dianaswhitney · 6 months
It wasn't too late when Diana was going back to her apartment from one of the bars in town. It was actually barely ten at night so it was pretty early for the young woman to be going back to her apartment. Normally, she was out much later than this, but everyone she knew was busy or had to work in the morning and she found herself just tired so she was making the trip home. She was almost to her building when this guy came from around the corner and grabbed her arm. "Hey!" Diana said and tried pulling away before she felt something press against her side.
"Give me all the money you have and anything else valuable while you're at it." The guy demanded and it made a chill go down her spine.
"I-I don't have any money." Her voice went high as she started to panic. She couldn't think of anything valuable she had on her. She had a half smoked joint and a empty baggie from that once held molly and her phone. "I don't have anything." @orionxblakewood
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mattswheeler · 3 months
closed starter for @orionxblakewood location: Kismet Harbor Pier
"Orion, hey!" Matt said as he waved at his friend and headed over towards him. With the weather being nicer, it was a good time to hit all the rides at the pier and Matt figured he'd get Orion to go with him since it had been a while since the two hung out. "Glad you could make it. Anything you wanna do first? Start off with the rollercoaster?"
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travisjackson · 5 months
closed event starter for @orionxblakewood location: downtown, live music
Being in a much better mood, Travis found himself happily attending the music at the event. If things were the same as they were before he found out he was gonna be a dad again, he wouldn't have been here at all. But there he was and he smiled as he watched the band. After the song was over, he went to go get a drink when he bumped into someone. "Sorry, man. I didn't see you there."
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enriquemarrero · 5 months
Who: @orionxblakewood and Ricky
Where: Downtown
When: May 2024
"How's the book store doing?" Ricky asked Orion as they headed downtown for the wine festival events. He asked though he loved right above it and figured it seemed to be doing alright. "I have been so swamped with grading papers but as soon as the school year ends, I can definitely come by and hang out during the day." He assured his best friend, patting him on the shoulder.
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vvarvvon · 13 days
@gamecn 💙 for a lyric starter !
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"i don't believe whatever this is."
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hclluvahctel-a · 1 year
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IT'S THUNDERING OUTSIDE, and it turns out Orion is NOT a fan.
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josiahhuddington · 1 year
where: His and Orion's apartment downtown who: Orion Blakely @orionxblakely
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Josiah had lived alone for so long he thought it would be hard to get used to living with a roommate again. And while he thought it would be hard, it honestly hadn't been. Josiah and Orion got along well, and they had both had a genuine understanding of what it meant to be a good roommate; getting along well, staying out of the others' way when they needed the space, but also sharing the space, which was nice in itself. Josiah had appreciated having Orion around, because while Josiah was decent in the kitchen, he'd been able to experiment with a lot more food with the other here, and his palate appreciated it very much. He was sitting on the couch, watching the local news when he heard some movement in the kitchen and he paused, muting the television. "Am I bothering you, man? I can turn this off if you need me too." he commented, unsure if the other was trying to write or if he was in the process of prepping for a meal. "I know I say this all the time but I don't want you to feel like you can't ask me to do something if you need the silence or the space."
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emberapatow · 1 year
with: @orioncarnell where: the library
This place had a library. A library.
Obviously not something horribly impossible, especially if this place was serving as one even before the outbreak, but after everything, it felt like luxury. The kind of luxury she very much wanted to indulge in. Ember couldn't remember how long it's been since she picked up a book (though that wasn't just due to zombies running around in the world), and so she headed inside. Maybe she could turn into a reader again.
Ember wasn't quite sure if it was just a time of day when most people were out so it was more empty than usual or if this was the normal, but there only a few people scattered around. Not that she minded.
She found herself a book she could check out and headed for the desks to read a bit before leaving when she stopped to make a double take because, "Orion...? Is that really you?"
