#inspired by dreams of a drowning world tarot
seanchaidh7 · 2 years
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The Moon 🌙
Nicky di Genova
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pearlprincess02 · 4 months
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aries sun 10H, pisces moon 9H, gemini rising, pisces mercury 10H, pisces venus 9H, leo mars 2H
aries sun: is a day cardinal fire sign. the aries symbol is the ram, and its glyph represents the horns of the ram. aries is a sign that focuses on itself. very confident, independent and self-centered. aries are also a sign that will always think of themselves first and if that suits them. inwardly, they have a healthy self-interest and are very courageous. aries is a sign that is very brave and risks a lot of things. aries like to live on the edge of life and their motto is "try, even if it doesn't work out, at least you tried". aries is competitive and will always go all the way to the end. and also a sign that dares a lot. aries are not afraid of challenges but accept them with open arms. what is characteristic of aries is that they have anger issue. their anger is quick and direct.
sun in 10th house: you may feel motivated to fulfill your ambitions and so will drawn toward accepting responsibility or embracing executive positions. it can be harder to find motivation, inspiration and light - but it comes later in life. many times you look for yourself through the audience, your parents or your father. you want to find the personality that suits you best. sun here motivates you to have a strong influence and to get recognized while you’re also satisfying your thirst for power and make your dreams come true.
pisces moon: dorky jokes and crying easily. green tea with honey and tarot decks. i’ll be damned if i ever let another hand wipe your tears before they dry. smooth skin and doe eyes. stroking hair and pearl jewelry. soft touches and stolen glances. ripped jeans and jaded sketchbooks.
moon in 9th house: you find happiness in mental stimulation, embracing change and variety, experiencing freedom of thought, exploring different places, expanding your knowledge, seeking wisdom, trying new things, embarking on adventures, daydreaming, and learning about diverse cultures and foreign subjects.
gemini rising: gemini rising people tend to look younger than they actually are. also gemini rising people have small features giving them an innocent look. probably have a short height unless other planets aspecting. i have also noticed that gemini rising have a mole on their neck too like most of the gemini rising i know HAVE a mole on their neck and a small one on their cheeks. big eyes. wide smile and mischievous. wider face.
pisces mercury: mercury is fall in pisces. pisces mercuries seem...confused whenever they talk. tendency to space out and get lost in their inner world. they seem to struggle with articulating their thoughts. may be forgetful or remember things incorrectly
mercury in 10th house: restless, communicative mercury in the 10th house gives a native for whom it’s not unusual to hold down more than one job at a time or have multiple irons in the fire. mercury-in-10th has a knack for languages and this can be useful in any profession they choose to undertake. there is an air of authority with this one and they have a flair for communicating well and negotiating with supervisors or others in positions of authority. this one thrives in a job that keeps them on the go, traveling or what have you, as long as they aren’t chained to a desk or sitting still all day long. easily bored, the 10th house mercurian requires frequent new challenges or changes of scenery to remain interested and stimulated. easily adaptable to new and different types of people and possessing a witty communicative style which others find appealing, this one has an uncanny knack for success in writing or careers in journalism.
pisces venus: sensational siren, dreamy and karmic, elusive moments, drowning in feeling, flip a coin for love or lust - throw it in the fountain for both, making your dreams and/or nightmares come true.
venus in 9th house: this placement means that your happiness/joy/pleasure may come from traveling, college, and/or adventure. this could also indicate someone who enjoys philosophy and faith. you may date people or make friends with a variety of people, whether that be culturally, racially, background-wise, etc.. you find opportunities through your connections with others
leo mars: draws you in with their performance, wins, or adventures, brave in the bedroom, will risk it all, life of the party, maybe vain or selfish but always on top, a king, lust and power, feverish and flirty, are you their muse, trophy, or queen?
mars in 2nd house: the planet of action in the house of finances indicates one must work hard and diligently to make their living, and often have great work ethic. rashness or haste may end in financial loss, but 2h mars can usually recover quickly from financial upsets. investing in yourself and your capabilities can be very fruitful, but be careful to not become too self involved in your dealings and end up shutting out potential partners and opportunities. money and financial security are big focus of ones energy.
ᵒᵇˢᵉʳᵛᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿˢ ᵃʳᵉⁿ'ᵗ ᵐⁱⁿᵉ
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the-melting-world · 3 years
The Empress | Playbook Commentary [Side B]
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Need to catch up? The full album can be found here: The Empress
Note: Song lyric application may not always correspond with the original meaning / intention of the song’s origins.
Enjoy these breakdowns of the lyrics that influenced and inspired some of the events and imagery used in The Empress. All songs with the exception of the EP “Burgh Island” are borrowed from Ben Howard’s albums Every Kingdom and I Forget Where We Were
cw: mentions of drowning, mentions of death
~ Side B Playlist ~
“Oats in the Water”
“The Wolves”
“Time is Dancing”
“Burgh Island”
“The Fear”
“I Will Be Blessed”
“Oats in the Water”
Lyrics that had the most impact on the chapter
Go your way / I'll take the long way 'round / I'll find my own way down / As I should
And you'll find loss / And you'll fear what you found / When weather comes / Tearing down
“I'll take the long way 'round / I'll find my own way down / As I should” – At this stage, Kipling has had to suffer from the side effects of the resurfacing of her magic without any answers. Since there hasn’t been anyone to help her understand what’s happening to her, she’s been forced to take the long way to arrive at some answers.
“And you'll fear what you found / When weather comes / Tearing down” – Kipling fears her magic because she doesn’t understand it yet. The “weather” alludes to the storms that she’s at the mercy of in her dreams. She wakes up from her nightmares feeling like she almost drowned.
“The Wolves”
Lyrics that had the most impact on the chapter:
Falling from high places / Falling through lost spaces / Now that we're lonely / Now that we're so far from home / Watching from both sides / These towers been tumbling down / I lost my mind here / I lost my patience with the Lord
Where you been hiding lately? / Where you been from hiding from the news? / Because we've been fighting lately / We've been fighting with the wolves / Red tongues and hands
“Falling from high places / Falling through lost spaces” – reflecting the imagery of Kipling falling through the portals into Strength’s realm
“These towers been tumbling down / I lost my mind here / I lost my patience with the Lord” – Kipling is very disoriented when she arrives in Strength’s realm. Seeing Khleo there only adds to her confusion. In this case “the Lord” would be Strength, who is pretty aggressive towards Kipling when she tries to get past her so she can see Khleo. 
“Red tongues and hands” – this imagery goes well with Strength’s description in this chapter. In general, I incorporate a lot of reds and golds into any imagery associated with the Strength Tarot card.
Lyrics that had the most impact on the chapter:
Christmas flared amongst us / And we called it evergreen / Built a world without your love / Now I'm all out at sea
Take me back to the catacombs / I am tempted by her love / Bluest eyes against my own skin / I have never been so caught up / Looking around I see memories / What it was, oh, what it was / There in the lights you said something / But I can't remember what
"Christmas flared..." - Christmas is a time of receiving gifts. The “gift” that Kip has is both Ozy and the knowledge that Khleo is somewhere out there. 
"Built a world without your love" - all this time Kip has been without the love of her childhood friends. 
"Now I'm all out at sea" - reinforces the ocean imagery associated with Kipling and this idea that she's still alone / doesn't know what to do with this information.
"I am tempted by her love" - Kip's reading suggests that she's clinging too strongly to the memory of Khleo. 
"I have never been so caught up" - reflection of how Kip’s feelings for Khleo can overwhelm her.
"Looking around I see memories... But I can't remember what" - the more memories Kipling acquires of her time with Khleo, the more she gets lost in them, as shown towards the end of her reading with Muriel.
“Time is Dancing”
Lyrics that had the most impact on the chapter:
Wrapped up in dissonance / I'm sorry that I just walked away / Lost in the insignificance of mine / I had no words to say / Now I am better / I implore you to say it isn't right
Hold it in, let's go dancing / I do believe we're only passing through / Wired again, look who's laughing / You again, all you, all you, all you
“Lost in the insignificance of mine” - this is a nod to Ozy's pursuit of grey magic. Depending on how you look at it, you could definitely make the argument that Ozy going into isolation for a decade wasn't worth what he gained in the end -"insignificance". 
“Wrapped up in dissonance" connects to a lot of the maze/puzzle imagery associated with Ozy and the library where he spent the last ten years. 
"I implore you to say it isn't right" - It's never explicitly said until “I Will Be Blessed”, but there is this uneasiness that Kip experiences in regards to Ozy's choices that suggests she disagrees with the direction he took after she left for Vesuvia.
“Hold it in, let's go dancing” - Ozy helps Kip "hold it in" by distracting her. He tells her to watch the center of his back. He knows the memories of the past are still a very sensitive subject. For much of their reunion they are "dancing" around the subject of what happened with Khleo
“Burgh Island”
Lyrics that had the most impact on the chapter:
Oh your brown eyes shine a sure light on the way to go / And the sun tries you, reeling home against your glow / And we lost sight of it, breath tied up in summer’s hold / And your eyes screamed it / Burgh Island, in sepia tones
“your brown eyes shine… and the sun tries you, reeling home against your glow” - these lyrics reflect the sun imagery associated with Ozy. There is a lot of foreshadowing in this chapter that hints at the ways in which his patron Arcana will become more significant throughout his own character development.
“And we lost sight of it, breath tied up in summer’s hold” - this line echoes the moment that the trio became disconnected from each other all at once - the day that Khleo was taken by the Door. Much of their unresolved interpersonal conflict is “tied up” in that moment from their childhood, which has left all of them “lost” in some important ways.
“And your eyes screamed it / Burgh Island…” - Once again in this chapter, Kip and the Arcana LIs can sense that Ozy has been profoundly affected by his time in isolation. “Burgh Island” in this case would reference the “island” that he’s been stranded on for the past 10 years. In Ozy’s case, it’s his underwater library.
“The Fear”
Lyrics that had the most impact on the chapter:
I've been worrying / That I'm losing the ones I hold dear / I've been worrying / That we all / Live our lives / In the confines of fear
My, my cold hearted child / Tell me how you feel / Just a grain in the morning air / Dark shadow on the hill
“I’ve been worrying / that I’m losing the ones I hold dear” - Kip constantly worries that she’s never going to get back to Khleo or mend things with Ozy.
“We all live our lives / in the confines of fear” - Kip’s fear of intruding in Strength’s realm makes her hesitant to go back there to search for Khleo. Kip’s also been harboring fear of what Asra will think of her reading with Muriel and the emotions she’s been holding onto regarding Khleo.
“Tell me how you feel” - Asra spends time trying to get Kip to open up.
“Just a grain in the morning air / dark shadow on the hill” - Asra easily picks up on Kip’s anxiety around these subjects. He comforts her, knowing that she still feels very helpless “just a grain in the morning air” and uneasy about pursuing the answers that have been haunting her all this time “dark shadow on the hill”. There are more lyrics in the song that reinforce this feeling of problems seeming too big for one person to handle / out of your grasp - “Just a blade in the grass” for example and “A spoke unto the wheel”
“I Will Be Blessed”
Lyrics that had the most impact on the chapter:
Oh my ghost came by / Said who do you love the most / Who you wanna call before you die
Oh hey, heaven is the place we know / Heaven is the arms that hold us / Long before we go
Oh if you're there when the world / Comes to gather me in, oh if you're there / I will be blessed
“Who do you love the most / Who you wanna call before you die” - These lyrics reflect the confrontational tone this chapter takes when it comes to Kip’s feelings towards her childhood friends. The Strength Major Arcana doesn’t take it easy on Kip. She’s very straightforward with how Kip messed up and challenges her to fix her mistakes. Later on in the chapter, Kip is straightforward with Ozy about where she went wrong and how much he means to her.
