transportemx · 5 months
Si podemos pagar 800 millones a trabajadores podremos volver al aire: Interjet
Luego de casi 3 años en huelga, el presidente del Consejo de Administración de Interjet, Alejandro del Valle, aseguró que el remate de la aerolínea y su desaparición no son opción, ya que cuentan con los recursos para pagar sus deudas y volver al aire en 2024. En conferencia de prensa, el empresario explicó que para que la compañía retome operaciones es necesario que el síndico de la masa…
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idioticsnow · 2 months
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Two goobs.
ignore the fucking LINE in the corner it was an accident
wisparcs gradient will always be wacky fuck you
also this is platonic because wisparc is being shipped already
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circeyoru · 4 months
The Black Leash = Requested
[Alastor x High-ranked Hellborn Contractor!Reader]
The Request
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When you went on your duties as one of the rare high ranking hellborns, Alastor saw this as his chance to leave your side and look for somewhere to be safe. Where better than the hotel the foolish Princess of Hell was promoting. It was perfect
Until you caught wind of his location
You had Alastor for 7 years, no one in Hell knew what happened to him. That was false. No one in the Pride ring knew where he was and what he was doing because he wasn’t in Pride ring. You as a Hellborn have the privilege to travel between rings. Alastor took your deal and now his soul was yours, so you could bring him away from Pride
Now your part of the deal was to give him souls, and you did when you brought him to the other rings. But he never said how you give him souls. He was on your leash, he could only have souls when you have no need for them, he took what you didn’t want. He acted like your bodyguard and executioner to the demons that disrespected you
So it caused you quite the disappointment when he went back to his home ring and to the side of the Princess just to avoid you. He should have said he wanted a break, you’d give him! You nearly laughed your head off when you heard where Alastor went, oh, it was his bad luck
No questions asked, you arrived in front of the hotel and prepared yourself before making your presence known to its residence and staff
“A good day to you, Your Highness.” You greeted with a bow of your head to show respect. However powerful and feared you may be, the sunshine and rainbows delusional demon was still the Princess of Hell and the King of Hell, Lucifer’s beloved daughter
You were immediately brought into a bone-crushing hug and squeals of excitement. Charlie chanted your name with glee as she spin you around, only stopping when her girlfriend came over to calm the princess down
Charlie immediately introduced you to Vaggie, claiming with pride that this little demon was the love of her life. You congratulated her and aggressively threatened suggested that if Vaggie was to break dear Charlie’s heart, you’d be hunting her down throughout the rings of Hell. Charlie quickly explained that you were an old friend of her father’s and you have been around when Charlie grew up so you were like family
The sweet girl was honestly Alastor’s worst ally because the second demon she introduced to you was none other than the Radio Demon. Your smile grew as you said Alastor’s name when Charlie was about to. Spotting the nervousness of the demon dressed in red
“You can say this fellow has other jobs before joining your hotel, Princess.” You spoke, momentarily taking your eyes off of Alastor to give him some air, less he faints from shock
When Charlie was about to introduce you to the rest of her newly made friends, Alastor was quick to interjet, claiming that it hardly was important. You glared over to him, making him shut his mouth as you dared him to interrupt Charlie again. Where, oh, where was his manners?
Seeing the tension, Charlie opted to show you around but you declined, saying she was needed elsewhere more important than to show an old acquaintance like you around. You made sure Alastor heard it loud and clear. Alastor stepped up to ‘show you around’ as the host and the two of you disappeared deeper into the hotel
“Quite the lovely place, the Princess built.” You admired the decor, leisurely walking around and taking your time with each step you took. At a peculiar hallway, you saw the past with smokey figures and heard an interesting conversation that involved your deer. You grinned at the freedom Alastor seemed to be taking advantage of
“You are close with the royalties?” Alastor spoke more as a question of confirmation than a statement. Him obediently following behind you, just as a dog on a leash should
“Yeah.” You gave him a lazy smile. “You’re aware I have connections, but you didn’t seem to think I would have closer connections with the royal family. Why I wonder. But it’s okay. I don’t mind. It made it all easier to find out where you are and what you are doing.”