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beyzaxalpman · 9 months
closed starter for @orionxblakely location: Willow Springs Apartments
As the wind started picking up, Beyza found herself worried about her son. She didn't like the idea of him being out at Mount Aston without her. While she knew he was with his dad, not being able to be there with him was driving her crazy. To try to ease her mind, she decided to head to Emre's. She knew he could keep her calm and she needed it. She got on the elevator and clicked on his floor when someone else joined her. They were going down when suddenly the elevator jerked and the power went out; stopping the elevator. "No." She said and tried clicking the button. "No, no, no. This can't be happening."
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steviexwagner · 10 months
closed starter for @orionxblakely location: Book Haven
Stevie was a little early for book club and had decided to do some looking around while she waited. There were a few books she wanted to get some of her friends and the kids so there was no better time than the present than doing it. However, she found the books she wanted pretty quick and brought them to the front before smiling at the man behind the counter when she put the books up. "Here I thought it'd take me a minute, but apparently I've just gotten great at shopping for people this year." She laughed, knowing she was always like this when it came to shopping for other people. "How's your evening?"
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nickitxrres · 11 months
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Empty Room - Redwood Prom
where Nicki stumbles upon Orion lurking in an empty room, Orion asks a simple question and Nicki loses her cool because she has gasp FEELINGS!! @orioncarnell
-the celebration goes on; Isaac has disappeared into the crowd and Orion finds himself trailing off from the main area and into the more abandoned hallways; he's gotten used to people but gatherings can still be overwhelming; he has found an empty room and is sitting on the table, letting the quiet of the music wash over him; he hears the door open and turns his head to see Nicki standing there- Oh. Hello, Nicki. -Orion nods- Are you taking a break?
Nicki Torres
-Nicki stumbled her way down the hall, the bottle of rum she snuck from the bar in her hand as she sipped and hummed to the faint music she could hear. She pushed through a door and came to a stop when she saw Orion- Oh hey, arbolito, so this is where you snuck off. You waiting for someone to have sloppy sex with?
No. I was not planning on it. I was taking a break from the party. -he answers, honestly; his gaze wanders to the bottle of rum she is holding and the way she is stumbling- Are you drunk?
Nicki Torres
Drunk? Me? -she looks at the bottle and shakes her head as she walks up to him- I'm not drunk. I don't get drunk. Besides, -she pauses to hold it up and shake it a little so he could hear the sloshing to indicate it's half full- I've barely drank from it. You want some?
I believe everybody gets drunk when they drink alcohol. -he responds, but nods when he sees that the bottle is mostly full; his gaze follows her as he stays seated- Yes. I will drink some.
Nicki Torres
Good answer. -she makes a beeline for him and holds out the bottle before sitting down next to him- So, how is your first ever prom going?
Good. -he takes a swig from the bottle, feeling it warm up his throat- I danced with Isaac. It was nice. I am glad I asked him. -he turns to look at her- What about you?
Nicki Torres
Oh honey, this is definitely not my first prom. -she sways a bit in her seat as her legs swing- But I'm having fun. Ares got me a rose. A rose! It was very sweet. He's sweet....
A rose? That is nice. -Orion takes another sip before he hands the bottle back to Nicki- You two got quite close.
Nicki Torres
-when the bottle is offered back she takes it and has a sip from it- Yeah, I guess we have. You think that's a bad thing?
No. Why would it be? -he asks, holding her gaze for a moment- Do you love him?
Nicki Torres
What?! No! Of course not! -her reaction is rather quick and she quickly looks away as she takes a rather large drink of the rum-
-he is surprised by her reaction, blinking at her, he tilts his head slightly- Really?
Nicki Torres
-she doesn't answer right away and takes another big drink- We've known each other like two months now. Pretty sure you can't love someone in the span of two months. Do I like him? Yes. Is he fun? Absolutely. Love....love is such a strong word.....you can't love someone after a few months......right?
-he carefully watches her reactions, though he isn't quite sure what to make of them- Are you asking me? -he furrows his brows as he regards her- I am not sure. I think you should ask Isaac, or someone else. But I don't believe it would be impossible.
Nicki Torres
-Nicki nods- I heard you told him you loved him. Ike, I mean.
