alysseaallyn · 1 month
Becoming a Goddess - claiming your immortality by Alysse Aallyn
Artists and Goddesses Immortalize Themselves
Creativity – The Artist YOU ARE AN ARTIST – You know you possess the goddess power of making Something out of Nothing. Think. Feel. Look at the tactile world around you and reach out your hands. Goddess and Artists immortalize themselves. Sometimes their works are so intriguingly beautiful that we are drawn in and our critical senses – our fear – is tranquillized while we allow the artist to…
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serlinarose · 2 years
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Happiness - Freedom of expression Vision of hope Moments of change. ©SerlinaRose #writeonprompts #10wordjournal #InstantEternal #serlinarose #amwriting #poetry #writingcommmunity #poetrycommunity #writedominica #readdominican #dominicapoetrywriter #bishiewriter #bishiepoetess #calibishiedominica #twitterpoetry #twitterauthor #islandgirlaffection #islandgirlpoetry #rep767 #repdominica🇩🇲 (at Serlina Rose Authoress) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg1TxaMOL9h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alysseaallyn · 19 hours
Becoming a Goddess - the Goddess Oracle
Transform Your Thinking
 Breakthrough – Epiphany – Goddesses Let the Knowledge Pour In – You didn’t even know there was a wall there! And suddenly, you’re through it and the world looks completely different on the other side. Maturity turns the universe into a “magic picture” – goddesses can see it several ways – each way perfectly invisible to the other. It requires a brain switch. It also requires… Dissolving…
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alysseaallyn · 2 days
Becoming a Goddess - the Goddess Oracle by Alysse Aallyn
Perfecting, Never Perfected
Planets & Stars – Eternity – Eternity Requires the Goddess’ Perfecting Self. Do you dream of astronomy? Vast deserts, steep, empty mountains, person-less vistas? These are eternity dreams, where change has slowed or stopped. You are struggling not with questions of death or afterlife, but the “ongoing everythingness” of reality itself. What is “time”? How long can “time” continue when nothing is…
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alysseaallyn · 4 days
Becoming a Goddess - the Goddess Oracle by Alysse Aallyn
Individuate or Disintegrate - Your Choice
Paradise – Bliss On the Other Side of Suffering Is Bliss – Suffering isn’t eternal. Goddess ecstasy is guaranteed. Examine your definition of paradise.  Some people want to see their enemies suffer.  That’s what the view looks like – in hell. The Goddess life gives us a pre-vision of ecstasy that is ecstasy itself.  Goddesses are choosy about their ideas of bliss.  If you wanted to find your…
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alysseaallyn · 5 days
Becoming a Goddess -the Goddess Oracle by Alysse Aallyn
Love is Shared Suffering
Loss – Suffering – Do Goddesses Suffer? – Lesser mortals are under the impression that Goddessing is about permanent smug satiety. The opposite is true. All Goddess emotions are magnified. You are hurting. If you can no longer feel pain, you are numb. Even Goddesses Hurt – We see the magnitude of the suffering around us. Every religion and philosophical system must account for this misery;…
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alysseaallyn · 6 days
Becoming a Goddess - the Goddess Oracle by Alysse Aallyn
Become Your Desire
Transformation – Metamorphosis – Goddesses Transform Themselves – Goddess-hood is chosen, but you must be worthy of immortalization. You are about to undergo a major transition. Are you a SciFi fan? Do you dream of bionic humans? Robots? Cryogenics? How about caterpillars becoming moths and butterflies? Acorns don’t look like oak trees, pollywogs don’t resemble frogs. It is quite common in…
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alysseaallyn · 7 days
Becoming a Goddess - the Goddess Oracle by Alysse Aallyn
Solving Self
Mystery – Faith – Goddesses Generate Mystery – Do you dream of apocalypses? Religious iconography? Are you a mystery fan but irritated and underwhelmed by most “solutions”?  You may have the makings of a Goddess! Goddesses Tolerate Uncertainty –  Do you have faith that there IS a solution? What is your tolerance for the mysterious? Goddesses always crank it up a notch. How much uncertainty can…
