maroon5-official · 4 years
5. list all anime you have ever watched 
So I’ve chosen to make this a separate post so I can hide the length. I’ve also included small reviews for ones that I like/dislike/have actual feelings about. This is just a list of everything I can think of that I’ve seen, whether I finished it or left it at one episode. Read at your own risk
Sailor Moon/crystal - Both fantastic. 10/10 
Dragon Ball series - I mean, its Dragonball
My hero academia - Popular for a reason
One piece - Unpopular because people keep living in the passed of terrible dubs, but the series has come such a long way, the new dub cast was chosen by the creator, and even the filler episodes aren’t terrible! Its a series you can honestly pick up at any point and figure out whats happening and even if you cant, its so outlandish that you have a blast watching anyway. While the character DESIGNS are a little… eh, the characters themselves are absolutely stunning, and when it comes to LGBT issues Oda comes THIS CLOSE to GETTING it for a straight dude before it becomes mildly offensive in some cases, but overall its just so wonderful and adventuristic and fun and I can’t get enough honestly.
Inuyasha - Honestly good, but some bits are just so silly
Natsume yuujinchou/2/3/Shi - VERY GOOD, a little slow since it’s slice of life-ish, but its so sweet and endearing
Oofuri/BIG WINDUP - First sports anime, and it literally had my sibling and I at the edge of our seats screaming.
Ghost stories - Watch the dub and only the dub. The anime itself is pretty bad so they told the cast to go wild and it’s absolutely disgusting at times but hilarious.
BLEACH - Also honestly good, and unpredictable because the dude literally just writes whatever he wants with no plot. Also the art is amazing because he just wanted to be a fashion designer and for some reason that didn’t pan out.
Naruto - Very good but ends in betrayal. I will never watch Boruto.
Demonslayer - So much fun and filled with sweet familial love
Blackblood brothers - Vampires. I remember it being fun but it was simple.
Blood blockade battlefront - Very fun!! Music slaps, and its such a wacky ensemble cast its so sweet and fun.
Yuyuhakusho - An oldie but a goodie. The anime also ended in mild disappointment because they altered it for no reason? But overall fun
Gekkanshojo nozaki kun - A good one. Cute and comedic
Pokemon - it’s pokemon its great
Durarara!! - Fantastic series, honestly. One of the best out there.
Baccano! - My actual all time favorite. PRobably the best ensemble cast you’ll ever see. Unfortunately didn’t get good traction so it didn’t go anywhere besides this arc, but it’s Immortal New York gangsters in the Great Depression. What more do you want?
Xxxholic - I’m gonna be real, I pretty much hate all CLAMP anime adaptations except for CCS. xxxholic was ok, the art was kind of an abomination, but it wasn’t as bad as Tsubasa’s adaptation
TSUBASA reservoir Chronicles - TRASH just read the manga.
Cardcaptor Sakura/clear card arc - Sweet and sentimental, I do wish it followed the manga story more.
JoJo's bizarre adventure - I’ve seen like 20 episodes and I don’t understand a thing.
Claymore - A lady monster hunter for hire. Dramatic and fantastic,
Violet evergarden - WOW what a gorgeous series.
Haikyuu - Volleyball anime. All sports anime is just by default goofy as fuck but I always find myself screaming like I’m at an actual game.
Seven deadly sins - It’s fine, honestly the hype builds it up but its just. Fine. Maybe I’m just bitter and traumatized tho
Sword art online/gun one - Also fine. It would have been much better without the sexual assault bits and the isekai bits, but its alright
Ouran high school host club - Where is the rest of the series?!
Fruits basket 2001/2019 - Already liking 2019 better, more plot?! More explanation? But also the creator is so straight it’s ridiculous pay no attention to her and make it gay.
Kuroko no basket - Basketball anime, also ridiculous
Blue exorcist - Its fine. Demon boys its ok
One punch man - Lives up to hype we need more but also its perfect the way it is.
Soul eater/Soul eater not!! - a CLASSIC. Needs a brotherhood makeover because they kinda fucked it up, but good!
Death note - I mean what more do you want.
Castlevania - Fantastic. I’m glad this hasnt been completely ruined for me.
Attack on Titan - The plot is good, just ignore the imperialistic view of the creator.
Black butler - I cant do it.
Beastars - I’M GONNA BE REAL furry anime is actually one of the best new anime I’ve seen in a VERY VERY long time. Music slaps, cute plot, deals with depression and anxiety very well. The sexual themes surprised me but they were very well done. The overall Kids Dealing With Trauma plot is fantastic
Magi - don’t rememeber much of it
FREE! + Eternal summer - Ok I love swimming anime its bad but its so cute and stupid.
2018 devilman crybaby - Fucked up. Well done, but I’m sensitive so I was a lil fucked up after.
Your lie in April - It was pretty.