“Oh hey, heaven is the place we know / Heaven is the arms that hold us / Long before we go” - The more walls Kip breaks down with Ozy, the more she’s able to let go of her pain and replace it with joy and unconditional love. She gets a sense of what “heaven” is like when she finally reaches this point where she can embrace Ozy without all of the tension and guilt that has been holding her back from moving on. Ozy experiences the same feeling when Kip reaches this point. This is the moment when he’s able to start his own journey towards healing.
“Oh if you're there when the world / Comes to gather me in… I will be blessed” - This line reinforces the realization that Kipling and her friends need each other in order to get through the hardest times of their lives, as the end-of-the-world hyperbole suggests “when the world comes to gather me in”
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maltypass · 4 years
Merry Unbirthday
'I'm beginning to think you only want me for my dog.'
Joey blinks up from the floor where he's wrestling with 120 pounds of very excited Kal.
 'What gives you that impression?'
Henry gives him a hand getting up, cooing at Kal while he does.
'Now now you big bear, you can't have all the attention.'
'Actually I did bring him a treat,' says Joey.
'That makes sense since it is his birthday.'
'Oh is it your birthday Kal!'
'No, it's my birthday.'
'Oh, you should've said something,'
Henry rolls his eyes, chin stinging from the strap of the conical 'birthday boy' hat Joey had placed on him the second he walked in, but accepts a kiss from him without complaint.
'I would've made you a cake,' Joey says, moving further into the house, 'but I like you too much.'
Kal is hot on his heels – Joey will realise soon that Kal doesn't need to be bribed into liking him, but the relationship between Joey and Henry is still new. He sees in each new dog treat an attempt to prove himself, but the dog is already nuts about him.
'When do you want to eat?'
Joey enters the kitchen having lost the thin jacket he came in wearing. Lost is probably literal, he sheds like a dog.
'Whenever you do Mr Cavill, you're the birthday boy after all.'
'I'll rephrase that; when do you need to eat by before you become useless?'
'About half an hour.'
'I'll heat it up then.'
Joey grins. 'You've lost your hat.'
'We'll mourn as a nation.'
They sit and talk about their weeks while the food heats, window open to let the air in. Joey strokes his hand absently as they talk. He's wearing multiple necklaces as is his wont and Henry hopes they aren't expensive – he's broken more than one during sex, and while he doesn't plan on breaking more tonight, he also doesn't plan on removing each one either. The air smells pleasantly of food, and their talking is interrupted by occasional chuffs from Kal.
When the oven timer goes off Joey starts, like he forgot why they were there. He watches Henry for a minute before jumping to his feet.
 'No no sit down I'll do that, you're the birthday boy I should fuss after you.'
'I know you're a former bartender but I'm a current control freak.'
'You're the birthday boy! You should put your feet up!'
'Call me birthday boy one more time.'
'I'm getting the feeling you don't want me to plate dinner.'
'I'd rather wear the hat again.'
Joey flops back into his chair. 'Fine,' he says with an overly forlorn sigh. 'Don't say I didn't offer.'
'Wouldn't dream of it,' says Henry, setting down a pie on the table for them to share, and Joey's eyes light up, drama forgotten.
'I must tell you,' says Joey, 'that birthday sex is obviously on the table, and if I'd managed to find a ribbon long enough I would've just wrapped myself, but this pie looks really good so I might need a nap before we get down to it so just think of it as powering up, okay?'
Henry laughs, like really laughs because god he is ridiculous and there's a very high likelihood he's serious.
'There's dessert too. Take all the time you need.'
'You spoil me,' says Joey, and then spends the rest of dinner alternating between stuffing his face, and complaining that as a January baby he'd been robbed of an outdoor bouncy castle birthday, a pain which summer baby Henry would never understand, 'No! You'll never understand.'
After dinner Joey holds true to his promise of a nap – he's doing well until halfway through the documentary when Henry feels him slump against him. He doesn't mind; finds the weight of him comforting, the slide of his long hair against his arm stirring something that could be explored later, but for now just a pleasant softness against his arm. The evening is still light, it feels like they have all the time in the world.
When he wakes he's sleep warm, smiling at Henry guilelessly, and it's only right to kiss him. There is nothing else Henry should be doing right now. He slides his hand under his shirt, touching and supporting him all at once, world forgotten, no script needed.
When Joey places a hand on his chest to lever himself backwards and away from the kiss, he's confident he's slipped into a parallel universe for a second.
'Wait,' Joey's voice is rough, but he leans his forehead into Henry's, sharing breath, 'wait, I have something for you.'
'Well not to be coarse but, me too?'
Joey's laugh comes out a bit hysterical. He lightly thumps Henry in the arm. 
'Fuck me Cavill you will be the death of me.' 
He sits back and pushes his hair out of his eyes. Takes a deep breath. 'Your birthday present. I'd like you to have it on the day and I think once we get distracted we're not gonna get around to it.'
He looks to the window and Henry follows his gaze to the beginnings of a sunset.
'You didn't have to get me anything,' he says quietly.
'Well you didn't have to go out with me but here we are.'
Joey kisses him before he can protest what a ridiculous statement that is. 'Wait here.'
Henry doesn't know how long he waits, only that he blinks and then the room is more pink as the sun sets further, painting Joey's entrance in an otherworldly glow. He can't have been gone more than a few minutes but he's holding the guitar he keeps around the place for when inspiration strikes and it's like he's seeing him anew.
Joey grabs one of the chairs and perches himself on it, smirking as he does so. He has that shine about him that he always gets when he performs. Henry has never been so attracted to him in his life.
'So,' Joey strums as he speaks, 'when I thought this up I sort of forgot the part where I'd have to introduce it. It's weird because usually I'm introducing music to a crowd who've already heard it and this is, not that.' 
The strumming intensifies, like he can marshal his thoughts through music. He probably can. 
'I did this interview for the album, and this interviewer, lovely girl, she said when you put so much of yourself into something and then release it, is it like you're giving part of yourself away? And I thought about that and maybe it is, but if that was the case I just think I'd feel smaller, and when I share music I don't feel smaller, I feel bigger.'
Henry nods, he gets that.
'I wrote this for you Henry. Happy birthday. I adore you.'
'You've seen the Alice in Wonderland cartoon right?'
'Um, yes? Wh-'
But Joey is in performance mode, something sweet with a melancholy edge pouring from his fingers, and 'I adore you' is soaking through Henry's veins, and that's how he sits and listens to Joey's voice.
We met in winter before the thaw
You were so much colder then
Lost in forests thick with pricks
But it was dryer than the fen
But you saw in me a fledgling friend, you shared with me a meal or two,
So I shared my un-birthdays with you
The spring that followed, harsher still
But your lines grew softer in my eyes
And haze and fog can cause car crashes
But the haze of drink feels nice
And one night drinking Famous Grouse, you called my eyes a startling blue,
So I spent more un-birthdays with you
The summer melted onto us
We were something when your birthday came
And I lose myself as fast as I lose my keys
But I knew your tongue spelling out my name
And I'm shit at reading tarot cards
I don't know what winter next will bring
Another 365 around the Sun
Another song I'll write and no doubt sing
The fen is waiting, cold returns
The wolves grow hungry, our fortunes change
But when the wolves inside my head howl loud
You smile and tell me it's okay
So I huddle closer to steal your warmth and Fuck, you make me merry too
I want all my un-birthdays with you
And when I think I've said too much.
You kiss me like a drowning fool.
I'll give all my un-birthdays to you.
The last guitar notes die away as Joey looks up in the blue twilight of the room, a tad shy at this one on one performance of something so vulnerable, but perfectly in his element, satisfied like an Olympic gymnast who knows they nailed the routine.
Henry wishes now he could slip into a parallel universe, so he could jump in one to kiss him, and in the other freeze this perfect moment, because he's not honestly sure it could get much better.
'Merry un-birthday Joey.'
Joey beams and climbs into his lap. 'And what a present.'
Henry hides his face in his neck. 'That was.. I'd like to spend more un-birthdays together too.'
Joey pulls him up and into a kiss. Kisses turn into hands under shirts, become teeth on necks. Long after the sun has sunk past the horizon Joey whispers, 'Take me to bed,' and Henry does.
His birthday bleeds into an un-birthday the way birthdays do. In the haze of a warm night in strong arms, one hour is just as good as another.
Joey's song keeps its promise.
@hedwig-dordt Happy birthday lovely!! I hope you like it!
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The Real Story Behind Suspiria (2018) And The 5 Other Paranormal Places You Need To Know About
It’s the classic Hollywood story:
Girl moves to a different country to pursue her dreams of stardom.
Girl auditions for dance academy.
Girl is selected as the new host for the head witch of a coven.
Oh and there’s some Nazis in there as well!
Okay, so maybe it doesn’t fit in the Netflix Rom-Com section…
But regardless - it is all based on a series of true stories. 
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It was only last year that a remake of the 1977 art classic - Suspiria (2018) - hit Amazon Prime and a handful of theatres. And joined at its hip was a flurry of top-rated reviews that swooned over its artistic rehashing of the horror genre.
Well, I say top-rated...
For a horror movie it faced a standing ovation, but it was still on the receiving end of many a ‘meh’. 
Nevertheless, fit with an intricate plot and fleshed out with garish gore, this is undoubtedly one of the best horror films of this decade. 
(It it here that I realise that we are about to enter a new decade and I feel like lying face down on the floor and having an existential crisis.)
And it turns out that it’s twisted plot is actually set against a very real backdrop.
Yet despite the intricate set of stories providing the foundation to this tale, Suspiria rarely wears the ‘based on a true story’ label.
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Sure, one of the writer’s own stories is often discussed when it comes to this film, but the reality actually goes much deeper and much further than this.
For the last week I’ve been attempting to keep us with the winding story, but it is little discussed, well, anywhere. 
Nevertheless, I’ve brought together everything I could uncover, and present to you this complete guide to the real story behind Suspiria!
Today’s post will cover the essay that served as the main inspiration, the tale it is directly based on, and the paranormal phenomena of magic triangles that support it, too.
Let’s get spooky.
First, Let’s Recap The Plot Of Suspiria
It’s the 1970s. We are in Germany, near the tripoint-border of Switzerland and France.
The main chick from 50 Shades of Grey rocks up to, like, the hottest dance academy to try her hand at being America’s next drag superstar the next big thing. 
Problem is, the academy is run by 3 matrons who worship the Three Mothers - a group of witches determined to bring tears, sighs and darkness to the world!
When someone does call them out for being witches, they get tortured and killed.
Oh, and it all happens through the medium of dance!
No, seriously. 
All the big moments of the plot coincide with dance numbers.
It’s like the prom scene in films about high schools, or maybe the big game!
Anyway - this new kid gets voted as the host for the freshly elected head witch of the coven. And accurately, the other witch who wanted to be elected isn’t happy.
When one of the dancers gets kidnapped, a fellow student investigates, and finds clues in her journal which leads her to the witches’ inner sanctum.
This is where the witchy stuff goes down.
They #roadtrip it to the inner sanctum, and find the kidnapped student who is being used in a ritual.
And this all happens at the same time as the prom big dance! 
The ritual ends up being done incorrectly, and the new kid is possessed by the Jeremy Hunt of the witches.
The possessed new kid then avenges anyone who didn't vote for them. 
This witchy-posessy-death-fest ensues and features as a part of the big dance. 
Witchy control of the dance academy ensues. 
TL;DR - just watch an episode of Dance Moms.
