#intersectionality between being aspec and having a PD
Something that I see continuously left out of aspec discussions regarding ways aspecs may or may not connect with fellow humans, is the fp bond.
The acommunity is open and accepting about other forms of attraction that are not romantic and sexual, and even has a Split Attraction Model, and at the same time there are aspecs with personality disorders that exist. We experience something that aspecs that don’t have personality disorders fail to address, and that is the fp bond.
In my experience, the fp bond feels like an attachment more than an attraction; I don’t necessarily feel a “pull” since I am already pulled in/already connected/already attached. The fp experience is different for everyone tho. For some pw PDs, I think it can manifest as the symptoms of the PD lessening around the fp, or the symptoms of the PD worsening around the fp. The fp of someone with a PD may feel like someone who the pw the PD can tolerate “the most” out of anyone else/feel comfortable unmasking around, or the fp could be someone who the pw the PD feels their world revolves around.
Either way, the fp bond is something that is typically significant for pwPDs. It can be a game changer in terms of human connection, especially for aroaces and aspecs who are also aspec in ways besides romantic and sexual attraction, such as aplatonic, asensual, anaesthetic/non-aesthetic, etc.
Awareness and acceptance for people with personality disorders is essential. Our experiences (including the bond with the fps) are important valuable parts that make up the acommunity. I just think it would be so interesting and validating if, when aspecs are discussing ways aspecs experience human connections, or why they may choose to do things that society does not understand, the fp bond was included.
Some aroace people may do something as casual as becoming roommates with their fp (I have personality disorders where the people experience extreme fear or high anxiety in mind, to make things like grocery shopping easier)
Some aroace people may do something as serious as getting married to their fp, because they feel like they genuinely could not live without their fp and want the commitment, tax benefits, and other perks of getting married (like making a big deal about the wedding instuff)
Both of these are valid and deserving of acceptance. Aspecs may be a marginalized group, but that doesn’t change the fact that pwPDs are also just as marginalized (if not more, since society stigmatizes pwPDs). This is why Awareness, discussions, and acceptance of intersectionality between being aspec and having a PD is essential for aspec pwPDs.
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