#into the night part 5 hyungwon
breezybangtanbebe · 3 months
The Unseen: Hyungwon & Hyunwoo (Killas teaser)
A/N: Soooooo...Killas is taking some time to come together lol i have like fiddyleven ongoing projects (fanfics and originals) so yea. Its a labor of love. But I wanted to share a little something thats more than likely a deleted scene from the book that has potential to become its own thing🌚 meaning theres more than one part and this is just the first one🌚 anywho.
Tags: Contracted killer HyungwonxSexy, Two-timingOC( featuring Hyunwoo) all with similar occupations. John Wick vibes with flashbacks of steamy smut, raw sex, oral sex, high tension and some flirty banter❤️
4.8k words
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"Good Evening Sir...Welcome to The Continental."
Emerson's posh and cheery disposition was never something Hyungwon would tire of. He couldn't say as much for the setting he'd stepped into since arriving.
Droplets of the sky cascade over the smooth leather of his coat as he walked with the grace of a Vogue model, his expression sharp and focused as he closed the distance between the entrance and the concierge desk.
"Emerson. Always a pleasure.." he greets the older gentleman informally as he crossed the glazed marble flooring, shaking the rain from his dripping hair. Its not a matter to the old confidante though, merely responding to the younger with a polite smile.
"Mr. Chae...its been years it seams. Are you well these days?" He asks and Hyungwon smirks. Mainly at the irony of the question.
When was he ever well?
"Oh you know. Same old. Id like a room please.."
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"Very good sir. And how long will you be staying with us?" He goes on to ask and Hyungwon shakes his head as he shrugged the strap of his bag from his shoulder.
"Just for tonight. Im only passing through."
"Oh? You wont be attending the Academy reunion later on this evening then?" Emerson lifts his brows expectedly, never taking his eyes off the computer and Hyungwon chuckles at the idea.
The annual Brighton Academy reunion was something he always avoided, deeming it would be an evening he'd much rather spend fighting tooth and nail with some thug standing between him and access to some place he didn't belong, or staking out across the street from a residence for days , living off of stale water and protein bars to gather intel on a target.
Hell he felt he got enough of a reunion when he was assembled with 5 of his former classmates to handle the devil's busywork for a fee time and time again outside of his solo endeavors. That was just about as much reuniting he could tolerate.
No. A night of smoozing amongst people he'd forgotten shortly after the graduation ceremony was the last thing on his mind.
Besides, he had plans of his own tonight.
"I think I'll pass. Group activities are only my thing when a check is involved. Otherwise i prefer to avoid any social engagement if at all possible." He huffs as he lifted his bag to be checked routinely. Emerson's lips curl up in amusement as he turned the duffle to unzip it for a quick thumb through.
"Understood, sir. I assume youre well aware of hotel policy.." he begins and Hyungwon nods as he is already unholstering every firearm and blade he had on his person. The concierge waits calmly while an arsenal of weapons pile on the marble countertop one by one.
The two Glock 26's on either hip.
The smaller Ruger slotted behind his back.
The array of daggers and switch blades he had hidden only God knows where underneath that inconspicuous trench.
Silence falls over the grand foyer as Emerson waits patiently for Hyungwon to finish surrendering his weapons before gathering them delicately to be stowed in a designated locker.
He resumes his place in front of a computer and begins typing. As Emerson set out on getting him sorted in an available suite, Hyungwon takes a moment to observe the grand interior and occupancy of the infamous Continental.
Suited men in expensive dress shoes stepped briskly over the shining quarts floors, some of them chatting amongst each other as they either entered the hotel or exit into the rain. Others were accompanied by women adorned in rare furs and dripping in diamonds, their expressions as empty and inviting as the gothic ceilings several meters above their heads.
In the distance, a band was assembling on the club's stage, tuning instruments and preparing for another evening of entertaining while an array of round tables were set with crisp white table cloths and gold plaited cutlery.
To anyone else, the high end hotel appeared as just that. A place only the elite could afford to enter on rooms running nearly £800 a night at the cheapest rate.
No one would think to suspect it serving as a neutral space of communion amongst the world's most notorious spies and killers for hire. 
With a few more taps and a swift reach for something out of Hyungwon's sight, Emerson clears his throat to summon the young man's attention.
