l3gacies · 5 months
WHO: Nadira Khatri & Heart Srisevok (@svmhvin) WHERE: Heaven's Night
Though Nadira enjoyed talking to patrons and learning how to make new drinks, she hated the quiet moments that came with the early parts of her shift. The lack of noise caused her to focus on her thoughts, which usually led to her becoming frustrated at the thought of her missing memories. It had been (presumably) months since she lost her memories, and she felt no closer to finding out what happened to her. She had hoped that the bartender position would allow her to gleam crucial information, but the hopes were quickly fading as the days passed by.
Luckily, the sight of HEART SRISEVOK helped pull her out of her own mind. She didn't like to dwell on her shortcomings with people around, so the girl's presence was immediately welcome. She leaned over the bar counter, chin gently resting in the palm of her hand as she looked over at her friend, ❝I don't know why they have us start work so early. We all know that patrons don't wander in until at least 10pm.❞ She examined her companion closely, a slight smile forming on her lips as she inquired, ❝Do you want a drink to pass the time? I've been practicing my Mai Tai-making skills. I've been told they're actually halfway decent now.❞
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l3gacies · 5 months
WHO: Aster Whitlock & Samir Parikh (@deusmort1s) WHERE: Inferno Casino, Lust floor
Aster had never been the best at reading people. They often struggled to tell whether someone was acting genuinely or using them for their own benefit. They knew it was a weakness that could negatively impact their boss and her company, but they just told themself that they were too low on the corporate ladder to be of much use to anyone.
Perhaps that's why they didn't realize SAMIR PARIKH'S true intentions. They just assumed he was a friendly bartender who wanted to hear about their life, and they were all too willing to ramble on about their daily experiences. After all, they were used to being seen and not heard in their workplace. Getting asked to talk was a change of pace for them.
 ❝And the woman stuck this whole chicken, which was filled with grape jelly and other weird shit, into the microwave and hit the "chicken" button.❞ Aster munched on some fries they ordered from the kitchen as they continued their story,  ❝And she thought it would just cook the whole chicken. It doesn't, and she winds up serving this weird, raw chicken dish to the judges.❞ They paused, fry hanging out of their mouth as they mumbled,  ❝Wait, what was your question again?❞
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l3gacies · 5 months
Haneul's childhood had been a fairly lonely existence. being the bastard child meant that those who frequented high society often turned their nose up at him, and he in turn looked down upon them for failing to see the intelligence tucked behind his label. HEART SRISEVOK had been one of the few people to break through the walls he buried himself under, and her lounging around his home was proof of that.
❝Some of us don't like our coffee to be filled to the brim with milk, sugar, and whatever other sweet toppings they add these days.❞ Haneul was never a fan of sweet treats. He preferred items that resembled himself--- bitter and with a harsh bite. His eyes shifted from her to his phone, quickly responding to a text from one of his floor managers. His gaze shifted back up at her comment, a small smirk pulling at his lips as he replied, ❝Careful, Heart. One might think you're getting jealous.❞ He waited a bit to elaborate on the distraction, hoping the edged words would rile her up a bit, ❝It was just a text from an employee. Apparently, one of the guests doesn't want to pay the house what he owes. If it continues, I may need to go downstairs and deal with it myself.❞
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for: @l3gacies location: haneul's house
"ugh." heart's nose curled in disgust as bitter black coffee washed over the back of her tongue. her headache had only ceased to pound slightly when she curled up, feet tucked underneath her thighs on haneul's couch and gratefully accepted the mug. "that is actually fucking poison i have no idea how you drink that." on nights when loneliess crept up through her lungs and exhaled out in every stubbed chain-smoked cigarette she always found herself here in his familiar company. maybe her reliance wasn't fair to haneul, certainly he had other priorities regardless of whatever pity she had wallowed herself in that evening. but then again if she let go of haneul what else did she have to hold on to? she kicked up her feet on the coffee table knuckles drumming against the ridges of the mug. she looked younger, almost fresh faced were it not for the little lines of mascara that ringed her eyes. "hey" she said softly kicking his knee. "what's more important than me? c'mon, pay attention."
