#international trademark registration
vimalkumar · 3 months
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International Trademark Registration is important for protecting your business name abroad. It ensures exclusive use of your mark, protects rights against abuse, and helps in brand growth like Zomato's success. With a registered brand, you gain an assumption of legality and legal security, which is important for business growth and trust. The process includes WIPO's Madrid System for international security, stressing the need for global acceptance and compliance with trademark laws.
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Legal Frameworks: International Trademark Registration Laws and Compliance
Trademark Shield: Safeguard Your Brand Worldwide with International Registration
In an increasingly interconnected world, businesses are no longer confined by borders. The rise of e-commerce, globalization, and digital communication has made it easier for companies to expand their reach beyond domestic markets. However, with this expansion comes the imperative need to protect one's brand identity and intellectual property globally. It is where international trademark registration plays a crucial role.
The Significance of International Trademark Registration:
Trademark registration grants the owner exclusive rights to use the mark for specific goods or services. While registration within a single country protects within that jurisdiction, more is needed for businesses with international aspirations. International trademark registration extends protection beyond national borders, safeguarding brand integrity and preventing unauthorized use or infringement in foreign markets.
Streamlining the Global Expansion Process:
Expanding into international markets can be complex, especially regarding legal and regulatory frameworks. International trademark registration streamlines this process by offering a unified mechanism for protecting trademarks across multiple countries. Systems like the Madrid Protocol provide a convenient and cost-effective way for businesses to secure trademark protection in numerous member countries with a single application.
Mitigating Risks and Ensuring Brand Integrity:
Failure to secure international trademark registration can expose businesses to various risks, including competitor infringement, brand dilution, and loss of market share. By proactively registering trademarks internationally, companies mitigate these risks and reinforce their brand's integrity and exclusivity in global markets. This proactive approach strengthens the company's position in legal disputes and enforcement actions.
Facilitating Global Brand Recognition and Market Access:
A registered trademark is valuable, enhancing brand recognition and consumer trust. International trademark registration facilitates brand visibility and credibility in foreign markets, paving the way for easier market access and consumer acceptance. It also simplifies licensing agreements, franchising, and other business arrangements, fostering growth opportunities worldwide.
Navigating Cultural and Linguistic Considerations:
Expanding into foreign markets requires sensitivity to cultural nuances and linguistic differences. International trademark registration allows businesses to adapt their branding strategies to resonate with diverse audiences while ensuring legal protection for translated or adapted trademarks. This adaptability is essential for building strong connections with consumers across borders.
International trademark registration is vital to any business strategy to expand into foreign markets. By securing trademark protection across borders, companies safeguard their brand identity, mitigate risks, and unlock opportunities for growth and success on a global scale. As businesses navigate the complexities of international trade, prioritizing trademark registration becomes imperative for maintaining a competitive edge and establishing a lasting presence in diverse markets.
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decodeip · 3 months
Expanding Your Brand Globally: A Guide to International Trademark Registration
Expanding your brand into international markets is an exciting and lucrative venture. However, with the global reach comes the crucial responsibility of protecting your brand identity. Trademarks, which include logos, slogans, and brand names, are fundamental assets that distinguish your products or services from competitors. Securing international trademark registration is essential to safeguard your brand across borders.
This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process, delivering valuable insights and practical steps for successful international trademark registration.
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Understanding Trademarks and Their Importance
What is a Trademark?
A trademark is a symbol, word, or group of words legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product. It can include names, logos, slogans, sounds, and even colors that distinguish your goods or services from others in the market.
Why are Trademarks Important?
Brand Identity: Trademarks help consumers identify and differentiate your products from others, fostering brand loyalty.
Legal Protection: They provide legal protection against unauthorized use of your brand elements.
Business Asset: Trademarks are valuable intangible assets that can be appreciated over time.
Market Expansion: They enable smoother entry into new markets by protecting your brand in foreign jurisdictions.
Preparing for International Trademark Registration
Conducting a Trademark Search
Before filing for trademark registration, it’s crucial to conduct a comprehensive trademark search in your target markets. This step helps to ensure that your trademark is unique and not already in use, preventing potential legal disputes and rejection of your application.
Steps to Conduct a Trademark Search:
Identify Classes: Trademarks are categorized into different classes based on the type of goods or services. Identify the appropriate classes for your trademark.
Use Online Databases: Utilize online trademark databases such as the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Global Brand Database, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database, and other national databases to search for existing trademarks.
