#interaction ;; orion blakewood
dianaswhitney · 6 months
It wasn't too late when Diana was going back to her apartment from one of the bars in town. It was actually barely ten at night so it was pretty early for the young woman to be going back to her apartment. Normally, she was out much later than this, but everyone she knew was busy or had to work in the morning and she found herself just tired so she was making the trip home. She was almost to her building when this guy came from around the corner and grabbed her arm. "Hey!" Diana said and tried pulling away before she felt something press against her side.
"Give me all the money you have and anything else valuable while you're at it." The guy demanded and it made a chill go down her spine.
"I-I don't have any money." Her voice went high as she started to panic. She couldn't think of anything valuable she had on her. She had a half smoked joint and a empty baggie from that once held molly and her phone. "I don't have anything." @orionxblakewood
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mattswheeler · 3 months
closed starter for @orionxblakewood location: Kismet Harbor Pier
"Orion, hey!" Matt said as he waved at his friend and headed over towards him. With the weather being nicer, it was a good time to hit all the rides at the pier and Matt figured he'd get Orion to go with him since it had been a while since the two hung out. "Glad you could make it. Anything you wanna do first? Start off with the rollercoaster?"
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travisjackson · 5 months
closed event starter for @orionxblakewood location: downtown, live music
Being in a much better mood, Travis found himself happily attending the music at the event. If things were the same as they were before he found out he was gonna be a dad again, he wouldn't have been here at all. But there he was and he smiled as he watched the band. After the song was over, he went to go get a drink when he bumped into someone. "Sorry, man. I didn't see you there."
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dianaswhitney · 3 days
closed event starter for @orionxblakewood activity: getting some food
Diana liked to avoid the big parts of events like these where she could possibly run into her parents. The mayor's speech, inducting whoever won the royalty contest... she steer clear of those and would go to things like checking out the food or playing some mini games since she knew they wouldn't be caught dead around there. At least, she hoped. Walking around, she was debating what to eat when she spotted a familiar face. "Hey! It's my knight in shining armor." She remembered the night he helped her when a guy tried to mug her, but she couldn't recall his name for the life of her.
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