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l3gacies · 5 months
When Aster announced that they'd be moving to Japan, they knew there was a sense of hesitation among their parents. They hadn't even managed to last a day at summer camp when they were a child, let alone survive on their own in a new country. They knew their parents were just waiting for them to come back home and admit that they were in over their head, but that knowledge made them more determined to survive without them.
Of course, their parents were right about one thing. They didn't know the first thing about living on their own, so when they spotted an ad on Craigslist for a roommate, they immediately called the owner and asked for a set of keys. It might not have been the smartest move, but ROSIE D'ANGELO didn't seem like a creep or strange man, so things turned out fine in the end.
Aster walked through the front door and was immediately greeted by the whiff of boiled pasta. They blinked, unable to process the fact that someone was offering them real food. After a moment, they nodded, feet shuffling to settle down on one of their stolen thrifted bar stools. ❝I don't know if I trust the opinion of dudebros. They might seem like they got their shit together, but half of them can't even spell dudebro.❞ Aster avoided mentioning the fact that they've spelled the name wrong a few times too. ❝But I guess I'll take some hotdogs in my mac. It feels fancy.❞ They paused for a moment before adding, ❝Were you working tonight?❞
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ROSIE has had varying success with CRAIGSLIST roommates. When she'd first arrived in JAPAN, she'd responded to an ad from a man who turned out to be eighty-seven years old and living in a retirement village. Poor guy just wanted a little company – but the village was about as exciting as watching paint dry ( which they did actually do some days ), the meals were shit, and she had to catch two buses just to get to work. Still, she'd stuck it out there for a year until the orderlies informed her she couldn't keep living in the apartment after her roommate moved on ( rest in peace Mr. Takahashi ).
Her second roommate had been a total bust – the guy had a pet parakeet that screamed every time it so much as caught a whiff of Rosie. Obviously, she wasn't just going to put up with being humiliated by a bird, so she'd packed her bags and started the search once more. ASTER had, far and away, been the best of the bunch. Rosie wasn't stupid ( well, not entirely ) – she could recognise the way that people sometimes talked down to her. The way they thought they were better than her just because they had good jobs and fancy college degrees and shoes with intact soles.
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Aster wasn't like this at all. It felt like they existed on the same level – the same wavelength. Maybe this meant they shouldn't be living together – after all, their apartment seemed to be disorganised chaos more often than not. And yet, it worked. Most of the time, anyway. At the very least, it worked for Rosie. Even if it meant she had to make her own meals ( the retirement village might have been shit, but she didn't have to make it ).
We find her standing over the stove, a haphazard pot of macaroni and cheese bubbling away. "Dude, do you want cut up hotdogs in your macaroni?" She calls out, hearing the front door click open. "It's like, protein, I think. One of the dudebros at the casino was talking about how you need it to live."
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l3gacies · 5 months
Working at Heaven's Night meant that Nadira never had a dull moment. The excitement that came with an establishment like this was partly why she enjoyed coming to work, but when the night went from chatting with guests and trying to piece together to witnessing a drunk customer harass the staff, Nadira's fondness for the place wavered a bit.
She decided to try and track down MALCOLM HAYES in the hopes he could escort the guest away from their coworkers, but she was having trouble spotting him in the crowd. She made another loop around the floor before finally deciding to take a break from her search and freshen up in the bathroom. Of course, when the door doesn't immediately open, she doesn't stop and consider that the room may be occupied. No, she assumed it had gotten stuck again, only realizing she was wrong when she spotted Malcolm inside.
