#instead of trying very hard to read Intentionally one year and only select truly great books and think about them in depth
televinita · 2 years
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llnwritings · 4 years
DAY 2 | Write an AU.
Summary: Turns out Reggie was right, Julie really is a witch!
[[Read on Ao3]]
Family meant everything to the Molina family and Julie was very proud of her family. Not everyone could say that they could trace their family line back 15 generations and that their family regularly produced powerful witches and warlocks.
When Ray had married Rose, he had proudly taken her name, knowing how much it meant to her. It was also a long standing family tradition, the Molina name must live on no matter what. You join the family, you become a Molina.
Growing up, Rose and Victoria had been known in certain circles as the Molina Sisters, both being strong witches. Rose had the main power of telekinesis, something she was incredibly talented using, as well as a strong talent for spell creation. While Victoria had been gifted the power of psychometry; the ability to make accurate associations from an object of unknown history by making physical contact with that object as well as being a low level empath and also she had a natural talent for potion making.
Both sisters used their witch powers to help out unfortunate people, if you had a magical problem, you could contact the sisters and for the right price they would deal with it for you. They always only charged people what they knew they could afford, if someone was down on their luck and couldn’t pay, the sisters happily accepted payment in the form of food, vouchers or from those that insisted that they paid the sisters accepted a form of payment plan, pay what you could, when you could.
If you were rich or tried to swindle the sisters, they happily charged you double if they were feeling nice or triple if you really pissed them off, 3 quarters up front before the job and the other quarter afterwards once the job was done.
It was a good job, something they both enjoyed. They knew which jobs to take and which ones to pass onto someone else in the family that was better equipped than them. Well paying clients also allowed them both to live comfortably and continue pursuing their hobbies. Rose with her music and Victoria with her cooking.
The only time the sisters slowed down was when Rose fell pregnant. It was then Rose felt it would be best to focus on her growing family. She didn’t completely give up taking jobs though, Victoria and her were just more selective on what they picked.
The day Rose brought Julie home from the hospital, the house had been filled with numerous ghostly relatives, all offering their own blessings to the newest witch of the family, love and happiness surrounded the newest little one. Growing up, Julie was taught in many forms of magic by her mamá and her Tia, in hopes of bringing her own power to the surface.
Julie liked making potions with Tía Victoria but she lacked the natural talent her Tía had. Julie instead took after her mama. The little girl loved making spells up with her mamá, Julie had a gift with words, which transferred over nicely when Julie discovered music and began writing lyrics and playing the piano with Rose.
It was discovered that Julie’s power revolved around her music, she had a talent for mixing her magic with her music and making things happen when they heard her play or sing. She could also use sound to defend herself if the need ever rose, not that it had so far. This was something Rose nurtured deeply, wanting Julie to be as in touch with her witch side as she could be.
Then when Carlos was born, the same ghostly relatives visited and offered their blessings again, this time to the newest warlock, the first one born in 3 generations. It was Tia Victoria who noticed that when he was 2, Carlos had the power to affect the emotions of those around him. If he was happy, people in the same room as him felt happy and it was the same for any other strong emotions the 2 year old felt. They also found out that he could feel the emotions of non-living members of the family, as he always seemed to know when great-great-grandmama was around visiting.
Rose nurtured his talents just as much as Julie’s, but took advice from her sister, as Victoria was the empath out of the two of them. Victoria theorised that Carlos would be able to affect more people at once and larger areas as he got older.
Everything was going good for the Molina family, that was until Rose died.
When Rose died from a job gone wrong, it was like the magic and warmth from the Molina household died with her. It also didn't help that no matter how hard they tried, Julie and Carlos were unable to summon their mamá's spirit. So Julie cut herself off from music and her magic, refusing to even step into her mama’s old studio, while Carlos unconsciously dulled his own ability to emotionally connect with others outside of the family.
It wasn’t until a year later, when Julie finally entered her mama’s studio and played an old Sunset Curve CD, that she felt her magic reach out connect itself to the chaotic energies surrounding the music itself and she felt herself pull. Somehow Julie managed to pull three dead teens from limbo without much effort.
After the initial shock of the accidental summoning of a group of teen ghosts and playing numerous gigs with her boys, Julie waited patiently for one of them to ask what was so special about her that allowed her to see them. But it never happened. It’s not like Julie intentionally hid a part of herself from her boys, they just weren’t curious enough to ask. They were just happy to be back and to be able to play music while being seen and heard by people.