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Suspiria Is Originally Based Off The Essay Suspiria De Profundis
The film might be traced back to many paranormal phenomena, but the basis for the film starts here in 1845.
Thomas De Quincey, the author behind Suspiria De Profundis, wrote a collection of short essays which centre on psychological fantasy. 
It is even believed that he wrote these essays based on his own visual experience of Opium; this clearly births the artsy-fartsy nature of the film.
However, it was a screenwriter’s use of these essays to create the original 1970s Suspiria which tied all the strings this post will talk about together.
The inspiration from the essay centres on the three witches known as The Three Mothers. 
And even though this seems a small literature-based link to the film, Argento expands the focus on the Three Mothers to other paranormal phenomena that mirror this.
And this paranormal phenomena includes The Magical Triangle - a region in Europe where occult communities come together and paranormal events are amplified.
However, it turns out that there is not just one magic triangle.
There are five. 
But before we take a roadtrip round all these triangles, we have to discuss the story that directly influenced the film.
Nicologidi’s True Story That Inspired Suspiria
So, we know that Argento’s knowledge of paranormal phenomena directly influenced the film...
But it’s the other screenwriter - Nicolodi - which has a story which directly mirrors the events of the film.
Well, to an extent, that is. 
Nicolodi’s Grandmother went to a Piano school in the area Argento is so obsessed with, and the Grandmother claimed that at this school they practiced black magic.
Clearly this is a simple tale not dissimilar to the other films toting ‘based on a true story’.
However, it’s how Argento expanded this to include other paranormal phenomenon that rightly bestows upon it this classic - and often misused - tagline. 
Argento’s Magical Triangle
“There’s very little to joke about. It’s something that exists…”
Argento clearly based Suspiria on real paranormal phenomenon. 
And it starts here, with The Magical Triangle
It is claimed that the area where France, Germany and Switzerland meet has a history closely linked to the occult.
Whether it’s cursed cathedrals or the collection of occult communities, this triangle was one of the core pieces of inspiration for the flick.
And one of the factors contributing to the occult-focus of this triangle is the teachings of Rudolph Steiner.
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(note - this is not steiner in this gif)
Steiner - a social reformer and occultist - created a anthrosophic community in this area. This includes the Waldorf School which was rumoured to have practiced both paganism and satanism, mirroring Nicolodi’s story and the film itself.
Unfortunately, I can find very little information on this triangle itself.
But the other magic triangles I have discovered have received their own fair share of attention.
The 4 Other Magical Triangles You Need To Know About
There are 2 other magic triangles in Europe, alone.
And both actually come together and meet in Turin - a city which is considered a hub of supernatural activity.
The first triangle of these triangles is the Black Magic Triangle:
This includes San Francisco, London, and Turin, and its history dates back to the Roman Era.
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Said magic is believed to come from the energetic currents that flow through the cities, with Turin staking its claim as the most magical - and this is because Turin is supposedly suspended between good and evil.
The white magic triangle involves Turin, Lyon and Prague - and all I can find on it is this:
It is claimed that ‘those who know’ go to this area to pay homage to the ‘grand old man’ - make of that what you will..
This magical and mysterious area is further inferred by Turin’s position on the 45th parallel.
“Turin is the place where my nightmares are best.” - Argento.
Yes - that quote is from Argento, confirming the influence of multiple magical triangles in the creation of Suspiria!
And why wouldn’t his nightmares be best here?
This Italian city has witnessed its own history of paranormal events and phenomena, and is even believed to house the hidden gate to hell.
Take the Piazzo Statuto:
Not only has it seen a bloody battle back in the 18th century, it’s angel statue represents the dichotomy between the good and evil Turin allegedly contains.
The angel can also look like the devil, and even bears the mark of a 5 pointed star.
Turin also is claimed to have once housed alchemical labs underground with rumours of metal being converted to gold, a myth relating to the legend of the Philosopher’s stone which has its own paranormal associations.
Ghosts have also been said to roam the streets, such as that of Christine Marie who pushed past lovers into the river to drown.
The final paranormal phenomena of Turin I want to discuss is that of Palazzo Trucchi di Levaldigi.
Fit with a hell-inspired door-knocker, this is yet another reminder on the mish mash of magic triangles spread across the world.
Indeed this building is the city’s tarot manufacturer. And the building number? It’s 15.
The tarot card with the no. 15 is the card of the Devil.
The 40,000 satanists rumoured to be lurking the streets of Turin and performing rituals in basements confirms its mysterious existence further.
Our next magical triangle is probably the most famous mystery in existence:
The Bermuda Triangle.
This triangle deserves it’s own post given the sheer volume of evidence, debunking and discussion given to its name. Nevertheless, it further reinforces the reality behind Suspiria.
Also known as the Devil’s Triangle, this is an area from which travellers who sail or fly through often go missing.
The recorded occurrences began in 1950 with the loss of Flight 19.
Whether it’s the claims of UFOs, or the lost city of Atlantis’ technology, this triangle be a spooky one. 
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Our final triangle is a little less international, and resides in the state of Massachusetts in the US of A:
It’s the Bridgewater Triangle.
Named by paranormal investigator Loren Coleman, this 200 square mile triangle has been a home to many a creature in its time.
From a huge black dog back in 1976, to tall, winged creatures, and even Bigfoot, this is a hub for paranormal sightings.
Weirder occurrences such as mutilated cattle have also been discovered, confirming that Suspiria’s story goes much deeper - and further - than we would like…
The True Story Behind The Three Witches
The last piece of paranormal phenomena we have to discuss is that of the Three Witches. And no, Suspiria isn’t the first piece of pop culture to make note of witches coming in threes.
Sure, Shakespeare beat Thomas to the chase with the Weird Sisters in Macbeth, but three is actually a very spiritual number. 
Clearly the most obvious claim to this is the Holy Trinity: God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost. 
But mirroring this is the stages of the moon; the concept of Mind, Body and Spirit; and Mother, Maiden, and Crone.
The last trinity points to pagan beliefs regarding the seasons, but also relies closely on their perspective of witches, particularly in British folk religions. Witches were often believed to come in threes, and contained a mother, a maiden, and a crone.
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And thus, as triangles have 3 corners and 3 sides, we see how a link is forged between the 3 witches in Suspiria, and the magical triangles already explained in this post.
This is especially true given the importance of a triangle as a symbol in paganism.
Whether its derived from paranormal theory, or sought from the tales of terror lurking around the world, Suspiria isn’t just based on 19th century literature. 
Indeed, it has pointed us to a paranormal phenomenon - that of magic triangles - little discussed among us mere mortals.
So - what’s your verdict?
Do you think Turin is haunted by the clash between good and evil?
And who else wants to roadtrip round the triangles with me?
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dustedmagazine · 5 years
Listed: Tomás Nochteff (Mueran Humanos)
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Mueran Humanos, an Argentinian duo now based in Berlin, mixes post-punk, industrial-inflected synth explorations, garage rock and psychedelia. Carmen Burguess and Tomás Nochteff share vocal duties and play a very basic line-up of instruments: bass, synths, drum machines and samplers. In his review for Dusted, Andrew Forell called their latest, Hospital Lullabies, “a thrilling concoction of electronic, industrial, bass-driven body music fueled by the transgressive spirit of a DAF or a Psychic TV.” Here, Tomás presents his list of visionary music.
A list of visionary music
What is a visionary? Visions can come in dreams, in journeys to other worlds, in hallucinations. They can be the product of will, of a derangement of the senses, or they can come uninvited to save you or to haunt you and destroy your mental balance, even your life. It can be heavenly, or hellish, but to be authentic visions they have to be otherworldly. And to be visions rather than just imagination, they must have an element of truth. Not literal truth, like “that wall is green,” but a different kind of truth, the one that´s expressed in symbols, in metaphors, in omens and obsessions. In “Heaven and Hell,” Aldous Huxley analyzed the visions of people under the influence of psychedelic drugs, the visions of mystics and the visions of schizophrenics. He found fundamental parallels and concluded that they must have been visiting the same places. These people are not merely hallucinating, but they are perceiving another reality, visiting a different world, or maybe they are perceiving the world as it really is. And he quotes Jung on this: “schizophrenics and mystics are on the same ocean, but schizophrenics are drowning and mystics are swimming.” A visionary could be a mix of all these archetypes. Like Philip K Dick: was he on drugs? Yes. Was he mad? Yes. Was he seeking enlightenment? Yes. Had his visions an element of truth? No doubt about it. Were his visions revelations? To some extent, yes.
On our last album, Hospital Lullabies, the songs deal with all these different experiences on the journey to another world and on the invasion from another world into everyday life, with its horror and its beauty, the agony and the ecstasy. And how one copes, or doesn´t, with it.
So to celebrate it, I made a list of music that I do consider visionary. There’s madmen, there’s mystics and there’s psychonauts, all possible combinations of the three archetypes and everything in between.
Pharoah Sanders—“The Creator has a Masterplan” (Impulse)
I don´t know much about cosmic jazz, or any jazz for that matter, but what I know is that this record is pure bliss. “Harvest Time,” on Pharoah is another masterpiece. Alice Coltrane and Don Cherry are also incredible. This is music of the spheres; it has the touch of God.
Rudimentary Peni—CacophonyI (Outer Himalayan Records)
One of the few perfect punk bands ever, for lots of reasons. The bass lines are extraordinary, for example. But they belong here because of schizophrenic member Nick Blinko: incredible artist & novelist, obsessed with Catholicism and the supernatural horror. A guy who stopped his medication to force himself into a psychotic crisis just to write an album. Hero. Martyr.
Nico— “Janitor of Lunacy” (Cherry Red Records)
For me, Nico was the best and more underrated of all Velvets (and we love Velvet Underground as much as anyone). Also, the production from John Cale on her records is probably his best work too, or at least among his best. I feel that she is not appreciated enough. Iggy said that meeting her changed him. I suspect that´s true for all her famous friends: Bowie, Lou Reed, John Cale, Leonard Cohen, etc. They were all larger-than-life characters. And we know there is an element of self-built mythology on all that, a bit of acting. There is nothing wrong with that; rock and roll at its best is a complete artform and we must appreciate this self-built mythology as part of their craft. But with Nico you don´t get that feeling. She seemed that she didn´t care about her image, she was born Nico and I suspect that in that sense she inspired them all to no end. She was the genuine article. One of our main loves in music. Essential with a capital E.
Coil—“I Don’t Want To Be The One”
Jhonn Balance wanted to be a magician, and he died trying. I think he succeed in building a shamanic body of work with the help of the great late Sleazy and a myriad of brilliant contributors. Coil´s music at its best it´s like a plasma between worlds, or a very, very good psychedelic drug. My most beloved electronic/industrial/post-industrial project ever and one of our main influences. This performance is superb.
Lungfish — Feral Hymns
I´m not interested in DC post hardcore per se, and I don´t have any tattoos. I shouldn´t care about Lungfish the way I do, but they knock me out every single time. Daniel Higgs is a seer. I don´t know what he is talking about, but at the same time, my gut knows exactly what he is talking about. He speaks in images, like Tarot, like the religious painters, like Rimbaud and San Juan de la Cruz. His delivery is supreme. Raw and fragile, yet powerful and precise. Over circular, repetitive, minimal structures of music that have a haunting, arresting effect. Hypnotic, magical, devotional music. Either you get it, or you don´t. I can´t explain it. That´s the beauty of it, I suppose. And the truly mark of the visionary artist.
Ghedalia Tazartes—“Une Éclipse Totale De Soleil Part 2”
Ghedalia for me represents the pure, untouched, sui generis artist. Applying the techniques of musique concrete to the ancient folk music of the Sephardic Jews with a raw energy that usually you can only find in punk, or blues. I see in him an archetype, the Fool card in the Tarot. The madman that opens the gates of heaven and hell, gives himself to these supreme energies and survives only because of his perfect innocence.