Alastor’s smile tightened. He really thought he found his way out when he became a valued demon to Charlie why helping out at the hotel with all of his present abilities. Trivial as it may be, it slowly made Charlie and the rest of them more reliant on him. If he were to disappear, he’d be missed in some way that could be beneficial to him
“Helping out for entertainment, huh. A unique answer but not from you.” You looked over over to Alastor who seemed to be deep in thought. You cooed as you comforted him for his failed escape plan, you reminded him of your abilities of visions capable of seeing the past and future. You were like an oracle. You saw everything that Alastor did before your arrival
Transparent chains turned black as they formed around Alastor’s neck, pulling him to the ground and made him on his hands and knees. You relished the look of restraint on his face and the way those cute ears of his pinned back
“Since you like to help out in this hotel, why not go all out. You are to protect this hotel and its residence with everything you can.” Your open palm appeared a red and green soul, it was like an energy ball but there was a tail on top of it. “Should this hotel or dare I say the Princess fall, the same will happen to your precious soul.” You grinned, “Is the order heard?”
Alastor bite down his pride, bowing his head to you as he acknowledged it, “Yes. Crystal clear. My Liege.”
The Radio Demon nearly had his heart ripped out when Mimzy returned to the hotel once more, behind her was some demons she pissed off. She couldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer can she? What’s more it was an Overlord that she meddled with. Alastor had wanted to ignore it, since if he didn’t know, even you wouldn’t judge it on him, but he couldn’t lie, there was no room for it with your powers
Not to mention you were right by him, it was just one of your spontaneous visits to the hotel for Charlie and him. He bowed his head like clockwork and asked for you to let him use a bit for power for this ordeal. You waved your hand and allowed it
Oh, and he did not disappoint. Not only did he leave the Overlord in a wrecked stated, but he also devoured Mimzy to proved that he was loyal to the hotel’s safety. You had seen what Mimzy did before and was aggressive towards any mention of it, Husk being no help when he kept telling you all the things Mimzy did and the reputation she had
Perhaps Alastor allowed it before because he was yet to be under your control, but not anymore would you allow Alastor to use his powers for something so trivial. No, Alastor’s powers were much more useful elsewhere
You purposefully disappeared when Alastor was near death with his battle against the first man, Adam. You wanted to give him a taste of his medicine. To see that weaken state of Alastor calling out for you, knowing that you were watching and listening. It was enough for you to heal him up good as new
“I hope you learnt your lesson, your punishment for disappearing from my sight was long overdue. My deer.”
As always, Alastor bowed his head, his eyes closing from your faint and soft brushes through his hair, “I apologize, My Liege.”
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Note: Hope you guys like this, I'm not satisafied with it, but it is what it is. (╯︿╰;)
Circe Y.
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gorillaxyz · 1 month
i love havibga life outside of the interjet
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ppyotrovich · 2 months
five Interjet cars led by a Vectron locomotive on line Ex 6 service IC Západní Expres passing near Plzeň-Křimice
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sociedadnoticias · 4 months
Empleados de Interjet de manifiestan en el AICM, exigen pago de 800 millones de pesos
Empleados de Interjet exigen pago de 800 millones de pesos Por Paola Ramírez | Reportera Este lunes 4 de marzo, un grupo de empleados de Interjet se manifestó en el edificio de la aerolínea en el Aeropuerto Internacional de la Ciudad de México (AICM), exigiendo la dispersión de 800 millones de pesos recuperados de cuentas y que no han sido pagados a los trabajadores, a pesar de una orden del…
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reservationsbuy · 1 year
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Interjet Airlines Cancellation Policy
Interjet Airlines is a Mexican low-cost carrier that offers various services to manage your booking conveniently.
#Travel #Traveller @interjet @TravelLeisure @travelchannel
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dimensiontotal · 1 year
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Interjet: lo que se sabe de la quiebra de la aerolínea
Este 10 de abril se dictó el estado de quiebra de la empresa de vuelos mexicana Interjet
Alejandro Del Valle de la Vega, presidente del Consejo de Administración de Interjet, anunció el estado de quiebra de la aerolínea. Mediante un vídeo, Del Valle dio a conocer cuatro temas sobre la situación de la aerolínea.Fue el 30 de agosto de 2022 cuando la aerolínea anunció una reestructuración financiera, mientras el estado de quiebra de la empresa de vuelos mexicana se dictó el lunes 10 de abril. 