A blush spread across her cheeks at the realization that she interrupted his private time. She quickly covered her eyes in case he was indecent, shifting her body so that she could give him privacy. ❝I'm so sorry, Malcolm. I thought the door had been locked again.❞ She bit her lip, hesitant to bug him more, but the sound of shouting caused her to give in. ❝There's a man bugging some of the dancers. I thought you could help escort him outside. I'd try to do it myself, but I don't think I'd be much help.❞
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𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 | 𝐟𝐭. player's choice! at heaven's night
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for an establishment that promises pleasure beyond any indulger's wildest fantasy ― with private dens for the most lewd and lascivious of braintrips, the guarantee is hardly even an exaggeration ― there is nothing luxurious about the cramped, single-serve restroom malcolm finds himself hunched in. being used to the confined space doesn't make it any less claustrophobic, either ; maybe he's just too big, but it almost feels as if he's stuffed himself into a cupboard. under the glow of a dim, yellowy bulb, the trainer inspects his own mottled reflection. ( or maybe that's just the filth on the mirror . . . ) normally mac is better at dodging strays from sodding drunk bastards but some wily fuck caught him off guard tonight and managed to get not one but two good swings in ― and it's a damn sight better for him that his brother isn't there to witness it, else he'd never live it down, but he's got to take a second after the first shot leaves his ears ringing, alright? ― before he can get a handle on them. one of them goddamn mechanical fuckers, too, more metal than man. it's no matter to malcolm either way, just requires a little more force, and robo perv is swiftly booted out the back without much more fuss.
the good news is it doesn't look like anything's truly busted, even after a couple of hits from inspector tyson's go-go gadget left hook. it's no surprise. he's hard-headed. always been able to take a punch. he can thank jericho for that. a bit of blood trickles from his nose and he tilts his head back as he swipes it away so the rest can drip down his throat. no mess. hands come to rest against the stained porcelain of the sink but he nearly breaks it when the door knob suddenly jostles from behind him and the door's shoved open, nearly hitting him as it swings forward. he quickly spins around to lock eyes with the intruder. ❝ oi, can ye no' read a feckin' sign? the lock may be broken― ❞ he should really fix that ❝―but clearly it says occup-oh. ❞ malcolm falls silent, clearing his throat and ignoring the metallic tang that coats his tongue as he looks toward the sign that clearly was not flipped to indicate it wasn't vacant. so he'd been in a bit of a scramble to get in, alright? ❝ right. shit. in that case, if ye could jus' give me a second― ❞
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l3gacies · 5 months
WHO: Aster Whitlock & Jack Horne (@cainhood) WHERE: Ichibangase /Eisher Corporation, front lobby
Though Aster had been working as the Ichibangase/Eisher Corporation's COO's assistant for a couple of months now, they still found the job to be stressful and overwhelming. Every day they woke up and expected to be fired, and though it hadn't happened yet, they still braced for that familiar speech. It was practically a given at this point--- they knew they'd forever be seen as the pathetic younger sibling, and though they hoped this job would help turn that image around, they still held their breath as they wandered into work.
Well--- tried to wander into work. They had overslept this morning and hadn't realized they left their employee ID badge in their apartment until they got to the lobby. They had hoped the receptionist, a face they greet every morning and at the end of every shift, would recognize them and let them into the building, but they found themself being denied entry instead.
❝Dude, I'm telling you--- I'm an employee. I'm Millicent Eisher's personal assistant. You can look me up on LinkedIn or something to prove it.❞ They had been having the same back and forth for ten minutes, but the receptionist remained skeptical.  ❝What kind of burglar wears business casual, anyway? And why would I walk through the front door and check in if I wanted to rob this place?❞  
They were about to give up and admit their blunder to their boss, but the sight of JACK HORNE changed their mind. If they could get him to vouch for them, then maybe the receptionist would give in and let them enter the building. They shuffled over to him, hands awkwardly hanging at their back as they hummed,  ❝Jack... my old buddy... my best pal.❞ They swung on their heels a bit, trying to avoid direct eye contact as they continued,  ❝Could you go and tell the receptionist that I work here? She seems to think I'm trying to rob the place or something.❞ 
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l3gacies · 5 months
WHO: Yujin Moon & Killian Wang (@justsurvival) WHERE: Streets of Tokyo, near the Tokyo Trauma Center
Yujin knew the risks that came with a life motivated by revenge. She knew that her anger could be used against her, that she always ran the risk of overextending herself and ending up as helpless as the bounties she secured over time. She knew, yet she'd fight like hell before giving up. She wasn't roaming the streets for extra money or the need to feel superior to someone else. She wanted justice for a life lost too soon, and she'd shed anyone's blood in order to get that.