Professional Assistance: Consider hiring a trademark attorney or a professional search service to ensure a thorough search.
Evaluating Trademark Eligibility
Not all trademarks are eligible for registration. Your trademark must be distinctive, not descriptive or generic, and must not conflict with existing trademarks. Additionally, it must not contain misleading or offensive content.
Choosing the Right Markets
Identify the countries where you plan to expand and where trademark protection will be beneficial. Consider factors such as market potential, brand relevance, and local trademark laws. Prioritize countries with significant market opportunities and those where your brand is most likely to face competition or imitation. 
Pathways to International Trademark Registration 
There are several pathways to register your trademark internationally, each with its advantages and disadvantages. The choice depends on your business needs, budget, and target markets.
National Applications
You can file individual trademark applications directly with each country’s trademark office. This method allows for tailored applications according to specific national laws but can be time-consuming and expensive if you target multiple countries. 
Customized protection tailored to each country’s laws. 
Direct communication with national trademark offices. 
High costs and administrative burden. 
Varied registration procedures and timelines.
Regional Applications
For regions with unified trademark systems, such as the European Union (EU) and the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI), you can file a single application that covers all member countries.
Simplified process for multiple countries within the region. 
Cost-effective for regional protection.
Limited to specific regions. 
If opposed in one country, it can affect the entire application.
The Madrid System
The Madrid System, administered by WIPO, offers a centralized solution for registering trademarks in multiple countries through a single application. It currently covers over 120 countries, making it an efficient choice for broad international protection. 
Single application and fee for multiple countries. 
Simplified management and renewal process. 
Flexibility to designate additional countries later.
Dependent on the basic application/registration in the home country for the first five years. 
Not all countries are members.
Steps to Register Your Trademark Internationally Using the Madrid System
Basic Application or Registration
To use the Madrid System, you must first have a trademark application or registration in your home country (known as the basic application or basic registration). This serves as the foundation for your international application.
Filing the International Application
Submit your international application through your home country’s trademark office (Office of Origin). The application must include:
Your details and signature. 
Representation of the trademark. 
List of goods and services categorized according to the Nice Classification. 
Designation of member countries where you seek protection.
Examination by WIPO
WIPO examines the application for compliance with formal requirements and then publishes it in the WIPO Gazette of International Marks. It then forwards the application to the trademark offices of the designated countries.
Examination by Designated Countries
Each designated country’s trademark office examines the application according to its national laws. They may approve, partially refuse, or completely refuse the application. You must respond to any refusals or objections within the given timeframe.
Registration and Protection
Once approved by a designated country, your trademark is protected in that country as if it were registered directly with its trademark office. The protection period is generally 10 years, with the possibility of renewal.
Managing and Enforcing International Trademarks
Renewing Your Trademark
Trademark registrations must be renewed periodically, typically every 10 years. The Madrid System allows you to manage renewals centrally, simplifying the process for multiple countries.
Monitoring and Enforcement
Regularly monitor the use of your trademark in international markets to detect unauthorized use or infringement. Take swift legal action against infringers to protect your brand’s integrity. Consider using trademark watch services and engaging local legal counsel for enforcement actions.
Licensing and Franchising
Consider licensing or franchising your trademark to third parties in foreign markets. This can provide additional revenue streams while expanding your brand’s presence. Ensure that license agreements are carefully drafted to protect your trademark rights and maintain quality control.
Tips for Successful International Trademark Registration
Seek Professional Assistance
Trademark registration, especially internationally, can be complex. Engage experienced trademark attorneys or agents who specialize in international trademark law to navigate the process effectively.
Plan Ahead
Trademark registration can take time, often several months to years. Plan your registration strategy well in advance of entering new markets to ensure your brand is protected when you launch.
Be Consistent
Maintain consistency in your trademark usage across all markets. This includes using the same logo, slogan, and brand name. Consistent usage strengthens your brand identity and legal protection.
Understand Cultural Differences
Be aware of cultural differences and language translations that may affect your trademark. Ensure that your trademark does not have unintended negative connotations in different languages or cultures.
Keep Records
Maintain comprehensive records of your trademark registrations, renewals, and enforcement actions. This documentation is vital for managing your trademark portfolio and defending your rights.
Final Words
Expanding your brand globally presents tremendous opportunities for growth and increased market presence. However, it also requires meticulous planning and proactive measures to protect your brand identity. International trademark registration is a critical step in this process, safeguarding your brand from infringement and ensuring legal protection in foreign markets.
