#insta filters make me soooo hot
detestable-darling · 5 months
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live a villain, die an icon 🦷🩹🧸⛓️🔪
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dprwolfgang · 7 years
So Simple // DPR LIVE
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DPR LIVE x Reader (Ariella)
RATED : Fluff
“Hey,you at home?” Dabin asked as soon as I picked up the phone.
“Well hello to you too and no, I picked up an extra shift.I should be finished at around one.” Working as a bartender/waitress in Seoul wasn’t the ideal job but it paid well and with the flexibility I could go to my classes during the day and work at night.
“Come over after?” He asked.It wasn’t unnatural for this to happen.Being friends with Dabin for almost ten years this was the norm between us as our friendship grew.
“I’ve got a 9am exam tomorrow though. I should probably go home and study.” I teased him lightly.They just got back from Greece after filming something for his upcoming project and he has the next couple of days off.I had my final exam tomorrow and even though I studied I knew getting out of bed would be a hassle if I stayed over at Dabin’s.
We aren’t dating or anything-not that I’d mind- but we are best friends who occasionally use the other as a pillow.To others we seem like a couple but it was just something that felt natural between us and no matter how much we denied it they never believe us.
“All the more reason for you to come over.” I could feel him smiling even though I wasn’t near him. “I’ll drop you off on my way to Scott’s and I’ll pick you up after and we could go get lunch.” He spoke almost as if he’d thought this out beforehand.
“Dabin we live in the same building,directly across the hall from each other,you know my passcode.Why don’t you just go chill until I get home?”  
“Because I just got home and crawled into bed.The amount of effort it’s going to take me to get up and go across the hall really isn’t making sense to me right now.C’mon, please? I haven’t seen my best friend in a month.”
“Stop trying to guilt trip me.” I sighed. I had been swamped with exams and assignments that the only time I saw him was when he FaceTime me from the airport before they left.
“Depends,is it working?” He laughed.
“Yessss,ughh hanging with you and Ian has made me soft. I’m going to hang with Scott from now on.” I mumble the last part hoping that he doesn’t catch on.
“Go ahead,see if he gives you cuddles and food.”  
“I’ll see you later D,go get some sleep.” I told him fixing my skirt.He mumbled something about me behaving like his mom before hanging up.
My shift soon came to an end as the last remnants of patrons in the bar filtered out.Gathering my bag and slipping into my jacket I made my way out into the cold Seoul weather and started the twenty minute walk towards the apartment complex.
Taking the elevator up instead of my usual use of the steps I made to small journey down the hall to both mine and Dabin’s apartment.Typing  in his passcode I pushed the door open and made my way into his apartment.His suitcases sat by the couch letting me know that he didn’t unpack.
“Dabin,” I call out. I didn’t get a reply but the sound vibrating against the floors led me to small home studio he had set up.The door was opened but with his headphones over his head I knew he didn’t hear me come in.
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“Hey,” I draped my arms over his shoulders from behind after removing one side from over his ear.His head tilted back to look up at me.
“Hey you,” He smiled brightly instantly bringing a smile to my face. “How long you been here?”  
“Just got here, you would have known if you weren’t lost in work again.” I moved some of his hair out of his face. “Have you eaten as yet?” I question pulling away from him.
“Yeah,I left you some in the microwave.”
“That’s why we’re best friends.” I smiled and kissed his cheek.Leaving Dabin to his own devices I made my way into his bedroom pulling one of his T-shirts out his closet heading into the bathroom for a much needed shower.
I looked as her as she walked out of the room,my eyes glued to her figure as she left out the room.Turning my attention back to what I was doing I caught sight of my phone that was still live on Instagram with Rome,the comment section blowing up.
Who’s that?
Do you have a girlfriend now?
Damn she’s pretty,she single?
Christian was laughing and trying to draw the attention away from me but they weren’t having that.
“That’s my best friend,well she’s actually mine and Rome’s best friend,she isn’t my girlfriend and yes I know she’s beautiful.” I smiled at my screen.
Rome and I answered whatever questions they asked ignoring the disrespectful ones before Rome said he had to go.
��And then there was one.” Getting up I made my way into my  bedroom where Ariella sat on in the middle with a couple of books surrounding her and her glasses on.
Sitting opposite her I switched my camera to her before taking her glasses off.