Of course, she hadn't realized that the blood she'd be shedding could turn out to be her own. She was usually good at catching her potential informants off guard, but this time, the dealer had seen her coming and fought against her tactics. He managed to slip away into the darkness, and she was left with nothing other than a stab wound and lingering questions.
She was resting in the alleyway and trying to figure out what went wrong when she spotted a shadow trailing towards her. She didn't know if the figure was a good samaritan trying to help her out or the dealer circling back to finish her off, but either way, she mumbled, ❝Didn't your parents teach you not to stare?❞
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l3gacies · 5 months
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【 aditi rao hydari  //. demi woman  //. she/they 】 𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠… NADIRA KHATRI into The Hub. You are registered to be THIRTY-SEVEN YEARS OLD and have been given citizenship for THIRTY-SEVEN YEARS under the Expatriate Act. According to the data compiled, your most notable qualities seem to be CHARMING  & NAIVE. Please confirm that you are NEUTRAL GOOD. From what we’ve gathered your place of employ is currently for the MATA HARIS as a FALCON / HEAVEN’S NIGHT as a BARTENDER.  We strongly advise that you provide the correct information pertaining to your background to ensure proper safety precautions: are you a _ DEFECTIVE HOST_ or _HUMAN_? A deeper dive into our archive suggests that you are FRAGMENTED MEMORIES FLASHING THROUGH YOUR MIND AS YOU WANDER THE STREETS OF JAPAN, FLASHING DOE EYES AT UNSUSPECTING CUSTOMERS IN AN EFFORT YO GAIN INFORMATION, HINTS OF YOUR PAST LIFE HOVERING JUST OUT OF REACH, A SHATTERED MIRROR LAYING AT YOUR FEET AS YOU SEEK TO FORGE A NEW IDENTITY. Though we noticed you, too, are similar to ANASTASIA ROMANOV (ANASTASIA), GISELLE (ENCHANTED), DOROTHY GALE (WIZARD OF OZ), COSETTE (LES MISERABLES) ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ᴠᴇʀɪғɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ 100% ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ! Please comply to all regulations and laws. It is our hope that you enjoy your stay. 【 alyx //25  //. she/her //. est // 】
full name: nadira khatri
age: thirty-seven
gender / pronouns: demi woman; she/they
orientation: pansexual
occupation: bartender at heavens night
affiliation: falcon for the mata haris
family: n/a
faceclaim: aditi rao hydari
inspiration: anastasia romanov (anastasia), giselle (enchanted), dorothy gale (wizard of oz), cosette (les miserables)
Nadira is a host that was created as a means to spy on the Gestalt Bureau's rivals. She was one of the company's darling hummingbirds, flittering from one CEO's arm to the next, all in an attempt to get them to lower their defenses and steal any secrets that may help the bureau stay on top. She was programmed to be charming but demure, the classic wide-eyed girl in awe of the powerful figures around her, and she adored the programming she was given.
Her destiny shifted during her last mission. The figure she targeted was someone who was powerful and actively opposed the Gestalt Bureau and everything it stood for. She was meant to simply do reconnaissance during her mission and establish a connection with the target, but during her evening, she learned information she wasn't supposed to know. This made her a liability, and unbeknownst to her, someone had been hired to track her down and take care of the "loose ends".
One evening, as she was walking home from the Bureau, she encountered the individual hired by her target. The individual overpowered her and ended up erasing the information she learned regarding her target, as well as most of her memories of her current life. When she awoke, she was alone in an alley with no name, no memories, and no idea what to do next.
Luckily, she was soon found by MALCOLM HAYES and brought to the MATA HARIS. The group took her in with open arms, and the fear she felt in that alleyway soon melted away. Being with the Mata Haris made her feel safe, and it allowed her to recover and begin to plan for the future.
With a newfound confidence and a job that allows her access to a wide variety of people, she began to believe she could learn about her past and what happened to her and use that information to move forward in life. The only question is: in a city as large as Tokyo, where does she begin?