OM—“Sinai (live at Sonic City)”
Maybe the greatest rock band of the last 20 years. Here with Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe to maximum effect.
Charlemagne Palestine—Live in Holland 1998
Like Ghedalia, Charlemagne Palestine is a Jewish artist that works in the avant garde field but subverts it with the tradition of his folk music instead of sticking to the cold, cerebral, rational program of academia. He has his own world. Watch this and you will understand what I am talking about.
Virgin Prunes—Excerpts from Sons Find Devils/“Walls of Jericho”
There is a VHS tape called Sons Find Devils, comprised of live shows and short experimental films (some of them made by Balance, from Coil). I had it as a teenager and watched it countless times. Sadly, it is not complete on YouTube or elsewhere but here are some small extracts. With their heretic mix of Irish Catholic imagery, Irish Paganism, Bataille, performance art and post punk, the Virgin Prunes made a unique and extraordinary body of work. A testament of its importance is that Gavin Friday was guest singer of two bands in this list: The Fall and Coil. And Mr. Scott Walker himself invited him to sing on a play. Maybe the historians ignore them, but Mark E. Smith, Scott Walker and Coil knew where it’s at, didn´t they? Their record If I die I die is a masterpiece. Produced by Colin Newman from Wire, no less, if you need more validation.
Boredoms—Vision Creation Newsun
I like some of the more comical, early work of Boredoms, but with Super AE and this one they got me. They got serious and spiritual, channeling Alice Coltrane, tribal drumming, kraut rock and noise into a glorious, euphoric sound. Maybe they are not visionaries, but their music can produce visions. I saw them around 2005 (on acid) with the three drummers line up, still in this phase. I remember thinking “this is what cavemen had in mind when they invented music.” I actually saw it, with my eyes closed. Early humans. In caves. Inventing music. God bless LSD.
Aphrodite´s Child — 666
The one record I bought for the cover only, it cost me 50 cents, best deal of my life. A concept album about the apocalypse. Easy contender for the best psychedelic rock album of all time. Pet Sounds? Get outta here. An absolute masterpiece.
Tim Buckley—Starsailor
Tim Buckley is a mystery. He died too young. How he went from his L.A. folk rock first album to the absolute unique sound of Starsailor and Lorca is impossible to understand and a miracle of music. All six records in between are masterpieces. He was possessed by genius and has the most beautiful voice. I don´t know much about him, but his music put me out there.
Sun Ra—Night Music 1989
Watch this. Space is The Place, indeed.
Pescado Rabioso—Artaud
This guy, Luis Alberto Spinetta, is considered by many to be the most important rock musician in my country. So being an arrogant teenage punk, or whatever, of course that alone was enough to reject him altogether without even thinking. But a couple of years ago I was blown away by a book of poems he published in 1978. Incredibly beautiful, unique and sophisticated poetry. I recently started, too late, to listen to his music. This is one of his most famous and revered records. It´s dedicated to, and inspired by Antonin Artaud, who tried and failed to reach the mystic enlightenment, generating a body of work in the process which is a testament to his spiritual ambition, his radical rejection of the material world and his pain. Spinetta understood this, he said the record was trying to find an answer to Artaud, a way out of it, a way out of the pain. It´s psychedelic music of the highest order. The lyrics are incredible but you can enjoy it even without understanding them.
Dead Can Dance—Dyonisios
I kept forgetting this band exists. This new album is great. I listened to it non-stop during last Winter/Spring. It´s the perfect time because the record is about Dyonisios, so as a soundtrack for the rebirth of Nature it´s perfect. Probably their best work in years. Sublime.
The Fall—“Garden” (Live at the Hacienda, Manchester, UK, 1984)
No list of visionary rock and roll would be complete without Mark E. Smith. Famously he said, “I used to be a psychic but I drank my way out of it.” Indeed, there was a time, between 1978-1990, when he was possessed by something, injecting realism with mysticism, mixing high and low planes, exposing the supernatural forces that hides in the cracks of everyday life. He never talks about hell neither heaven, but rather the way they mix and manifest here on Earth. You’ve got countless of bands using occult/mystic imagery, and you know it´s nice but it´s just a game. You’ve got thousands of bands referencing Burroughs and the cut-up technique, but no one can write as Burroughs did. MES did it. MES wasn´t playing. He was a realist of the augmented reality, he told it like it is, in his fragmented, hallucinatory, unpretentious, visionary prose poetry.
There is a lot in his lyrics that can be read in a mystic, occult way. He left a lot of clues for the ones that can read them. His texts are kaleidoscopic, and they reflect what´s in your mind, really. I think he will be recognized with time as the great experimental writer that he actually was rather than merely an angry Mancunian punk. He had more in common with someone like Iain Sinclair than with any other rock musician. One of my favorite web sites is The Annotated Fall, where fans analyze his lyrics in depth. Pay a visit if you can, I can´t recommended it enough. In many ways, he was too intelligent for rock and roll, and that´s why he was misunderstood, but he didn´t care, he believed in constant work, never explain, never apologize. The Fall took all the best things in rock and roll: Can, Velvet Underground, punk, Captain Beefheart, and pushed it to the next level. Our favorite rock group ever.
Huun Hur Tu — “Prayer”
I tried to stick to Western, modern music but I can´t help including this.
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/neptune-retrograde-june-21-2019-hopes-and-dreams/
Neptune Retrograde June 21, 2019 ~ Hopes and Dreams
Neptune Retrograde June 21, 2019 ~ Hopes and Dreams
By Astrology King 
Neptune retrograde 2019 starts on June 21 at 18°43′ Pisces and ends on November 27 at 15°55′ Pisces. Neptune retrograde 2019 coincides with the two major planetary aspects of 2019.
While Jupiter square Neptune can test your faith with disappointments, Saturn sextile Neptune gives a healthy dose of reality that lowers the risk of delusion and deception. It also helps you channel your inspiration and enthusiasm into hard work to manifest your hopes and dreams.
More detail on Neptune retrograde 2019 follows definitions of natal Neptune retrograde and transiting Neptune retrograde.
Natal Neptune Retrograde Meaning
Neptune retrograde in the natal chart is more common than inner planet retrogrades such as Mercury and Venus. About 40% of people have Neptune retrograde in their birth chart so it is less feared and less harmful than having a retrograde inner planet. That being said, Neptune retrograde natal still has karmic repercussions and a definite influence on soul growth due to the spiritual nature of the planet.
Natal Neptune retrograde suggests that some area of life is so painful that you prefer to escape this reality through your own imagined dream world. It is likely that this tendency to avoid pain through illusion is strongly rooted in tragic past life experiences such as torture, where your only option to escape physical pain was to transcend from a physical to a more spiritual plane of existence.
This earlier experience of spiritual pain relief was probably so intense and overwhelming that it became imprinted in your soul memory, in the DNA of every cell in your body. Past life crises like illness, false accusation and victimization will often be repeated to a lesser extent early in your life. You may notice you are the of subject to gossip, scandal or slander.
I associate religious persecution with Neptune retrograde. Throughout history, the Roman Catholic Church alone has accused, tortured, burned, drowned and massacred countless millions of pagans, Protestants, Muslims, and many other innocents.
No matter the reasons, you come into this life with some justified fears and anxieties. Although not exactly as real or extreme now, certain experiences will trigger those more painful memories. Your natural reaction is to get rid of the pain by accessing that higher spiritual dimension. The quicker the better and you probably don’t care whether it is through meditation, prayer, your imagination or drugs.
The release of pain-relieving hormones in your brain is addictive so you could easily resort o escapism more often and for less critical reasons over time. You may use illness to gain sympathy or to avoid the harsh realities of life. Perhaps you are more subject to confusion and deception than most or have a tendency to become involved in intrigues and scandals.
False accusation and victimization will exacerbate your ears and anxieties around groups of people or certain people. Other karmic issues associated with Neptune retrograde in your chart could include misdiagnosed or mystery illnesses with the associated blame or guilt; or institutionalization for crime, mental illness or religious mania. Feeling isolated from society is common for many reasons.
Neptune retrograde is likely to play some role in the case of the accuser, inquisitor or torturer. However, I expect that Saturn retrograde guilt and Pluto retrograde misuse of power would play bigger roles in these stories.
Neptune Retrograde in Transit
Neptune retrograde in transit is a regular cycle lasting 160 days every year during the opposition to the Sun. As with all outer planets, it causes less concern than the rarer inner planet retrogrades. Neptune is retrograde 40% of the time compared to Mars at 9% and Venus at only 7% of the time.
Transiting Neptune retrograde can internalize your fears and anxieties by stripping away the illusions, dreams and false realities that have clouded your vision. The destruction of your fantasy world will show those harsh realities you sought to avoid at some stage in the past. Maybe you have kidded yourself about true love, your financial situation or your career prospects.
The further from the truth you have traveled, or the more extreme you methods of escape, the bigger the shock. The truth of your reality is often quite painful, as is often the case when addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling or porn has been your escape. It does not have to take an intervention or withdrawal to recognize your self-deception either. This realization has always been there in your higher self, or pineal gland as represented by Neptune.
A new relationship or a critical event can trigger an old or past life memory of pain. Neptune rules self-sacrifice, victimization, false accusation, scandal, and slander. Neptune retrograde can show the source of the pain from which you sought to escape. You may then feel humiliated, betrayed, scared, anxious or guilty.
The internalizing influence of retrograde motion means you may spend more time worrying about yourself and your problems. Self-pity, social anxiety or depression could lead to withdrawal and loneliness. Neptune retrograde is the ideal time for spiritual self-development. Self-help books or counseling may help but other tools include meditation, Yoga, Tarot, astrology, swimming and a healthy, toxin-free diet.
Phobias, hypochondria, and paranoia may become more noticeable during Neptune retrograde but also easier to discuss. The world may seem boring when conspiracy theories are debunked or Armageddon is postponed indefinitely. Sometimes, however, your suspicions may, in fact, be based on realistic psychic impressions. In the case of health matters especially, it is worth seeking a second opinion in case of misdiagnosis or misinterpretation of results.
Neptune Retrograde 2019
The chart below for the moment that Neptune stations retrograde on June 21 shows it coincides with the two major planetary aspects of 2019, Jupiter square Neptune and Saturn sextile Neptune. Both major aspects occur three times this year but never as close as these middle ones, the second of three for each.
Jupiter square NeptuneJanuary 13, 2019 June 16, 2019 September 21, 2019
Saturn sextile NeptuneJanuary 31, 2019 June 18, 2019 November 8, 2019
Neptune Retrograde 2019
Saturn sextile Neptune gives strong faith and self-belief. With patience, you will do things the right way and not take shortcuts. Spiritual wisdom and self-discipline help you sacrifice short-term gratification for long-term success.
You can be optimistic while also understanding your own limitations. This allows you to make your dreams come true with hard work and a sensible, realistic approach.
Jupiter square Neptune can bring disappointments or embarrassments that makes you question yourself and your faith. You may become too optimistic, trusting and generous. Avoid gambling, drugs, gurus, cults and get-rich-quick schemes. Instead, rely on the advice of trusted friends and family.
Thankfully, Saturn sextile Neptune gives a healthy dose of reality that lowers the risk of delusion and deception. It also helps you channel your inspiration and enthusiasm into hard work to manifest your hopes and dreams.