Fullmetal alchemist/brotherhood - I can’t really watch it right now, but honestly should get an award forbest of all time.
The irregular at magic highschool - Boring tbh.
Fumofu - I’ve never seen Full Metal Panic and my friend made me watch this. I had no idea what was going on but it was funny.
Escaflowne - A classic I’ve meant to watch for a while and my GOD what a beautiful show.
Ruroni kenshin - Also good, also classic, don’t look at the creator.
Samurai champloo - Wonderful and fantastic as well. Samurai hip hop show.
Cowboy Bebop - What are you doing if you haven’t seen Cowboy Bebop?
Space dandy - an absolute wild ride.
Carole and Tuesday - A sweet show about girls and music.
Fairy tail - It was ok.
Little witch academia - Girl witches, also good.
Kill la kill - Would have been better if everyone involved wasnt a creep.
Anohana - If you need to cry and have time, watch anohana
Nura rise of the yokai clan - Boring
Sirius the jaegar - Silly title, but entertaining.
The devil is a parttimer - I loved the concept of this one, the execution was ok.
Rage of bahamut Genesis - I get hooked every time I try to get through this, but never finish it. Very beautiful tho.
Toradora - Cute
Yugioh - ???
Dragon drive - Cute but the anime designs did them dirty
.Hack legend of twilight - I don’t remember much of this
Digimon/tri - Its digimon
Black clover - Cute, but also like every other shonen anime.
Chobits - Manga Is better
Case closed/detective Conan - If you like mysteries and Sherlock Holmes, the best show for you. Also its been running since 1993 so its funny watching the technology rapidly change.
K - Cute and the music is fantastic
No. 6 - the plot was confusing, but good
Excel saga - I dont remember a lot of excel saga other than its quirky
Amagi brilliant park - Its fine
AQUARION - Everyone needs to experience Aquarion
Beyond the boundary - Cute!
Black lagoon - Very good if you like crime and violence
Blood c - Its Alright
Buso renkin - Magic sport?? I think? I dont remember
Zatch bell - Ridiculous
Code geass - Egomaniac goes crazy with power. Whats not to like
Corpse princess - Zombie fighting. It cool
D. Gray man - I need to actually finish this. It was good
Dance with Devil's - Also ridiculous. Demon dating musical.
Darker Than Black - Genuinely very very good
Dimension W - honestly i dont remember what this ones about but I remember liking it.
Edan of the East - global terrorism. Its great.
Fire force - not his best work, but its fine.
Food wars -  Genuinely shocked by how good this was.
FLCL - Classic
Dragonauts the Resonance - I remember watching this but???
Erased - Another genuinely fantastic one. GRoundhog dayish, but tragic
Gurren Lagann - Confusing but good.
Axis powers Hetalia - no
Gargantua the Verdurous Planet - it was cute
Haven't you heard? I'm Sakamoto - bonkers
Hellsing/ultimate - Alright
The heroic legend of arslan - its fine
Ranma ½ - read more of the manga, but its ok.
Pretear - the manga is better, but this was fine. Opening slapped. Biggest gripe is they changed one character’s design drastically for no reason???
7 ghost - bad, manga is better.
Wedding peach - manga is better
Saint tail - manga is better.
Ceres, celestial legend - this never got dubbed, but we bought a chinese copy and it was ok
Hero tails - ???
s-CRY-ed - the one instance where I say avoid the manga. Its basically two different plost
Azumanga daioh - Fun silly comic shows
Tokyo Babylon - ok this one is alright because its a two episode ova
X/1999 - I never finished it but they changed the ending.
Shaman king - Its good ol shonen
Prince of sTRIDE alternative - Silly parkour anime, really.
Neon Genesis Evangelion - a classic
Sakura Wars - Good, but I don’t remember a lot of it i watched it when I was ten
Mob psycho 100 - i couldnt watch more than one episode because the funimation app kept cutting out, but it was ok
Shin Sekai Yori - Fucked up
Psycho pass - Also fucked up, but great.
Paranoia Agent - fucked up, but also fantastic. The opening theme constantly gets stuck in my head
Spice and Wolf - sweet.
Sgt frog - weird and hilarious
DN angel - read more of the manga but also wtf.
Puella Magi madoka magika/record - good, but also why men shouldnt write magical girls.
Princess princess - I forgot about this anime entirely until i saw a picture and was like “ok I did see a few episodes. The manga is still better i dont understand why they mess with the character designs.
Bungo stray dogs - Its cute
Dance in the Vampire Bund - I watched a few episodes because vampire, but i dont remember
Deadman Wonderland - Very very good. Prison hunger games, really.
Endride - Gay crystals??
Eureka seven - I don’t remember a lot I just caught a few episodes on toonami. It was ok
Metabots - I don’t remember anything about metabots just that i was obsessed for a brief period
Galaxy Angel - I dont remember the plot just the baseball episodes and theyre pretty aliens?
