#innocent spouse relief attorney in houston
irstaxtroublesblog · 7 months
Looking for a divorce tax attorney in Houston?
If you're navigating the complexities of divorce and have inquiries related to taxation, Mitchell Tax Law in Houston offers the expertise of divorce tax attorneys. Our family law attorneys possess extensive experience in guiding families through the intricacies of divorce proceedings. In Houston, our divorce attorneys assist you in comprehending the tax implications associated with property, child support, and maintenance.
With a wealth of experience, our lawyers are adept at handling even the most intricate divorce cases, particularly those involving high assets and significant tax considerations. As proficient tax attorneys in Houston, Texas, we provide comprehensive guidance on marital and divorce-related tax issues. Our services extend to offering assistance in resolving federal and state tax debt, including the facilitation of innocent spouse relief requests.
Consulting a tax attorney during divorce is crucial, and our team is dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of tax matters during this challenging time. Whether you need advice on property taxation, child support implications, or resolving tax debt, our divorce tax attorney in Houston is here to help. Utilize our contact form to request a consultation, allowing us to provide tailored insights into managing your tax obligations throughout the divorce process.
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Post-Divorce Tax Debt: Payment Plans and Relief Options
The difficult and emotional process of being divorced can have a big effect on your financial condition. Tax debt is one of the most important problems that might develop following a divorce. 
Unpaid taxes due by one or both spouses before or during the marriage are a common cause of tax debt. This can have severe financial repercussions--such as wage garnishment, levies, and liens--if it is ignored. 
However, there are several payment plans and relief options available to help you manage your post-divorce tax debt.
This article explores the various payment plans and relief options available to manage post-divorce tax debt and avoid potential financial consequences.
Payment Plans
One of the most common ways to address tax debt is through a payment plan. A payment plan is an agreement between you and the IRS to pay your tax debt in installments over time. 
The IRS offers several payment plan options, including the following:
1. Installment Agreement
You can pay off your tax obligation using an installment agreement, which is a payment schedule that lets you make monthly payments. This plan is available to taxpayers who owe less than $50,000 in tax debt and can pay off the balance within six years. 
To qualify: You must be current on all tax returns and have no outstanding tax debt from previous years.
2. Partial Payment Installment Agreement
You can pay off a portion of your tax bill over time with a partial payment installment agreement. This plan is available to taxpayers who owe more than $50,000 in tax debt and cannot pay off the balance within six years. 
To qualify: You must provide financial information to the IRS to prove that you cannot pay the full amount owed.
3. Offer in Compromise
A settlement agreement known as an "offer in compromise" enables you to pay a smaller portion of your tax liability to the IRS. This plan is available to taxpayers who cannot afford to pay their entire tax debt and meet certain eligibility requirements. 
To qualify: You must provide financial information to the IRS to prove that you cannot pay the total amount owed.
Relief Options
In addition to payment plans, there are several relief options available to help you manage your post-divorce tax debt. These options include the following:
1. Innocent Spouse Relief
You may be qualified for innocent spouse relief if you and your spouse jointly filed a tax return while you were married. 
If your spouse neglected to declare income, reported income incorrectly, or unknowingly claimed erroneous deductions or credits, you may be eligible for innocent spouse relief, which can relieve you of your tax liability.
2. Currently Not Collectible
If you are unable to pay your tax debt due to financial hardship, you may be eligible for currently not collectible status. Currently not collectible status allows you to temporarily stop making payments on your tax debt without facing penalties or interest. 
You need to show the IRS that you are financially unable to pay your tax bill in order to be granted currently not collectible status.
3. Bankruptcy
In some cases, filing for bankruptcy may be a viable option for managing your post-divorce tax debt. Bankruptcy can help you eliminate or reduce your tax debt, but it can also have long-term financial consequences. 
It's crucial to speak with a bankruptcy lawyer before declaring bankruptcy to be sure it's the best course of action for you.
If you are struggling with post-divorce tax debt, it is important to take action as soon as possible to avoid penalties and interest. Assess the best course of action for your circumstance by speaking with a tax expert or lawyer. 
With the right plan in place, you can take control of your finances and move forward with confidence.
Tax debt programs can help alleviate the stress that comes with tax problems. At Advance Tax Relief LLC, our tax attorneys in Houston, Texas, are well-equipped to assist you with filing back taxes and resolving your tax debt. 
