#interaction: tilden toots.
tiltoots · 8 months
Who: Tilden & @xdaisyhookumx Where: Diagon Alley, near Tilden's shop When: Early morning
Tilden stood outside of his shop, eyes looking down at the ground as he kicked at a loose piece of cobblestone. There was no reason for him to be nervous, yet every time the two of them had plans, he couldn't help himself. They were friends, best friends, but what if someday she decided they weren't? What if she didn't show up? What if some day, she decided she no longer had time for him? Daisy wasn't like that, and he knew it would never happen. But his nerves always got the better of him.
It wasn't until he actually saw her that all of his anxiety melted away. A smile spread across his face as he watched her approach. Daisy was so effortlessly beautiful, and even if he'd never tell her about his true feelings for her, Tilden felt incredibly lucky to have someone like her in his life.
"You're late." Tilden greeted, a playful tone in his voice, "Two whole minutes late. Now we're not going to have time to finish our breakfast and we're both going to end up being late for work." He teased, knowing that they had more than enough time to get to the Leaky Cauldron, eat their breakfast and even go for a walk together should they choose to do so.
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til-toots · 29 days
"Daisy!" Tilden called out as he opened up the bathroom door, stepping out in his party outfit. "Can you help me with this harness thing? I haven't a clue how to do it." He chuckled softly as he took a few steps around the corner to the living room, eyes growing slightly wide at the sight of her wearing nothing but black lingerie along with one of his button-down shirts. He was left speechless for a moment before his head shook slightly, not wanting to make any comments on her appearance, worried he would either say something inappropriate or something that may hurt her feelings. Instead, he simply held the harness out towards her, a pleading look in his eyes. - @daisyjhookum
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1goldstevn · 6 years
@tillitoots​ starter from this meme ( still accepting ! ) 
     ❝Yeah, it was sexy the way she touched me real hard with her fists.❞ Riley grimaced, frowning as she slumped down in the couch of the Hufflepuff common room. “I’m going to be DEVASTATED if I can’t eat your baked goods, Tilden. I don’t need to be putting it in a blender either, that’s fucked up. Unnatural.”
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t-toots · 2 years
Going out alone had never been one of his favourite things in the world. Tilden was quiet, shy and a little awkward. Having somebody with him made things easier and more comfortable, but as he was leaving the radio station earlier in the day, a poster had caught his attention and he spent all afternoon contemplating it. There was a show for a singer he'd heard on the radio plenty of times, Tilden liked his music and wanted to meet the man behind the voice, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to go out on his own.
Ultimately, he decided he'd just go for a little bit. Getting a free ticket thanks to the radio station, it only made sense. Tilden was in the back of the bar alone with a drink, sitting quietly and watching as people piled into the bar to see the show. It was busier than he expected it would be, was this singer more popular than he realized? Usually he didn't pay much attention to what was playing on the radio, typically preferring muggle music. It wasn't long before the show started, and the moment the music started, Tilden was completely enraptured by the performance.
At some point Tilden had left his seat and ended up at the front of the crowd, enjoying himself more than he initially expected he would. Unfortunately it ended sooner than he expected, and he thought he might press his luck by trying to go back stage. The bouncer at the door stopped him, but after explaining he was with the radio station, he was let into the back where he'd found Alex. Not knowing what to say as he approached, feeling very out of his comfort zone, Tilden simply smiled at the other man, "Hey - uh, I enjoyed your show."
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aparecium-rp · 4 years
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The application count has been updated
[+1] Tilden Toots -  Cameron Monaghan
Applications will be accepted within 48 hours of receiving, but please remember that we are not open for interactions until we have a total of 8 applications, or no later than February 3rd.
Current app count:
1 - James Potter 1 - Dorcas Meadowes 2 - Peter Pettigrew 1 - Marlene McKinnon 1 - Dirk Cresswell 1 - Tilden Toots
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veravertorp · 5 years
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greta catchlove | twenty one | half blood | civilian
wand: hornbeam wood, unicorn hair core, 13 ½ inches and fairly flexible. boggart: a red cap, her father once told her a story about his travels through what was a northern european battlefield and of the small but blood-thirsty creature he’d encountered. surely he meant it as a bit of a ‘fun’ scary story, but greta was particularly haunted by it.  patronus: a peacock. pet: a mustard colored puffskein named gouda, as a student, but he recently passed.  job: radio show co-host & barmaid.  faceclaim: halston sage. 
