#int: frank longbottom
amliabones · 4 years
private starter for @frnklngbttm​
The auror office was a familiar sight. Even if it wasn’t her office anymore, being inside it filled her with warmth. Not everything had gone perfect while she’d worked here, but she’d worked hard and never regretted it. And, even when things did go wrong, no one ended up breathing down her neck the way they did now as head of the entire DMLE. She’d had an idea of what she was getting into when she accepted the job, but sometimes she needed a moment to breathe – and a moment for her coffee, maybe even a moment to chat.
She was taking those moments now – with long strides that took her from the door to the auror office to the desk of one of the younger aurors. “Fresh cup from a fresh bag of beans,” she said, setting down an extra mug of coffee on Frank’s desk. She hid a small grin behind the rim of her own mug, the hot, bitter liquid coating the back of her tongue. “How’re you, Longbottom? I haven’t talked to you since the arrest.”
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ao3feed-jily · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/gxitPKu
by mrseceret
Words: 1, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Svenska
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Remus Lupin, James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Mary Macdonald, Lily Evans Potter, Dorcas Meadowes, Frank Longbottom, Alice Longbottom, Albus Dumbledore, Lucius Malfoy, Minerva McGonagall, Bellatrix Black Lestrange
Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/gxitPKu
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morsmordreevents · 4 years
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She arrives dripping in gold and leaving stardust in her wake. The name had been whispered over the years, only growing in volume as the Lady herself reentered London Society. Of, course, there was only one way to properly introduce herself to the royals of society and establish her throne equal to those perched in Olympus and it came in the form of a masquerade ball. 
Each envelope sealed with a crimson kiss, they were sent out clasped to the leg of a white dove. Everyone from the Blacks to the the Lestranges to the Prewetts to the Potters found the bird perched on their windowsill, beckoning them to a night of pure indulgence.
Each invite is accompanied with a challenge: your mask must represent a pig, monkey, mouse, goat or bird. Choose wisely — your self-identifying animal kinship will shape your entire night. Each animal represents a personality trait; the Pig represents those seeking fame, the Monkey: power, the Bird: love, Goat: wealth, and finally, the Mouse is for those seeking respect. Be honest and accurate in the animal you choose, deceit will only further you from your true goal. 
Dresses spun of the finest silk and suits hand-stitched with golden thread are prepared for the ball. Masks waxed and painted, as ornate and spectacular as expected of society darlings. It’s a night to be shrouded in true mystery, identities concealed and a glamorized version of self walking in the shoes of every individual in attendance. 
Waiters glide through the estate with white silk gloves, balancing hors hors d’oeurves and champagne on glittering silver trays. The string quartet and the crystalline clink of glasses echo through through the high-ceilinged halls and red-carpeted chambers of the extravagant Zabini estate. As the night falls, words slur, morals slip, and even the most stoic of individuals find their cheeks colouring, laughs rising into the air like so many empty promises and shallow flirtations. Khadijah Zabini spared no expense when it came to throwing a party in the midst of a bloody war.
The papers labelled this to be the social event for the year— how little of that they really knew.
OVERVIEW: Welcome to Morsmordre’s first official event! This is something more on the light-hearted side before we really get things rolling. While it is implied that it’s more of the society figures that are invited to this, most “non-society” characters have connections that would get them int this party regardless. With the horror that overtook the Ministry Christmas party, all factions are weary and all members from all allegiances are instructed to stay on guard; this is unchartered territory and with Khadijah’s assumed neutrality, this is anyone’s game.
TIMELINE: The masquerade ball occurs on JANUARY 25TH, 1979 so any timestamp must be between 8:00PM that day to 2:00AM that morning. This is just part one of the actual event so keep your eyes peeled in the next week for the mid-event plot drop. 👀
TASK: Show off your character’s outfit for the masquerade. Of course there will ideally be an air of mystery surrounding your character during the event but they can show off as much or as little of their identity as they wish. Use the tag #morsmordretalk and #morsmordremasquerade for your creations and feel free to post them in the Discord channel as well! 
THREAD PAIRINGS: From those who liked the pairing call in the Discord. Keep in mind that identities will be concealed and it should be plotted out if identities are known to other individuals. 
After a hushed, albeit tense, conversation with her husband, GABRIELLE DELACOUR takes a moment for herself in the garden. ALECTO CARROW, who witnessed the conversation from afar, follows GABRIELLE outside to taunt the other woman and shake things up a little.
RISHA FAWLEY has a bit too much to drink (or drank a bit too much of the wrong beverage) and is found teetering on one of the balconies upstairs. ELEANORA AVERY finds them and has to choose between helping them or having a bit of fun at RISHA’S expense. 
NARCISSA MALFOY has always had a knack for spotting things out of place and that’s exactly what they deemed FRANK LONGBOTTOM to be: a sheep in wolf’s clothing. He doesn’t quite have the high-brow society antics down so he just can’t be a society darling. Looking to stir up a bit of trouble, NARCISSA calls FRANK out on this, accusing him of showing up uninvited and here to cause trouble. 
CLEMENT DELACOUR takes it upon himself to investigate the mysterious newcomer, poking his head in places it shouldn’t be. It’s all going well until he bumps into BELLATRIX BLACK, who happens to be doing the exact same thing.
ANDROMEDA TONKS stumbles upon SIRIUS BLACK outside on the edge of the pool. Trying her best to not startle him, ANDROMEDA calls out to them to announce their presence. However, SIRIUS BLACK startles and slips, injuring himself in the fall. ANDROMEDA rushes over to attempt to help. OPHELIA GREENGRASS stumbles upon this scene of blood and accuses ANDROMEDA of attacking SIRIUS BLACK; thus a fight ensues.
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