Her last target and the person who ordered for her to be "erased"
The assassin/hitman that was assigned to take out Nadira
Previous marks of her, either enemies who realized she used them for information or former flames who never learned her true purpose
Gestalt employees who helped build/program Nadira
Fellow hosts who may recognize her
Members of Lazarus who recognize her as a defective host and want to recruit her
People Nadira suspects may know about her past--- bonus points if they don't know who she is at all
Fellow Mata Hari members
Fellow Heavens Night employees
Anything and everything!
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l3gacies · 5 months
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ADITI RAO HYDARI in Sufiyum Sujatayum (2020) dir. Shanavas Naranipuzha
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l3gacies · 5 months
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【 im jinah //. cis woman //. she/her 】 𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠… YUJIN MOON into The Hub. You are registered to be THIRTY-TWO YEARS OLD and have been given citizenship for TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS under the Expatriate Act. According to the data compiled, your most notable qualities seem to be DETERMINED & VENGEFUL. Please confirm that you are CHAOTIC NEUTRAL. From what we’ve gathered your place of employ is currently for the TOMURAI TRACKING CO / LUNAR MECHANICS as a BOUNTY HUNTER / OWNER/MECHANIC. We strongly advise that you provide the correct information pertaining to your background to ensure proper safety precautions: are you a HOST or HUMAN? A deeper dive into our archive suggests that you are SCRAPED KNEES AND BLEEDING KNUCKLES, THE SCENT OF GASOLINE EMBEDDED INTO YOUR SKIN, A RED STAIN BLOOMING ON WHITE SHEETS, A VENUS FLYTRAP CLOSING AROUND ITS PREY, Though we noticed you, too, are similar to LINH CINDER (LUNAR CHRONICLES), YOON JIWOO (MY NAME), MIKASA ACKERMAN (ATTACK ON TITAN), LOU REED (PSI). ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ᴠᴇʀɪғɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ 100% ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ! Please comply to all regulations and laws. It is our hope that you enjoy your stay. 【 alyx // 25 //. she/her //. est 】
full name: yujin moon
age: twenty-seven
gender / pronouns: cis woman
orientation: bisexual
occupation: bounty hunter and owner/mechanic of lunar mechanics
family: chi-won moon (father, deceased), so-yi moon (mother, deceased)
faceclaim: im jinah
inspiration: linh cinder (lunar chronicles), yoon jiwoo (my name), mikasa ackerman (attack on titan), lou reed (psi)
You came into the world like a wildfire--- unsuspecting, quick and deadly. The moment you took your first breath, your mother took her last. This instance, though tragic, led you to form a deep bond with your father. It became you and him against the world in a single moment, and that mentality grew as you became older.
You were five when you and your father moved to Japan. Your father had wanted to get a fresh start, to abandon the home that contained your mother's memories and lingering essence, and you trailed after him like always. He wasn't rich by any means, but he saved enough money to open up LUNAR MECHANICS, a family-owned mechanics shop that would later double as a temporary repair shop/safe haven for defective hosts.
You spent your childhood running around the shop and observing the way your father repaired all sorts of vehicles and hosts. Your father often told you that you'd inherit the shop once he was gone, and that knowledge helped enhance your natural curiosity. When you became old enough, you began working as an apprentice under your father's tutelage. You picked up the tricks of the trade through his steady teaching, and you found yourself in love with the art of repairing items. You thought you'd be content with this life, that your father and your family's shop was everything you needed, but then tragedy struck four years ago and it shifted your life trajectory forever.
You were helping your father close up one night when the two of you heard a crashing sound from outside the shop. Your father told you to hide while he checked it out, and though you protested the order, you found yourself ducking behind one of the cars you were set to repair. You had hoped that the noise was just a stray animal looking for food, but when a gunshot echoed across the empty shop, you realized it was more serious than you imagined. You raced out of your hiding spot, but it was too late. Your father was dying before you, and all you saw was a glimpse of the intruder as they ran away into the night.
