#insuetis radio show excerpt 3
joongalez · 2 years
Ateez Insuetis -> Masterlist
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Intro post #1 | Intro post #2 | Trailer
Character Profiles - Hongjoong | Character Profiles - Seonghwa | Character Profiles - Yunho | Character Profiles - Yeosang | Character Profiles - San | Character Profiles - Mingi | Character Profiles - Wooyoung | Character Profiles - Jongho
Seonghwa Blog Post 1 | Insuetis News Update 1
Dialogue 1: Hongjoong | Storyline 1 | Choice 1
Choice 1 Result | Dialogue 2: Yunho | Insuetis News Update 2 | Dialogue 3: Hongjoong | Storyline 2 | Dialogue 4: Hongjoong | Choice 2
Choice 2 Result | Storyline 1 | Insuetis News Update 3 | Dialogue 1: Hongjoong | Dialogue 2: Hongjoong | Storyline 2 | Dialogue 3: San | Choice 3
Choice 3 Result | Dialogue 4: San | Storyline 3 | Storyline 4 | Insuetis Radio Show Excerpt 1 | Insuetis News Update 4 | Dialogue 5: Jongho | Choice 4
Choice 4 Result | Storyline 1 | Storyline 2 | Storyline 3 | Insuetis News Update 5 | Dialogue 1: Hongjoong | Dialogue 2: Yeosang | Choice 5
Choice 5 Result | Dialogue 3: Yeosang | Insuetis Radio Show Excerpt 2 | Choice 6
Choice 6 Result | Storyline 1 | Storyline 2 | Choice 7
Choice 7 Result | Storyline 3 | Insuetis News Update 5 | Dialogue 1: Yunho | Dialogue 2: Yunho | Seonghwa Blog Post 2 | Storyline 4 | Choice 8
Choice 8 Result | Storyline 1 | Seonghwa Blog Post 3 | Storyline 2 | Dialogue 1: Yunho | Insuetis Radio Show Excerpt 3 | Dialogue 2: Seonghwa | Storyline 3 | Storyline 4 | Choice 9
Choice 9 Result | Storyline 1 [END]
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joongalez · 2 years
Chapter 5 - Insuetis Radio Show Excerpt 3
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[masterlist] 09/14/20xx 5:00pm
[Insuetis Community Radio jingle plays]
Good evening Insuetis Community Radio listeners, it is your beloved host Choi San, and I’m here to tell you anything and everything about our little town of Insuetis.
Unfortunately, I have to bring you terrible news that another body was found in the East Malus river today, drained of blood. Police are said to be working hard on the case and want to remind everyone to obey curfew and stay safe during these unprecedented times.
Now, I wanted to talk to someone who has a very specific theory about why this may be happening and who is behind these terrible killings. They are known as a professional conspiracy theorist and wish to remain anonymous and will be going by Z. Z, say hello.
Z: Hello. My name is Z and I’m a professional conspiracy theorist.
Hello, Z. You have some things you’d wish to discuss, yes?
Z: Yes. I know a cult is doing these killings and that they reside in the woods. I know this because this same exact thing happened 75 years ago.
Can you please elaborate on that?
Z: 75 years ago, people were being killed and drained of their blood. Police suspected it was a serial killer, but nothing was ever found out or done about it. Personally, I think the police are wrong. I believe there is a cult that lives deep inside the woods of Insuetis and they are sacrificing people by draining their blood for some religious reason. And I think the police never figured it out 75 years ago because they are in some sort of agreement with the cult, or they themselves are part of the cult.
Did you have any theories on who was in this cult?
Z: Yes. I believe it was someone with a prominent family in Insuetis. I know we have a few of those here, but it has to be one of them. They were running the cult and running the streets of Insuetis, pretending to keep everyone safe when in reality, they were sacrificing people for their cult.
And do you have any idea where the exact location of this cult could be?
Z: I have a hunch.
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