Don't let tax problems continue to weigh you down. Contact us today to learn more!
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lawinformation · 5 years
Taxes and Divorce: How to avoid mistakes when filing during a divorce
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On the off chance that you have require a best reasonable Texas Divorce Law encounter, Taxes and Divorce: How to avoid mistakes when filing during a divorce with the immense procedure!
Divorce Lawyers in Houston: I sat and thought for a few minutes prior to writing this blog post on what title to use. After careful deliberation I determined that there is no way to make the subjects of divorce and taxes any more palatable- even if I were to dress up the title.
If you are reading this blog post you’re probably considering a divorce and you also pay taxes. How those subjects relate to one another will be the focus of today’s blog from the attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC.
Opposites attract in marriage which puts the responsibility for the taxes on one spouse typically
We’ve all heard the saying, “Opposites attract” in the context of dating and relationships. The attributes we find attractive in a potential partner are sometimes the qualities that we ourselves lack in abundance. Quiet and reserved people can see an outgoing and extraverted person as someone he or she would like to spend time with and help balance out their introverted tendencies. Likewise, a person who does not focus on detailed work, like taxes for example, may find a “numbers” person to be quite alluring even on a subconscious level.
With that said from my experience representing clients in divorce cases it is usually one spouse who handles the taxes while the other has nothing to do with them. This means that while the non participating spouse has less responsibility and headaches associated with preparing the taxes and filing them on time, their knowledge of any methods undertaken to complete the taxes is basically zero.
In fact, if those methods were to yield a martial tax return that was incomplete or incorrect there would be no way for the other spouse to know.
Filing a joint tax return: What does it mean for families?
Family Lawyer Houston: A joint income tax return can help families to save money in ways that spouses filing individually would not. While only one spouse may be actively involved in the preparation of the tax return, both spouses must sign their names to the return. This creates a situation where both spouses are equally liable for any mistakes that are made in determining the tax liability for the married couple.
If this sounds like you and your soon to be ex spouse then take note: if the government determines that additional taxes are owed then both of you are responsible for that additional tax burden along with penalties and interest. Being granted a divorce does not sever this responsibility for one of you.
In many divorce cases that I have worked on, our client was the spouse that was not allowed to access the family financial information. This means that he or she may have been given an “allowance” by their spouse on a weekly basis. Think of what you used to receive from your parents for mowing the lawn or doing the dishes and then expand on that as an adult.
Some spouses are so controlling that they do not allow their partner to view account information online, deposit or withdraw funds at their bank or even know how much the other earns on a yearly basis. With this in mind, it doesn’t seem right that both spouses have the same level of responsibility for filling out and submitting a tax return that is free of errors.
Innocent Spouse Relief- Help for a helpless spouse
If you find yourself in a position where your spouse is telling you that the both of you owe money on taxes previously filed then you can breathe a sigh of relief if you had no working knowledge of anything associated with the mistakes that were made. Innocent Spouse Relief is a life preserver created by our federal government that will allow you to avoid liability for taxes, penalties and interest owed due to errors on tax filings. In order to meet the requirements of this law and avoid responsibility you must show:
> That you filed jointly with your spouse on the return in the taxable year in which you are seeking relief > That your spouse is the only one responsible for the mistake made on the tax return that led to the additional amounts owed > That you had no reason to know, nor did you have any opportunity to find out, that the amount stated on your tax filings was insufficient or undervalued to what the actual total should have been > With the circumstances and facts being what they are, it would be unfair to hold you accountable for the penalties, interest and future tax burden that comes with understating your current tax liability > You must bring challenge any attempts to collect money within two years of the first collection opportunity
For those of you who bury your heads in your hands every April, you can take heart in the fact that the government has shown good judgment in at least one area of operation. While taking advantage of Innocent Spouse Relief does not guarantee you that your liability will be wiped clean it does present you a chance to move forward unscathed by a mistake from a person who is very nearly your ex spouse. It is nonetheless smart to become involved in the preparation and filing of your taxes even as divorce is on the horizon.
The more you become involved, the less likely there is to be a mistake made and the lower the likelihood of needing to take advantage of Innocent Spouse Relief.
