#inspo: yorik
sleepy-and-anxious · 5 years
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WIP: Good For Something | Worldbuilding: The Royal Family
The Moreau line is said to stem back for centuries. The first recorded Moreau on the throne of Noble was Yorik Moreau, a hunter and dragon rider. His dragon was said to be the colour of gold coin. The Moreau insignia of the golden arrowhead and scaled wings stems back to this time. It is rumoured he won his kingship in a betting card game involving his familiar, the previous queen, a demon and a former royal chamber maid. 
Over time the Moreau’s have made keen rulers. 
Many notable rulers: Jonas the Spiteful, Eleanor the Great, Otto the Seer, Bastiaan the Conquerer 
King Bastiaan was the reigning sovereign of Noble before the current Queen. Having decided it was time to bring the anarchic state of Common’s under Noble rule he began the 17 year guerrilla conflict that became known as the Border Wars. The war itself was messy with great bloodshed on both sides, but eventually bringing victory to Noble. However, he was assassinated a few days before the end of the conflict. His lieutenant was the one to bring the news of final victory and news of his death back to Alexander’s Port. 
Current members:
Queen Skylar Magdalena Moreau: 
Following the loss of King Bastiaan, his daughter Skylar took the throne at 16 after her elder brother Prince Otis decided to abdicate his right to the throne with a preference to go into academia. Though being thrown into the deep end with her fathers untimely death, Queen Skylar has managed to keep Noble stable in times of hardship in the years after the war, and saw to the addition of the Noble Policing Unions influence bellow the border, yet she did not see reason to following her father’s plans of a complete cultural change to “teach the anarchists manners.” 
Queen Skylar has never married, however, she did have a child. Unfortunately, at the age of 6 the crown princess of Noble was taken from the castle. It was said she was killed. The succession after the death of her daughter then passed to her Brother’s children.
There are many rumours of her Curse - yet no official records state it. Some believe she has the ability to read minds while others claim she a manipulator of the highest caliber. Some even whisper that she may have no Curse at all.  
Prince Otis Bastiaan Moreau: 
Abdicated his right to the throne at 18 when he decided to study medicine, believing his younger sister would be a much better ruler than he was. Not having had children at the time, the succession was easily passed to the current Queen. He can often be found with his head in a book, offering his Queen council, or offering his medical knowledge to Common scholars bellow the border.  
Doctor Emily Pitcher-Moreau: 
Part of the royal family through marriage to Prince Otis, Duchess Emily, or as she prefers, Doctor Pitcher, is a South Noble born Air manipulator with a passion for psychiatry and along with her husband spends a lot of her time between the castle of Alexander’s Port and the Com-Tech medicine units in North Commons. 
Crown Prince Oskar Henrich Moreau: 
The crown prince of the God’s Continent. After the kidnapping of the Queen’s daughter the the two princes were put into hiding and were schooled knowing that they would be the next in line, should the heir be killed. It wasn’t long until they too were taken. Yet they were not harmed like the princess was. At 18, the Crown prince dedicates his life to becoming a great ruler should anything happen to the queen. Having gained only a small aspect of his mother’s Air manipulation Curse, he is content with his ability to levitate small objects. Stern but forward thinking. He will be a great ruler. 
Prince Kruse Alexander Moreau: 
Prince Kruse is very happy in his place as second prince, and like his father and mother prefers the studious life of libraries and medicine. Having gained the Air Demon line from his mother’s familiar, he holds one of the most powerful Curses ever known. His form is said to be a bird of prey. Quick thinking and incredibly skilled, Kruse Moreau is a talented intellectual and has an extremely accurate bow arm. Yet, you would not know it from observation. Quiet and unassuming, hiding under an anxious head of ginger hair.  
Princess Annika Cora Moreau: 
The sweet princess Anya. The only member of her family having been kept safe within the castle of Alexander’s Port. A firm believer in duty and fairness, she has been raised by the queen herself from within Alexander’s Port but is close with both her parents being known to send letters to them weekly. Like her brother Kruse, she is talented with a bow and arrow, but is never seen with a bow in public. Always impeccably dressed and proud, Princess Anya is seen as the golden princess. Rumours say she was born Pure without the Air manipulation Curse of her mother and brothers, but that is purely speculation. 
Okay hi omg this is a very long post - I forgot how long these world building ones were so I bumped up the cut as to save peeps when I no doubt shameless self reblog owo Anyway! Enjoy the info dump! 
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