"Much obliged Mr.Chae. Here is your key card and your valet ticket sir. Do enjoy your stay." He bows his head slightly as he offered the aforementioned items as well as his bag to Hyungwon, who takes them gladly with a returned bow.
"Thank you."
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Amber sways and ripples with the spin of his glass. The malt's deep and slightly effervescent scent dancing on the air as it did on Hyungwon's tongue with every savoring sip.
He adjusts his lean in the chair, running his tongue along his bottom row of teeth as he glances at his watch.
She was late.
Or perhaps he was just impatient.
Meeting with her tonight had been the only thing on his mind since he opened his eyes that morning and every second he wasn't in her presence, his mind swam.
The local bar he'd selected was tucked away in a part of the city they once shared. Memories of seeing her here several times cloud his vision and the haze of reminiscing colors the scene in warm sepia and scents it with cognac.
Her favorite.
Some time ago...
"Favorite color?"
The conviction in Hyungwon's voice made it known that his question wasnt thoughtless, despite it being so cliche it was laughable.
"My favorite color? Seriously?" she giggles as the tip of her finger coasted the rim of her cocktail and Hyungwon's challenging gaze never wavers from hers.
Well, they do drop from her eyes to catch the way her tongue glosses her lips before returning with a lifted brow.
"Of course." he assures her cooly. His date just stares back at him for a moment, reading the depth of the galaxy in his eyes.
"Of all the things you could ask me though? Arent we too old for that?" she tilts her head.
"Too old for a favorite color?" Hyungwon pouts softly and she shakes her head.
"Too old for something like that to matter..." she mused. Now Hyungwon was intrigued.
"Is it a secret?"
The irony isnt lost on her at all considering what they were to eachother versus what they were to the world.
"Of course not...but you know me..better and more than most can say. Why does knowing my favorite color matter?" She challenges, earning a one shouldered shrug from the man sitting across from her.
"Just does. So just tell me." Hyungwon tosses back with just as much defiance.
She smiles...
The word barely provokes her lips to move but Hyungwon's gaze fall to them anyway, mimicking her coy smile in a way only he could.
He narrows his eyes and tucks his lips before leaning back in his seat, tugging casually at the collar of his shirt as he examines her with scrutiny for a moment. It's long enough to make a nervous lump form in her throat that she conceals with another sip from her drink.
Between the sheets.
White rum, Hennessy, and triple sec. Spritzed and zested with lemon.
The perfect balance of sweet and sour.
Sophisticated and audacious.
Watching her plush and rose tinted lips kiss the rim of her glass made Hyungwon wonder if she tasted just as sweet on his tongue as her beverage of choice.
Hyungwon glances down at her neck, following the line of the single thin gold chain carresing the dip of her collar bones, falling into curve of her cleavage to the plunging neckline of her dark plum blouse.
Peaks of lace frames her cleavage, her skin almost shimmering like satin under the low lighting, casting a shadow between her breasts that Hyungwon yearned to dive into.
He sensed a warmth there, lower beneath the expensive threads and the bend of her hips, a place he knew he'd soon be.
A place he knew she wanted him to be just as much.
Without a word, a look of revelation flashes in his eyes as he looked back up to her expectant face.
"Red." he says after subjecting her to his intangible torture for long enough, lifting his highball to his lips with a cocky glint in his eyes.
She stills, blinking slowly and Hyungwon knew immediately that he had her.
"Interesting guess..." she muses nonchalantly.
Her eyes shift over Hyungwon's relaxed lean in his seat, pausing to watch his Adam's apple lift as he tilted his head.
"Im right arent I?" He smiles sexily and its so disarming that the woman across from him forgets to breathe.
She huffs out a half felt chuckle to cover her body's reaction to Hyungwon's effortless charm.
"I'll tell you after you tell me why you chose that color. And please don't say it's because I complemented your shirt.." She decides to say, leaning in to rest her forearms on the table, her pointed stiletto nails tapping her skin rhythmically.
It wouldn't be gentleman-like for him to admit, but he wanted nothing more than to feel those claws digging lines over his back before the night was up.
Good thing he never claimed to be one in the first place.
"Of course not. Its your aura. My shirt's merely a coincidence."
"My aura..." she smirks and Hyungwon simply nods.
"Mmhm...You exude confidence from everything you do, from the way you enter a room...down to the way you order your drink." He responds casually as he reached for his own, gesturing his glass towards her in silent cheers before taking a quick sip.