Neptune Retrograde Dates
2018, June 18 to November 24, 16° to 13° Pisces
2019, June 21 to November 27, 18° to 15° Pisces
2020, June 23 to November 28, 21° to 18° Pisces
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heroes-hq-blog1 · 5 years
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Astrological magic. By tapping into the mystic energy surrounding astrology and their ruling planets, the user is able to wield cosmic magic. As this is a celestial magic, a user is able to use basic magic at all times, but the more powerful and offensive strengths lie with that which is directly empowered by zodiac houses.
ALIEN PHYSIOLOGY. Though she looks human, Astra is an entirely different species, and as such there are difference between her body and that of those born on Earth. ( + ) She has enhanced strength, endurance and speed compared to a mortal. ( + ) She has more durable skin and can handle prolonged exposure to extreme heat and cold.
ASTROLOGY MAGIC. Largely akin to any other magic, this is simply drawn from and powered by the celestial bodies and astrology. ( + ) Divination. A result of her magic, in the same way that horoscopes are researched and written by astrologers, Astra is able to interpret the future through the movement of celestial bodies through zodiac houses. This works quite well when interpreting for individuals, particularly when they have a singular topic they want to address (romance, career, health, etc). She can access this power at all times. ( + ) Magic telekinesis. The bulk of the power falls under this umbrella. By manipulating magic energy, she is able to lift, move, compress, etc objects. She is also able to use this for a kind of flight, though it’s not true flight, and instead created by propelling magic towards the ground or through the air to shift her position. ( + ) Magical energy blasts.
( + ) ZODIAC EMPOWERMENT. What is most notable about Astra’s powers is the changes they undergo. For the month of each zodiac sign, she is able to empower herself and embody them. The powers are different for every zodiac, but often include at least one physical aspect (eg. horns in Taurus season, feline physiology in Leo season) and manipulation facet (poison generation in Scorpio, earth manipulation in Capricorn).
ALIEN PHYSIOLOGY. ( - ) Her body has a tough outer skin because of the very weak and vulnerable innards that all of her species posses. She is extremely perceptible to ingestible poisons - even slight dosages meant to subdue rather than kill could prove fatal to her. Her internal organs are so susceptible to mortal food that she even throws up quite easily. ( - ) Though it does not happen, when she catches a cold or flu, it goes beyond that of the effect on a mortal and can become far more serious, lasting a long time and sapping a great amount of her strength. ( - ) An attack that does manage to penetrate her skin can cause severe internal damage.
MAGIC FLAWS. ( - ) This is always limited to the user’s personal knowledge and skills. Lack of use may result in weakening of powers. ( - ) Due to Astra’s physiology, her magic differs from that of a humans, and as such it lacks things that other magicians or wielders of magic might easily possess. This is not the type of magic that allows her to broaden her skills by use of spells, potions, etc. No amount of practice will make this available to her. ( - ) In order to draw more power for magical attacks, she must raise herself closer to the atmosphere/stars. While this may get her greater power, it makes aim far harder. ( - ) Her magic is simultaneously like part of her body and another thing entirely; it must be upkept with great care. Her mental state and connection to the stars heavily influences the power of her magic. She must always maintain a clear and solid mental state in order to have a relationship with her magic, and this takes meditation and worship. ( - ) Magical energy blasts sap a great amount of her power, and can only be used in short spurts.
DIVINATION FLAWS. ( - ) Astra is unable to see the future - this is not at all a version of precognition. She does not receive visions of what is to come, nor can she see as much even after meditation.  ( - ) She is not yet strong enough to divine a feeling or future about a large group – that would require a better relationship with the stars. ( - ) She cannot use it to interpret what move someone may do next in a fight, or predict an action/movement, and it takes her several minutes to determine what the stars are telling her. It is more a sense of what is to come, a vague and broad feeling, than anything else. While answers will be accurate, they are not specific. In many ways, this subset of her magic is more of a party trick, as it has absolutely no use in battle, is not particularly strong, and has no ability against an opponent. Mostly it’s just for fun!
ZODIAC EMPOWERMENT. While it may appear interesting to have rotating powers due to the zodiac, this can present huge issues for her. ( - ) She has absolutely no ability to choose which zodiac’s powers she harnesses, but is 100% beholden to the season Earth’s sun is in. ( - ) Only one zodiac’s powers may be used at a time. ( - ) The zodiac powers she has may not be useful or even effective against the person(s) she is battling or the needs she has. EG. trying to drown someone with water manipulation in Cancer season will do nothing against someone with aquatic physiology – at which point her zodiac empowerment is nigh useless. ( - ) To be honest… some powers are rather… stupid. And yet again, she can do nothing about it. Using Cancer season as an example once more - the sign of the crab. The water part might be great, but who needs pincher grip? What’s she going to do, hold someone tightly to death? ( - ) Similar to the latter point, certain zodiacs may have overall stronger power sets than others. ( - ) Rotating through power sets means she has less time to practice them all, meaning it takes her a greater amount of time to wean out more skills or greater power volume.
THE BIG DEFECT. ( - ) There are two factors that weaken Astra’s powers on Earth: the differing atmosphere, and the farther proximity to the stars from which she draws her powers. As her home planet more directly drew energy sources from the Cosmos and Earth does not, she is significantly less powerful on Earth than she would be among other planets in the universe. Catch her grumbling about this at all times.
She’s born where the stars are clear and within arm’s reach. A colony held so tightly to the bosom of the stars, it’s said that those born there swallow the magic of celestial power within their first breath. On the planet of Sostrar, a princess is born and raised without knowing her father because that is the way it is always done. Men are not among the things found amidst the palace of Sostari royalty; only queens and their kin, daughters and warriors and scientists. But still the child is raised by two forces: her mother, and the Cosmos. To be a Sostari is to know there is little difference between these two things: there are myths of how their people came to be, Valkyries that swallowed bits of stars and spat out starborn children, but the truth of the matter is that the truth does not matter.
And so the girl vows to be as consuming as all the constellations she prays to, as large and awe-inspiring as the celestial forces they pray to. Young as she is, her dreams swell and grow every day, weaned by the tales of justice, honour, and magick fed to her nightly by her mother. She pictures in her head what it is to be great, grand, the most powerful of them all, the way all young heroes in the making are ought to do. She is not the best yet, but she plans to be. These fantasies make her precocious yet determined, and the ladies of the kingdom merely chuckle at her ardour as she thrusts wooden practice swords into marble beams and floats above the gardens dictating to those that pass by. She adores nothing more than her home, that place where beauty and warfare meet, and in turn she is adored.
It is Mother’s decision to send her to the mortal plane. Girl-child protests, whines (despite nearly reaching a century of age, she is no closer to a woman now than she has ever been), and puts up as much fight as she dares to noble queen-mother. But the ruling does not bend: should she wish to be as great a warrior as she plans, she is told, a princess must do more than stand on her own self-contained achievements. To be welcomed among the warriors and rulers of her planet, she will have to test herself against the mightiest heroes of all the realms in the place where they all gather. And so the star-women descend from their place in the Cosmos, walking hand-in-hand to prevent the younger from escaping back up into the firmament.
The princess is given a form that better resembles that of the mortals, feels as her powers lessen from this new dirt-stacked plane so far from the ethereal, watches with resentment as she becomes more like them. With time the bitterness fades, smooths and alters into an understanding; it takes years for her to settle to their customs, and no less time for the world around her to adjust to her peculiarities. Still she says and does what she likes, blunt like a bat carved from aether, but she finds her place. An alien she may be, but foreign to the world she no longer is.
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seanchaidh7 · 2 years
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The Hermit 🕯
Quynh / Noriko
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legolasgoldy · 5 years
VI. The Lovers || VIII. Strength || XVIII. The Moon || ★ Seven of Pentacles || ☆* Two of Wands || ◥█̆̈◤ Four of Cups || ━━╋⊂ Three of Swords
Tarot-inspired Prompts
// Phew, sorry this took a few days these questions are so gooddd. It took a lot of typing, I hope its not too much to read!haha XD Thank you so much!!❤  @blind-mutant //
VI. The Lovers - have your character’s heart and mind ever been at odds with one another?
X-men verse: Yes, a few times. When he first started getting his mutation and really struggling to come to terms with it, he was really confused as to what he should do.  It took him a month or two to decide, and ultimately his head chose to leave to spare his family from any problems his mutations would cause even though his heart told him to stay and have their support.
Also with Rhys, there was a lot of his heart telling him something his mind hadnt quite realized yet. It was a very subconscious thing because he knew he loved him, but never thought about in what way. It was obvious to everyone else, he absolutely adored him, loved his smile, his voice, everything about him and spent time always thinking of him. The problem was, it didnt click in his mind right away that all of those feelings were much more than friendship. All he knew, was that being with Rhys made his soul happy. When he did finally realize, everything just seemed to make sense but due to the whole drunken night incident a whole new struggle arose. He didnt think Rhys would feel the same way so that made his head clash with his heart a lot. All of it was a misunderstanding of course
In Mainverse: Phew, Im only going to list one time and make it brief or else we’ll be on this one question forever. When crossing the Helcaraxe, it was nothing but a mind and heart battle. He was constantly aching for comfort but hating everyone for hurting him so badly, but somewhere in his mind he knew he didnt hate them, he loved them and thats why it hurt so bad. It took the whole elven 30 years in the Helcaraxe to finally cope and his mind and heart match as much as it could.
VIII. Strength - is there a moment your character has ever had to fight for something or someone?
X-Men Au: In his usual X-men verse he hasnt had to do anything extremely drastic, but he does defend the people he cares about from judgemental people on several occasions. It sounds awfully tame but I think eventually when on his own and living with Rhys, both of them having jobs, having a happy life. He feels like they did a lot of work to get there too. Finrod helped Rhys through a lot of hard times, and they overcame past demons to live happy and together. Sometimes those demons do resurface but they fight back against that.
He does have a verse where he and a friend were captured, and he protected them from Hydra, and for the sake of not writing a lot of gore, in short theres a lot of biting and fighting. He gets muzzled, his hair cut, tested on, but eventually he gets his friend and they get out but the friend doesnt make it far, the friend supposedly drowns in the river. Key word being supposedly. XD
MainVerse: Yes. There is a lot of war throughout his lifetime that he fights in and a lot of emotional turmoil. He had to fight to be with Maglor the moment they first fell in love. Feanor forbid them to be see each other, Maglor had to marry someone else, etc. That was the least of his problems though, when they all were fleeing Valinor he had to fight to try and keep his cousins/friends from killing each other ( which they did) at the first kinslaying. He also had to fight and struggle to keep his family alive in the Helcaraxe. Then there was just so much fighting in Middle Earth. The only time there wasnt, was in the time of great peace when Morgoth was quiet, and Finrod was free to run his kingdom happily and be with his family and lover, still in secret, but he’d take it. After all that crap, keeping their romance secret wasnt as big of a deal anymore. Thats not to say it didnt bother him sometimes, but there were worse problems.
XVIII. The Moon - what is the most significant secret your character has discovered?
X-men AU: Aside from finding out what happened to Rhys, there isnt much else significant. His life in this au is relatively calm compared to all other aus. Unless you count teenage talk, and secrets swapped between friends. Theres tons of those but none of those are massive secrets.
MainVerse: Probably when Ulmo came to him and gave him a hint of what was to come and what he needed to do to prepare. Any secret from a Vala is  hella significant. Similarly, the most significant secret he ever kept himself, is that he was shagging his half-cousin for centuries and they in fact were kinda secretly married twice XD Also, any events of his foresight telling him something can also count.
★ Seven of Pentacles - what tests your character’s patience more than anything?