Questions about Taxes and Divorce? Contact the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC
Divorce Lawyers Houston: From Baytown to The Woodlands and all points in between the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC strives to provide quality representation to clients across southeast Texas. To learn more about our office and the services that we can provide you and your family please contact us today. A free of charge consultation where your questions can be answered is only a phone call away ... Continue Reading
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irstaxtroublesblog · 8 months
Everything you need to know about divorce tax attorney in Houston
Mitchell Tax Law specializes in expertly navigating the intricate tax implications associated with divorce. Our attorneys at the forefront of divorce tax matters in Houston are committed to assessing your unique circumstances and guiding you through the formulation of sound strategies for your next steps. We prioritize crafting divorce settlements and judgments with precision, aiming to minimize tax liabilities and secure your future financial stability.
Our dedicated divorce tax attorney in Houston is well-versed in the intricacies of tax impacts during and after divorce. We strive to provide reliable counsel, offering comprehensive insights into the tax implications that may arise in your specific situation. Our goal is to develop the most effective strategies to mitigate tax impacts, ensuring a favorable outcome both during and after the divorce process.
At Mitchell Tax Law, we understand the importance of a carefully structured divorce settlement to achieve long-term financial well-being. Our attorneys are equipped to offer guidance, support, and expertise to address your concerns and optimize your tax situation. To learn more about how we can assist you with tax issues throughout your divorce journey and beyond, we invite you to reach out and schedule a free consultation. Trust us to be your partners in securing a financially sound future post-divorce.
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irstaxtroublesblog · 8 months
Detailed overview of divorce tax attorneys in Houston
Navigating a divorce is a complex and emotionally taxing process, involving not only the dissolution of a marital union but also significant financial and tax implications. In Houston, assets are equitably divided, adding another layer of complexity to the situation. Unpaid taxes are a serious concern to the IRS, and understanding the potential penalties, interest, and additional taxes is crucial. Qualifying for innocent spouse relief can provide a solution in such cases.
In Houston, Mitchell Tax Law is a trusted law firm offering reliable guidance and emotional support during challenging divorce situations. As divorce tax attorneys in Houston, we specialize in successfully resolving post-marriage tax issues. These issues include innocent spouse relief, tax audits, property division, and support payment deductions. By scheduling a meeting with our experts, individuals can access sound advice that ensures the protection of income, assets, and future financial planning.
Mitchell Tax Law in Houston is dedicated to providing effective solutions for the intricate intersection of divorce and taxes, offering clients the assurance needed to navigate these challenges successfully. Secure your meeting today to benefit from our expertise and safeguard your financial future.
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irstaxtroublesblog · 9 months
Learn about Houston divorce tax attorneys for expert guidance and support
Navigating the complexities of divorce requires strategic planning to safeguard your property rights and financial well-being. It is crucial to initiate the divorce process promptly, and at Mitchell Tax Law in Houston, we prioritize your needs during this challenging time. Our adept attorneys specialize in divorce tax matters, offering invaluable guidance to ensure your financial situation is comprehensively addressed.
Our team is dedicated to providing clear and tailored advice to aid you in making informed decisions. We meticulously assess your financial landscape, offering insights into the potential impact of child support and alimony on your overall finances.
Our divorce tax attorneys in Houston handle various aspects such as primary income considerations, the tax implications of gifts related to divorce, estate tax considerations, and the nuanced effects of divorce on income tax filing statuses. We collaborate efficiently with you, always prioritizing your best interests.
Seeking our expertise ensures that you are well-informed and prepared for the financial implications of divorce. We are committed to guiding you through this challenging process with expertise and compassion. Contact us now to benefit from the insights of our professionals and receive the best advice tailored to your unique situation. Learn more!
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irstaxtroublesblog · 10 months
Take help of divorce tax attorneys in Houston
At Mitchell Tax Law, our team of divorce tax attorneys in Houston specializes in navigating the complex tax implications associated with divorce proceedings. Recognizing the unique financial challenges that arise during this sensitive time, our dedicated divorce tax attorneys in Houston are committed to ensuring that your divorce settlement or judgment is meticulously crafted to minimize tax liabilities.
Our objective is to safeguard your future financial stability. We offer personalized and reliable counsel to guide you through the intricacies of divorce-related tax issues, both during and after the process. With a wealth of experience, our attorneys possess a comprehensive understanding of the intricate tax landscape surrounding divorce, allowing us to formulate effective strategies that mitigate tax impacts.
