#inshallah...if i ever reach paradise- that's all i want
delightfullygiddy · 1 year
Thinks about the fact that the world’s natural economy has been so damaged and decayed that topsoil is not as rich as it naturally could be and that trees of great heights and weights are dwindling or nearly completely gone. Realizes that the closest connection i’ll have to seeing the a glimpse of the natural word’s grandness may soon just be in pictures and videos.
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modestybae · 7 years
Can you please tell me the punishments, and harm of free mixing and how haram is it? Be as harsh as you can be. 😔 I am trying to stop but girls are everywhere, and I need some fear of Allah instilled into me. Please help remind me.
]Assalam alaykum wa rahamtullah wa barakatuh, 
These 2 links would tell you all you need to know about the punishments of free-mixing, 
We all need motivation, some need motivation by learning about Jannah and the infinite blessings and happiness there, others get motivated to do acts of worship and refrain from haram by talking about the Hereafter, the grave, and The Day of Judgment. Since you want me to scare you, I’ll go with the latter, 
Abu Hurairah (RAA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah said:“Remember, as much as you can, the one thing (fact or reality) which (always) brings an end to all worldly joys and pleasures, (meaning death)”Related by At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa’i and Ibn Hibban. [Bulugh al-Maram- Book 3- Hadith1] 
We tend to lose ourselves in dunya. Our lives take over and our rights and duties make us forget about the definite return. Death becomes a vague idea that would knock before its here. We think we’ll have time to repent or start praying so death would take us when we are praying. Thats not how it works. Death doesnt come with a warning sign or an alarm, it doesnt come when we want it. It comes and snatches you when you least expect it. And one of the signs of the nearing of The Day of Judgement is that sudden deaths would increase. 
Let me ask you, do you believe in death?
If you do, then why arent you preparing for it? Why arent you preparing when no one but you will be held accountable for every second? For every look, text, word, touch? Even things you would have forgotten, every single thing would be viewed in front of everyone.
“And fear a Day when you will be returned to Allah. Then every soul will be compensated for what it earned, and they will not be treated unjustly.” [2:281]
Narrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “When (Allah’s) slave is put in his grave and his companions return and he even hears their footsteps, two angels come to him and make him sit and ask, ‘What did you use to say about this man (i.e. Muhammad)?’ The faithful Believer will say, ‘I testify that he is Allah’s slave and His Apostle.’ Then they will say to him, 'Look at your place in the Hell Fire; Allah has given you a place in Paradise instead of it.’ So he will see both his places.” (Qatada said, “We were informed that his grave would be made spacious.” Then Qatada went back to the narration of Anas who said;) Whereas a hypocrite or a non-believer will be asked, “What did you use to say about this man.” He will reply, “I do not know; but I used to say what the people used to say.” So they will say to him, “Neither did you know nor did you take the guidance (by reciting the Qur'an).” Then he will be hit with iron hammers once, that he will send such a cry as everything near to him will hear, except Jinns and human beings. [Sahih al-Bukhari- Book 23- Hadith 127] 
Personally, Im absolutely terrified of the dark, and if the lights ever turn off, I’d be able to turn them back on, and that gives me a sense of comfort. But in the grave, you’ll be alone, even your family and friends will rush to bury you and leave. You’ll be placed in a hole that perfectly fits the shape of your body, and it’ll be closed on you, no openings and no lights. Know what will keep your grave full of light? Your deeds. Know what will accompany you down there? Certainly not your family nor friends, but the Quran. Or it could be dark as ever and your bad deeds could accompany you. If you’re going on a 3 days vacation, you’d start planning for it months earlier. The tickets, the hotel you’ll be staying in, day to day planning, food, and packing; and thats for 3 days. We have no idea how long we’d stay in the grave, I mean some of the companions -may Allah be pleased with them- have been in their graves for almost 1400 years. Will the light of your good deeds last that long? 
Abu Hurairah narrated that:The Messenger of Allah said: “When the deceased - or he said when one of you - is buried, two angels, black and blue (eyed_ come to him. One of them is called Al-Munkar, and the other An-Nakir. They say: 'What did you used to say about this man?’ So he says what he was saying (before death) 'He is Allah’s slave and His Messenger. I testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger.’ So they say: 'We knew that you would say this.’ Then his grave is expanded to seventy by seventy cubits, then it is illuminated for him. Then it is said to him: 'Sleep.’ So he said: 'Can I return to my family to inform them?’ They say: 'Sleep as a newlywed, whom none awakens but the dearest of his family.’ Until Allah resurrects him from his resting place.”“If he was a hypocrite he would say: 'I heard people saying something, so I said the same; I do not know.’ So they said: 'We knew you would say that.’ So the earth is told: 'Constrict him.’ So it constricts around him, squeezing his ribs together. He continues being punished like that until Allah resurrects him from his resting place.”
