Eminem:  A Year in Review, 2022
From turning half a century old, late in the year, to being inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame, Eminem has had a stellar year.  The year 2022 was a busy time in the top-selling artist’s career.  He marked 20 years for 2 albums in his repertoire, The Eminem Show as well as the 8 Mile Soundtrack.  Celebrating both, two new anniversary albums were created & brought out with extra songs for them both including a handful of instrumentals on each.  There was also an album created for his many, many hits:  Curtain Call 2.  All three projects came with posts online offering clothing, collectibles & more. A lyric video for the great 2010’s Won’t Back Down, featuring Pink, was a highlight for some fans that have been enjoying the skills put into Eminem’s lyric videos that are included in Shady Records signed artists’ videos as well.  In part of the celebrations for Curtain Call 2, Eminem’s cover of the album was made into a mural in his hometown, Detroit, Michigan USA.  
 Further, Eminem was part of the all-star Hip-Hop halftime show at the 56th Superbowl which made history as the first ever all hip-hop/R&B line-up.  To celebrate the season Eminem gave us Shady Football that offered a clothing line to enjoy.  His restaurant, Mom’s Spaghetti Detroit celebrated big in New York as well as Los Angles & also hit their first year in business at a stationary location. As well, Marshall’s memorabilia shop, The Trailer, located above Mom’s Spaghetti in Detroit, had also been up & running for a year as of September 29th, 2022. As well, this year fans saw Marshall make it out to be a wonderful piece of the Detroit Lions Football club’s Hardknocks series on HBO Plus.  Eminem made his fans truly happy to see him sporting sunglasses & a smile at the event, showing the world he was full of quick wit & good humor.  In early Fall this year Eminem was XXL Magazine’s cover once again, but this time for their 25th Anniversary issue. Along with the cover Marshall gave us an incredible article & an equally incredible photo shoot.  It was an amazing year for the fans of Eminem, even without the “new” album some wanted so badly.  
 Getting in on the fun, Eminem took part of the B.A.Y.C’s (Bored Ape Yacht Club) spree that was running like wildfire during 2022.  Doing videos, making appearances & performing came from this venture in 2022 for Eminem.  To give fans an incredible look into the man behind the amazing art, Marshall & friends separately took a seat with PaulPod, a podcast that spanned weeks with manager Paul Rosenberg at the helm.   The Youtube’s 50 Million Subscribers Club, Minions, Elvis, Shazam, UFC & Spiderman all meant something to Eminem fans as he joined all of these aforementioned in this year, 2022.  Eminem took you to the cleaners, he took you to the trailer park.  He also gave us his early musical influences (over 100 listed) on Spotify & so much more – all for his fans.  What will 2023 have in store for our favorite superhero, Marshall B. Mathers III?  Only time will tell.  One thing I’ve learnt - you can’t rush an artist for their art, they must feel it so that you will, in turn, feel & experience it yourselves.  The saying goes:  All good things to those who wait.  2023 – here we come!  ~
 From C./Inkhouse5
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marshallbmathers · 1 year
Eminem:  A Year in Review, 2022
 From turning half a century old, late in the year, to being inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame, Eminem has had a stellar year.  The year 2022 was a busy time in the top-selling artist’s career.  He marked 20 years for 2 albums in his repertoire, The Eminem Show as well as the 8 Mile Soundtrack.  Celebrating both, two new anniversary albums were created & brought out with extra songs for them both including a handful of instrumentals on each.  There was also an album created for his many, many hits:  Curtain Call 2.  All three projects came with posts online offering clothing, collectibles & more. A lyric video for the great 2010’s Won’t Back Down, featuring Pink, was a highlight for some fans that have been enjoying the skills put into Eminem’s lyric videos that are included in Shady Records signed artists’ videos as well.  In part for the celebration of Curtain Call 2, Eminem’s cover of the album was made into a mural in his hometown, Detroit, Michigan USA.  