Whether you are concerned about the immediate tax consequences of divorce or seeking long-term financial security, we are here to assist you. By leveraging our expertise, we can help you make informed decisions that align with your financial goals. To learn more about how Mitchell Tax Law can support you through the complexities of divorce-related taxation, we invite you to contact us and schedule a complimentary consultation. Trust us to provide the guidance you need to navigate the intricacies of divorce taxation and secure your financial well-being.
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irstaxtroublesblog · 10 months
An expert guidance on divorce tax attorney in Houston
Divorce is a challenging and emotionally charged period of someone’s life. The situation becomes even worse when a financial breakthrough comes into play. Divorce does not only rupture marriage but also involves the division of assets, liabilities, and financial responsibilities. In Houston, the divorce landscape is intricate. The individuals facing divorce find themselves entangled in a web of tax-related issues. Selecting the right divorce tax attorney secures your financial future. When you need guidance to help with your divorce tax, contact Mitchell Tax Law. The attorney of the firm counsels your issues and ensures you get positive results. The divorce tax attorney in Houston divides assets equally and fairly. We have an in-depth understanding of tax matters arising in the tax return. Our divorce tax attorneys are experts in the fields of family law, child custody, spousal support and assets, and much more. We efficiently work with you keeping the interest in mind. Call us now and get the best advice from the experts of our firm.
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irstaxtroublesblog · 11 months
Advantages of hiring experienced divorce tax attorneys in Houston
Navigating the legal and practical aspects of marriage can significantly impact your life, both in terms of personal and financial matters. One key aspect to consider is the income tax implications that couples face, especially when both partners enjoy substantial incomes. Even today, there are still marriage-related tax penalties that can affect your financial situation.
At Mitchell Tax Law, located in Houston, TX, we offer the expertise of experienced divorce tax attorneys in Houston who specialize in helping clients with marriage-related tax planning and resolving related issues. We recognize the complexity of these matters and are dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions.
Our approach involves addressing the unique challenges that each couple faces and identifying tax planning opportunities to mitigate potential consequences. We collaborate closely with tax and accounting professionals to offer proactive guidance that enables our clients to lower or even avoid significant tax implications when dealing with the dissolution of a marriage.
If you are seeking assistance in managing marriage-related tax matters or addressing issues related to a marriage breakdown, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We are here to provide you with a comprehensive consultation, led by an experienced lawyer who fully comprehends the importance of marriage-related tax planning and the associated challenges. Contact us today for the guidance you need to make informed decisions and protect your financial well-being.
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irstaxtroublesblog · 1 year
Hire experienced divorce tax attorney in Houston to settle your disputes
Divorce is a physically and emotionally challenging phase in anyone’s life. Dealing with personal trauma, and practical and financial matters need to be sought out after careful attention. Divorce can never be easy and the financial implication is overwhelming. The attorney better understands various assets such as property investment, gifts, and alimony. They help you to make informed decisions that not only consider immediate division of assets, but also long-term consequences. In Houston Mitchell Tax Law is a firm that has experienced attorneys who offer sound guidance in this challenging situation. There are specific rules for different types of divorce cases. For those who are considering a divorce or facing a divorce, we are here to give you the right guidance. Determining the tax treatment of alimony and child support, we offer the right guidance on structuring tax payments. If you have real estate property, family home, land, or rental home, our divorce tax attorney in Houston advises you to handle assets to mitigate capital gain. We provide the overwhelming support and personal guidance needed to navigate this difficult time. Call us and schedule an appointment to get assistance from our experts to resolve the case. Learn more!
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irstaxtroublesblog · 1 year
Seeking help of divorce tax attorney in Houston
If you are going through a divorce, contact Mitchell Tax Law for legal assistance today. Our divorce tax attorney in Houston can help you navigate these issues and more. We specialize in handling the complex financial and tax-related aspects of divorce cases. Our attorneys have expertise in both family law and tax law, making them valuable assets when a divorce involves significant assets, property, or complicated financial arrangements that may have tax implications. We are well-versed in Texas family law and divorce proceedings, ensuring that all legal aspects of your divorce are handled correctly. This includes issues like property division, child custody, alimony, and more. We have a deep understanding of federal and state tax laws, as well as how to intersect with divorce matters. We can help you make informed decisions about the tax consequences of various divorce settlements and property divisions. Our divorce tax attorneys can assist in the equitable distribution of assets and liabilities, taking into account the tax implications of different property settlements. We aim to minimize the tax burdens associated with asset transfers during divorce. Call (713) 909-4906 to schedule your free consultation.