Greta Catchlove had been born into a very loving family, the kind of loud seemingly (only seemingly) carefree family that raised confident bright eyed young women. Her mother, a muggle baker, had been thrust full speed ahead into an otherwise fairly reputable wizarding family. Growing up Greta had been taught that despite their differences, despite family complications or disagreements, the love between her parents was enough. It’d always in and of itself somehow be enough. 
In her youth Greta did not know how or when to put on the breaks, hardly a day in her life. A well-meaning ball of energy who did not shy away from being herself no matter how many times people would whisper in the Great Hall about how ‘very odd’ she was. At times the best of company were the House Elves staffed in the castle’s kitchens, mostly timid creatures that valued Greta’s kindness and seemed unphased by how talkative or eccentric the young woman may otherwise be. Nowadays, she’ll even very proudly inform you that some of the best recipes she knows were taught to her by a house elf.
For how frequent it seemed people were wary of the young woman Greta tended to mostly come off as unphased and otherwise sociable. That was, until, the all too trusting individual that she was found herself the target of some blood purity related bullying. It was not too hard to see why she was targeted, more than once, as Greta was prone to wandering off alone daydreaming and it was fairly well-known that she did not have too many strong-willed friends to come running to her aid. Not to mention, she had a knack for drawing attention to herself and she openly talked about her muggle mother on a regular basis. Anyone within earshot on a given day knew about that aspect of her family, minus the less-warm and fuzzy details regarding conflicts between her parents extended family. 
Greta kept any of the incidents mostly to herself, trying to maintain her usual chipper demeanor even on the days when she grew tired of seemingly getting the short end of the stick. So, she would whisper conspiratorially with Tilden about their aspirations after graduation. The shallow halls of Hogwarts would not always be there to force interactions with those who would look down upon her. Little did she understand how much worse it could all get. How much worse it would get, most especially after leaving Hogwarts. 
Nowadays her prime objective is to keep her head down, still as kind a soul as ever but slightly less energetic as she once was– unable to help feeling like one wrong move could put her in immediate danger. The thicker the tension gets in the Wizarding World, the more Greta tries to stick her head in the sand and hope that somehow this looming conflict magically resolves itself. For now that means throwing herself into her work, both with the slowly blossoming programme on the wizarding wireless and with a more money-assuring job as a barmaid.
Greta is the kind of person that can talk for an hour straight about any given topic she knows enough about to do so. She’s very sociable; while still managing to keep people at an arm’s length when deemed necessary. Hint: she deems it necessary fairly often. She is eccentric, has an enormous sense of humor, and let’s face it she is always going to be too loud or too much for a lot of people. She is full of energy and passion and she’s not particularly apologetic about either. However, one of Greta’s downfalls tends to be in always wanting to be the one to make people smile - not the person on the other side, not the person who is in need of cheering up. She wants to always be a caregiver without ever having anyone take care of her. Part of her knows that is impossible, and weirdly a little selfish even, but it just seems easier on her to try to always give and never take. Greta likes to think she can take on the whole world with her good-natured wit and a broad smile, but the reality is that’s not going to be the case 100% of the time. 
daisy hookum // daisy and greta have been very close for longer than seems important to put a time stamp on. they’re a lot alike but have their differences as well, which has sometimes put them toe-to-toe at odds with each other. at the end of the day greta is always going to be there for daisy, even if sometimes daisy isn’t necessarily good to herself.  tilden toots // greta has no idea what she would do with herself without tilden. he’s her rock. he’s her best friend. back as students he’d been the person who never seemed tired of all her tangents and he had plenty of his own. he inspires her, and working with him nowadays is something she truly cherishes. he’s the best flat mate and friend she could ask for.  amos diggory // they’ve been friends for a long time and greta is an unabashed supporter of anything and everything he’s ever aspired to do. If Amos ever feel inclined to doubt himself, she’s there to stubbornly remind him that he can do anything he puts his mind to.  gilderoy lockhart // greta gets along with most people but gilderoy seems to really get under her skin. she’d even dare say she hates him. as her and tilden’s programme on the wizarding wireless slowly picks up more of an audience he’s even come around trying to give her ‘tips’ to success. he’s one of few people greta isn’t nice to, she tried that as students and he let it go to his head so now she tries to distance herself from him as much as possible. 
