#insuetis chapter 3 storyline 1
joongalez · 2 years
Ateez Insuetis -> Masterlist
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Intro post #1 | Intro post #2 | Trailer
Character Profiles - Hongjoong | Character Profiles - Seonghwa | Character Profiles - Yunho | Character Profiles - Yeosang | Character Profiles - San | Character Profiles - Mingi | Character Profiles - Wooyoung | Character Profiles - Jongho
Seonghwa Blog Post 1 | Insuetis News Update 1
Dialogue 1: Hongjoong | Storyline 1 | Choice 1
Choice 1 Result | Dialogue 2: Yunho | Insuetis News Update 2 | Dialogue 3: Hongjoong | Storyline 2 | Dialogue 4: Hongjoong | Choice 2
Choice 2 Result | Storyline 1 | Insuetis News Update 3 | Dialogue 1: Hongjoong | Dialogue 2: Hongjoong | Storyline 2 | Dialogue 3: San | Choice 3
Choice 3 Result | Dialogue 4: San | Storyline 3 | Storyline 4 | Insuetis Radio Show Excerpt 1 | Insuetis News Update 4 | Dialogue 5: Jongho | Choice 4
Choice 4 Result | Storyline 1 | Storyline 2 | Storyline 3 | Insuetis News Update 5 | Dialogue 1: Hongjoong | Dialogue 2: Yeosang | Choice 5
Choice 5 Result | Dialogue 3: Yeosang | Insuetis Radio Show Excerpt 2 | Choice 6
Choice 6 Result | Storyline 1 | Storyline 2 | Choice 7
Choice 7 Result | Storyline 3 | Insuetis News Update 5 | Dialogue 1: Yunho | Dialogue 2: Yunho | Seonghwa Blog Post 2 | Storyline 4 | Choice 8
Choice 8 Result | Storyline 1 | Seonghwa Blog Post 3 | Storyline 2 | Dialogue 1: Yunho | Insuetis Radio Show Excerpt 3 | Dialogue 2: Seonghwa | Storyline 3 | Storyline 4 | Choice 9
Choice 9 Result | Storyline 1 [END]
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joongalez · 2 years
Chapter 3 - Storyline 1
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[masterlist] 09/11/20xx 9:37pm
Seonghwa holds his flashlight as steady as he can as he trudges through the woods, Jongho doing the same beside him. The air is chilly, even though Seonghwa wears a jacket, and the moon casts eerie shadows over the ground. Seonghwa does not want to be here, but he is. For Jongho.
“Where are we even going?” Seonghwa hisses, his voice cutting through the darkness.
“Toward the river,” Jongho answers. He has his flashlight steadier than Seonghwa’s, shining light between the tall trees.
Seonghwa almost trips over a branch but steadies himself. “I really don’t think we should be out here.”
“It’s for the story.”
“I know, but is it worth it if something bad happens to us out here?”
“Nothing will happen to us,” Jongho assures Seonghwa. “Whoever is doing this probably won’t attack us both at the same time. We’re much safer together.”
“This really doesn’t feel safe.”
Jongho switches the subject. “Why did you move to Insuetis anyway? What drove you away from wherever you came from?”
Seonghwa is shocked. “What do you mean? How do you know I was driven away?”
“I didn’t, but I do now.” Jongho shrugs. “People don’t just move to Insuetis. It’s basically unheard of. The only people in Insuetis are the ones who have lived here our whole lives. When an outsider joins us, it’s usually not because they saw Insuetis on the front of a cute little brochure.”
Seonghwa stays silent for a long moment, considering what he should say.
“We’re going to be working together, so we might as well know some things about each other,” Jongho says. “Right?”
Seonghwa takes a breath, stepping over a large, fallen branch. “I just needed to get out and go somewhere new. Somewhere no one would know me, where it would be easy to blend in and just write.”
“Why?” Jongho questions.
“My… my family.” Seonghwa’s voice is quieter now, just above audible. “They… they passed away. I couldn’t handle the pain, so I left.”
Jongho nods. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
It’s quiet for a moment, the only sounds are the leaves rustling in the wind and the two men’s shoes crunching against fallen leaves and sticks littered on the woods floor.
