones of WILL's walkman . WILLIAM BYERS is hawkins very own resident ZOMBIE BOY . the eighteen year old is known for being DIFFIDENT & CHILDISH but if you truly got to know him you'd see them as more COMPASSIONATE & ARTISTIC , and if hawkins post wrote about them , they'd say things like flashing fairy lights, striped shirts, bright sunshine yellow, the smell of fresh paints, music blasting through a radio, finding comfort in playing pretend, a chill on the back of your neck.
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tw: child abuse/neglect, homophobia
this won't be as long as eddie's because the show details his life much more, but i will explain my takes on a few things.
of course, he's gay and in love with mike. this is extremely difficult for him to deal with for many reasons. the show is so casual about the abuse and homophobia from lonnie, and that's definitely something i'm gonna be leaning into. he knew how to use a gun as a tiny child, and we all know who would've taught him that. anyway, the other reason is his love for his sister. he adores el, and the last thing he would ever want to do is cause her pain. not to mention that, on top of both of those things, mike is his best friend, and he doesn't want to put that at risk. he values mike and el far higher than his own happiness.
i'm also gonna be taking his trauma very seriously. this boy has been through hell and back, god damn it, and i'm gonna Talk about it. has nightmares that he's still There sometimes.
not to mention the trauma from the bullies?? i think this gets ignored more than it should for all of the og party, they all Suffered. in will's case, his dad and the bullies at school all had him figured out (in the most cruel of ways) before he'd even figured it out, and damn if that doesn't cause some self-loathing idk what does
i want to have ways to use his powers more, so i will take any excuse for him to sense upside down happenings pls.
anyway he's a soft boy but he's also Mean when he wants to be and i love that for him.
has serious self-worth issues. blames himself a little bit for everything that's happened.
i'll add more as i think of stuff!
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miseriesfm · 2 years
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(  FROY  GUTIERREZ  )  in  a  crowded  room  ,  i  can  still  hear  GALLOWS  POLE  by  LED  ZEPPELIN  playing  ,  and  that’s  because  it’s  coming  from  the  headphones  of  BOBBY’S  walkman  .  ROBERT  TORRES  is  hawkins  very  own  resident  HANDYMAN  .  the  twenty  three  year  old  is  known  for  being  ROUGH  &  CLOSED  OFF  but  if  you  truly  got  to  know  him  you’d  see  them  as  more  LOYAL  &  RESPONSIBLE,  and  if  hawkins  post  wrote  about  them  ,  they  say  things  like  permanent  grease  crescents  under  your  fingernails,  a  ged  application  blank  on  your  counter,  a  screen  door  hanging  off  the  hinges,  bumming  a  smoke  off  a  stranger  at  the  bar,  putting  one  foot  in  front  of  the  other  until  you  get  there. absolute tldr bobby torres is a trailer park kid who dropped out fifteen to support his mother and siblings after his dad dipped. he's a mechanic in town and can be found at the bar most weekends being a well-intentioned menace to the local ladies.
bobby was born in the trailer park, and he's lived there his entire life, friendly with the local kids. he's a 1963 baby, the oldest of four siblings. his mother, betty, and his father, mike, always had a tumultuous relationship, and bobby wouldn't consider himself close with either of them. he's always been more of a parent to his siblings (20, 17 and 15) than a traditional sibling. in fact, the only time he ever really felt like a child was the three or so year window of his friendship with eddie munson, which ended suddenly and dramatically at thirteen, though no one really remembers why. his father hadn't exactly been a stable presence, but by the time bobby was fifteen, he was gone more than he was present. the bills were piling up, and working on weekends and after school wasn't cutting it. he'd always meant to go back, and then later meant to get his ged, but it's just something that hasn't happened. bobby is now a fully certified mechanic working in town, and has three more years until his baby-est brother graduates high school. bobby has big plans to buy a van, drive it down somewhere warm, and park it by the river. three years... anyone can do that, right?
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frcakshq · 2 years
( JOSEPH QUINN ) in a crowded room , i can still hear CRAZY TRAIN by OZZY OSBORNE playing , and that's because it's coming from the headphones of EDDIE's walkman . EDWARD MUNSON is hawkins very own resident FREAK . the twenty-three year old is known for being CHAOTIC & IMPULSIVE but if you truly got to know him you'd see them as more PASSIONATE & CREATIVE , and if hawkins post wrote about them , they'd say things like tattooed pale skin, finding escape in fictional worlds, choosing your family, a heavy metal guitar riff, the smell of smoke lingering on your clothes, dog-eared pages in thick books, hand-painted mini figures.
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tw: drugs, parental death, child abuse/neglect, being outed, homophobia.
canon changes
so! starting with the obvious question! instead of being killed by the bats, the hive mind was interrupted by vecna being hurt before eddie was so injured that he'd die. he was still very hurt by the bats and had to be hospitalised for some time, but he's alive and recovering.
obviously he is not still in high school at 23. i like to think that instead of forming hellfire club through the school, he'd put up posters encouraging new members, and he found the party that way.
he did flunk out of high school though. he kept trying but on his third attempt, he still failed, and he wasn't allowed to try again.
his mother died when he was 9, his father went to prison when he was 10, and that was when he moved in with wayne. neither of these were particularly huge losses to him though; his dad was abusive, his mother was neglectful, and by the time he moved in with wayne, he was shy and afraid, feeling like he couldn't trust anyone. of course, wayne was able to slowly help him recover, the loving parental figure he so desperately needed.
he was outed when he was 13. someone saw him almost kiss another boy, his best friend at the time, and suddenly everyone knew. it drew the two boys apart, and so the freak reputation began! it took him some time, but eventually, he began leaning into it. he started growing out his hair, dressed differently, and overall stopped giving a fuck what other people thought of him. they were going to treat him like shit anyway (and many even tried to hurt him), so he might as well exist as his authentic self!
he's gay and autistic. needless to say, music, fantasy, and d&d are his special interests.
it took him some time to heal from the attack from the bats. he's still very emotionally and mentally Not Okay. he has a lot of nightmares, gets phantom pain, has panic attacks, etc. he's having a Bad Time.
regardless, he's trying hard to get his life back together. he has a job as a mechanic (which the earlier mentioned childhood friend helped him get, though he doesn't know that), and although most of the town still thinks of him as a murderer and a satanic cult leader, his name is legally cleared. he also doesn't deal anymore (because nope, that didn't turn out so well before!), but he's also not completely clean because... well, he's trying to cope as best he can
i think this might be everything? idk i'll add more if i think of something kasjnkdajn
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