#instead of colourfully clothed cannon fodder.
stromuprisahat · 6 months
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Ruin and Rising- Chapter 18
Kefta isn't just some coat, it's a protective gear and a symbol of Grisha pride and value.
This is when Second Army was still working organization with clearly set ranks and order:
The Healer nodded. “Give her your kefta,” Ivan said to her. The woman frowned but hesitated only a moment before she shrugged out of her red kefta and handed it to me.
Shadow and Bone Chapter 4
... while the Healer obeys, her first reaction is displeasure and hesitation.
Somehow, Alina's teen monarchy-supporting gang stealing if off corpses of those, who fought against them, against what they represent, feels more sacrilegious than drüskelle wall of genocide.
Those are at least honest about their hatred and intentions.
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