I heard once in a halaqa that there was a man (I think it was Ali Ibn Abi Taleb, may Allah be pleased with him) who said, if I knew that I would be dying tomorrow, I wouldnt be able to add anything to my good actions. Wallahi this sentence breaks my heart. If I’d know that I’d be dying tomorrow I’d add alot of things, another person would stop doing alot of things and repent. But this man,  wouldnt be able to add anything even if he knew that he’d die tomorrow! This only shows me how negligent we are, or how particularly negligent I am. 
The person who’d be able to answer the 3 questions is the one who lived them in his life. You’ll only be able to answer “My faith is Islam” If you truly portrayed what a Muslim should be. You’ll be able to answer “Allah is my Lord” If you truly lived by that, if you loved and feared Him. You’ll be able to answer “Muhammad is the prophet and messenger” If you knew him in your life; knew his sunnah and hadith and tried your best to follow them. 
Know that “Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un” is a reality. To Him we belong and to Him we return. 
Want to stop? Do it now. Repent now. Send a broadcast message to all the girls you usually text that you wouldnt be returning any of their texts, and delete their contacts too. Sincerely repent now, regret your actions, and decide that you wont ever get back to what you were doing. 
'Abdullah bin 'Umar bin Al-Khattab (May Allah be pleased with them) reported that:The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Allah accepts a slave’s repentance as long as the latter is not on his death bed (that is, before the soul of the dying person reaches the throat)”. [Riyad As Salihin- Book 1- Hadith 18]
Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) as saying:
Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, said: I live in the thought of My servant and I am with him as he remembers Me. (The Holy Prophet) further said: By Allah, Allah is more pleased wth the repentance of His servant than what one of you would do on finding the lost camel in the waterless desert. When he draws near Me by the span of his hand. I draw near him by the length of a cubit and when he draws near Me by the length of a cubit. I draw near him by the length of a fathom and when he draws near Me walking I draw close to him hurriedly. [Sahih Muslim- Book 50, Hadith 1] 
Dont delay your repentance. Repent now. Ask Him to guide you. Ask Him to help you. Seek His aid and forgiveness, wallahi He will not turn you away empty handed. Jannah is worth it. 
And finally, please do watch these videos in this order:
I’ll be praying for you anon, inshallah. May Allah guide you to His straight path and grant you the pleasure of imaan and repentance. Jazak Allah khair 
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giballedrei · 5 years
Someday i'll Show u these, i promise
I decided to use this blog as a type of meditation I need dayli. I'll just write about current situations, what's going on on my mind lately or just the first thing I think of when i try to write. So today I want to apologise and thank the people upon my road.
First of all I want to apologise to the people I fucked up for my egotistical needs, I want to say sorry letting you bleed on the streets and in your own houses for egotistical needs of mine such as money status or revenge etc., sorry to your parents whom you couldn't tell anything bc u would've to tell them why tho. Sorry to them because they probably had sleepless nights wondering what you are going through and not be able to help. Sorry that you lost your status and couldn't let yourself get seen on the streets without fear. Even tho there are no rules in this jungle of criminality, I don't want to justify. Still I hope you moved on and took it as a lesson that there is nothing to aspire at all in this scene. I'm sorry for all your mental and physical pain me and my partakers dealt to yall
To those people who fucked me up, I'm thankful that u showed me that I don't belong to ya'll. Even tho most of yall got the revenge u deserved, I want to apologise that I acted the same way u did and maybe worse. Nowadays probably i would see the damaged souls of urs and wouldn't act the same way and even pray for u. But I want to thank ya'll for teaching me there is nothing to aspire in your dirty world, no rules, no trust, no loyalty, all those things you guys always talk about. Without you Id probably still be there where I was. I pray to god to cleanse ur souls so that u can make your mothers smile and ur fathers proud as a change.