Prejudice.The only smidge of patience he has for it, is giving them a chance to educate themselves on the matter and be a better person. He’ll even offer to educate them. If they keep squandering that chance then he has no patience for them. You can lead a horse to water but cant make them drink, if hes gatta just forget them and protect innocent people from them then oh well. He tried. Hes not gonna tolerate someone whos ignorant biased hateful views hurt people.
ー☆* Two of Wands - has your character ever had to make a tough decision between two choices?
X-men AU: This goes along with the first question. Most of his tough decisions were due to his mind and heart saying two different things.  When his mutation started surfacing, not only did he feel like he had to choose between leaving and staying, he felt the need to either keep in touch or break up with his boyfriend. Those were two very very hard decisions. Of course he had only just turned 16, he was such a young boy and in his mind at the time those were his only choices.  He got so afraid that his family would suffer if someone judged him, he wanted them happy. The same with his boyfriend, they had both planned to go to go through highschool together then attend a college of the arts to study music. They had such big dreams that he suddenly didnt think he could do anymore. The thought of trying and failing, then hindering his boyfriend from achieving his dreams was too much, he couldnt find it in himself to risk everyones happiness, and/or safety. Heaven forbid him being a mutant were to effect his parents jobs! Or people pick on his little siblings at their schools. He thought of everything bad that could happen, and in that already stressed/very frightened state he decided to leave. Of course Charles Xavier found him and told him about the institute, and this whole thing was mended but it was devastating at the time.
MainVerse: Whether or not to leave Valinor was a choice that changed his entire life, and set his entire future in motion down the path of doom. It sounds really dramatic and it was. ;-;. When all the Noldor decided to leave when the trees were killed his mother wouldn’t go with them, and he couldnt bear to leave her but he felt the need to go and protect his father and siblings too. So he told her he would take care of them for her. At that time there was no doom of Mandos, and there could have been a way back to see her at some point and time. It wasnt too unreasonable to think seeing as the Valar said they could go, and they hadnt committed any crimes yet.
After the kinslaying he had a choice to turn back with his father and his people, to be forgiven and have the curse of doom lifted off him but he couldnt leave his siblings, cousins, and lover. He had to choose to stay with them, and thus making the decision to never see his parents again until he died. In a way he had no choice, he couldnt let his siblings, cousins, and lover go to middle earth, where the dark lords were,  alone. Theres no way he could so in that aspect it was an easy choice, but hard and heartwrenching all the same.  Another tough choice was to travel through the Helcaraxe but that wasnt his sole decision, its more complicated so I wont mention that one.
◥█̆̈◤ Four of Cups - how indecisive is your character?
Finrod is pretty decisive, the only decisions that are difficult for him are the ones where his heart and mind clash like the other questions asked about. He has such a big heart, he always tries to consider everyone and do whats best but sometimes the situation calls for a lot of thinking rather than acting on emotion. Something that important takes a lot of thought.
━━╋⊂ Three of Swords - what was the worst betrayal of trust your character has ever experienced?
X-men au: I think going back to the tough decision question about his mutation beginning to surface. At the time when that happened, he felt very betrayed by his own body. Everything just started tumbling to pieces in front of him. His body kept changing and his teeth were growing so his mouth was incredibly sore around his canines not to mention accidentally biting himself a lot. His ears, and sense of smell, and taste were malfunctioning from the change so noises that didnt normally bother him hurt sometimes to the point of bleeding ears, things that normally tasted good suddenly tasted bad, he kept smelling things he didnt want to smell. Not to mention his voice started doing really weird things and he suddenly got abnormally strong. Not only was all this suddenly happening to him, his fear of what would happen to everyone else just made him feel betrayed by the world for not accepting him and forcing him between a rock and a hard place. Of course later, things did work out and he realized there were a lot of people who supported mutants too, and that he just had to see it. The longer he had his mutation he felt like it was who he was meant to be, now he wouldnt know what to do without it. Just being so young and everything happening so suddenly did make him feel betrayed for several months.
Mainverse: Hm, well theres several betrayals that he went through although things like the kinslaying wasnt directly to solely him so I wont elaborate on those.  I would say its a pretty good tie between his uncle Feanor refusing to let  Makalaure/Maglor be with him and basically forcing Mags to marry someone else specifically to keep them from ever being married was a pretty bad betrayal at the time. Feanor had always been rough around the edges, but Finrod had never expected that extent of a betrayal.
The biggest betrayal of his entire lifetime I would say is what Curufin and Celegorm did in Nargothrond.  Finrod had been one of the best kings in history, he was sweet, compassionate, loyal, trust worthy, he cared about everyone not just his own subjects. His kingdom thrived and was so happy, he kept it hidden from evil all that time. There was such an immense level of respect between him and his subjects, and Curufin and Celegorm specifically visited Nargothrond to try and undermine that respect and trust. They widdled away at it and planted all kinds of seeds of doubt to the point when Finrod decided to go with Beren to retrieve a silmaril, it was absolute mutiny. Everyone in the entire kingdom turned on him because of what Curufin and Celegorm had done and said to them, only a single handful of people remained loyal to him. A single handful, thats it, out of that entire massive kingdom. Finrod simply took off his crown and tossed it on the floor bc thats all he could do,  it was such a betrayal there was nothing else he could have done.  Finrod went into Angband with only part of that handful of people because no one else would follow him. They all died except for Beren who Finrod died protecting. Luckily his nephew Orodreth got the crown and not Curufin and Celegorm, but much good that did..Not long after Nargothrond fell and Orodreth and his daughter was killed, and most of Nargothronds people were either killed or enslaved. So.. yea. Massive Betrayal. Hugee. Lead to the entire kingdom and its people being dead.
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ive been thinking about doing a criminal tarot deck who do yall think i should make which cards. here is a list of the cards
Major Arcana- List of Tarot Card Meanings
0 The Fool - New beginning, optimism, trust in life
1 The Magician - Action, the power to manifest
2 The High Priestess - Inaction, going within, the mystical
3 The Empress - Abundance, nurturing, fertility, life in bloom!
4 The Emperor - Structure, stability, rules and power
5 The Hierophant - Institutions, tradition, society and its rules
6 The Lovers - Sexuality, passion, choice, uniting
7 The Chariot - Movement, progress, integration
8 Strength - Courage, subtle power, integration of animal self
9 The Hermit - Meditation, solitude, consciousness
10 Wheel of Fortune - Cycles, change, ups and downs
11 Justice - Fairness, equality, balance
12 The Hanged Man - Surrender, new perspective, enlightenment
13 Death - The end of something, change, the impermeability of all things
14 Temperance - Balance, moderation, being sensible
15 The Devil - Destructive patterns, addiction, giving away your power
16 The Tower - Collapse of stable structures, release, sudden insight
17 The Star - Hope, calm, a good omen!
18 The Moon - Mystery, the subconscious, dreams
19 The Sun - Success, happiness, all will be well
20 Judgment - Rebirth, a new phase, inner calling
21 The World - Completion, wholeness, attainment, celebration of life
Minor Arcana- List of Tarot Card Meanings
Suit of Swords
King - Serious, controlling, rational and mind/intellect-focused
Queen - Intelligent, writer, communicative yet cold - cuts through B.S.
Knight - Fierce, determined, aggressively pursues goals
Page - mentally unstable or intellectually immature, acts without thinking
Ace of Swords - A fresh start, a sudden opportunity or idea, clarity
2 - Indecision
3- heartbreak, betrayal
4 - meditation, rest, retreat
5 - mind games, hostility
6 - leaving, accepting help, going somewhere better
7 - secret plans, abandoning ship
8 - feeling powerless and stuck
9 - Overactive mind, anxiety
10 - feeling defeated, self sabotage
Suit of Cups
King - Need to acknowledge deep feelings, avoid drowning out emotions
Queen - Emotionally nurturing, intuitive, sensitive
Knight - Romantic, adventurous, following one’s heart
Page - Creative, inspired, learning artistic skill
Ace of Cups - emotional fulfillment, joy
2 - partnership, mutual attraction, compatibility
3 - celebration, fun with friends, laughter
4 - boredom, dissatisfaction with what is being offered
5 - dwelling on the negative, self pity
6 - sentimentality, kindness, help
7 - so many choices! Indecision, getting lost in fantasy
8 - abandoning something in search of something better
9 - indulgence, self-satisfaction
10 - emotional bliss, happiness, attainment
Suit of Wands
King - Career focused, mature, passionate
Queen - Confidant, focused, has zest for life
Knight - An adventurous risk taker who follows his passions
Page - newly inspired, excited about life and work
Ace of Wands - New beginnings, creative spark, fertile ideas
2 - Contemplation, assessing ones life direction
3 - Reaping the rewards of your efforts
4 - Celebration, safety, the home
5 - Competition, minor struggles or disagreements
6 - Success, accolades and achievement
7 - Feeling defensive and on guard
8 - Speed, things manifesting quickly
9 - Pessimism, gearing up for the worst
10 - Feeling oppressed, exhaustion, too many responsibilities
Suit of Pentacles
King - Enjoys the good life (food, drink and leisure), financially secure
Queen - Healthy in body and finances, grounded and calm
Knight - Cautious, sensible and slow to progress
Page - Student, commitment to learning
Ace of Pentacles - Financial reward, clarity of life purpose, goals
2 - Balance, multitasking
3 - Meaningful work, enjoying one’s work, suitable career
4 - Hoarding, feeling poor, holding self back out of fear
5 - Minor money troubles, health problems, feeling like an outsider
6 - Charity, accepting and giving help
7 - Patience, waiting for your plans to bear fruit
8 - Hard work, focused efforts, laying the groundwork
9 - Luxury, rest, financial and material comforts
10 - Financial success, strong business relationships
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zen-tarot · 3 years
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Five of Cups + The Star 🌈✨ ⁣ Even when you feel lost, don’t lose hope. Many things will happen in this lifetime, but we must hold on to one thing that gives us a reason to live. Losing a job, losing someone dear to us, or even feeling unhappy with our current environment can affect our mental well-being. Specifically, on the days you feel less motivated to chase after your dreams, try your hardest to get past the negative thoughts and emotions. Don’t brainwash yourself into believing you aren’t worthy or capable of obtaining what you want. Don’t allow your emotions to drown out logic and reason. You are wise, you are important, and you are a star. Your mind is potent; even when the world comes crashing down without notice, we must rely on one another to build each other up. The Star offers us light, optimism, love, support, and insight. When we least expect it, strength will show up, and just like magic, it will help inspire us not to give up. The Star guides us through obstacles and helps us overcome even our darkest hour. Everyday affairs shouldn’t be a battlefield; find comfort in connecting and building a community of familiar faces and shared stories. Seek help from the divine; sometimes, things are beyond us. Connect with your faith, ancestors and unload your burdens. Today may not be your day, but there’s always a chance for a better tomorrow. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ 🌿 Deck: Modern Witch Tarot⁣⁣ #zentarot⁣⁣ #tarot #tarotreading ⁣⁣ #tarotreadersinstagram ⁣⁣ #tarotscope #modernwitchtarot ⁣⁣ #witchesofinstagram ⁣⁣⁣ #piscesseason #tarotreader https://www.instagram.com/p/CLqFnS2nJmI/?igshid=15phwsthlk67k
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infjtarot · 4 years
3 of Pentacles ~ Wildwood Tarot.
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3 of Stones ~ Creativity ~ Wildwood Tarot.
 “A huge trilithon stands amid bushes and rocks. On the left hand pillar there is a great aurochs from the painted caves of France; on the right is an ancient horse known as Przewalski. Standing between the stones, one hand on each, is a Green Woman, from whose feet roots of energy spread out as she draws upon the strength of the stones and the earth.”
