#insight baseball in fannish sense. im not in the fucking industry. duh. whatever. PENDATISM ALSO OVER
istherewifiinhell · 11 months
sooooo in my feelings, inside baseball type shit about new mm turtle show annoucement (oh yeah. just the show itself? been there. 5 stages of grief about it. justice for rise etcetc). cause collectively. the show runners have collectively worked on.... 3 of the 4 turtle cartoon shows (i assume getting someone still in the biz from 87 would be a bit harder lol).
and. like. okay... they are both EXTRORDINARILY accomplished, aside from their turtle priors obviously making them. lol. qualified i guess. BOTH have done things I personally ADORE, in and out of turtle shows. just. I fucking hate the company that is incontrol of the art i love that its completely WITHIN me now. lol. and im just so ready to deal with the bullshit of that yknow.......
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