 Further, Eminem was part of the all-star Hip-Hop halftime show at the 56th Superbowl which made history as the first ever all hip-hop/R&B line-up.  To celebrate the season Eminem gave us Shady Football that offered a clothing line to enjoy.  His restaurant, Mom’s Spaghetti Detroit celebrated big in New York as well as Los Angles & also hit their first year in business at a stationary location. As well, Marshall’s memorabilia shop, The Trailer, located above Mom’s Spaghetti in Detroit, had also been up & running for a year as of September 29th, 2022. As well this year fans saw Marshall make it out to be a wonderful piece of the Detroit Lions Football club’s Hardknocks series on HBO Plus.  Eminem made his fans truly happy to see him sporting sunglasses & a smile at the event, showing the world he was full of quick wit & good humor.  In early Fall this year Eminem was XXL Magazine’s cover once again, but this time for their 25th Anniversary issue. Along with the cover Marshall gave us an incredible article & an equally incredible photo shoot.  It was an amazing year for the fans of Eminem, even without the “new” album some wanted so badly.  
 Getting in on the fun, Eminem took part of the B.A.Y.C’s (Bored Ape Yacht Club) spree that was running like wildfire during 2022.  Doing videos, making appearances & performing came from this venture in 2022 for Eminem.  To give fans an incredible look into the man behind the amazing art, Marshall & friends separately took a seat with PaulPod, a podcast that spanned weeks with manager Paul Rosenberg at the helm.   The Youtube’s 50 Million Subscribers Club, Minions, Elvis, Shazam, UFC & Spiderman all meant something to Eminem fans as he joined all of these aforementioned in this year, 2022.  Eminem took you to the cleaners, he took you to the trailer park.  He also gave us his early musical influences (over 100 listed) on Spotify & so much more – all for his fans.  What will 2023 have in store for our favorite superhero, Marshall B. Mathers III?  Only time will tell.  One thing I’ve learnt - you can’t rush an artist for their art, they must feel it so that you will, in turn, feel & experience it yourselves.  The saying goes:  All good things to those who wait.  2023 – here we come!  
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inkhouse5 · 3 years
Hey!  How’s it going?  Dandy?  Well, ain’t that just the shit!  I too am dandy.  What are the chances of that happening on a day such as today?  Pretty fucking good, I’d say.  It rained & it poured today.  Still is.  Soggy little Thursday in the Valley.  What’s your weather looking like these days?  It sure is getting nippy.  Burr.  I really feel the cold so I had started bundling up about a week or more ago.  I always get those losers who say to me, “Are you cold?”  And I’m totally layered up, wrapped up in an infinity scarf & a warm hat.  And I always say, “No, I’m quite warm.”  It’s like people get pissed at me for knowing I get cold so I dress accordingly.  I start to shake when I get cold.  Ya, the older I’m getting the more I truly feel the cold.  Hmph, hey?  Ya man.
What’s your favorite thing to do?  I love writing.  I haven’t written in a few weeks.  Not really.  I had been finding it rather difficult to hand write these past 7 or so years. Ya, I just can’t.  I’ve had an on-going journal that I have been writing in for at least 2 or 3 years.  It’s not even halfway done.  Which is totally not like me, at all.  Nope.  I used to keep a journal at all times on me.  I remember when I moved to Victoria (back to where I was born) when I was 24.  I had this man’s tan, cord sports jacket that had two big pockets.  I used to pack around a journal & one or two of Jim Morrison’s poetry books, head to Java & drink coffee & smoke with people I met downtown.  And I used to think I was the young poet.  I used to write the shittiest poetry.  It was nasty.  I did win two poetry contests & was published in two different books, which I have subsequently lost over the years.
Listening to my iPod.  You’re Never Over by Eminem is playing.  It’s giving me shivers.  Such an inspiring diddy.  I’m into shuffling my music.  You hear the neatest mix of songs in any given chuck of time.  I love music.  Maybe that’s why I love the boys of Hip Hop.  It’s such a lyrical genre.  Me being a writer & words meaning such a lot to me.  Hey, I never thought of it that way before.  So!!!!  Here’s my new thing.  I recently bought an album of one of the rappers I’m following & I’m going to be buying one of each of the rappers I’m following.  Then if I’m feeling it - buy more.  Here’s my thing with music ... it’s gotta make me feel good.  Or be truly cool.  I like a lot of different sounds, and I’m into hearing what is happening with these guys I’m seeing their posts for.  This will commence in about two weeks.  And I really have only Walmart & London Drugs to buy CDs from - so most likely - iTunes.  I’ve got over 5000 items on iTunes.