 Meaning of the Card: “An artist listens to the inner voice and hears the wind song of the universe. The courage, freedom and skill that allow the artist to mediate this energy must be refined and focused for effective and meaningful achievement.”
 Reading Points: “The practical manifestation of creative energy requires a clear and open channel to the inspirational forces and impulses of the universe. Allowing this energy to flow through you is a rich and rewarding gift in itself. Just as releasing your dreams and desires into the universal consciousness always brings a response, so the releasing of creative energy invites into the artist the healing and enriching fuel from which further insight and visionary stimulus flows. This emotional and spiritual relationship with divine inspiration allows the subconscious mind to delve deeply and summons the intuitively creative power that actualizes work. Artistic beauty takes many forms and presents itself in a variety of ways, but the relationship with the subconscious formative energy, whether through music, painting, sculpture, or poetry, reminds us of the personal and intimate connection we all should share with the universal consciousness.”*
 ~ By Mark Ryan and John Matthews
 We are so much more than our daily routine, our jobs, our bills and our responsibilities. Yet this is what takes up the majority of our time and energy. We can feel like we are literally drowning in obligation, our time doesn’t feel like our own, there is always something more which could be done. Many of us need permission to take a break, we must ask our bosses or our family if we can just take a day to ourselves; make arrangements to cover our usual tasks or care giving. It can be draining, exhausting, and definitely a challenge to the flow of our creative juices.
 As the card shows us, one of the most powerful ways we can recharge ourselves is by spending time in nature. Just looking at the peaceful expression in the Green Woman’s face captures it all; the vitality and prana energy she is receiving from the natural world. It is time that you got back to nature? Have you been feeling like you are being pulled in too many different directions? Are you in need of some inspiration, does your zest for life need a bit of a boost?
 Creativity is as vital to us as any other aspect of our lives, yet it is the first thing to go when are in survival mode. We focus instead on making money, on providing for ourselves and our families and protecting what is ours. We don’t make time to do what we love to do, as it seems like a luxury.
 It’s time to get creative, stir up the old energy and manifest something new. Creativity comes in many forms, it can be an artistic outlet, or it can be using your vibrant imagination to draw what you desire to you. It can be a way of expressing yourself in the world that feels right to you; whether it is judged by others or not! However creativity comes to you, it comes from the Divine. When you are drawn to a certain medium, music, expression or activity that gets you in the flow… go with it, it is doing you so much more good than you can even imagine!
 If you don’t know where to start, start outside. Get into the forest, go to the beach, spend time in the garden. Breathe in the fresh air and let it revitalise you, body, mind and spirit. Ask for inspiration, ask for creativity to come. And follow the guidance when it comes.
 3 of Stones ~ Creativity ~ Wildwood Tarot.
 A traditional take on this card would have us thinking about work – specifically collective work, work that joins you to your community or is a harmonising effort of all the parts of yourself. But I think that emphasis tends to get redirected in our cultural focus on work as linear, directed, goal-oriented, productive, and commodified – our thinking that work is about what you produce, and its value, and how that defines your value. This particularly trips us up, I think, when we feel the lack of creativity in our lives. I often hear people say “I’m just not creative,” “I miss being creative,” I need to be more creative,” and they tend to be talking about making things. Making artistic things, maybe, but making things nonetheless. Producing.
 The 3 of Stones offers a different view: work as process. Work as connection to being. Work as being grounded. Work as being in the flow – the flow of the earth, the flow of intuition, the flow of inspiration. The flow that roots in its own place – and gives energy back to its own place, becomes part of the ecosystem. The flow that communes with what cannot be seen. The 3 of Stones reminds us that all of these process are themselves creative, and part of what it means to be creative.
 I love that this card challenges us to just get into our flow, whatever that looks like today – whether giving or receiving, connecting to nature, dancing with intuition and ideas, taking care of our physical needs, meditating, connecting to source, drawing strength or inspiration up from our roots – and say: “I’m being creative.”
 Because a dimension of “work” is recognising or attending to the ways energy flows through us, connecting us in partnership with the living and more-than-human world around us. Our deep connectivity is a font of creativity. How does your work change when you send roots down into this place? What dimensions of creativity open up to you when you see this image?
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psychicmedium14 · 7 years
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The Power of Tarot:
This kitschy deck is called The Housewives Tarot. This is a sassy deck with spreads like the Martini, and the Clothesline. A throwback to the 50s, the pictures on the cards are related to the home and the homemaker, as well as the men in her life. As history repeats itself, let’s take a look at what the vibrations were in the days without cell phones and computerized communication. Have times changed that much? What do you think? Old-school communication and the tarot mix together to bring you This Week in Tarot. From the fifties to the two thousands, we have certainly come a long way … or have we?
DAY – THE EMPRESS. Keywords: Motherhood, Poise, and Nurturing. Here we have the earth mother to all housewives everywhere. She’s a force to be reckoned with as she spreads her wisdom of domesticity across the land, but if you follow her instructions, you will never go wrong. She knows the fastest and easiest ways to keep your environment perfect. EVENING – KING OF CUPS. Keywords: Contemplation, Mystery, and Devotion.The king is certainly a thinking man. He enjoys the company of others, having meaningful relationships as long as he can have a cocktail or two with his company. The message this card brings is to let go of sober intellect and get in touch with your “spirits.”
DAY – EIGHT OF PENTACLES. Keywords: Talent, Imagination, and Inspiration. A sudden stroke of genius changes your financial course and guides you to an enterprising field. Therefore, now is the time to put your talents to good use. This card liberates you from the daily chores of life and propels you into a new era.EVENING – THE HANGED MAN. Keywords: Epiphany, Hardship, and A Turning Point. Girl, it is time to hang your problems out to dry. Be it your cheating spouse, mean-spirited gal pal, or even if your washer and dryer are on the fritz. It’s time to let go as hard as it certainly might be. Also, remind yourself that boundaries are important. Keep in mind that sacrifice leads to happiness.
DAY – SIX OF CUPS. Keywords: Nostalgia, Innocence, and Old Flames. What would the summer be without a cold glass of homemade lemonade? Have a pitcher ready because this is the “coming home” card. This includes the return of lost loves, so get ready for a little puckering up and a rekindling of an old romance. However, for those of you who are happily married, expecting company requires the lemonade too!EVENING – SEVEN OF SWORDS. Keywords: Gossip, Thieves, and Backstabbers. Watch out! This gossip-spreading person is no one to fool around with. You heard a few of the rumors that were started and you can’t believe your ears. Every once in awhile it’s okay to clear out the old friendships, especially when they turn toxic. If you have to, roll up your sleeves and fight fire with fire, or better yet, just walk away.
DAY – STRENGTH. Keywords: Determination, Conviction, and Power. This is certainly a good card for a Wednesday. With the right tools and just enough pressure, you can accomplish anything you wish. The lesson and message of this card are that power lies within. Correct actions also add positivity to your efforts.EVENING – FIVE OF WANDS. Keywords: Competition, Struggle, and Inner Strength. With feather dusters in both hands and under your arms, it looks like a cleaning time tango. Ole! Our gals are tired; all that dusting and cleaning seem so overwhelming. This is a card that is saying “look inside,” so do some introspective thinking as this will certainly help you discover what makes you stand out.
DAY – TEN OF CUPS. Keywords: Celebration, Wisdom, and Completion. Happiness and a stocked bar make this a day of leisure. You’re the hostess with the mostess! Taking on the world is an easy, breezy task as you flutter about in your best June Cleaver dress, apron and kitten heels. Nowadays, people only flutter about in their activewear and fancy sneakers. However, you are the gal who taught us how to take lemons and make lemonade—or a Tom Collins. EVENING – KNIGHT OF CUPS. Keywords: Charm, Romance, and Sensitivity. Your partner is wearing their heart on their sleeve and they’re on top of the world. In formal attire, they pop the champagne and also play your favorite song. When the blues get the best of them, they drown their sorrows in ambrosia and hopes until all is forgotten. They’re delicate, yet their mood is more delightful than not. This one’s a keeper.
DAY – THE SUN. Keywords: Happiness, Clarity, and Optimism. After two sunny-side-up eggs with a cup of joe, you’re ready for the day. Just like the perfect eggs on your plate, the day is unbroken. Your start to the weekend and the end of your work week are also perfect. What you are thinking is going to manifest, so keep that happiness strong and you will have a no-fail day. EVENING – THE MOON. Keywords: Instinct, Intuition, and Dreams. The moon is your emotional helper when you use your intuition to work out the hard times of change and uncertainty. So with cold cream on your face and rollers in your hair you hit the pillow as you delve into your ability to listen to your inner voice.
DAY – THE LOVERS. Keywords: Romance, Infatuation, and Sex. Oh what a day this is going to be! The top on the convertible is down and the backseat is ready to hang out in. Although matters of the heart can certainly be complex, they are worth the effort. Therefore, the message from this card is to keep your eyes on the prize and also watch out for any perils ahead. EVENING – KNIGHT OF WANDS. Keywords: Exuberance, Mischief, and Loyalty. All eyes are on the knight, and he is your pride and joy. No matter what the relationship is, your feelings about this person are absolutely of the highest regard. A loyal friend, lover or family member, he is definitely true blue to the core, and with a youthful spirit there is also fun to had.
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authorracheljoy · 7 years
100 Followers!! WTF!!
Hey, so I finally managed to hit 100 followers here on Tumblr! Just HOW did that happen O.O Seriously WHAT?! Anyway, to celebrate this first milestone, I thought it’d be cool and justified to do 100 facts about myself ;) Sorry if some of ‘em suck! Thanks for everything, guys <3
1.) Name Rachel  
2.) Where are you from? Chandler, Arizona ^^
3.) How old are you? 21!
4.) Do you have any siblings? Yes! I have an older brother, Matt, and an older sister, Sarah :)
5.) Pets? I currently just have a 7yo boxer-lab mix named Honey ^^
6.) Describe yourself Urghh not good at that at ALL! XD Nope, not gonna do this! ;-; I don’t feel like bringing myself down any more than others have…
7.) What do you do for fun? Write, read, watch/obsess over Gravity Falls, & listen to music!
8.) Do you have a job? What do you do? I do NOT have a job ;-; Unfortunately…
9.) Have you had other jobs? Nah
10.) What’s your favorite memory? Can’t think of a specific thing! D:
11.) What is one thing you regret? Ruining friendships by being too clingy ;-; Definitely…
12.) What is one thing you wish you would’ve done, but didn’t? Repaired broken friendships… It’s not like I truly regret that, but… yeah :/
13.) One thing about yourself you wish you could change My shyness/awkwardness aaand my acne-prone face! :P
14.) What do you love about yourself? Mmmm my willingness to adapt and try to help others~
15.) Who inspires you? No one in particular, sorry :/
16.) Do you collect anything? Snowglobes!
17.) Do you have any fears? Plenty! Fear of heights, drowning, spiders and living alone for the rest of my life – to name a few :3
18.) Is there anything that annoys you about your job? Don’t have a job -_-
19.) Can you tell us a secret about yourself? Ohgosh… Uhm… What do you guys not know? Oh! My first dealing with ships began with Avatar: The Last Airbender (first I was Kataang then I was Zutara… now I don’t know what I am XD)  not really a secret!