GRETA CATCHLOVE is unfortunately TAKEN!
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allurehq-blog · 7 years
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blood status: halfblood clubs: astronomy club pronouns: they/them sexuality: up to player
to be written by player
tw for recreational drug use
dorcas meadowes; the believer. xenophilius was taught to always question everything. that was one thing that was imparted on them from the earliest that they could remember - to question everything, and to not be satisfied with the information that they received. it was their mother who taught them this, as she had raised them as long as she could before she had left on her own journey to find the truths that laid out in the world. and though xenophilius has gone for almost a decade without any contact with their mother, they’ve continued this same hunger for questioning everything and knowing what could possibly be hidden in the world. so upon arriving at hogwarts, xenophilius felt that it was their duty to enlighten the rest of the student body of the world that they had yet to discover. they’d already subscribed to numerous periodicals about conspiracies that took place within the estate of hogwarts or about the professors there, and had started to develop their own ideas about it. as time went on and their own ideas fostered, they began to write pamphlets about this, handing them out to people who needed to know the truth. xenophilius couldn’t believe that the students were unaware that moaning myrtle’s body is actually being used for fertilizer in the herbology classes, or that the death eaters weren’t pureblood supremacists but zombies - hence the name. considering how many people took his newsletters, they thought that they best way to get this out to the public was to join the school newspaper and get it into higher circulation, but rita skeeter turned them down flat, laughing as she looked at their material. dorcas meadowes, however, took pity on them and will come by every time that they release a new newsletter and pick it up in secret, promising to incorporate some the facts into the upcoming student newspaper. 
tilden toots; the never happened. although xenophilius realizes that there’s probably plenty of reasons why they’ve spent the majority of their adolescence with their own company, it’s not as if they’ve enjoyed it completely. they know that it’s because many people aren’t understanding of their personality, or how they act, and that’s perfectly fine - they don’t expect everyone to have the same passion for learning the same truths that they do. they’ve seen the way that people will look at them when they try to pass out their newsletter, or the hidden smirks as they try to explain the newest bits of information they’ve come across. not everyone is understanding of this sort of knowledge, which is why xenophilius has kept to himself for a long time. and besides - it wasn’t exactly lonely, as it was all that they were used to. but they still were human, and they still craved the same sorts of human interactions that people thrived off of. which was why when they came across tilden toots near the greenhouse - standing alone and smoking a cigarette - they found their interest peaked. they asked for a smoke from the joint, and though the two of them didn’t talk very much, there was still was sense of quiet intimacy that existed between them. xenophilius reveled in it, and so they continued to seek tilden out, time and time again in the same spot, the two them smoking together. and though the two of them might not have acknowledge one another outside the times that they met in the greenhouse, it didn’t really matter. those moments were all that did. as it became a habit and they became more comfortable around tilden with the feeling of the smoke in their lungs, xenophilius found it much easier to be themselves around them. tilden was quiet and intelligent in his own way, and he’d listen to what xenophilius had to say, and for the first time in a very long time, xenophilius felt appreciated. like there was someone who wanted to hear what they had to say, and wanted to know what was on their mind - which was why it was so easy for the feeling to bubble up in their chest, and for xenophilius to find their lips against tilden’s, over and over. 
gwenog jones; the shunned. xenophilius’ childhood wasn’t a usual one, as they didn’t grow up in a normal home with two parents - rather they had grown up without a father in their life, and for a few years with their mother, who was eccentric in every way and had passed this down to their child. and then, when she had all but decided that she had better things to do than be a mother, she had left him a neighbor, telling the family that she’d be back within a week’s time. the neighbor had reluctantly agreed to look after xenophilius, making up a spare room for them. a week came and went, and then another week, and then another week - and before they knew it, a year had passed and there was no word or sign from their mother. the neighbor found themselves pressed as to what to do with xenophilius, and even though they might have tried to contact their mother to no avail, they eventually went through and adopted them - even if just for the financial benefits of it. they didn’t understand his eccentricites, nor did they have any knowledge of the wizarding world when the letter came to their doorstep alerting them of xenophilius’ acceptance into the school - but they tried. they tried to be a good family for xenophilius, and for that, they are thankful. people may not understand how they act, but if they try, that’s all xenophilius can ask for. that’s less than they can say about gwenog, though. they can hear the muttered annoyances that she says under her breath, and the impatience that crosses her face everytime she notices them in the corridors. xenophilius knows that perhaps if she actually got to understand the truth and the passion behind what they were talking about, maybe she would realize things better - but at the same time, it’s not their place to make anyone see anything. all they can do is provide the facts. it’s up to everyone else to take them.
