1goldstevn · 6 years
@tillitoots​ starter from this meme ( still accepting ! ) 
     ❝Yeah, it was sexy the way she touched me real hard with her fists.❞ Riley grimaced, frowning as she slumped down in the couch of the Hufflepuff common room. “I’m going to be DEVASTATED if I can’t eat your baked goods, Tilden. I don’t need to be putting it in a blender either, that’s fucked up. Unnatural.”
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hugglesxxhugo · 5 years
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Happy Valentine’s day !!!
                          - Loads of love & cookies from Hugo
@edwcrdtcnks @tillitoots @opheliarowle @forcstchanning @puffxboyxdamiar @winnieabbott @phinparkinson @liljuliet @embroisie @nottinmorte @grvwing @baredwitche @halfbloodhiggs @ameliabonesx @evanofthorns @chancedchaos @gwenniabbct @flofawley @mccnyrcmus 
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liljuliet · 5 years
|| @tillitoots​
A mischievous grin spread across the girls lips as she threw her arm around her brother, dragging him towards one of the stalls. “You know, I missed hanging out with you over break.” The girl pouted dramatically at her brother before a smirk returned in it’s place. “But I noticed you were particularly cosy with Daisy. Anything going on there that I should know about, Tilly?”
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winnieabbott · 5 years
|| @tillitoots​
Chewing at her lower lip, Winnie frowned at the dance floor, her eyes continuously searching for her brother. She was still worried about him, even if he’d told her not to be -- something didn’t seem quite right. Spotting a familiar face, Winnie was grateful for a temporary distraction. “Denny! How are you enjoying the dance?” She asked, forcing a smile to her lips.
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daisyhooks · 5 years
{ @tillitoots​ }
Daisy had stayed at Hogwarts over break because she thought it was safer for her family, but now she realized no where was safe. Not for her family now knowing about the Wizarding world, and not for her, now collapsed on the hallway floor, the sound of Elijah voice still ringing in her ears as pain coursed through her body. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been lying there, but her tear streaked face had begun to dry by the time she heard footsteps approaching. Fearful that Elijah had come back to hurt her some more, she tried to push herself up to standing, only to cause herself more pain, collapsing back down as a whimper was pulled from her mouth.
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grvwing · 5 years
closed to @tillitoots
Benjy smiled widely at Tilden, having misplaced Forest in the crowd momentarily. “Tilden!” he exclaimed happily, giggling a little as he stumbled slightly into his friend. “I haven’t-haven’t seen you all-all night, but I just-I’ve been having-having such a good time. Are you and-you and Daisy having-having fun? You two would-would make such a-a cute couple,” he rambled.
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mugglebcrnmary · 5 years
Closed for @tillitoots​
Mary huffed, crossing her arms over her chest - however, wincing as she did so. Being stuck in the hospital wing was boring. She drummed her fingers against her legs, before her gaze started to wander. Noticing Tilden was starting to wake, a smile crossed her lips as she jumped from the bed, wincing as she did so. “Tilden, you’re awake!” She perched on the edge of his bed, “How are you feeling?”
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halfbloodhiggs · 5 years
Anna had no real excuse for it, but it was hardly five in the afternoon and she was halfway through a bottle of firewhiskey, alone in her room. Where had Winnie been? She wasn’t sure, but the bottle had called and she had answered. Aidan had been on her mind a lot the past few days, but, for the moment, she was a bit focused on the lost time the siblings had. He’d left her behind. Was she not worth the effort for years? Had she even been worthy then? She took another swig from her bottle, bundled under the covers on her bed. Was she worthy of anyone, at this point? Her brother obviously’d had his doubt, at least, when he was awake. Darius... he had, obviously, because he told her so. Her hands ached to touch someone, for some sort of contact to prove that she was worthy.
She looked up as she heard the door to her room open, and moved to see who was there, not bothering to put her top back on. “Tilly, just the man I wanted to see.” For a moment, she considered putting her top back on, but a thought occurred to her. She was lonely; Tilden was there. She knew he loved her, but she wondered if he could give her what she really needed. Her head spun as she threw the covers off of herself, top half only covered by her favorite pink bra. “C’me in, please. I’ve missed you.”
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bertiebertaubrey · 5 years
"Shit.” Bertram mumbled under his breath before quickly hiding behind a tree. He really ought to start thinking before speaking, so he could avoid situations like this. Situations in which he pisses off much tougher people with absolutely no way of getting out of it unharmed. All he could do was try to escape and find a good hiding spot. And so far, there weren’t really any good hiding places out there.
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( @tillitoots​ )
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celestialdreaming · 5 years
closed to @tillitoots​
Vera had patrol tonight, a happy enough event. She didn’t need a reason to be out that later-she was prone to wandering the castle past curfew, a miracle she didn’t get caught frequently-but still. Before that could happen, Vera was in need of some kind of hot beverage to take the chill out of the winter air that lingered even TIlden was already in the kitchens when she entered, and she couldn’t help but sniff the air when she walked in. “What are you drinking?” she asked, “Smells good.”
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vodkalastor · 5 years
She looked like a little kid, walking through the petting zoo and petting nearly all of the animals. Part of her believed if she didn’t go into politics and laws, she would’ve studied magical creatures. Amelia was currently crouched down next to a goat until it moved over, revealing an adorable little bunny behind it. “Oh, Tilden, come see this cutie!” She said as she moved closer to the little animal, carefully as to not scare it away.
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( @tillitoots​ )
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gwenniabbct · 5 years
“I know I added the right ingredient, but it isn’t working.” Gwen said aloud as she examined the potion she had been working to perfect. It was a new potion she’d been working on and she had planned on having it done as soon as possible, unfortunately, she couldn’t get it down just right. Reading over the list of ingredients for about the tenth time, she let out a sigh. Her eyes flickered to younger boy near her. She didn’t want to ask for help, but it was Tilden, she didn’t feel like she had to be so not herself around her sister’s friends. “Hey, Tilden, you’re  good at potions, right? I mean, so am I, but mind taking a look at this? I seem to be missing something.”
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liljuliet · 5 years
|| @tillitoots​
Weaving her way through the crowds, Juliet’s face lit up into a grin as she spotted her brother. “Tilly!” She cried out, hooking her arm through his as she tugged him towards the dance floor. “You’re dancing with me and I’m not taking no for an answer.”
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winnieabbott · 5 years
|| @tillitoots​
Her teeth tugged at her bottom lip as she tapped her quill against her chin. Winnie wrinkled her nose as her quill glided over the page, scrawling her feelings in her journal. It was something her sister had suggested when she was younger, to encourage the girl to be open with her feelings. Each year, her sister would gift her one on her birthday. 
Her back was pressed against wall of the astronomy tower where she was sat, it was her favourite place to just think -- and if she needed to be alone. Hearing footsteps behind the door, Winnie hastily shoved the diary in her bag, the corner peeking out slightly as she turned towards the door - flooded with relief when she realised it was Tilden. “Oh, hey Denny,” She murmured, chewing on her bottom lip. To her, everything had seemed so simple between the before the ball. Now? Well she wasn’t entirely sure where they stood. “What brings you to this part of the castle?” She asked, chewing on her lip again.
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daisyhooks · 5 years
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Daisy Edita Hookum ;; Valentine’s Day Dance
date ♥️ @tillitoots
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mineurblack · 5 years
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a very merry holiday moodboard giveaway | 002-->for kait, tilden toots
i wish i could say i was a light that never goes out, but i flicker from time to time
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