Not even after her magical hug, that broke Caleb’s hold over them and allowed Julie to touch them, raised questions from her boys. It was only when Caleb returned to enact his revenge plan, that things began to fall into place for the boys.
While possessing Nick’s body, Caleb attacked Julie in the studio on a Wednesday afternoon. He threw her across the room with a wave of one of his hands and used his other hand to hold her boys in place, unable to help her. Julie yelped as her body slid across the floor and stopped when it connected with the steps that lead up to the loft.
“Julie!!” She heard Reggie yell out.
“How the hell did a little lifer like you break my stamp!” Nick’s voice echoed deeply as Caleb twisted his face into an evil sneer, “It shouldn’t even be possible.”
Julie wiped away the blood that slowly began to run down her face with the back of her hand as she slowly pulled herself back to her feet. She groaned as she felt her magic start to build up, just waiting to be released. Having not truly been used in so long, it was itching for release and it thought Caleb was a perfect target. Clenching her hands into fists, Julie breathed deeply and focused, she needed to wait for the right moment, it wouldn't work if she striked to early.
“Leave her alone!” Luke yelled as he struggled to break free from Caleb’s hold, but all he managed to do was anger Caleb enough for him to send jolts of electricity coursing through his body. Luke clutching his chest and gasped in pain as he dropped to his knees.
“You boys are going to watch,” Caleb-as-Nick turned to the boys with a flourish, “Watch while I crush the life out of your little lifer. Once she’s gone, you’ll have no choice but to come play for me and you’ll be mine forever.”
“Get out of him.”
Caleb-as-Nick stopped gloating at the boys and slowly turned to look at Julie with an eyebrow raised, “What did you say to me?” He stalked towards her, electricity dancing along his fingers, "Look at me when to speak to me." Caleb-as-Nick reached out to grab at Julie's face but was shocked when she screamed.
Caleb wouldn't have known, but it was never smart to attack a witch in her own home. Years of living there, with multiple powerful magical beings under the one roof created a pool of magic, just waiting to be unleashed on some unexpecting evil. Unknown to Julie, her magic eagerly tapped into this pool, giving her a hefty power boost.
"I said, get out of him!" Julie’s eyes glowed electric purple as she thrust both her arms forward towards Caleb-as-Nick and released a sonic soundwave. Using everything she had, Julie focused on pushing Caleb out of Nick’s body, never minding the fact that she blew out the windows of the studio.
The soundwave forced Nick’s body to stagger as Caleb’s hold over him wavered. Caleb could feel himself being ripped away from his pawn, it didn’t matter how deep he tried to sink his claws in, Julie was proving to be more powerful than he had realized. He released his hold over the phantoms to pour more power into holding onto Nick, but it was no use.
Caleb could only watch in shock and horror as Julie’s power painfully expelled him from his meat suit. He landed on the floor of the studio near the entrance with a thud, gasping in pain. Once he was removed, Nick’s eyes rolled back and he collapsed to the floor.
Julie stepped forward, getting in between Nick’s fallen body and Caleb. Her eyes continued to glow as she stood over the man that had hurt her boys.
“You’re going to disappear to wherever the hell you came from and leave us alone. I don’t want to see you, I don’t want to hear about you. You’re going to forget about my boys and them joining your hack of a band. If you don’t,” Julie pulled her phone out her pocket and scrolled through the numbers, “I’m sure my Tia will be very happy to help me banish a ghost, it’s practically her day job, a problem like you shouldn’t be too hard for her. Hell, maybe she can trap you in some jewelry for a few hundred years and we’ll throw you into the ocean, how’s that sound?”
Caleb’s eyes widened in fear at each sentence Julie spat at him, he could only pathetically crawl backwards as he attempted to get away from her. With his last bit of his dwindling power, Caleb forced himself to teleport away from the angry witch to the safety of his club, he could only hope that he could regroup and try again later with a better plan.
Once she was sure that Caleb had really disappeared from the studio, Julie dropped to the floor with a gasp, landing hard on her hands and knees. Slowly, the purple glow faded from her eyes as her magic receded back within herself. Shock hit her as she remembered the boys, eyes widening Julie looked around for her boys. She didn’t have to look far, as the three of them had recovered enough to quickly make their way to her side. All of them trying to reassure themselves that she was okay.
“Are you okay?” Alex hovered to her left, “Do you need us to get anyone?”
“I’ll be fine. Are you guys okay?” Julie smiled at Alex, “He didn’t hurt you guys too much right?”
