#inspired by Highway 35 & Blur & Hydro Thunder & Fast Racing Neo
coldgoldlazarus · 5 months
Had yet another game idea that I lack the know-how to create the other day
(And by idea, I mean blatantly ripping off and mashing together every racing media I've ever loved, but yanno)
Uninhabited water planet, with an early human colony. Surveyed from orbit, but largely unexplored in depth. And someone's decided to host a legally-dubious race in an uncharted archipelago a little ways past the edge of settled territory.
There are no formal roads, just the waterways between the islands, and some truly crazy geography that can sorta work as a track if you're insane enough. A start point and a finish line for each race, but what happens in the middle is up to the racers.
To traverse this untamed wilderness, they pilot transforming vehicles that can shift between watercraft and hovercraft on the fly as needed. Oh, and they're all equipped with powerful, highly experimental energy weapons technology that has no place being in civilian hands.
(Something a bit shady about this whole affair, if you can look past the spectacle. Who's running this race, and why?)
Also for no particular reason other than I said so, the racers are all ladies, and their intense rivalries are only surpassed by the homoerotic overtones to their interactions. Once again, whatever happens in the middle is up to the racers, if you catch my drift.
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