#insuetis chapter 5 storyline 1
joongalez · 2 years
Ateez Insuetis -> Masterlist
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Intro post #1 | Intro post #2 | Trailer
Character Profiles - Hongjoong | Character Profiles - Seonghwa | Character Profiles - Yunho | Character Profiles - Yeosang | Character Profiles - San | Character Profiles - Mingi | Character Profiles - Wooyoung | Character Profiles - Jongho
Seonghwa Blog Post 1 | Insuetis News Update 1
Dialogue 1: Hongjoong | Storyline 1 | Choice 1
Choice 1 Result | Dialogue 2: Yunho | Insuetis News Update 2 | Dialogue 3: Hongjoong | Storyline 2 | Dialogue 4: Hongjoong | Choice 2
Choice 2 Result | Storyline 1 | Insuetis News Update 3 | Dialogue 1: Hongjoong | Dialogue 2: Hongjoong | Storyline 2 | Dialogue 3: San | Choice 3
Choice 3 Result | Dialogue 4: San | Storyline 3 | Storyline 4 | Insuetis Radio Show Excerpt 1 | Insuetis News Update 4 | Dialogue 5: Jongho | Choice 4
Choice 4 Result | Storyline 1 | Storyline 2 | Storyline 3 | Insuetis News Update 5 | Dialogue 1: Hongjoong | Dialogue 2: Yeosang | Choice 5
Choice 5 Result | Dialogue 3: Yeosang | Insuetis Radio Show Excerpt 2 | Choice 6
Choice 6 Result | Storyline 1 | Storyline 2 | Choice 7
Choice 7 Result | Storyline 3 | Insuetis News Update 5 | Dialogue 1: Yunho | Dialogue 2: Yunho | Seonghwa Blog Post 2 | Storyline 4 | Choice 8
Choice 8 Result | Storyline 1 | Seonghwa Blog Post 3 | Storyline 2 | Dialogue 1: Yunho | Insuetis Radio Show Excerpt 3 | Dialogue 2: Seonghwa | Storyline 3 | Storyline 4 | Choice 9
Choice 9 Result | Storyline 1 [END]
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joongalez · 2 years
Chapter 4 - Storyline 1
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[masterlist] 09/12/20xx 5:32pm
San answers the phone call on air, bracing himself for whatever comes through the phone. He wasn’t sure whether or not he should answer the phone call, but something told him he needed to answer.
“Hello! You are currently live on Insuetis Community Radio,” San says as the call is answered and goes through.
The person who speaks sounds out of breath. “I’m currently in the woods. I’m… I’m running. I think… I think I found something.”
“Hold on, can you tell us your name?” San asks. “And can you tell me what you’re doing in the woods?”
“I needed to see what’s going on in the woods,” the caller responds. “I know something strange is going on here. I need to see for myself what’s going on.”
“I don’t think that’s safe,” San advises. “I think you should get out of the woods, come back into town. We can talk as soon as you’re safe.”
“No!” The caller shouts. “Don’t hang up. Please. I feel like I’m on the brink of something.”
“What do you mean by that?” San waits for the caller to answer, hearing shuffling sounds over the phone. It sounds like the person may be running. “Are you still there?”
“Oh my god.”
“Are you okay?” Alarm bells are going off in San’s head. “What’s going on?”
“I see something. I see--”
There’s a pounding sound and the caller’s voice suddenly cuts off. There are more shuffling sounds, and then something that sounds like the phone hitting dirt. The next sound comes out muffled, but San recognizes the first tap and immediately starts writing down the short and long taps that follow.
... - --- .--. / .-.. --- --- -.- .. -. --. / --- .-. / -.-- --- ..- .----. .-. . / -. . -..- -
After that, the phone clicks off.
San stares down at the paper before he notices his producer waving at him to say something.
“Uh, sorry about that, listeners,” San says quickly, moving closer to his microphone. “It seems like there may be some technical difficulties. We’re going to switch over to some music now. Thanks for listening.”
San turns the music on and sits back in his chair, taking a deep breath. He’s not sure what to make of that encounter over the phone, but he’s almost sure of one thing.
The caller was attacked.
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