“Dabin,c’mon I’ve got two more to finish and then we can play fifa.” She complains pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Then go ahead and finish.” I smiled.
“Then gimme back my glasses,you know I can’t see shit without them.” She whined reaching out for her glasses.
Aww she’s so cute!!
Dabin stop being mean and give the girl her glasses.
Friendship goals!!  
She said lemme finish and we’ll play fifa after 👀👀 brooo wife her or I will. What’s her insta?
Laughing at the comments I pass her back her glasses. “What happened to your contacts?”
“I ran out and they don’t have any in my prescription.” I watched as she finished up her work,loose tendrils of her wild curls falling out of the messy bun she was sporting.
She stood after finishing what she was doing and exited my bedroom.Sitting up against the headboard I switched the camera back to me.She had some music playing so I just sat there reading comments and vibing until she came back in and got on the bed with staying out of the cameras view.
“Why is you all the way over there?”  
“Because you’re live and I look a hot ass mess.They don’t needa see that.” She sassed lying on her stomach.
“A bit too late for that.They saw you when you arrived and a couple minutes ago,so much so they’re asking for you.”
“They came on live to see you not me.Give them some of your attention and lemme sleep.” She whined covering her face when I angled my phone so that both of us showed.
“Dabinnnnn,lemme sleep.” I laugh pulling her arm from over her face.
“I haven’t seen you in a month,gimme cuddles.” I open my arms widely,smiling at her. I knew she couldn’t sleep without using me as a pillow only because I was the same way.We had gotten so used to being under each other that sleep took a lot longer to come when the other wasn’t around.
She didn’t make a sound but gradually slid her body into my arms.A leg entangled with mine and an arm wrapped around my waist as she cuddled into my chest.My fingers playing in her hair under the hood.
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Y’all are soooo cute!
I’m suddenly soft!
I don’t know why y’all just don’t date already!  
I laugh at Dean’s comment.It wasn’t the first time the suggestion was made but we never necessarily felt the need to put a title to what we had.What was understood between us didn’t need to be explained.Right?
“You still up?”
“Mhmm,” she mumbled snuggling closer to me.
She shook her head.Wasn’t she just asking me to let her sleep?
“And why not?”
“Because as soon as I fall asleep you gon leave me and go tryna get work done.” She replies not opening her eyes.I chuckle lightly because I know she’s right.Even when I’m not working I’m always working if that makes sense. “The whole point of a break is to relax and ease your mind D,so you’re gonna keep ya behind in this bed.” Her grip tightened around me and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Fine,fine no work tonight you munchkin.” I tease.
“Who you calling munchkin? I’m taller than you.” She states with one eye open.At this point I wasn't even paying attention to the live anymore.I didn’t reply to her seeing as she’s right. I just laugh.A comfortable silence came over us and by the way her breathing began to even out I could tell that the lack of sleep was catching up to her.
“Hmm?” I question looking down at her.
“Thank you.” She said.
“What for?”
“Everything but mainly for always being there when I need someone,for keeping me sane I guess.”
“You know I should be the one thanking you. I mean you stuck with Rome and I through everything.You keep us grounded and I know we can be pains and you probably wanna beat our asses at times but you stuck around so don’t thank me.It’s what friends do for each other.” I reply to her placing a kiss on her forehead.
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“One day..you’re gonna make some lucky girl really happy.” She whispers so softly I almost didn’t hear her.
“Oh really,” I smirk looking at her knowing fully well that she was in between wake and sleep and that she probably won’t remember our conversation in the morning.
“Mhmm, and..and she better treat you right too or else there’s gonna be problems but until then keep making me happy.” I smile at her watching as she finally let go and let sleep consume her.The comment section was on overdrive and with only a few minutes left,I said goodbye and good night to the viewers before ending it and placing my phone on the bedside table after plugging in the charger.
“You’re the only girl I wanna make happy.”I like what we have.Being with her was always so simple that I didn’t have to worry about fucking up or trying to be someone I’m not because I have my best friend by my side.I place another kiss on her forehead smiling to myself and I let her snuggle further into me as I pull the covers over us. I’m not sleepy but I know she’ll wake up as soon as I move so I laid there until sleep finally came and consumed me as well.
I don’t know what this means for us but I guess the best things are sometimes found in the unplanned and the unknown.
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