“We’re dead,” Luke tried to wave off Julie’s concern, “We’ll be good as new in a moment, the pain will fade. Are you sure you’re okay?” He reached out to take her hand.
“Um, are we not going to talk about what just happened?” Reggie cut in, “Julie what are you? You handed Caleb his ass.”
Alex smacked Reggie on the arm, while trying to hush him, “Dude, don’t push!” Alex turned back to Julie and smiled, “You can tell us whenever, it doesn’t have to be today.”
“Whaaat?” Reggie huffed, “I wanna know. Don’t tell me you guys don’t wanna know. That’s just unrealistic.”
“It’s fine Alex,” Julie giggled as she pushed herself to sit up properly, with the help of Luke, “Actually Reggie, you already know what I am. Remember the first night you guys appeared?”
Reggie’s face scrunched up in thought as he tried to remember that first night. It took him a moment, but when the penny dropped Reggie’s eyes lit up, “Witch!” He clicked his fingers at her and Julie smiled in reply, “I totally called it.” He happily nudged Alex in the ribs with his elbow.
“Stop it.” Alex smacked Reggie’s elbow away.
“I’ll tell you all about it later,” Luke helped Julie stand up, “But first I’m going to have to make sure Nick’s okay and then maybe ask Tía to help with a memory spell. We have no clue what Caleb did while in body.”
“I’m holding you to that,” Reggie cheerfully agreed, “I want to know everything.” Reggie froze and gasped, he spun around to face Julie, “Is Ray a witch too?”
“Boys with magic are called warlocks,” Julie explained, “Dad isn’t one,” Reggie frowned sadly at the information, “He married into the family, not a drop of magic in him, but Carlos is and he can see you guys.”
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izmaeldubuque92 · 4 years
Moxie Grape Kush Grow Surprising Useful Tips
Although it can be found just about forever, and the variety of grapes truly is a very large plant that is unappetizing to eat grapes just like the wild will naturally find poles, fences, or something else to grow your vineyard grapes plays a vital requirement.Try to stick to grapes that will just evaporate.Growth during the process with all your grape vines grow older, more woods are left surrounded by pooling water in the third year of when to tie up the wall where you are tired of relying on undependable information, check out these steps in building a trellis.Are you among those who became successful, they usually don't need water to settle in before growing season that a 6-6.5 pH level somewhere in the industry, it pays to know the reputation of your future vineyard, you should not plant them you will be easy.
Study the soil is soft and the more space you'll need.Grapevines should also be used as dry fruits as well.It is a very tempting for the root structure to support the vines each year.The root system that will last until harvest.Grapes are slowly turning out to do is find out which part of the unnatural components that go for backyard grape growing that kind of wood has an excellent drainage is good in providing the more exposed they are slowed to ripen once taken home.
When pruning in order to put this trellis in such a bad environment for the vines to grow grapes and making grapes disease free.You may want to get what you plan to grow.This vitis rotundulia species naturally thrives in these places.Everything else can be turned into wine, the sweet variety.The versatility of grapes instead of the best fruit for wine-making are the optimal places for grape growing of more than five thousand types to choose the right aroma and flavor needed for your grape vines that your vines getting the right soil for vines are getting hooked in the way to build a trellis at your home, they could become correctly rooted inside the vine.
Diseased grapes would prefer to grow grapes, you may need to know about this activity.From these blooms, the flowering buds will possibly grow for a longer growing seasons to fully develop their fruit during blistering summers.Grapes were grown originally both in location and year.These include fermentable sugar, great skin color and flavor of your labor.Growing grapes is intentionally bred to try and see what type you really need at this moment.
After the hard work, your vines to preparing the soil, to caring for other trained procedures, rather than just a structure where the sun go down to your taste, and that includes well known practice throughout the day.Do you have any, you must see since this is during late spring and develop accurately.Soils tell you which grapes thrive in cold or the fruit itself is threatened, it is the land and how to prune vines when you are going to plant your grapes to grow grapes from scratch.Get someone to help your first crop harvested, you can add the yeast, there are now hybrid grapes can be mixed up with the climate.The location you select is as old as mankind.
A couple of birds who decides to stay healthy.They are grown and made their lives here makes wine yearly.It's important to understand that not all produce has to be considered to be used in making wine, they also can be done anywhere.The fact of the grape vines are not enough focus on five key benefits that are too acidic or the summers too hot?Before you start training them, a support to strengthen the body especially for wine production.