Gunam Wing - I’m sure I’ve seen more Gundam, Its just mecha dragonball
Kaze no Stigma - I remember watching this but???
La Chivalier d'Eon - Fantastic and weird
RomeoxJuliet - I hate Romeo and Juliet as a play (I love shakespeare, but specifically the culture around RJ) but WOW i loved this anime
Michiko and Hatchin - I couldnt get passed a couple episodes I got way too sad. It was great tho
Nabari no ou - Ninjas??? I think??
Noragami - It was ok. 
Panty and stocking - Honestly wacky and fantastic
Rideback - One of my personal favorites. Ballerina gets injured and ends up being the face of a rebellion. Its so good. 
Servamp - It was ok. Vampires but like? Slaves? I didnt understand it
Strike witches -  I went into this thinking it was so cute looking but its all just weird pedophile shit. I hate this and anyone who watches it.
Tokyo Ghoul - It was ok. Not worth the hype imo but it was good.
Trinity blood - Vampire religious?? I remember a few scenes from watching 
Tenchi muyo - a classic.
Wolfs rain - also a classic. I rewatched it recently it was still very good.
Witch Hunter Robin - I dont remember much
Mushi Shi - also dont remember much but the art is good
Kumamiko - also adorable!!
Mongolian chop squad - I remember not watching a lot because I got uncomfortable.
Pop team epic - Hilarious 
Princess jellyfish - Drag queen meets nerds. Its great
Sekai ichi hatsukoi - One of my friends said I reminded her of one of the characters and I don’t know how to feel about it still
Yuri on ice - I love winter sports and this is delightful. My sibling and I were SCREAMING
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - It was ok.
Shigurui - Really violent. Good but I as too young to prepare for it when I watched it
Seraph of the End - its ok. Vampires.
Snow White with the Red Hair - Beautiful and fantastic. Fantasy slice of life
The Ancient Magnus’s Bride - Also beautiful
Bobobobobobobo - ??????
Bakemonogatari - Cute but??
My Love Story - Delightful!!!
Gravitation - Unhealthy gays, good for its time but wildly like ????
Tsuritama - fishing??? Cute
Marchen Awakens Romance - read more of the manga but!! Fantastic!!
Hamtaro - little hamsters, big adventures
This is not even a full list, I just can’t look at this anymore.
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maroon5-official · 4 years
G, Q, R, S
Answered g, can't think of anything new to write 😭
Q- question always asked?
"Are you guys twins?!" Even to people who aren't my twin.
R- reason to smile?
Honestly?? Spending time with friends and people I love because I'm a big weenie 😩
S- song last listened to 
Oh no it was like a half an hour ago and I don't remember oh nooo. Maybe the house bone song??? 😬
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maroon5-official · 4 years
🦋, 🕯, 🌹, 🌲, 🍯
🍯 Honey or jam?🦋 What do you keep with you at all times?
that necklace you gave me and one my sibling gave me.
🕯 Favorite candle scents?
I had a wax melt once that smelt exactly like ginger ale. I love christmassy and baked good scents tho (done right)
🌹 Describe your dream garden
I love the aesthetic of gardens but I have an irrational fear of bugs, so the least maintenance I can do is best for me. I want something kinda overgrown, with vines over arbors but a small stone path circling around so you can still tend to flowers when needed. Bushes and flowers and moss covering the ground where grass isnt and trees with long branches leaving enough light to feed and be pretty, but enough shade where youre not blinded or overheated. I don’t want to deal with bugs but I want them to thrive, like bees flying everywhere (preferably when I’m not out there). Maybe a spot for a small zen garden.
🌲 Meadows or forests?
Forests. I don’t like bugs on my knees.
🍯 Honey or jam?
Oh thats not fair! it depends. Jam has so many different flavors to choose from, but sometimes you just want a lil honey 
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maroon5-official · 4 years
Multiples of 5 anime asks
Uhhh number 5 is going into a separate post so I can put it under a readmore
10. favorite anime animal sidekick 
Not quite an animal but Kero from Cardcaptor Sakura.
15. anime you never get sick of watching
One Piece
20. least favorite anime ships
Naruhina, Shizaya, SasuSaku, and that's all I can really think of that like? Twists my gut hatred.
25. anime you would recommend to someone who hates anime
It depends on why they hate it? Geared towards children? Baccano! No plot, just gratuitous porn? Fullmetal alchemist (brotherhood not 2003) Too masculine? Sailor moon babyyy not diverse enough LGBT? Sailor moon or anything by CLAMP (ehhh manga not anime tho). Too silly? Violet Evergarden
Also everyone needs to watch One Piece and Baccano! tho
30. one anime conclusion you would change
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