#interactions: nadira x heart
l3gacies · 5 months
WHO: Nadira Khatri & Heart Srisevok (@svmhvin) WHERE: Heaven's Night
Though Nadira enjoyed talking to patrons and learning how to make new drinks, she hated the quiet moments that came with the early parts of her shift. The lack of noise caused her to focus on her thoughts, which usually led to her becoming frustrated at the thought of her missing memories. It had been (presumably) months since she lost her memories, and she felt no closer to finding out what happened to her. She had hoped that the bartender position would allow her to gleam crucial information, but the hopes were quickly fading as the days passed by.
Luckily, the sight of HEART SRISEVOK helped pull her out of her own mind. She didn't like to dwell on her shortcomings with people around, so the girl's presence was immediately welcome. She leaned over the bar counter, chin gently resting in the palm of her hand as she looked over at her friend, ❝I don't know why they have us start work so early. We all know that patrons don't wander in until at least 10pm.❞ She examined her companion closely, a slight smile forming on her lips as she inquired, ❝Do you want a drink to pass the time? I've been practicing my Mai Tai-making skills. I've been told they're actually halfway decent now.❞
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