The shop felt empty without your dad--- like the soul and life of the place disappeared the moment he drew his last breath. The night replayed in your mind for months as you settled into your role as owner, but even as time went on and business continued to grow, the desire for answers and revenge settled in your heart. This need for vengeance led you to sign up to be a bounty hunter in an attempt to find the person who murdered your father.
During your time as a bounty hunter, you became more informed about the various underground organizations that occupied Japan. One organization, MARA, stood out to you the most. You didn't know why, but you felt like they were connected to your father's death. You paid extra attention to any bounties placed on Mara members, sabotaged any shipments you caught wind of, and worked to identify the different members in the hopes of uncovering your father's killer. You became known as the masked vigilante WRAITH--- a shadow who looms over Mara's operations and puts a stop to their deeds. Though you've hindered the cartel, your attempt to find your father's murderer hasn't worked so far, but you refuse to give up. You'll find your father's killer and avenge your family name, or you'll die trying.
Fellow bounty hunters!! Either one who helped teach her about the field or maybe a rival who keeps competing for the same targets
Members of Mara whom Yujin is investigating
People who suspect that Yujin is Wraith/ people who have been helped by Wraith in the past and are determined to uncover their masked hero
People who knew Yujin's father back in the day
Defective hosts who frequent Lunar Mechanics
Other customers who frequent Lunar Mechanics
Childhood friends
Exes/old flings
Anything and everything truly
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l3gacies · 5 months
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【 lee soo hyuk //. cis man //. he/him 】 𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠… HANEUL SEON into The Hub. You are registered to be THIRTY-FIVE YEARS OLD and have been given citizenship for TEN YEARS under the Expatriate Act. According to the data compiled, your most notable qualities seem to be AMBITIOUS & COLD HEARTED. Please confirm that you are NEUTRAL EVIL. From what we’ve gathered your place of employ is currently for the SOWAKATSU-KAI / INFERNO as a WAKAGASHIRA / OWNER. We strongly advise that you provide the correct information pertaining to your background to ensure proper safety precautions: are you a HOST or HUMAN? A deeper dive into our archive suggests that you are THE DRIED REMNANTS OF BLOOD ON YOUR OTHERWISE PRISTINE SUIT, A FACE HALF-SHROUDED IN SHADOWS, EYES LOOKING DOWN FROM YOUR IVORY TOWER, THE FEELING OF ROT SLOWLY DESTROYING YOU FROM THE INSIDE. Though we noticed you, too, are similar to LIGHT YAGAMI (DEATH NOTE), VICIOUS (COWBOY BEBOP), LEX LUTHOR (SUPERMAN), CHO SANG-WOO (SQUID GAME). ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ᴠᴇʀɪғɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ 100% ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ! Please comply to all regulations and laws. It is our hope that you enjoy your stay. 【 alyx //25 //. she/her //. est 】
full name: haneul seon
age: thirty-five
gender / pronouns: cis man, he/him
orientation: bisexual
affiliation: wakagashira for the sowakatsu-kai
occupation: owner of inferno
family: won-shik seon (father, alive) , min-ji seon (step mother, alive), hana choi (birth mother, presumed deceased), hyeon seon (older half-brother, alive)
faceclaim: lee soo-hyuk
inspiration: vicious (cowboy bebop), light yagami (death note), lex luthor (superman), cho sang-woo (squid game)
You were unwanted from your first breath. Born of an affair between your father and his assistant, your presence was never anything more than a stain on the Seon family’s otherwise pristine legacy. if your mother had gone quietly and accepted the hush money offered to her, maybe you would’ve lived a life without the Seon household, but your mother was never the type to idly by and allow fate to take its course. No, she demanded acknowledgment of her son, and after a drawn-out legal battle, the acknowledgment was what you received. It didn’t matter that your mother was never seen again, or that you never asked for this spotlight. No, you were officially a Seon, so clearly you must be grateful for the luxuries now at your fingertips.