She remains invested as he swallowed and Hyungwon sets the glass back down.
"I can tell youre a woman who always knows what she wants and exactly how to obtain it. I can tell you like control, which is why you always prefer to sit at the back of the bar, putting everything in your vantage point. Youre alert and very self aware. Youre assertve. Fearless. Bold. Partiality to extremes, passion and danger..."
"Danger? You think Im dangerous?" She speaks for the first time in minutes,lifting her brow with deep interest. Hyungwon nods slowly.
"Most women are..." he shrugs that shoulder again and its a gesture that reminds her eye to marvel in the broadness of them. Especially in that tailored Paul Smith dress shirt.
Why hadnt she noticed them before?
"Go on." She tips her chin after resuming her attention to his face, the real reason she hadnt noticed the rest of him.
Hyungwon smiles.
"Well....apart from what I picked up on via first impressions, the bezel of your watch is red. Matching the ruby stone on your ring. Which I assume is your birthstone meaning you were born in July. A warm month. Warmth. Red...you get my gist."
With another shrug of indifference, Hyungwon takes another sip from his whiskey. This time he savors the burn as it warmed his tongue. He awaits her response as he enjoys his drink but only soft sound of Sade crooning in the background fills the silence settling between them.
If you were mine....
Her expression idles between bewildered and impressed but only for a moment. It then resumes its usual demureness, a skill achieved when existing in world donning many faces.
As she reached for her glass, her smirk betrayed her as Hyungwon knew it would.
He had her.
"Hmm.." is all she says, picking it up.
Hyungwon's satisfied chuckle warmed his glass as he joined her in a shared sip.
Their eyes never leaving each other as they swallowed.
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Present day...
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Rain sizzled over the concrete, the summer nights steam hazing the night view through the windows. Its thick humid scent mixes with the essence of cognac and leather in the pub.
It was one of the few places in Hyungwon could go to unwind after countless hours of wearing his mask.
His day job was taxing.
But as lately, his nights were even worse.
As if he were attuned to her, Hyungwon's eyes shift from the bottom of his glass to the chiming front door as it opened slowly.
And there she was.
Legs that led to heaven and hips that sent men straight to hell, Lilith entered the bar with her black cashmere coat over her shoulders and her umbrella in hand.
She shakes it before closing it to stow in a designated basin near the door.
Her curves are accentuated by her blood red dress that leaves little to the imagination.
Hyungwon's eyes follows the shine of her smooth legs down to her heels, fond memories of those ankles over his shoulders flash over his disctracted gaze.
He shifts in his seat as he dispelled the thought, clearing his throat and glancing up just as Lilith lifts her head.
Her mane of mahogany spirals toss back from her face, the flecks of honey in her coal lined eyes pinning Hyungwon from the entrance.
Her lips perk up at one corner in a fond smile, but Hyungwon keeps his expression neutral despite his heart thudding pathetically in his chest, lifting his glass to his lips for an encouraging swig.
"Hey baby.." she purrs as if she she meant it and Hyungwon has to stifle his chuckle of disdain before rising from his seat.
"Hey.." he says lowly, his height almost doubling as he towers over her by several inches. She smiles as if nothing were amiss as she approached him for a breif embrace that he doesn't reject.
He couldn't resist a chance to touch her, even if his feelings had taken a complicated turn.
Her body just felt too good against his.
Out of habit, Hyungwon's hands snaked around her waist and her perfume encompassed him in an amalgam of emotions.
They flood him as he recalls smelling her in places she'd been the most.
Places he'd felt her the most.
His car.
His sheets.
His clothes.
Under his skin, as if it were possible..
Lilith had a way of layering her body oils and butters beneath a particular perfume that created a signature scent.
One he'd recognize anywhere.
Per their normal greeting, Lilith tips her head back in preparation to peck Hyungwon's lips as they always did.
Instead, he pressed his plushy pout to her temple and lingers there for a moment before pulling back.
The large hands at her waist were now pushing her coat back from her shoulders and Lilith assists by shrugging it free from her body. Hyungwon takes it to drape it over the back of the chair nearest to her.
He then pulls it out for her.
"Sit.." he states softly, saying nothing more and his expression gives nothing away as he waits for her to comply. A frown pulls at Lilith's ruby lips at Hyungwon's icyness but she doesnt hesitate to ease down into the proffered chair beside her.
