asitozkousnu · 7 years
V karnevalu je subjekt vymazán: uskutečňuje se zde struktura autora jako anonymu, který tvoří a sám sebe přitom vidí, jako já a jako druhého, jako člověka a jako masky.
Julia Kristeva: Slovo, dialog a román / Texty o sémiotice /
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tkinga · 5 years
Literature Blog Tag Game
Rules: Answer these questions and then tag ten other literature blogs. This is a great way to find other blogs with similar content, and it’s also helpful to see what other people love reading that you might enjoy as well!
Tagged by: @aconissa (thanks Ana for making me feel like I’m a proper lit blog ^^)
Name: Kinga
Age: 28
Pronouns: she/her
Year in school (if applicable): it’s been a while
Current job (if applicable): policy analyst (talk about a boring-sounding job!)
Favourite book: Cloud Atlas by David MItchell and maybe Memoirs of Hadrian by Marguerite Yourcenar
Favourite author: Uh it’s hard to say, but apart from Mitchell and Yourcenar, I’d mention Colm Tóibín, J.R.R: Tolkien, Madeline Miller and Mary Renault 
Favourite poem: don’t really have one, but Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven by W. B. Yeats has been written into each of my journals for years
Favourite poet: Wisława Szymborska, Attila József, Endre Ady, and probably a lot more
Favourite play: right now it’s Angels in America by Tony Kushner
Favourite piece of creative non-fiction: I don’t really read non-fiction in this sense, but The End of Eddy by Édouard Louis was noteworthy
Favourite short story: The Unreal and the Real by Ursula K. Le Guin, Fragile Things by Neil Gaiman and A Manual for Cleaning Women by Lucia Berlin are what first came to mind
Favourite genre: Literary fiction, sci-fi, historial fiction, the gayer the better tbh
Favourite literary period: Actually I’m a sucker for contemporary, but early and mid-20th century is good to go as well
Reading “guilty pleasure”: gay historical romance, and horror
I tag @kutbolcsillantamacskaszeme @rekasbooks @silent-concerto @jayratsby @igazidusi @milegyenanevem @intertextualitas and everyone else who feels like it since I’ve run out of courage to tag people
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