“The river is up there,” Jongho says, cutting through the thick quiet. “Wait, do you see that?”
“Huh?” Seonghwa shines his flashlight in the general direction where Jongho’s is pointing, but he doesn’t see anything. “See what?”
Jongho breaks into a run, heading straight toward the river. Seonghwa hurries to catch up, almost tripping twice, having to regain his balance and force himself to keep moving forward. His heart is beating up into his throat and his body is beginning to shake.
He stops next to Jongho, who is kneeling next to the river, grabbing something off the ground. It’s a small, white piece of paper with a bunch of random symbols on it.
“What the hell is this?” Jongho asks.
Seonghwa stares down at the paper, trying to make sense of the symbols, but none of them look familiar. The note doesn’t make any sense to him. “I don’t know.”
“It’s like some kind of note,” Jongho responds. “Like… a code. Maybe from the serial killer.”
“You think it’s a serial killer?”
Jongho shrugs. “Who else would have a note like this?”
Before Seonghwa can answer, he hears a branch snap in the distance. He immediately turns to Jongho, whose eyes are wide.
“We should go,” Seonghwa says.
Jongho stuffs the note into his pocket. “Yeah. Let’s go.”
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joongalez · 2 years
Chapter 2 - Storyline 3
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[masterlist] 09/11/20xx 1:00pm
Seonghwa isn’t sure what to expect when he walks into the newspaper office, but the first thing he notices is that it’s a lot smaller than he thought it would be. There is an empty front desk and then beyond that, six or seven desks arranged around a medium-sized room, stacks of papers and pens covering every desk, disorganized carts sitting idle on the edges of the room. There are a few doors behind the desks labeled with different names. Seonghwa doesn’t know where the person at the front desk is, so he moves past it, heading toward the other desks.
A person passes by him, accidentally bumping into him and muttering an apology and something about coffee before leaving the room through a separate door. Seonghwa stops in front of a desk with a name placard that reads CHOI JONGHO then in smaller letters beneath that, HEAD JOURNALIST. A young man sits there, head practically buried in his computer, papers surrounding the entire desk. He looks at something on the computer and then turns to write something down on his notebook next to the computer, before looking back at the screen.
“Um, hello,” Seonghwa greets and Jongho looks up. “I’m Park Seonghwa. I’m starting at the paper tomorrow so I wanted to come in and introduce myself.”
“Seonghwa!” Jongho says, getting to his feet and giving Seonghwa a smile. “Yes, yes, I’ve heard about you. You’re new in town, new to the paper. Starting tomorrow, you said?”
“Yes,” Seonghwa answers with a smile. “That’s me. New to everything in Insuetis.”
Jongho laughs. “Well, the first thing you’ll need is my phone number. You can text me about anything you need. Plus you’ll pretty much be reporting to me and the chief editor, so it’s handy to have my phone number. Anything you find for a potential story goes through me first, got it?”
“Got it.” Seonghwa nods.
“Other than that, this is the office.” Jongho gestures around the office. “You’ll have a clear desk tomorrow, we just have to clean one up a bit. And the chief editor is that way, through that door. That door leads to the kitchen where we get our coffee which we pretty much live off of. You’re a writer though, so you probably know that.”
“Of course.”
“And that’s about it,” Jongho says, clasping his hands together. “You’ll obviously get a more formal introduction to everything tomorrow. Do you have any questions or anything?”
“Um, no, I just wanted to say that I’m really grateful for this opportunity to work here at the newspaper.” Seonghwa smiles. “I’m really excited to work with you all.”
“It’s usually not this wild around here,” Jongho admits. “But ever since those people went missing and one turned up dead, it’s been more chaotic. We’ll see how it goes in the next few days.”
Seonghwa is about to respond when the door to the chief editor’s office opens and a man steps out, gesturing for Jongho.
“Sorry, I’ll have to go now,” Jongho says to Seonghwa. “I’m working on an important story for tonight. You’ll see it later. And I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow,” Seonghwa responds, but Jongho is already up and making his way toward the chief editor’s office, slipping inside, and closing the door shut behind him.
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