sabra zabini; the calmness. xenophilius has always been a relatively perceptive person. there’s something about keeping to themselves and watching the way that the school continues to move around them that makes this all possible. for them, it’s a bit like people watching, noticing how people interact with one another, or even how they interact with themselves. something akin to an empath, they have a way with taking a look at a person’s facial expression or their body language and know exactly what’s going on in their mind. and they can try to offer their help, but most people are unresponsive or will paste a smile on their face saying that everything is perfectly fine. sabra zabini was the first that did, though. they spoke to her one day after noticing the lines of stress on face, the weary look in her expression and the perpetual frown that she wore - it was as if she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders with no chance to find any reprieve to it. rather than dogging her and asking what the problem was, xenophilius instead asked her if she had ever meditated before, something that they did almost every morning to find their own balance in life. and with only a moment of hesitation, she had said no, before she took him up on the offer. xenophilius quickly noticed that something as simple as a meditating was providing a great relief in sabra’s mood and her emotions, as it seemed to lighten her almost immediately. they invited her to join them whenever she needed it, and was pleasantly surprised to see that she was interested in taking them up on the offer. they have yet to divulge further into knowing what is causing her this stress, but it’s none of their business, after all. 
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tiltoots · 8 months
Who: Tilden & Open Where: Slug & Jiggers Apothecary When: Early Evening
Tilden's finger moved down his inventory list, ensuring he hadn't missed anything. Inventory days were always his least favourite days of the week, but it needed to be done. It was something he often had Dahlia do, she was much more organized than him, but he was the only one in the shop and he couldn't put it off any longer. Chewing on the end of his pen, he hummed softly to himself, nodding slightly, satisfied with his numbers.
Hearing the familiar jingle of the front door opening, Tilden's eyes grew slightly wide as his head snapped up towards the door. Shit, he must have forgotten to lock it. "Ah - sorry! The shop is actually closed!"
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til-toots · 24 days
Tilden was having so much fun, however he felt as though he was the most sober person in the room. Yes, he'd had a few drinks and he'd smoked a couple of joints, but he couldn't help but to be on a slightly higher alert than usual. Normally, Tilden would simply let loose at a party, but as one of the hosts, he wanted to make sure everybody else was having fun, and make sure he could still make rational decisions if needed.
After making a couple of rounds and making sure he had spoken to just about everyone, Tilden finally found himself leaning against the kitchen counter with a drink in his hand. He was taking his time with it, but damn it was worth it. Smiling at Mary as he noticed her enter the room, he waved her over. "Mary! What's the deal with you and Sirius? You're basically fucking him in the living room." He snorted, knowing the question might make her uncomfortable, but he was curious. @m-macdonaldx
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t-toots · 2 years
Where: Tilden’s Apothecary Who: Tilden & @foragoodetimecall​
It had been a slow day at the shop, hardly anybody had stopped in besides regular customers looking for the regular orders. Not that there was anything wrong with that, his regular customers were a familiar routine, but it made his day drag on forever. Tilden tried his best to keep himself busy, spending time brewing rather than staring at the clock, and that seemed to help a little bit. Expecting Rory any minute, he gathered his usual stock and sat behind the counter, fidgeting with a rubber band as he waited. Glancing up at the familiar sound of the jingling bells on the door, Tilden grinned. "Rory, nice to see you! I’ve got all your usual stock plus an extra ten sleeping draught potions. That’s an awful lot, hope you’re doing okay.”
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TILDEN TOOTS is a TWENTY-THREE year old NEUTRAL. He’s a HALFBLOOD who had the pleasure of being in the HUFFLEPUFF house through his Hogwarts career. He’s told that he looks like AVAN JOGIA, but he definitely doesn’t see it. Tilden is currently an OPEN character PLAYED BY: NONE.