I did. -he nods, carefully- Why are you mentioning that?
Nicki Torres
A subtle deflection and change in conversation topic. -she smiles, quite proudly of herself-
I see. -he nods, considering- If you don't want to talk about it, you can tell me. But it seems like you're unsure.
Nicki Torres
I'm unsure about many things. Now it's your turn to be specific.
You seem sure of many things. -he looks at her earnestly, reaching out and taking the bottle from her, putting it on the table between them- About whether you love him.
Nicki Torres
-She glares at him as he pulls the bottle away - You're lucky I like you, arbolito. -She sighs - Well, I guess it's because I don't know.
I see. -Orion considers her for a moment, before turning to look at the empty, dimly lit room and the night outside- Isaac told me to see how big somebody feels in your chest when you think about them. If you want to know that you are in love with them.
Nicki Torres
-Nicki hums a laugh - How big someone feels in your chest.... okay, arbolito, how does Ike feel in your chest when you think about him
Big. -Orion responds, his gaze fixed on the outside of Redwood, visible through the windows- When I think about him, he often feels the biggest. Out of everyone. I like thinking about him.
Nicki Torres
Well, I mean, Ike is a pretty big guy. Not bigger than you, obviously. -she notices his seemingly far away look- Big.....if that isn't the most vague answer. How can someone feel big in your chest when you think about them?
I don't believe it is meant literally. -he seems to think for a moment before he speaks again- For me it feels that once I think about Isaac, he is most of what I think about. Thinking about him makes me feel warm. And affectionate. It feels as if he occupies a large space inside my mind. It feels good. Like I am full with the affection I have for him. -he gazes back at her- Does that help?
Nicki Torres
-Nicki stares at him and then away, blinking as she processes what Orion is saying. A few moments later she groans and lays back on the table- Creo que lo amo.....
I don't really know what you said.
Nicki Torres
-she's digging her fists into her temples before dropping her hands- I think......I think I love him.....
I see. You should talk to him.
Nicki Torres
Oh no. -she sits up really fast and snatches the bottle before Orion can grab it- No, because....no. I don't do talking or feelings or.....feeling talks.
But it bothers you, doesn't it?
Nicki Torres
It doesn't bother me.....nothing bothers me. I'm unbotherable.
That seems like an exaggeration.
Nicki Torres
-Nicki takes a long, long gulp from the bottle. Maybe a bit too much- Do I look bothered, Orion?
-he watches her drink a big sip- You do.
Nicki Torres
-she glares at him- Well, I'm not. And I can prove it. -she puts the bottle down- Take off your pants.
-he seems taken aback by the order, blinking at her with clear confusion- Nicki, what is going on?
Nicki Torres
We're gonna fuck. So, take off your pants.
-he tilts his head- I don't think we should.
Nicki Torres
What? Seriously? Oh come on, why not?
-he pushes himself off of the table- I don't want to have sex with you because you want to prove something. You don't need to prove anything.
Nicki Torres
-She glares at him as she watches him stand up fully- you think I'm bothered. Would I be trying to sleep with you if I was bothered?
Nicki. -he looks at her, imploringly- Is sleeping with me really what you want right now?
Nicki Torres
-she shifts in her place a little, wanting to say yes but that stupid look- ......alright, no. When the hell did you get so smart? I liked you better when you were the naive puppy.
I learned from other people. Talking to them. -he looks at her before stepping up to her; he puts one of his hands on her shoulder- Talk to him. It will be better.
Nicki Torres
-Nicki huffed and shook her head, even when Orion put his hand on her shoulder- You don't know that.
-he remembers what Isaac told him, about being so afraid to have anything that some people try to not have anything- It is better than worrying about what could be. -he pats her shoulder gently- It will be okay. Whatever happens.
Nicki Torres
-the cold facade on her face remains there, qwelling any sort of hint of nervousness she had about it- That's easy for you to say. It's not your friendship on the line if things go wrong.
Why would your friendship be on the line? Do you think he wouldn't like you if you had any feelings?