By conducting thorough trademark searches, understanding the various pathways to registration, and effectively managing your trademarks, you can navigate the complexities of international trademark registration with confidence. Seek professional assistance, plan, and stay vigilant in monitoring and enforcing your trademark rights. With the right strategy, your brand can thrive on the global stage, enjoying the benefits of expanded reach and recognition.
Embark on your journey of global expansion with the assurance that your brand is well-protected, paving the way for sustained success and growth in the international arena.
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eazystartups · 7 months
You might not know that if you want to expand your business to different countries then you have to apply for a separate trademark in all of those countries individually through their Intellectual Properties Offices respectively. Eazy Startups can help you along the process.
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chandan-todi · 1 year
An International Trademark is a trademark that is registered globally. It allows the owner to extend their market and file a single application in multiple countries through the centralized system of the World Intellectual Property Organization, International Bureau.
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Advantages of International Trademark Registration
One application can cover registration in multiple countries.
International recognition of your brand is possible with an International Trademark.
Operating online allows for easier access to your products by global consumers.
Sole ownership of the trademark is granted to the registered owner.
Trademark registration creates an intangible asset for an organization, known as Intellectual Property.
Competitors or third parties cannot use the registered trademark.
Maintenance and renewal fees are only due every ten years after the trademark is registered.
How to register a Trademark internationally
You can file for international trademark registration in two ways. The first method is by using the Madrid Protocol, while the second method is to hire a local attorney in each country where you seek trademark rights and have them file the application on your behalf.
The Madrid System
The Madrid Protocol, also referred to as the Madrid system, is a highly-regarded option for global trademark registration. WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) utilizes the Madrid system to streamline international trademark registration and management.
Using the Madrid system not only offers an expedient solution but also a cost-efficient one for registering and overseeing trademarks across the globe.
Read more to know about the International Trademark Registration
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whigtepebblrlaw · 2 years
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Best Trademark Firm in Borivali - White Pebble Law
With its experienced team and experts, White Pebble Law LLP, an Intellectual Property Law Firm based in Borivali, provides premier Trademark Registration Services in Borivali.
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aitrademarks · 2 years
Intellectual Property Protection UK
Want IP protection for your business, brand name, and domain? AI Trademarks are an intellectual property protection company in the UK that provides services to protect your intellectual property. We have a team of expert lawyers and professionals who can help you to protect your IP. Our team also offers the highest level of legal advice and assistance in the field of intellectual property.
Why do We suggest every business owner fill out a trademark Application?
Protect your business for your competitors
Increase the value of your business with the trademark
Show how serious you are about customers' business.
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jaikirks · 2 years
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Get your trademark protection from interlopers. Nothing is secure in today's web world. Trademarks can be an essential identity of a company or individual, making them unique. To start your business, you must identify the logo, company's picture, or name. Registration is the only thing that protects you from all these hurdles. A Trademark is a well-known company that helps you to avoid any disputes before applying for registration. We want you to instruct us to complete Trademark Protection in the UK. We also provide trademark renewal services. Visit the website now for more information.
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regalguru · 2 years
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Learn about International Trademark Registration in India. Easily apply and get international trademark registered in any country like India, Nepal, and many more with Regalguru. International Trademark registration legally protects any infringement of the particular trademark misused by third person.
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intertaxtrade · 9 months
Website : https://en.intertaxtrade.com
Intertaxtrade, established in the Netherlands, excels in facilitating international business and assisting individuals in Europe with integrated solutions in tax, finance, and legal aspects. Registered with the Chamber of Commerce, they offer services like company management in the Netherlands, Dutch company accounting, tax intermediation, international tax planning, business law consulting, EU trademark and intellectual property registration, international trade advice, and GDPR compliance. Their expertise in financial and accounting services ensures clients have a clear financial overview, aiding in business success.
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/intertaxtrade
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/intertaxtrade/
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/ramosbrandao/
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patntech · 9 months
Trademark Registration in HSR
Ensure the legal protection of your brand in HSR with our Trademark Registration services. Trust our experienced team for a seamless process. Inquire today!
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vimalkumar · 3 months
Mastering Global Markets: International Trademark Registration
Secure Your Brand Worldwide International Trademark Registration Tips
Securing your brand worldwide is crucial in today's global marketplace. One key aspect of doing so is through international trademark registration. By registering your trademark internationally, you can protect your brand from infringement and ensure that your intellectual property rights are upheld in multiple countries. However, navigating the international trademark registration process can take time and effort.