Being the son of a financial services CEO meant you were gifted with the best tutors and education money could buy, but the role of bastard meant you missed out on the love a son was meant to receive from his father. No matter how hard you studied or how many extracurriculars you signed up for, your family never praised or acknowledged your success. All the attention went to your older brother Hyeon, even if he was nothing more than a mediocre version of you. Still, you held onto the delusion that, one day, your success would be recognized by those around you.
The opportunity came a few years after you graduated from university. Your father announced that he was going to select an heir to eventually take over the family company. The competition would be between you and your brother, and for once, you truly began to believe you had a shot at beating your brother. You were always good at finances, and after lurking in the shadows for so many years, you were able to pick up on “trade secrets” that others would’ve missed. You knew you would make a better CEO than your brother, but there was a small part of you that had doubts. After years of being ignored, was your father finally opening up to the possibility of you? Or was this another way to remind you of your true place in the family?
You wished you were surprised when you discovered your father had never truly considered making anyone other than Hyeon the CEO, but the rejection still stung The realization that all of your hard work was pointless began to eat away at you, and after a while, you found yourself rebelling against your life. What did high grades and ambition matter when you never got a chance to prove yourself? Why try when someone less worthy will end up with the crown anyway? That mentality led you down a dark path, and you found yourself running away from South Korea and into the arms of Japan's underbelly.
You spent the first six months stumbling from club to club, trying desperately to drown your frustrations and disappointment in your various vices. You were a lost soul shattered by your circumstances, and perhaps this was the reason why you were approached by a member of the Sowakatsu-Kai. Perhaps they saw you as an easy target--- a man who could become indebted to them with nothing more than a bottle of gin and a welcoming smile. They would soon find out that you tucked a calculating and cold mind behind your broken facade, and that secured your ticket into their organization.
As you worked your way up the ranks, your ambition not only came back— it grew more twisted. You began to reflect on your old ways, how they left you feeling lost and vulnerable in a new city, and you realized the mob could capitalize on the innocence of other lost souls. This dark realization led you to build INFERNO, a casino that entices even the most heavenly person to dip their fingers into sin. You use this business to build your mob's clientele and catch debtors in your grasp, but you know that no matter how high you climb, the sting of rejection from your father will always haunt your steps.
People who knew Haneul during his childhood--- either as members of a family that looked down on him for being a bastard, or as someone who took pity on him as they navigated high society
People who knew Haneul during his party days
Same as above, but this person is a bad influence who is trying to convince Haneul to go back to the party/clubbing lifestyle
Casino employees!! Give me people Haneul can boss around (bonus points if it's a nervous little assistant who may or may not know what their boss does behind closed doors)
People who owe Haneul money
Assassins who have been hired to target/kill Haneul
Old relationships that have fizzled out--- bonus points if it ended badly and the two of them can't stand each other
Anything and everything
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l3gacies · 5 months
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LEE SOO HYUK for L'Officiel Homme Korea, March 2023
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l3gacies · 5 months
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APPLICATION. 【 ayo edebiri  //. demigirl  //. she/they 】 𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠… ASTER WHITLOCK into The Hub. You are registered to be TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS OLD and have been given citizenship for TWO YEARS under the Expatriate Act. According to the data compiled, your most notable qualities seem to be CURIOUS & PATHETIC. Please confirm that you are CHAOTIC GOOD. From what we’ve gathered your place of employ is currently for the EISHER CORPORATION  as an ASSISTANT TO THE COO.  We strongly advise that you provide the correct information pertaining to your background to ensure proper safety precautions: are you a _HOST_ or _HUMAN_? A deeper dive into our archive suggests that you are COFFEE STAINING YOUR NEW T-SHIRT, NOTEBOOKS FULL OF ILLEGIBLE HANDWRITING AND SCATTERED DATES, HIDING IN THE CORNER AT FAMILY EVENTS, AND HANDS SHAKING AT THE THOUGHT OF YOUR FAMILY’S DISAPPOINTED GAZE. Though we noticed you, too, are similar to COUSIN GREG (SUCCESSION), HAZEL CALLAHAN (BOTTOMS), KAYLA (HACKS), ORLA MCCOOL (DERRY GIRLS). ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ᴠᴇʀɪғɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ 100% ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ! Please comply to all regulations and laws. It is our hope that you enjoy your stay. 【 alyx //25  //. she/her //. est】
full name: aster whitlock
age: twenty-seven
gender / pronouns: demigirl, she/they
orientation: homosexual
affiliation: ichibangase / eisher corporation
occupation: assistant to the COO
family: clarence whitlock (father, alive), ellis whitlock (mother, alive), UTP whitlock (oldest brother, alive), UTP whitlock (middle brother, alive), UTP whitlock (sister, alive)
faceclaim: ayo edebiri
inspiration: cousin greg (succession), hazel callahan (bottoms), kayla (hacks), oral mccool (derry girls)
You were born with the weight of expectations on your shoulders. Unlike those before you who managed to carry the burden with ease, you crumbled under the pressure of your family name. You were born to two highly skilled neurosurgeons, each with awards and ground-breaking research tucked under their belts.