Hyungwon then calmly steps back to his side of the table and joins her to sit, picking up his glass to swirl its contents casually.
Lilith's brow pinches at the tension rolling off of Hyungwon's shoulders, scooting into her chair comfortably before resting her forarms on the table.
"So..I hear your alma mater is in town tonight for some sort of reunion. I'm surprised you hadn't made plans to meet up with the boys tonight.."
"Im just gonna cut straight to it.."Hyungwon interupts her, the blanching of her expression damn near comical at his curtness.
"Um......ok..."she stammers, leaning away from the table slightly.
Hyungwon's eyes darken as they drop to the watch adorning her thin wrist. Similar to the one she'd worn the night they met but different. More expensive.
The red bezel winks back at him ironically before he regards her soft expectant features.
"I know everything." He adds ominously with a hardened expression and cold tone. The warmth in Lillith's face drains a shade but she doesnt show any traces of guilt as her brows creased deeper in confusion.
"You know..what ,exactly?" She asks.
What did he know?
More than he wished.
Less than he hoped.
Hyungwon knew the woman he was dangerously in love with was a stone-faced liar.
Among other things.
"You really wanna play dumb with me?" he goes on to ask and the hostility in his voice has his lover's lips curling up into an unexpected smile.
"Wonnie.." she begins and her chest touches the table as she leaned foward, extending her touch to grace Hyungwon's hand that laid flat over the polished wood.
"Don't.." he exhales tiredly, pulling his hand away to fall in his lap. This has Lilith's smile fading immediately.
"Im sorry...Did you not ask me to be here? You said you wanted to see me.."
Her tone and expression imply that her feelings were hurt by his rejection, but Hyungwon knew better than to believe it.
"Yeah. I wanted to see you tonight.....because I needed to see if you would look me in the eyes and lie the same way you've been lying to me this whole time."
Lilith's brows shoot up in surprise and an incredulous chuckle just sharply from her lungs. Hyungwon's brows crease as her posture changed from anxious to at ease, despite the atmosphere shift.
He frowns as he watched the guilt and confusion trade for what he could guess was amusement at his expense.
Could this woman have any more nerve?
"Did I say something funny?" he asks and Lilith only shakes her head with a sigh.
"No.Just laughing at the fact that I just traveled all the way downtown in the rain, in this dress.. without any panties underneath it.."
Hyungwon blinks at her unsubtle pause, pushing the thought of what she was hiding between her luscious thighs.
"...expecting a much warmer greeting from you..and a drink. At least..." she trails off all too casual.
Lilith reaches across the table comfortably for Hyungwon's drink and their fingers touch as she takes it from him. He surprisingly allows it, opting to keep his cool as she lifts it to her red-tinted lips with her eyes trained on him over the rim.
As she pulls away from the glass, her tongue darts out to lick over her stained top lip and the image of her lips at his throat flash through his mind.
Fuck this was impossible.
How could a woman as devious as she is so captivating with even just the curl of her tongue and bat of her eye?
The memory of it has him swelling with want beneath the table and for a moment he wonders if he should even be doing this.
Only for a moment though.
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Leather creaks against his nails as they dug troughs into the seat of his car.
Hyungwon groans in ecstasy towards the sunroof, his heavy panting accumlating in the steam fogging his windows.
The backseat was surprisingly spacious once the front seats were pushed up, giving just enough room for him to sit with his long legs spread wide with her slotted between them.
"Oh..shit.." he exhales , cutting his bottom lip with his teeth as his fingers tangled in Lillith's silken curls. Her head bobs over him slowly, her velvety smooth lips and tongue shining with saliva as they worked magic over his shaft.
Night had barely fallen over the city, the buzz of office employees and other tenants echoeing through the concrete walls of the enclosed parking garage.
Hyungwon's blacked out Genesis is parked in the furthest and darkest corner on the top floor. The keys still dangled from the ignition up front by the time their bodies teleported to the back seat with the symphony of the city life instrumenting their tryst.
"You feel...so..fucking good....."
The words were as tender as his touch against the back of her head and he guided her just as gently to take him as deep as her throat would allow without her choking.
They knew they weren't alone in the parking garage despite the quiet surrounding them but neither of them cared. Something about the fact heightens the arousal that was sparked by the tension between them from the bar. Which was far too potent to resist any longer than they had to.