The Importance of International Trademark Registration
Expanding on the topic of international trademark registration, it is essential to highlight the significance of securing your brand globally. International trademark registration provides exclusive rights to use your brand name and logo in various countries, safeguarding your brand identity from unauthorized use and imitation. This protection ensures your brand retains its value and reputation across diverse markets, fostering customer trust and loyalty worldwide. By prioritizing international trademark registration, you establish a strong foundation for long-term business growth and competitiveness on a global scale. Stay tuned for more tips on effectively navigating the international trademark registration process.
Understanding the Process of Registering Your Trademark Worldwide
When registering your trademark internationally, it is essential to understand the process involved. Each country has its own set of rules and regulations governing trademark registration, making it crucial to conduct thorough research or seek professional guidance to navigate the complexities effectively. International Trademark Registration In India Start by determining the countries where you want to register your trademark and familiarize yourself with their specific requirements and procedures. From documentation to fees and timelines, being well-informed about the registration process will help you streamline the application process and secure your brand's protection efficiently on a global scale. Stay informed as we delve deeper into practical tips for successful international trademark registration.
Tips for Successfully Registering Your Trademark Internationally
1. Hire a knowledgeable trademark attorney: To ensure a smooth international trademark registration process, consider working with a specialized trademark attorney who can guide you through the intricacies of different countries' regulations.
2. Conduct a comprehensive trademark search: Conduct a thorough search before applying for international registration to ensure your trademark is unique and does not conflict with existing registrations in your target countries.
3. Utilize the Madrid System: Simplify the process by opting for international trademark registration through the Madrid Protocol, which allows for filing a single application to protect your trademark in multiple countries.
4. Maintain accurate records: Keep detailed documentation of your trademark registration process, including application forms, correspondence, and registration certificates, to safeguard your rights and facilitate future renewals.
Adhering to these tips can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your international trademark registration efforts, ensuring robust protection for your brand worldwide. Stay tuned for more expert insights on navigating the complex landscape of trademark registration globally.
Working with International Trademark Lawyers
Partnering with experienced international trademark lawyers is crucial when expanding your brand globally. These legal professionals possess in-depth knowledge of the various laws and regulations in different countries, ensuring that your trademark registration process complies with the specific requirements of each jurisdiction. International trademark lawyers can offer strategic guidance, assist in preparing applications, and represent you in any legal proceedings that may arise during the registration process. By collaborating with skilled attorneys specializing in international trademark law, you can navigate potential challenges and secure comprehensive protection for your brand globally. Trust their expertise to safeguard your intellectual property rights and maintain the integrity of your brand image internationally.
Maintaining and Protecting Your Trademark Worldwide
Once your brand's trademark is successfully registered internationally, it is essential to actively monitor and enforce your rights to protect it from infringement. Regularly conduct trademark watch services to identify any unauthorized use of your mark and take swift legal action when necessary. Additionally, consider implementing brand guidelines and educating your employees on properly using your trademark to maintain its integrity and consistency across different markets. Collaborate with your international trademark lawyers to stay updated on any changes in laws or regulations that may affect your trademark rights and strategize how to safeguard your brand best worldwide. Proactive maintenance ensures long-term protection for your valuable intellectual property assets.
Securing your brand's International Trademark Registration worldwide protects your intellectual property assets. By actively monitoring, enforcing, and educating stakeholders on the proper use of your trademark, you can maintain the integrity and consistency of your brand across different markets. I'd like to point out that working with experienced international trademark lawyers makes sure you stay informed on any legal developments that may impact your rights. Remember, staying proactive and vigilant in safeguarding your brand globally is essential for long-term success and protection. Stay informed, stay engaged, and protect your brand's value in the international marketplace.
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legallandsdelhi · 1 year
Navigating International Taxation, Trade Disputes, and Trademark Registration in Delhi with LEGALLANDS LLP
Businesses have a variety of opportunities and problems in global markets in an interconnected world. Companies must manage a plethora of legal matters, ranging from complicated tax laws to trade disputes and intellectual property protection. Known for offering thorough legal services in the fields of international taxes, international trade disputes and litigation, and trademark registration, LEGALLANDS LLP is a well-known law practise with its headquarters in Delhi. In this blog post, we'll look at how LEGALLANDS LLP provides businesses in Delhi with knowledgeable counsel and advocacy to uphold compliance and protect their interests in the global economy.