20.) How about another secret? :) WHY?! Frick…hold up… Ehh I’m pretty much an open book, guys ;-; I’m not THAT interesting either…
21.) Favorite band? Hrmm it’s a 3-way-tie between OneRepublic, Imagine Dragons & Panic! At the Disco <3
22.) What music are you currently listening to? Gravity Falls OST ;3
23.) Do you have a favorite song? Ughh it literally changes every day! XD
24.) Do you have a favorite movie? Hmmm I don’t watch too many movies :3
25.) What’s your favorite color? BLUE, first and foremost, but I also love red, purple, and black~
26.) What’s your favorite place you’ve ever been to? Mmm I really REALLY liked New York… But Boston’s pretty sweet too ;)
27.) Ever broken a promise? I try not to, but I’m sure I have…at some point…
28.) Do you have a favorite book? Mmmmm! Maybe XD Like music, that changes at LEAST monthly! XP
29.) What’s your favorite school subject? English! Followed by Science! ;3
30.) Least favorite school subject? Math! Oh, and P.E. (if that counts XD)
31.) What’s your favorite food? Honestly, anything Italian! ;) Oh yeah, and potatoes! ^^
32.) How about least favorite food? Hmmm….
33.) What’s your favorite Holiday? Halloween, but Christmas is a CLOSE second! ^^
34.) What makes you mad? People that purposefully ignore me… but maybe that makes me more insecure and not necessarily mad… huh… I’ll get back to you on that one!
35.) What makes you happy? Chatting with friends and listening to music ^^ <3
36.) Do you have a favorite scent? Mmm apple cinnamon comes pretty close ;D
38.) Do you have a favorite TV show? Not right now!
39.) Can you share an extremely embarrassing moment? You mean every moment of my life – specifically my childhood? Can’t choose!
40.) When is a time you were extremely irritated? VERY recently ;-;
41.) Is there anybody you hate? I honestly don’t hate anybody. If you hate me, I don’t think I’ll be able to reciprocate. I might not talk to you for an honest amount of time, but I would never hate you ;-; It’s always temporary…
42.) What do you look for in a person? Ehh I’m not too picky (other than status in a relationship) but humor plays a big role ;)
43.) How’s the weather? HOT!
44.) Are you currently in school? Yup! Online college ;)
45.) What is your goal in life? Honestly… I want someone who accepts me in all of my awkwardness/shyness and loves me even when I’m lazy or moody :3 I also want to be a successful writer, and that dream’s very slowly becoming a reality ;)
46.) Is there something you should be doing, but keep putting off? Creating a book trailer for a friend of mine :D
47.) Ever been to a concert? Yeahh but it was mainly when I was younger ;-; Nowadays, I wouldn’t be able to afford it…
48.) What was the last movie you saw in theater? Wonder Woman! ^^
49.) What was the last book you read? Lexicon by Max Barry! :3
50.) What is your favorite season? Autumn~
51.) Do you prefer it to be hot or cold? Honestly, hot :P As much as I complain about the heat in AZ, I’m too much of a native here to stand the harsh cold up north ;-;
52.) Do you prefer the sun, the rain, or snow? I like sun and rain, but prefer RAIN~ ^^
53.) If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Currently, anywhere but here >.>
54.) Any current travel plans? Planning a trip to Oregon next year with one of my besties :D
55.) Do you prefer day or night? NIGHT! ^^
56.) Are you an introvert or extrovert? Hardcore introvert~
57.) What is something not many people know about you? I was a cheerleader back in elementary school ;-; Does that… count??
58.) Where are you right now? My room. Why?
59.) Look in front of you. What do you see? My computer :/ *shrugs*
60.) If you could meet one person, alive or dead, who would it be? Any of my online friends, honestly. Or Alex Hirsh. Or Shakespeare. Yeahhh…
61.) Would you rather look into your future, or fix something from your past? Look into my future :3 I wanna forget the past entirely ;-;
62.) If you could sit down with anyone in the world, and talk to them for an hour, who would you like to speak with? @mercurialsmile for sure <3
63.) What was the first CD you ever owned? Ohgod…Um… Probably a Kidz Bop CD? I think?
64.) What was the first CD you ever purchased with your own money? Also hard… happened forever ago… Probably an Imagine Dragons CD?
65.) If you own any Vinyls, which was your first? Don’t own any Vinyls
66.) How many CDs do you own? TOO MANY TO KEEP TRACK OF!! O.O
67.) What relaxes you? Music and talking to my closest friends :3
68.) Do you have any talents? Does being awkward count??
69.) If you could give yourself the ability to do anything, what would it be? The ability to stop being so stressed out all the time… :|
70.) Favorite candy? Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups!
71.) Is anything bothering you right now? Ehh something always seems to be :/
72.) Are you happy with where you are in life right now? Ehhhh I could stand to get a job and get my Dad’s overbearing presence off my back about it -_-
73.) Is there anyone you regret ever associating with? NEVER
74.) Do you have a favorite memory from your childhood? Plenty… Can’t name one specifically right now, tho ;-;
75.) What is your least favorite memory from your childhood. Falling at the local skating rink and hitting my head O.o
76.) Favorite memory of your parents? Whenever they don’t fight…
77.) Do you have a least favorite memory of your parents? Whenever they DO fight… which is often nowadays…
78.) How is your relationship with your parents? It’s… Look, I heavily love my parents. I depend on them. Sometimes they definitely get on my nerves, but I still care about them <3
79.) What’s your family like? Highstrung, at times D: Yeahh we might need serious counseling…
80.) Are you clean or messy? Kinda in the middle, and it depends on which aspect of my life we’re referring to! ;)
81.) What is your most recent purchase? A Tarot deck of cards for Gravity Falls, a bobblehead and a flashlight~
82.) What’s the most amount of money you’ve spent at once? $133 (I don’t have to say what it was for, right?? *begins to sweat*)
83.) What are you saving up for? Gravity Falls stuff!
84.) How much money do you have to your name currently? Wtf… If ya really want to know, my account says $181, which fucking sucks balls -_-
85.) Have you ever done anything last minute? Yah, all the time!
86.) What’s the furthest in advance you’ve planned something? At LEAST a year! :D
87.) Are you an introvert or Extrovert? But I already answered this ;-; Ehhh introvert! (again)
88.) What’s the latest you’ve ever been out of your house? 11pm
89.) Cats or Dogs? Both, but I’m more of a dog-person ;) Still adore cats, tho!
90.) How long have you gone without sleep? I don’t even know…
91.) What were you like as a child? Fucking too quiet!! -_-
92.) What do you miss from your childhood? My friends </3
93.) Do you have a favorite memory from work? Can’t have a memory if you don’t have a work to go to X’D
94.) What’s the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you? Having panic attacks are pretty horrifying D: I can’t breathe…
95.) What’s a bad habit that you have? Nervously awaiting texts/messages and always being naggy ;-;
96.) What are your plans for the summer? Try to get a job; try to survive the heat…yeah
97.) What was the last thing that made you happy? A gift arriving from my friend! ^^
98.) What was the last picture you took on your phone? A picture of my dog ;3
99.) Who was the last person you texted and why? Uhhh that would probably be my mom and she was checking if I was awake or not >.<
100.) Have a message for your followers? Thanks for putting up with my (at times) Tumblr spam! I never thought that in a mere month I’d reach this many followers O.O It’s almost UNREAL! Anyway, thanks so much for following me, and I hope you continue to ;D
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
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Past Life Regression: How to Remember Past Lives
Past Life Regression: Have We Lived Before?
Maybe you believe in reincarnation and want to know how to remember past lives. Maybe you’re curious if past life regression is possible. There are ways to remember past lives. Reincarnation isn’t a new concept. The belief that in past lives dates back thousands of years and spans multiple cultures. Buddhism and Hinduism are two of the world’s largest religions and both believe in reincarnation. The belief that we’ve lived before and that our soul moves from one body to the next has also crossed over religions and has permeated western culture, too. Think about this—we are made up of energy, just like everything else in the Universe. Wasn’t it Einstein who said energy can be transmuted but energy never truly dies? So once we die, is that all? Or is our life force, our base energy, transported elsewhere? Perhaps it searches for the next best vessel…another human body!
Past Life Memories in Dreams
One of the easiest ways to recall your past lives is to analyse your dreams. Do you have any dreams that seem to keep happening? Think about where this dream takes place. Is it somewhere you’ve never been to but seems familiar? Write this dream down and really try to flesh out where the dream is taking place. This could be a clue as to where you lived one of your past lives. The dream itself might even be a memory or an amalgamation of memories from your past life/lives.
Dreams are thought to be messages from your subconscious. Some people believe some dreams are memories from your past lives trying to fight their way to your conscious mind.
The best way to use your dreams as windows to your past is by keeping a dream journal. You may be saying, “I don’t dream that much”, but in reality everyone dreams every night. It’s just that most often when you wake up you don’t remember dreaming. What you can do is start by writing down the first recent dream you can remember. From there, keep writing down the ones you remember. Before long, your dream recall will be at an all-time high and you might remember up to 4 dreams a night! Use this as a guide. You can go back and read over your dreams and try to find a pattern. Are you in the same place in this dream? Is the same theme happening? Patterns will emerge and you’ll see how you can apply this to your past life recall.
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Past life memories in dreams pop up for those who are clairvoyant.
Past Life Regression With Personality Evaluation
In this life we have many interests. Likes and dislikes. Often these things push us into certain occupations and lifestyles. Maybe you’re a doctor. A lawyer. A singer or musician. Maybe you’re a secretary. A veterinarian. A soldier. It is possible and quite likely your occupation or passions in this life echo occupations and passions from one or more of your past lives.
Passions and Interests
Past life regression on your own is as easy as evaluating passions in this life. Think about the one thing you are most passionate about. The one thing you would do to make yourself happy no matter what. For me, it is writing. Writing has been a part of me since I was a child. It is my passion and something I couldn’t stop doing if I tried. If I don’t write, I feel unfulfilled. Sometimes depressed. Do you have an interest or passion that makes you feel this way? If so, you probably had the same passion in a past life that has carried through to this life.
By identifying your interests, you can remember past lives. A friend of mine loves to look at the night sky. He has had a fascination with the stars and space since he was a child and his favourite gift was a telescope. Come to find out, one of his past lives was one in which he was a “star-gazer” or an ancient astronomer. A person who would gaze and analyse the heavens in order to teach his tribe.
Likes and Dislikes
In addition, your basic likes and dislikes can also be remnants of past lives carried through to the present life. This can include the food that you like, places you’ve visited, the type of friends you have and the partners you choose. Do you love potatoes? Sushi? Mediterranean food? Think about the cultures or places where these foods originate. Have you been drawn to these cultures? This is indicative of a past life.
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Remember Past Lives Through Fears and Scars
Another area of your current life that you should evaluate is unfounded fears or phobias. Sometimes this will tell you how you died in a past life or another traumatic experience. For instance, if you have an phobia of deep water or drowning but never had water trauma in this life, perhaps you died by drowning in a past life. This is a pretty common fear. Another common one is the fear of heights. Often people who have this fear don’t know why they feel this way. It’s possible they fell from a high cliff or building in a past life. Physical evidence of a past life injury is also possible. If you have a large birthmark on your body, this is a mark that you’ve carried from a past life. For example, a large brown spot on your back indicates a place where you were stabbed or shot in a past life.
Past Life Regressions and Tarot Readings
Some people want others to tell them what their past lives were instead of learning how to remember past lives. There are psychic mediums who have the ability to do a past life regression. Search your local area to find someone who can help you with this service, or go online and find a psychic medium or tarot reader who will do a past life reading for you via a video.
I’ve had a few past life readings done online and each time was exciting and inspiring. You have to find the right person. Someone who’s very authentic and passionate about past life readings and someone who isn’t just trying to rip you off. I wouldn’t spend more than $50 for a past life reading. For a past life regression, these are more in-depth and done in person, I am not sure of a price but ultimately it’s up to you to do your research and be wary of frauds.
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You can remember past lives through a tarot or oracle reading.
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