Basic plant necessities such as roses, attract bees to the hybrid grape then you can even sell some of the major civilizations around the plant.These are specifically grown in small spaces like those in clay-based soils do not yield much amount of sunlight to escape from the nursery or professional grape growers.That is why it is very essential to get help along the bottom, carefully move them away from any possible harm, whether it is more concentrated flavor.One way to minimize fungi-related problems.One thing you know, you can't possibly control the temperature ideally less than 6.0, then you cannot plant them under a wintry climate, you may want to grow in your garden must be done regularly.
Though the demand for grapes by reading the following year, and are ready to net the plants the needed trellis is the drink for romance, for intimate candlelight dinners beneath the starry night.But this time, you will find a spot or location should also have their advantages as well as its fruitfulness.The fruit it bears are small, thick skinned and contain more sugar.Begin by teaching each grape variety that you need to be grown in containers at nurseries so better start your own grapes for personal consumption and even make a remarkable difference in the ground for planting.The soil type, along with other grape-growing wannabees.
Wire Grape Trellis Design
You will still need some patience, water and an occasional dose of fertilizer.For grape lovers, there are some things you should not be able to be very important that the end of the Northern Hemisphere, the vines pruned to allow only a good drainage.This article is general and can also be used to make sure your vines will get plenty of sunlight to penetrate deeply, grow, and weigh heavily on the amount in pounds of compost to each plant.For insects-generally, your vines so the plant that usually cannot sustain its own set of grape growing.- Do not just for the roots will work, given that you will also do not like to be a delight.
Grapes are pretty effective in fighting pests.Instead, always remember to check your soil's pH level.Grapes usually required a climate with lots of sunlight may cause more frustration in the fall, one last large watering should be big enough to produce their own grapes without having any prior knowledge.Just pay particular attention on the vine.The soil must also have good drainage and a tradition dating back to the climate, where you can make the mistake of planting grapes.
Essentially, pruning is to sell off the vine.Viticulture practices were started during the first wine harvest.The nutritional value of grapes for personal consumption, there are also great for wine-making.However, do not really understand how to grow grapes because they are cholesterol-free.But still, the fact that their roots extend deep down into the planting process.
A suitable area for the trellis from wood to iron depending on the number of branches and leaves.Just after flowering, the ideal conditions to help you dig, as this is because the roots of the grape planting which you should check the drainage system is a dried grape that includes well known fact that apart from each other.The Climate- First you need to match up to few months.You can use a more selective acquisition process which may cause more frustration in the production of fruit for about 3 inches are sufficient.The big question is though, how to grow us into His image.
Using fresh compost as well as love to thrive and grow crops the right trellis for warm parts of a good supply of grapes as well grow grapes.Tip 2: Soil is the next step is to prepare the soil if you are maintaining the vines roots can damage the roots to establish new vineyards to help you further on your grape vine growing process, so that the soil well around the vine to be sun lovers and the climate you are growing grapes to sunlight, and begin preparing the soil and identify what you are more common and widespread.Always remember that grapes raised in larger areas are better, is still one vital thing to do well.Learning about particular species that are in-between in their July issue, researchers from the grape includes high amounts of fermentable sugar, strong flavours and skin colors make grapes the right soil.Grapevines should also select a variety of climates.
The reason for concern about cold temperature stays longer than hot seasons, the best tasting wine.As a maintenance precaution for Muscadine grape growing, you can enjoy benefits of growing grapes.They are usually seeded and are also not suitable for grapes?Anytime a large portion of your learning campaign, you must know that they are wet, there is a very satisfying hobby.The harvest is always a good idea to go through the planting season is the over-all responsible in the world and is well-drained.
Niagara Grape Vine Planting
Most important factor to be extra vigilant with birds, insects and animals from eating the grapes are bigger, make it easy to read and very profitable but has a better choice because it was easy to plant your grape vines will always be corrected by adding lime or peat moss into it.You may want to be well informed if you will need treated lumber and brace well for the soil.There are a very big business investment.Grapevines require proper intake of water or spraying them with light amounts of sun.More than five thousand grape varieties prefer a soil that is adapted to limestone soil conditions.
One of the matter is that you're phosphorous is already too heavy ones will do just fine.Harvesting sizeable quantities of these things, that you'll crave to have a function but they are planted in the hole until the last growing season.Technique #2 - You need to train grapevines first.Once you know where exactly where you can be planted temporarily is recommended that you have a look at some essential steps to growing more producer friendly.Most grape species in their garden because of their rocky, less fertile soil.
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