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irstaxtroublesblog · 1 year
Clear all your debt with bankruptcy tax attorney in Houston
If there are challenges or disputes related to your tax debt, the bankruptcy attorney of Mitchell Tax Law is there to help you. It is the most renowned firm in Houston with experienced attorneys to resolve all kinds of tax issues. You can get resolutions from tax debt, real estate issues, truck driver taxes, or more. A bankruptcy tax attorney is a legal professional specializing in bankruptcy and tax law. The attorneys are responsible for helping individuals and businesses to navigate the complex financial situation. They are experts in different bankruptcy tax laws and determining which option suits you. The attorney gathers and organizes necessary tax documents to resolve the case without any issues. Bankruptcy tax attorneys in Houston are involved in legal and financial matters. The attorney stands by your side to help you to understand the tax implication and file your case. Call us and schedule your appointment today! We assure you to handle all the complications worry-free.
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irstaxtroublesblog · 1 year
A guide to Houston divorce attorney
Mitchell Tax Law is focused on helping families & individuals in divorce & family law cases. With nearly 20 years in practice, our Houston divorce attorney is focused on client satisfaction & real, lasting results. Our Houston family law and divorce attorneys happen to be providing compassionate and personalized legal services in Texas. We have a team of tax lawyers who will be ready to help individuals and businesses to achieve their financial goals. Our Houston divorce attorneys concentrate on helping individuals get through divorce in a way that is as smooth and pain-free as possible. We're here to support you in finding the ideal path through this stressful time. Our Houston family law firm has compassionate, experienced Divorce Lawyers specializing in helping you get a new start in life. Call a Houston tax attorney that can analyze your circumstances and develop an individualized plan to address your IRS tax debt situation. Request a consultation today!
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irstaxtroublesblog · 1 year
Get help with divorce tax attorney in Houston
If you need the services of a dedicated divorce attorney, Mitchell Tax Law can help you. We are a legal professional and specialize in handling the tax-related aspects of divorce cases. We have expertise in tax laws and regulations and can guide how to navigate tax implications associated with divorce, such as property division, spousal support, child support, and tax filing status. We can help you develop a tax-efficient strategy during the divorce process, taking into account factors like alimony, child support, and the division of assets. We can guide how to handle tax consequences when dividing marital property, such as real estate, investments, retirement accounts, and business assets. Our divorce tax attorney in Houston protects your assets in a divorce. If you encounter any tax issues related to your divorce, such as an IRS audit or dispute, a divorce tax attorney can represent you and handle negotiations with the tax authorities. Our team understands your situation. Call us today.
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irstaxtroublesblog · 1 year
Get yourself burden free with the divorce tax attorney in Houston
Breaking of marriage is a painful yet liberating experience. Not only, it is emotionally unsettling but brings financial and legal hassle and confusion. Divorce impacts tax liability. If you are not aware of various tax implications, assets transfer, child support payment, child custody, alimony, and other divorce tax attorneys' guidance is a must to overcome all the hassle. When you need guidance to help with your divorce, contact Mitchell Tax Law. The attorneys of the firm counsel you on all your issues and ensure you get a positive result for your situation. Our attorneys work closely with certified public accountants and other professionals in the field of tax to provide you with the most comprehensive legal support possible. If you have dependent children and are wondering who gets the child tax exemption, our divorce tax attorney in Houston helps in an arrangement that is fair for you and your spouse. We truly understand how unsettling that can be for you. Call us and schedule an appointment and get assistance from our experts to resolve the case precisely.
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irstaxtroublesblog · 1 year
Take help of divorce tax attorney in Houston
If you need the services of a brilliant and dedicated divorce attorney, Mitchell Tax Law can help you. Our Houston family law firm provides legal services regarding your kids, custody, asset division, complex divorce, and support for anyone with issues with family law. Our Houston divorce attorneys are here to support you in finding the best path through this stressful time. Our divorce tax attorney in Houston can help you navigate the complex tax rules related to marriage and divorce. We pride ourselves on being the most prepared Houston family law firm with every single case. Our Houston divorce and taxation attorney will let you navigate the divorce process. We can also assist with tax planning and preparation in the years following your divorce, ensuring that you comply with all applicable tax laws and regulations. If you are going through a divorce, contact us for legal assistance today! Call (713) 909-4906 to schedule your free consultation.
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