I was saying in a video tonight after work that I have been writing online for over 15 years.  Ya.  In 2004 I got the internet in my home & I had been teaching myself to write how I wanted to write so I discovered blogs.  I went a period when I didn’t have the internet except access to it at the library, when I was super poor.  But outside of that year or two, I’ve been pretty steady on it.
Hope you’re happy & well.  I’ll see you soon!
From:  C.
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inkhouse8 · 4 years
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Remembering Shannon Hoon today.  Toes Across The Floor anyone?  I still remember to this day the day I heard Shannon died.  I had been staying with my brother, just outside of Vancouver, BC Canada, listening to CFOX 99.9 FM & it was announced.  I started crying.  Blind Melon, Shannon ... he got me through a lot. Breakups, boredom, loneliness.  It goes on.  
When Nico came out, after Shannon’s death, I grabbed it as soon as I could.  One more piece.  I had the last piece of his art, right in my hands.  Soul One moved me & still does to this day.  Rest in peace, Shannon!  We love you!
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It’s all about the craftsmanship of art, the details that enthrall the mind - wandering from one to another, that makes an artist his best. It’s in the nitty gritty ways, the tiniest twists that an untrained being would never notice or rather, expect, that our connections are made. But Marshall Mathers, or maybe we should call him Eminen or Slim .. Shady? Ken? You know who we’re talking about. That crazy-cool magician of words, black & white magician cause he can tear you down & then suddenly on the next track lift you Higher than you ever imagined possible. Connections again. An artist that can do that, with simple ease, is a master of his own sphere. The simple ease comes from doing rap for the last large chunk of his life & honing in on what works, what’s current & what feelings he’s evoking ... well.
To be an artist takes a whole lotta balls, guts & gusto. And to get up & say you’re shooting to be the best, leaving room for all the nay-sayers to chirp in thinking this is their chance to get in on the battle against a champion in his domain, takes balls, guts & gusto ... but also a great, great deal of practice. It was Epictetus that said if you want to be better at anything, do it more. Want to run, run Rabbit Run. Want to write, write your fucking ass off, Bitch. What else? Want to win when the world seems to hate you and are completely against you? Now you’re in Marshall domain alright. Back to THE MAN. Ya he’s taken on bullies, haters, those with no faith & also all those with no faith in themselves & brought the underdogs chanting to Lose Yourself in the music, and to Mosh against impurities in government. Ya, Mr. Mathers did indeed turn to his loyal & not so loyal band of brothers to hear Like Home. What I’m saying here is that Marshall had it rough, and now? Sure. I’d suspect he’s battling his demons on some occasions. I bet he’s got problems just like the rest of us. But from there to here? All I can really say is what a man! Fought the world & came out swinging from the gates. Battled his parents, one a ghost and the other unable to change who she was even though she loved her kids. Sometimes addictions change us so greatly that we don’t even believe the shit we’ve done. So that brings me to the one we’re all here to read about ... major addictions kicked out the front door by a perfect size 10 boot. Well, a Nike Air Max is what we see the most of. And oh, it’s nice to see a man that is healthy, fit & well. That’s now, that’s here. That’s THE MAN, Eminem. What he’s been through to get to this point would have killed any lessor of a mortal.
So when you’re sitting there at your keyboard needing that inspiration, that burst of fresh aggression just remember that Marshall is mortal & he’s not going to hear your crap about an album & put out shit just to appease you. If you need placating go suck on your mama’s breast until you get your fill of soothing. Give the artists their due. Ever work for roughly most of your life without a break or a vacation? Look no further than your favorite superhero Rap Boy to pass on your dirty diaper & work just as hard, if we all know who M. is, to give you the album when you’ve grown up a bit & can handle that he has a life. And rapping is his heart & soul along with his family, his businesses & the betterment of himself. That’s when he’ll bring you his next masterpiece. Relax, art is about the soul that goes into it. There will be more of the hate, more of the love, more battles to reign over & last but not least ... videos, interviews & all the good we love to make us feel normal ... because ... he’s back! Wait on THE MAN, MARSHALL MATHERS, 3RD to surprise the fuck out of all of us, once more.