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alysseaallyn · 9 days
Becoming a Goddess - the Goddess Oracle by Alysse Aallyn
You Are the Light
Spring – Hope Even in the Darkest Season, Goddesses Cherish Hope. Once you have accepted Eternity and the creation of a Soul beautiful enough to deserve it and support it, you understand that the upward spiral supports you. Evil will not win and morning will always come.  Perfect love casts out fear. Spring Always Follows Winter – after dormancy, now arrives the season best calculated to…
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alysseaallyn · 10 days
Becoming a Goddess - the Goddess Oracle by Alysse Aallyn
The Future Is Yours
Aspiration – The Future – Existence Is A Spiral – Time to Make a Plan. Goddess power comes from focused desire as much as personal strength. Do you dream about the future? We know the future is real – it keeps arriving every second! But how often does it match our aspirations? Does that even matter? Goddesses Aspire – To aspire means to yearn for something better, to be able to imagine…
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alysseaallyn · 11 days
Becoming a Goddess - the Goddess Oracle by Alysse Aallyn
Discover Your World
Persistence – Commitment Goddesses Dominate Follow-Through – No map is useful unless it is verified and experienced. Ideas are dreams until they are sketched and tested.  Every effort is a time commitment, but if the idea is worthy, the time must be committed. There is no failure, only learning, on the eternal time scheme. Consult Your Dreams – Do you dream of rings? Tokens? Trophies?…
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alysseaallyn · 12 days
Becoming a Goddess - the Goddess Oracle by Alysse Aallyn
Courage is Your Fuel
Passion – Courage It’s Time to Release Your Power. Do you dream of fantastic feats? Sports? Circuses? Meritocratic competitions? Do you fear standing up in front of the class? Your psyche yearns to muster passion, the fuel for courage. Passion propels us forward when it would be safer to hang back. Why? Passion Makes You a Goddess – From your youngest years, you recall that boiling inside of…
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alysseaallyn · 13 days
Goddess Becoming - the goddess oracle by Alysse Aallyn
Nourishing the Universe
Nurturing – Growth Goddesses are Anointed to protect the growth pattern of the universe. Through our bravery, intelligence and commitment we nurture the world and make the world safe for the magic of growth. We shepherd the transformation and metamorphosis of all living things. Goddess Are Stewards – Anxious about climate change? Are you vegetarian or vegan? Find yourself enraged by animal…
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alysseaallyn · 15 days
Becoming a Goddess - the Goddess Oracle by Alysse Aallyn
Focus Your Power
Meditation – Mindfulness – Goddesses access Inner Wisdom through the Third Eye. We may physically live in the Now, but it is goddesses’ greatest good fortune that we can enrich our present with powerful visions of past and future. In our dreams, we can expand this to universal pasts and futures. “Now” serves as the lens through which our Body stays focused. To be absent from the Now is to miss…
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alysseaallyn · 16 days
Becoming a Goddess - the Goddess Oracle by Alysse Aallyn
Learn Chrysalis Thinking
 Chrysalis – Potential – When Others See Cage, Goddesses See Chrysalis – Goddesses exist on the edge of possibility. Imagination suggests what COULD be. In the multiverse, physicists assure, every permutation is happening somewhere. Potential alerts us to the possibilities. The stick-colored, dead-seeming chrysalis contains nature’s most beautiful sprite, the butterfly. The invisibility of…
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alysseaallyn · 17 days
Becoming a Goddess - the Goddess Oracle by Alysse Aallyn
Manage Your Evolution
Waterfall – Change Goddesses Instinctively Resist Stagnation. Your conscious mind accepts stasis, which it interprets as “security”, but your subconscious rebels. It demands change! In the meanwhile, outside of your awareness, your unconscious IS changing, evolving fiercely along with the drama playing out in the entropical human race. Goddesses have the power to direct change. Tune in! Consult…
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