International Taxation: Streamlining Compliance
Cross-border operating enterprises must navigate the complexities of international taxation. Different jurisdictions have different tax laws, regulations, and treaties, therefore it is essential for businesses to have professional advice in order to minimise their tax responsibilities while maintaining compliance. A team of seasoned tax experts that are knowledgeable with worldwide tax issues makes up LEGALLANDS LLP. They help clients comprehend the tax repercussions of various transactions, such as international mergers and acquisitions, transfer pricing, withholding taxes, and double taxation problems.
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LEGALLANDS LLP offers strategic assistance to minimise tax risks, ensure effective tax planning, and create efficient tax structures for multinational companies operating in Delhi using their in-depth understanding of domestic and international tax legislation. The company analyses the unique requirements of clients before creating solutions that are both in line with their business goals and compliant with applicable tax laws, thereby optimising their global tax status.
International Trade Disputes and Litigation: Resolving Cross-Border Conflicts
Contract breaches, violations of rules governing international commerce, infringements of intellectual property, and anti-dumping restrictions are only a few of the causes of problems in the world of international trade. For businesses in Delhi, LEGALLANDS LLP specialises in providing litigation services and resolving problems involving international trade.
LEGALLANDS LLP supports customers in navigating complicated legal processes because to their comprehensive knowledge of international trade rules and dispute resolution processes. The business represents clients in discussions, mediations, and arbitrations, assisting them in reaching fair agreements and successful results. In situations where litigation is necessary, LEGALLANDS LLP has a group of skilled litigators that zealously represent their clients' interests in national and international courts, ensuring that their rights are safeguarded and upheld.
Trademark Registration in Delhi: Protecting Intellectual Property
Trademark protection is crucial for brand recognition and market competitiveness. Intellectual property (IP) is a significant asset for organisations. Offering thorough trademark registration services in Delhi, LEGALLANDS LLP helps clients protect their businesses and enforce their rights against infringement.
The company's trademark specialists offer end-to-end services, which include carrying out exhaustive trademark searches, drafting and submitting trademark applications, responding to office actions, and administering trademark portfolios. They assist clients in navigating the complexities of trademark registration while assuring adherence to all applicable rules and laws. Additionally, by filing lawsuits against infringers and taking part in settlement talks, LEGALLANDS LLP helps clients enforce their trademark rights.
Businesses must manage a complicated web of legal issues in order to compete in the global marketplace. The Delhi-based LEGALLANDS LLP provides complete legal services in the areas of international taxes, international trade litigation, and trademark registration. LEGALLANDS LLP offers businesses the assistance they need to maintain compliance, defend their rights, and accomplish their objectives in the worldwide market thanks to their knowledge and in-depth comprehension of the complexities of global trade. Businesses in Delhi can comfortably handle the legal challenges posed by global operations by working with LEGALLANDS LLP, freeing up their time to concentrate on expansion and success.
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What is the assignment of international trademark process?
Assignment of International Trademark Registration
In the progress of world integration, goods trading activities between countries and regions are becoming more and more developed, then the matters related to intellectual property is gradually being focused.
The individuals and organizations are aware of the benefit of registration the intellectual property subjects. In particular, they registered internationally for their trademark when widen their business abroad. After that, when trademark owner might wish to assign that granted certificate trademark to others for economic or other reasons.
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                Assignment of International Trademark Registration
What is the assignment of international trademark process?
In this case, international trademark was registered under Madrid agreement and Madrid Protocol, established under decision on acceptance for protection or international registration protected in Vietnam issued by National office of Intellectual property Vietnam (NOIP). Accordingly, the trademark application originated from Vietnam submitted to International office via NOIP. Thus, trademark owner whom wish to assign or register their trademark internationally pursuant to Madrid system would submit application via NOIP. However, for the application which appointed in the country which is the member of Madrid agreement, parties may request the international office to conduct the assignment procedure.
When conducting the assignment procedure via NOIP, applicant needs to prepare following documents:
Declaration for international trademark assignment;
Declaration of international office;
The copy of international trademark certificate in Vietnam;
The copy record of assignment to the local trademark;
Besides, other documents will be required based on specific cases.
ANT Lawyers - IP services in Vietnam located in the business centers of Hanoi, Danang, Ho Chi Minh city. We provide convenient access to our clients. Please contact our lawyers in Vietnam for Trademark registration services in Vietnam via email [email protected] or call our office at +84 28 730 86 529.
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vietnamlawyers · 2 years
What is the assignment of international trademark process?