Por su parte, el video con temas sobre los adeudos de Interjet fue publicado en sus redes sociales ese mismo día. El presidente del Consejo señaló que la reestructura de la compañía de vuelos está casi cubierta por la empresa estadounidense Morgan Stanley.
Al igual, en el audiovisual Del Vale señaló cuatro puntos sobre la situación de Interjet, en primer lugar mencionó a los trabajadores. Pues el empresario señaló pagará el 100 por ciento de los adeudos a los trabajadores, quienes contarán con recontratación inmediata con un mes de sueldo al firmar. 
Lo anterior bajo la misma Sección sindical 15 de la Confederación de Trabajadores de México (CTM).En segundo lugar, indicó, los adeudos fiscales, que ascienden a más de 500 millones de dólares, serán pagados completamente a las autoridades mexicanas. 
Mientras que en el tercer punto, Interjet acordó con la Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor (Profeco) el pago del total de los boletos vendidos lo cuales no fueron atendidos por la aerolínea.Finalmente, Del Valle mencionó, mediante una quita con los acreedores, se pudo reducir la deuda que tenían por 2,000 millones de dólares. 
Así, con el proceso legal solo se cubrirán 100 millones de dólares, acto que "nos da una salud financiera impresionante" mencionó el empresario.
Fuente de información NotiPress
Por. Jessica Zamora 
Foto: Andres F. Cara
#dimensionews #DimensionTotal #loquedebesconocer #Interjet #Noticias
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transportemx · 1 year
Se acaba la última esperanza de Interjet, ordenan rematar sus activos
Interjet, empresa fundada por la familia Alemán y comprada por Alejandro del Valle, fue declarada oficialmente en quiebra por un juez, mismo que ordenó el remate de los bienes de la aerolínea con el objetivo de cubrir los adeudos que la firma tiene con sus acreedores. De acuerdo con la sentencia emitida el 4 de abril, el Juez de Distrito en Materia Concursal declaró como abierta la etapa de…
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insurgentepress · 1 year
Confía Internet reanudar operaciones en medio de quiebra financiera en México
Agencias/Ciudad de México.- Interjet reanudará operaciones en medio del proceso de quiebra que dictó ayer un Juez, bajo un esquema de reestructura financiera vigente en México, dijo Alejandro del Valle de la Vega, presidente del Consejo de Administración de la aerolínea. Del Valle detalló en un videomensaje, en redes sociales, que los adeudos pendientes con trabajadores, acreedores y autoridades…
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escenanews · 1 year
Interjet es declarada en quiebra
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gorillaxyz · 3 months
its funny how when you stop caring posting onnthe interjet is so fun
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Vinculan a proceso al dueño de Interjet por defraudación fiscal
Después de un año y medio de acusaciones, un juez vinculó a procesó por fraude fiscal al presidente ejecutivo del Consejo de Administración de ABC Aerolíneas S.A. de C.V.l Interjet, Alejandro del Valle, informó este viernes la Fiscalía General de la República (FGR). De acuerdo con el comunicado de la FGR consultado por EFE, Del Valle enfrentará este proceso por no informar al fisco casi 12…
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sociedadnoticias · 8 months
Ofreció el gobierno federal arreglo a Interjet, pero la aerolínea no se interesó: AMLO
El gobierno federal ofreció arreglo a Interjet, pero la aerolínea no se interesó: AMLO Por Fausto Hernández | Reportero El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador anunció que su gobierno propuso un acuerdo a la aerolínea Interjet para resolver sus problemas financieros, pero la empresa no mostró interés. López Obrador calificó la situación de Interjet como bastante compleja, ya que además de su…
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CRIEF : Dr Diané et Kassory restent en prison
CRIEF : Dr Diané et Kassory restent en prison
Aly Touré, le procureur spécial de la CRIEF s’est encore opposé à la liberté conditionnelle des deux (2) anciens dignitaires d’Alpha Condé. Après que Kassory Fofana et Mohamed Diané ont bénéficié d’une liberté conditionnelle de la part chambre de l’instruction de la (CRIEF) ce vendredi 16 décembre 2022, Aly Touré n’a pas tardé à interjeter appel contre l’ordonnance de mise en liberté provisoire…
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