knowledge-first · 4 months
Did You Know?
Did you know that the population of the earth is roughly the same weight as all the ants combined? That's a LOT of tiny legs carrying a lot of weight!
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Bees & Me
You know how you can be yourself sometimes and then another second your not yourself? I can always tell I'm myself in any situation when if a bee comes close to me I just stand absolutely motionless and wait for him to release me of my absolute terror. When im stuck in the swamp of others or beating myself up over my life i dont know why but i flinch/yelp/run away from bees. When i am the Caitlyn that i know (and like) I think to myself, he is more afraid of this giant beast than I am of him and he is also courageous and curious enough to buzz close by.. Sometimes I'm so still that they land and tickle me with their feet and feelers. I think, let the insect be and if he stings you he stings you.. There are worser things in this world. And then when he flies away.. i actually end up missing his company. I think that applies to several others things in my life. I might rant about that later. But for now, bees help me know when im me.
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