#insert that meme of the dude with the pizza walking into a burning building and chaos
dekalko-mania · 4 years
Hi. I'm new to the DP fandom and, if you've got the time/patience, I would *really* appreciate an explanation on what the hECK Diddles Piddles is. I tried googling and now I'm more confused
Hi and welcome to the Phandom! 🙌🏻
I'm gonna be honest here 👉🏻👈🏻, Diddles Piddles came to be during one of my DP dry spells so I wasn't there for his conception sadly, BUT from what I understand
•He was created by @diddly-darn-ghost 
•Diddles seems to be a ghegg (ghost egg) laying spoof of Danny Phantom
•He’s based off an OC made by @diddly-darn-ghost 
•Diddles merch is a thing, youtubers could never 
•Theme Song~~
•Cursed image of Butch Hartman holding Diddles Piddles
Hope that helps and happy ghosting ! 👻👻
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