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• Tilden has always been fascinated by plants and potions. He wanted to learn how Herbology and Potions interacted. From a young age, he would grow all sorts of plants in his backyard with his father, who was a world-renowned Herbologist. • Tilden has a bright personality. He is very charming and loves interacting with all different people. It has never been difficult for him to make friends. He is always willing to help someone out.  • When Tilden left Hogwarts, Tilden continued his study of plants and potions. He had a huge backyard where he would grow new plants and see if he could use them for potions. He started writing books about his findings, which would eventually lead him to have his own radio show.
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DAISY HOOKUM: Daisy and Tilden shared their love of writing with each other. Tilden has a huge crush on her.  CHARITY BURBAGE: Charity and Tilden are best friends. Throughout their time at Hogwarts, they were always seen together. Tilden would share his love of plants with her.
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til-toots · 26 days
"Theo!" Tilden was quite surprised to see the younger hufflepuff at the party. Knowing that her best friends, Kitty and Greta, were off working at the Malfoy wedding, he wasn't sure Theo would feel comfortable attending. He'd always liked her, she was like the little sister he'd always wanted, and he was happy to see her. "I'm so glad you could make it!" Tilden wrapped his arms around her, giving her a tight hug before letting her go, keeping an arm around her shoulders as he guided her in to the house. "Can I get you anything? We've got snacks, pot, and someone showed up with a keg so we've got lots of beer, too." @deartheodosiax
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til-toots · 26 days
Daisy's house wasn't overly large, and yet the pair of them had gotten separated quite quickly as guests started arriving. It wasn't an issue, everybody that was attending was a friend, and he could always go and find her whenever he wanted to. He figured he'd let her have some time to herself, and decided to roll a joint. He'd been rolling for years now and was able to make a perfect joint in a matter of seconds. Looking around, Tilden spotted Remus sitting on the sofa, and he plopped himself down beside him. "Hey Remus!" He greeted, throwing his arm around the other's shoulders, "Are you enjoying yourself? Gonna smoke a joint with me?" @woofhaunted
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til-toots · 1 month
Where: Outside of Tilden's Flat When: Just Before Midnight Who: Tilden & @dcrxsswxll
It was getting late, Tilden knew he should be in bed by now. He couldn't help but want to be outside, though. Summer was his favourite season, especially once the sun set. The tempature was absolutely perfect and he loved the soft glow of the moonlight shining over the trees in the park across the road from his flat. The way the crickets chirped all around him, it was relaxing and reminded him of childhood. Nights like these were his favourite nights to sit out on the front steps with a joint and a hot cup of tea.
Approaching footsteps caught his attention and Tilden's hand instinctively moved towards his wand. Despite not being very good at magic, he always felt most comfortable when he had his wand on him. However he relaxed when the light reflected off a head of green hair, and a smile plastered across his lips. "What're you doing out so late?" Tilden asked, knowing it wasn't even that late, but he was always an early riser, meaning he was typically in bed quite early. "Sticking around for a bit? Tea's still hot if you want a cup."
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til-toots · 1 month
Where: Hogsmeade, Outside the WWN HQ When: Late Afternoon Who: Tilden & @daisyjhookum
"And that's all for this weeks episode of Toots, Shoots n Roots, with me, Tilden Toots! I'll see you all next week." Tilden flipped the switch, turning his microphone off and allowing The Weird Sisters latest single play on the radio. He sat back in his seat, stretching out his arms and back before taking off his headset and gathering his things to leave the studio.
Saying goodbye to the rest of the staff in the radio station, Tilden quickly and quietly left, ready to go back to his apartment to unwind. Stepping out into the street, he smiled, happy to have the sun on his skin before it set. He often felt like an indoor cat laying in an open window on days like this. Turning on his heel to head towards home, his smile grew wider as he spotted a familiar face.
"Daisy!" Tilden greeted, speeding up with his arms out, ready to catch her as she jumped into his arms for a hug. He spun them around once, squeezing her tightly before putting her back down. "What are you up to?" He asked, trying not to sound too desperate, "I've actually got a gift for you to celebrate being a best seller, but it's at my apartment." Tilden flashed his signature lopsided smile, hoping he could use the little bit of charm he did have to convince her to hang out with him.
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tiltoots · 6 months
✉ | Tilden ⇄ Lily
Tilden: I miss you. Tilden: stop by my shop sometime for a chat, please.
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