Their achievements led them to critical acclaim, but the price of their success was the way it clouded their minds. They began to expect the same achievements out of their children, often pushing them past their limits in the name of greatness. For the most part, their strategy worked. They watched the three eldest Whitlock children leave home and become experts in their chosen fields, but when it came to the youngest child, their disappointment was evident.
It wasn't that you didn't try to succeed in life. You often fought tooth and nail to get ahead of your siblings and make a name for yourself, but sadly, your efforts were always in vain. You just didn't have the same charisma as your sister, your eldest brother's intelligent mind, or your other brother's strength. You were just... average. Actually, less than average, for everything you touched seemed to end up broken or worse off. You felt like a curse placed on the Whitlock clan, a being sent to humble them and stop their successes in their tracks.
Your move to Japan was an impulse decision, but mentally, you knew it was a long time coming. You often struggled to keep a job for more than a few months, and each time, you'd have to wander back home and endure your parents' disappointed stares. You couldn't handle that reality anymore, so you packed a duffle bag and followed your siblings to Japan--- thinking that a fresh start would help you bounce back from your previous failures.
The fresh start helped in some ways, but truthfully, you're no better at keeping a job. You've had around ten jobs since you moved to the city, and each time it ended with you being kicked out of the business and told not to come back.
You don't know why you ruin everything you touch, but you know one thing--- you can't lose your current assistant gig. Your father warned you that this was your last chance before he dragged you back home, and you knew you couldn't handle facing your parents once more. You don't know how you'll do it, but you'll find a way to become the best assistant the corporation has ever seen--- you just need to remember Millicent's correct coffee order first.
Siblings!! This'll eventually be a WC, but I'd love to have Aster's siblings here. They all moved to Japan for one reason or another, and now have to deal with their pathetic little sibling running into them on the street or calling them late at night
People who have previously fired Aster
People who used to work with Aster
Coworkers who try and help Aster out whenever possible
Coworkers who don't like Aster because they think she's not up to par
People who are trying to use her to get close to one of her family members
Unrequited crushes
Tinder dates gone bad
Bad influences who help pull Aster out of her shell
Honestly anything and everything
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l3gacies · 5 months
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a private, multimuse blog for anarchic2044
Aster Whitlock- Ichibangase /Eisher Corporation, Assistant to the COO (intro. interactions. visage. musings. pinterest)
Haneul Seon- Owner of Inferno Casino, Wakagashira of the Sowakatsu-Kai (intro. interactions. visage. musings. pinterest)
Yujin Moon- Owner and Mechanic at Lunar Mechanics, Bounty Hunter for Tomurai Tracking Co. (intro. interactions. visage. musings. pinterest)
Nadira Khatri- Falcon for the Mata Haris, Bartender at Heaven's Night, Defective Host at Gestalt Bureau (intro. interactions. visage. musings. pinterest)
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l3gacies · 5 months
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30 days has September, April, March and November. June and November. Today is March 31st.
PARKS AND RECREATION (2009-2015) 2.21 “94 Meetings”
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l3gacies · 5 months
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nana x studio nicholson for 'eyes magazine' (2024)
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