Assignment of International Trademark Registration
In the progress of world integration, goods trading activities between countries and regions are becoming more and more developed, then the matters related to intellectual property is gradually being focused.
The individuals and organizations are aware of the benefit of registration the intellectual property subjects. In particular, they registered internationally for their trademark when widen their business abroad. After that, when trademark owner might wish to assign that granted certificate trademark to others for economic or other reasons.
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                   Assignment of International Trademark Registration
What is the assignment of international trademark process?
In this case, international trademark was registered under Madrid agreement and Madrid Protocol, established under decision on acceptance for protection or international registration protected in Vietnam issued by National office of Intellectual property Vietnam (NOIP). Accordingly, the trademark application originated from Vietnam submitted to International office via NOIP. Thus, trademark owner whom wish to assign or register their trademark internationally pursuant to Madrid system would submit application via NOIP. However, for the application which appointed in the country which is the member of Madrid agreement, parties may request the international office to conduct the assignment procedure.
When conducting the assignment procedure via NOIP, applicant needs to prepare following documents:
Declaration for international trademark assignment;
Declaration of international office;
The copy of international trademark certificate in Vietnam;
The copy record of assignment to the local trademark;
Besides, other documents will be required based on specific cases.
ANT Lawyers - IP services in Vietnam located in the business centers of Hanoi, Danang, Ho Chi Minh city. We provide convenient access to our clients. Please contact our lawyers in Vietnam for Trademark registration services in Vietnam via email [email protected] or call our office at +84 28 730 86 529.
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pixelpaladin · 2 years
Deep dive to Spam bots on Tumblr (Spoiler: FSB mentioned)
(TL;DR: Russian business man is heavily investing into companies behind the bots, mentions of FSB, Shell companies in tax-evasion and weak business law countries, Huge industry and money laundering) 
I got annoyed about the bots on tumblr, so I decided to do some investigation into who is behind them and funding the operation, here is my findings:
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The graph shows how a network of “affiliate marketing” companies for “dating” services is connected and some of the key players behind said companies
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The first “company” I ran into is called “Digital international Inc” and it is shown as the “legal entity” behind of many of the websites the bots tend to link to, it also has its address listed in the Marshall Islands.
By looking at trademarks owned/filed by that company, we find 2 more companies/trademarks that are/were owned by the same legal entity.
First of these is called “Mirelia Services Co.”, currently known as “Mirelia Networks”, which lists its main business as “advertising and marketing” and is registered at the same address as “Digital International”.
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Where things get interesting is when we look at one of the trademarks that was passed between “Mirelia” and “Digital international”, a trademark for an LGBTQ+ dating app called “Hitwe”,
The trademark application for “Hitwe” is listed as “Rescinded/canceled” but from the original registration documents and later ownership transfer filings, we come across an interesting company
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“Matar Trade & Invest Ltd.” This company has other similar “dating” and “marketing” companies linked to it, and is owned by “Vladimir Mnogoletniy”, a Citizen of Russia, who has lived in Ukraine for over 10 years and his runs his businesses there, but interestingly does not seem to have officially moved there, and maintains his Russian Citizenship as his only one.
He is also the CEO or a major of many other companies, the main one being “Genesis”, the company behind a controversial fitness app “BetterMe”, which has been shown to aggressively sell user data to less-than-reputable ad companies and affiliates, as well as being used to redirect money from scam dating sites and lessen the impact of credit card chargebacks from those sites [See footnote 1]
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What makes him a particularly interesting individual is that his father, who is a Captain of the Second Rank in the Russian Navy, is doing security work for “Sevmash” - A Russian shipbuilding company, the only one that is making nuclear submarines in Russia. He also co-authored a research paper that talks about “Military Counterintelligence activities”, The other author of said paper is an FSB officer.[See footnote 2]
Sources and footnotes:
Footnote 1: “BetterMe steals traffic”  - Article by SH[IT]HAPPENS on Medium Footnote 2: “Why don’t I no longer shake hands with Vladimir Mnogoletniy.“ - Article by SH[IT]HAPPENS on Medium
Tangent: one of the other companies that I came across that seems to be working with Mirelia is “Traffichunt”, which seems to be one of the companies selling bot spam advertisements as well.
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Another interesting thing is that the lawyer who filed for most of the trademarks, has quite a repertoire of similar trademarks under his belt:
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Most of these seem to have been rejected because the address he listed in the applications does not exist
If you read all the way to here, thank you and I hope that bot’s never bother you again.
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