Nicki Torres
Yeah, something like that. We've known each other two months. Two months! And if I say I have feelings and he doesn't, then things get weird and awkward and then I can't look at him again because he'll know and I'll know he knows and he'll get awkward because he doesn't want to do something or say something to make things weirder and then it gets to the point where we can't even be in the same room because of how weird things are!
-he listens to her rambling explanation, brows furrowed- It is not a bad thing for him to know your feelings. Do you think that is how Ares will act? Or feel?
Nicki Torres
I don't know. But he could!
And maybe he doesn't. Do you think you can live with not knowing? -he considers her carefully- Anything could happen to either of you. We are raiders. Do you want to wait until something does?
Nicki Torres
Isn't that all the more reason not to say anything? Because anything can happen and loss is more painful when you're emotionally involved?
No. I don't think so. -his gaze darkens for a moment- You will still like him, even if he dies. The feelings will still be there. You will only gain the regret of not saying anything.
Nicki Torres
Oh, no, he's not dying. He's not allowed to die. Not on my watch. -but she got the point that Orion was trying to make and she groaned- This is stupid! I face down hoardes of walkers and cultist dipshits for fun! This is not supposed to be so....so.....-but she doesn't finish her thought as she just yells in frustration-
-he squeezes her shoulder gently- It's not easy. I know. You've faced worse.
Nicki Torres
-she looked up at him and breathed out a sigh- I need a drink.
-he's not sure whether he has gotten through to her, but he doesn't feel like there is much more he can say- Alright. Watch out for yourself. It will be okay.
Nicki Torres
-Nicki gives him a look before turning and heading out, the bottle firmly in her grasp. She needs to let out this energy somehow and she has a few ideas on how to do it-
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teaganweatherford · 11 months
who: Orion Blakely @orionxblakely where: Corn Maze
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Teagan had always loved corn mazes, and it was still true even now that she was a forty year old woman. She could remember it like it was yesterday - the first time she ever attended one that is - and it had been a visit when she was in elementary school, a field trip for the third grade doing so well collectively on their exams. Teagan's father had never attended things like this, so for Teagan, it had been one of her fondest memories growing up, especially considering her father had been there too. So today, when she'd woken up and decided to make a day of it, so drove out, grabbed some snacks and was making her way through the maze, trying her best to use the map she'd snagged from the information booth. Though, as she was walking - the cup of warm apple snider in her hand - her eyes never looked up as she walked forward, bumping right into someone that was making their way towards her. Startled, she stopped, looking at Orion and offering him a small smile. "Thank goodness we weren't going any faster." she admitted. "I would've hated to spill this on you." she laughed. "But also, thank you for informing me that I am in fact heading towards a dead end." she sighed, turning around to head towards the direction she'd just come from.
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lionguarded · 2 years
He was just arriving into Athos when he saw him. The omega was standing guard by the gates and he knew he wouldn't be recognized because Silas had never seen his face but he must have heard of him. The packmasters had met with him, assigned him a job, a pack, and a cabin to share wirh other alphas.
He had returned to the gates then, to meet with Silas. Bothering him during work ours didn't seem like the wisest thing to do but he couldn't wait. He wanted to know how this town was, if he needed another escape, or if all was well. He didn't ask anyone about the guard, he would get the information from the horses mouth.
"Silas." His way of greeting was still too formal so he tried relaxing a bit into it. "I'm Armand Orion. I helped Taj and your other kids get you out of Egrain and, yes, they're fine. I took the fall for it." He let the info sink into the other's mind before speaking further. "Are you okay here? Do they treat you right?" He got the most important question out first, wanting to know how should he proceed.
