herstoryforheda · 8 years
If you're still taking prompts, could you do a Clexa one where they're internet friends, or something similar idk, and meet each other for the first time? Thanks!
on it, anon! i’ll have it up asap, ok? :) - @cosima-phdhaus
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herstoryforheda · 8 years
Yay! You guys are still taking prompts! Is there any chance the person who wrote the PLL fill would write a Clexa fill where after 307 Clarke is injured and whilst they're trying to save her she sees Lexa in the city of light and has to make a decision whether to stay or go back to her friends?
you’ve got it! :) i’ll get to work on it asap!i work for the next like, five days, but i’ll hopefully have it up by the end of the weekend!- @cosima-phdhaus
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herstoryforheda · 8 years
Hey guys! I'm the anon that requested the You Belong With Me fic, and it was absolutely fantastic!!! I demand more!! 👍🏼👍🏼
omg i’m doomed i literally have no other choice but to continueor like, idk, maybe turn it into a multi-chap yikes;) 
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herstoryforheda · 8 years
Could one of you write a Clexa fic loosely based on the song You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift? :)
one she-wears-high-heels clexa fic coming right up!
- @cosima-phdhaus
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