Support artists not just their art!
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marshallbmathers · 2 years
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Eminem! Marshall Mathers is THE sexiest man alive! Plain & simple. The man is hot, he's ultra talented, he's smooth as silk on the mic when he's spitting fire - he's amazing. As I'm sure you know.
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marshallbmathers · 2 years
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Isn’t Marshall Mathers too beautiful for words??
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Vote for Eminem to be inducted into the 2022 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame!!!  Vote once a day for the legend!
 Thanks!  Spread the word!!  You have till April 29th the get your votes in!!!  :)
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 Leaders in the music industry joined together in 1983 to establish the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Foundation. One of the Foundation’s many functions is to recognize the contributions of those who have had a significant impact on the evolution, development and perpetuation of rock and roll by inducting them into the Hall of Fame.
Artists become eligible for induction 25 years after the release of their first record. Criteria include the influence and significance of the artists’ contributions to the development and perpetuation of rock and roll.
   Nomination and induction into the Hall of Fame is not about popularity, records sales, which label the group is on, or anything other than the process below. The love for, the evaluation of, and the impact of any artist are subjective questions to be answered by the nominators and the voters. Unlike baseball, football, basketball or hockey, statistics are not relevant. Please read below:
 As a result, our Nominating and Voting Committees are replete with Inductees (in fact, they are the largest bloc of voters). Someone has to decide, so we built our Voting Committee around the most qualified group possible: the living Inductees, which number around 400 at this time. Thus, folks like Bruce, Metallica, Clapton, Ozzy, Prince and the others are the difference makers. You may disagree, but being an Inductee makes a pretty good case for being the ones who choose.
 With that overview, here’s how the process works. Nomination and induction into the Hall of Fame is not about popularity, records sales, which label the group is on, or anything other than the process below. Unlike baseball, football, basketball or hockey, statistics are not relevant. To be eligible for induction as an artist (as a performer, composer, or musician) into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the artist must have released a record, in the generally accepted sense of that phrase, at least 25 years prior to the year of induction; and have demonstrated unquestionable musical excellence. We shall consider factors such as an artist’s musical influence on other artists, length and depth of career and the body of work, innovation and superiority in style and technique, but musical excellence shall be the essential qualification for induction.
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02.13.22 ~ Eminem @ SoFi Stadium in LA for the Superbowl 56 Halftime Show!!!  This ending to Lose Yourself was just so amazing!  Marshall Mathers is a true showman, a true artist that can withstand pressure of the highest levels.  I admire him.
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Eminem, the man himself!  
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Marshall Mathers pictured here in LA while in town to perform at the SBLVI Halftime Show.  I love this photo of Eminem!  He’s so unique & wonderful in his mannerisms.  I remember when 8 Mile came out & we were all able to watch him for a 2 hour stint!! What a joy it was!!  And he totally gave us his all in that film, like he does every time he performs.  This photo is one I’m going to cherish for years to come.  He’s sexy, strong, talented & that boy you just wanna take home & fill him with all your love!
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Eminem, 2022!  Yahoooooo!  This man is AMAZING!  The night he was at the halftime SBLVI show he was on fire.  He sounded truly so great, he looked just as good!  I’m so in love with Marshall.  It’s just the little things that the average bear might not even notice, that I do.  He’s quiet in times & contemplates much.  He’s sweet & loving to those he feels love for.  His determination to be the best of the best has brought him greatness, only attainable from that type of willingness to stretch himself across far & wide, the horizon of varied capital ventures.  Marshall just seems like that boy-next door with a troubled past & a beautiful looking future - from all the utterly incredible work he’s put into & is putting into that future.  For the love of Eminem - I’m all in!
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Eminem seen here on the field about to perform at SBLVI.
He’s so famous, so huge (his stature) and he still remains cool & appears so sweet & unaffected by the craziness of it all.  You gotta love Marshall Mathers.  I know I do!
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