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He was wearing a loose shirt, his mating mark visible but he had arrived alone. Orion felt awkward, vivid and horrible visions of what they had done to Silas still at the back of his head. "I...I'm sorry I didn't get you out sooner. I didn't know."
the whispers were always fast when new arrivals made their way into athos - this time he could hear them clearly, someone from egrain. like silas hadn’t seen enough of those in athos yet. every new person from the city bore a risk. he didn’t get out of the house, but there had been festivities & other celebrations or meetings at the house quite often & he’d only missed few of them. if word got back to egrain about his whereabouts.. he wouldn’t be safe anymore.
but he couldn’t dwell on that while at work, he did take his position as a guard seriously, even if he wanted some of athos inhabitants dead rather than alive & breathing down his neck. today’s shift was calm though, so he was stood with his spear on his back by the gate, just .. watching the outside when someone approached him.
someone who knew his name. he spun around almost instantly, reaching behind him to wrap a hand loosely around the shaft of his spear - ready to strike should he feel the need to. athos was supposedly safe, but who could tell, really? he was about to ask how he knew, but the explanation followed swiftly & while his shoulders lost some of the tension drawing them upwards, he was still watching, waiting.
orion. of course he knew orion. his pups rambled about the alpha who trained them every single minute of every single day. they’d worshipped the man & promised he could be trusted. silas would have to see for himself, but … hearing his kids were okay.. did calm him. hand returning to rest against his side, he eyed the other closely. “why? what was in it for you?” nobody went out of their way to help someone they didn’t know. so why? without the assistance of a high ranked knight, silas would most likely still be in egrain, but it still didn’t make sense to him.
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he was grateful, even if he sucked at showing it. or expressing it. “it was none of your business. you couldn’t know.” shouldn’t know. silas hadn’t wanted more people to know the horrors he saw every day. he’d felt guilty enough putting his pups through it, but strangers? no. “it’s .. good here. it’s safe, i guess. for now.” deep breath, feet shuffled, he was struggling to find the words he wanted. “thank you.”
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silascodys · 2 years
for: @orionlaurent​
when: 9:03pm, deck 8.
With the cruise in full swing, Silas had become acutely aware that he was out of place among the opulence of the attendees. The majority of them gave him the impression that this was a regular thing, mundane even, while he was still trying not to point at every little thing on board and say sick. 
After side-stepping out from the buffet being vultured on at The Grille, he found a quiet stretch of deck where no well-to-do looking motherfuckers were lurking, the perfect spot for him to light up a blunt and take a moment to centre himself. 
He’s two tokes in when he spots an apparition passing him by, one that looks less like a ship-bound ghost like he had been hoping to see and more like someone he’s seen tagged in his friend’s Instagram pictures but not yet in real life. 
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“Yo,” He greets, waving his hand at her to further get her attention. “You Orion?”
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thecrazyalchemist · 3 months
Picrew Tag List
Reminder: if you want to be added/removed, just say so! Preferably comment/reblog this post to notify me
@aggressivenesswhilecrying @alchemicalwerewolf @amethyst-aster @ankoku-teion @anna-is-bored @annotated-catastrophe @anotherhumanperson @be-gentle-with-littluns-2 @bleep-bloop-boo @breadismylifeline @carrotsinnovember @chocolate-cake-enthusiast @cloverthesimp365 @coswinx @crystalskyz @dragonerd8224 @dumbass---tm @eyes-shining-with-love @four-leafed-queer-gal @f4y3w00d5 @green-001 @givemeasong-singamelody @homelessnerd @homocidalpotat @horoscope-misreader96 @i-eat-so-much-grass @ima-bellwoo @justanotherenbyhere @loki-god-of-mischief-13 @meshaamem-li @morningdew112358 @mun-urufu @names-confuse-me @oliviartist @onetimemacaroni @orion--tt @passtheranchpls @pteren @raylaismad @rosiiclouds @sentientballofpeas @shining-stars-of-love @sketchy-potato @supermilkshakebanana @that-dam-heartstopper-fan @thebookshelflord @thehumandictionary @theoncelee @touslin @twordishdragon @unstableunicornsofasgard @utterqueerdisaster @varian-the-alchemy-boy @violet-hady @xylophonerabbit
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kquil · 1 year
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property of kquil ; all written content is mine and no one else's unless stated otherwise ; do not steal, plagiarise, modify or translate to other sites
art/visual media does not belong to me
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