I want to apologise to all those girls upon my road, I guess you always knew from the beginning that you're not the one I think of constantly, and still u remained next to my side. I wonder what u saw in me that led u to stay. Probably it's that different character I am when I'm along people I don't love and only use for temporary satisfaction. That overconfidence and indifference, there is something toxic about it most of yall chase and try to understand or so. I don't know why it is like that, but I want to apologise that I dropped u all everytime I got what I wanted. I can only imagine the amount of stress, tears and nights u spent on my selfish behaviour. I really hope you moved on and found men who can give you what u deserve and what u need. I hope one day u girls stop chasing toxic people and start realise your worth. I hope u can forgive me and i always consider texting you all but I'm not that stupid anymore, I don't want to make u feel something at all on my cost, whether its hope or hatred or whatever.
I want to thank my few real ones, who stayed with me during my best and worst time. I hope i can come back someday rich as fuck and can get u all out of that shithole in kassel. I appreciate u guys, i dont know whether u can imagine how deeply i took in your advices and Help, whether its personal or financial Problems we always Found a solution and we did it, doesnt Matter if we broke into Apartments, rob people or just talked about what was going on in our minds. I say our, because you even helped me when we were talking about your stuff. To those new ones, u teached me a lot in just a short time, thank u more for the bitter lessons then the good ones, u showed me that i have to regulate my feelings my expectations and so on towards people because we never know whats in their heart.
I want to apologize to my parents amd tell them thank you infinitely. Maybe I will understand your endurance love and patience when I get my kids because I would've gave up on me long time ago and I actually kinda did but u never did so. You gave me so much, mind, heart, religion, I will never be able to give it back to you so I pray every day for your inner peace and to Allah that he takes you to paradise regardless of ur mistakes. I love u. I'm sorry for so much pain, stress, difficulties and wasted time on my stubborn ass. But know I know that you see I'm evolving towards the potantially person you always saw in me.
The best is yet to come,
My heart, my world, my best friend and lover.
I remember past years u rescued me once. I was just a disturbed misunderstood kid full of hatred and love at the same time. Without u I would've fed hatred until I became hate, and as u know I always feel more then usual, so I wouldn't know where this would end. Fortunately my destiny led me to ur path. U rescued me. U showed me the path toward the person u saw in me and who I always wanted to become. I could never measure the love I feel towards you. I guess I loved ever since, and will do so until the very last days of universe, beyond death, planets and stars. Tbh, I always knew we were to young and I am too immature. Or both of us, but me definitely. I knew you would lose yourself after you moved and so would I, but I knew you're too strong so that noone could ever break u. But I couldn't imagine ur path. Yes I earned my experiences and so did u, but I always knew our paths would cross again, therefore I always waited on you. And it kinda breaks my heart that you didn't. I didnt expect it, but it hurts me deeply tho. I can't put into words how I feel about what you experienced, the good and bad ones. Therefore I just let it be. It all makes sense, those are things I hardly deal with, but I guess there is this bigger reason for it, so I can learn and change my bad habits and confront the fears I always had. But I'm speechless proud of u. I still see the light in your eyes. And this light got me spark like ur fire did back in the days only stronger. And there u are, rescuing me the second time. After I lifted all people surrounding me up, they ran away and let me sink in quicksand. And when I thought itd be over, there was u. The light at the end of the tunnel. U reached me ur hand and u got me out. Out of the darkness out of myself. I guess I'm a bit hard to handle because I have to rebuild myself completely but let me tell u some. I will be thankful for ever. I will be in love forever. There is nothing that could change it. I love the idea of a team, like us helping each other out of the quicksand, washing each other off toxins and water each other so we can grow together. I love u infinite, and I will love u forever. I hate words cause they got abused so many times and everyone uses it so that the values got lost. But inshallah one day u will understand what u mean to me, how much I love you. Ur place in my life is above myself, I would kill everyone who tries to harm u. I'd kill and die for ur tears or your joy. No words could ever .. I want to grow with you, I want to live with u, I want to spend all my life with u, I want to have kids with u. Imagine our kids. They gotta be lit lit lit lit lit. Like fr fr lit lit. Like wow. Just wow. I get excited when I hear ur name, I hope my amount of love wont annoy u, I try my best to give all u need such as freedom personal space time whatever it is. I know there is a lot I still have to work on on myself, but i would do it all for the goods of both of us. Youre most important to me. When u read this. Youre not my world. Youre my galaxy.
Marry me.
In love,
Your plus one.
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