His most recent assignment put him in a place where Lilith was coming off a job of her own. The two never discussed work when they were together, nor did they care to know the causes of certain bruises or scrapes marring each other's skin. They only had an unspoken agreement, to leave everything, clothes and weapons included, at the door.
After fighting off the inevitable gag caused by Hyungwon's length, Lilith's eyes lift to steal a look of his gorgeously pleasured expression. She pulls off of him with a low gasp, and a devilish smirk curls at her smudged lips as she stroked his shellacked dick with her free hand.
The other was slotted between her legs, rubbing soothingly at her dripping folds.
Hyungwon's brow cinched as the warmth of her skilled hand brought him closer to the precipice of pleasure. His jaw goes slack and his lust drunk eyes rolled back as the sizzling fuse crept closer and closer to its source.
"Im..Im gonna.." he shudders, his hand closing into a fist over Lilith's scalp as she continues to take him deep in her throat.
Before he could stop her, Hyungwon erupted into her mouth with a deep sigh of relief and frustration at not being able to hold on a minute longer. Lilith swallowed him down greedily, a weak but sinister chuckle vibrating her throat as she did.
"Fuckfuckfuck..ah..stop.." he groans unabashedly, his hips lifting his from the seat as his overstimulation takes hold. Lilith giggles at his shameless squirming but shows him mercy by pulling off of his throbbing member and sensitive tip with a 'pop' of her lips.
Coming up from her knees for the first time in the few minutes it took to get Hyungwon off, she smiled as she mounted him, opening her thighs to accommodate his wide legged spread.
Hyungwon's neck and the slice of his chest that was visible between loosened buttons glistened under a sheen of sweat that smelled divine. The feminine and inner feline urge to rub it all over herself compels Lilith to finish unbuttoning the black silk expertky with one hand.
She used her other to reach down between their bodies to stroke Hyungwon's unwavering erection slowly, using the slickness of her own arousal that lingered on her fingers.
"Think you were loud enough?" she teased him just above a raspy whisper and Hyungwon grunted as her grip rolled over his tip.
"Think your pussy's wet enough?" he boomeranged her sarcasm, earning a stiff squeeze at the base of his dick. Hyungwon hissed at the pressure, his eyes fluttering pitifully.
"Careful...you just might find out." Lilith leans in to whisper in his ear, taking a lobe between her teeth sensually.
She pulls back just enough for them to share a kiss that's soaked by their tongues and remnants of Hyungwons cum still on Lilith's lips.
"Mmm..." he moans, savoring the flavor of himself combined with her kiss and whimpering at the way it made his weeping tip twitch in her grasp.
"You liked that?" Lilith murmured and Hyungwon's groan in response has her chuckling darkly. Hyungwon nods wordlessly, his jaw dropping and his head tilting to deepen their kiss. He licks at her mouth desperately while she pushed his silk shirt completely open, exposing his sculpted chest and taut abdomen.
Hyungwon didn't have the mind nor the patience to attempt to get Lilith naked. With how her dress was already bunched and gathering at the curve of her hips, there wasn't much standing between him and where he needed to be.
His wet kisses trailed hot and heavy from her lips to the hills of her cleavage, his greedy hands squeezing her ass to guide her closer.
"Stay with me..." he says suddenly in a hurried breath, lifting his hooded gaze to find hers in the darkness.
Lilith hovers over her him motionless, blinking with resistance at his unexpected proposal. Before she could deny him, as if she could, Hyungwon continued.
"Please...I need you tonight. I need you every night. I want to bury myself inside of you until you paint the walls with my name. I want you in my bed, naked and sore when I wake up. Then I want to fuck you again so that you'll think of me with every step you take. Until we meet again.."
Had he always been this poetic? The rawness and passion of his intentions made tiny rivers of need drizzle down her inner thighs, surely coating his thighs.
She wanted that too. More than she could put into words. Realistically, everything about his proposition was dangerous. They weren't even supposed to be seen together, let alone sharing a room in the Continental.
Or a bed.
It complicated everything.
But nonetheless, her heart and her core called to Hyungwon like a lost lover, praying for solace and sanctuary.
Even if it were for one night.
"Hyun.." she begins, but lips as soft as satin punctate her sentence for her.
"Dont think, just say you will. And we can figure out the rest later.." Hyungwon says against her lips, running his hands over her wide straddling hips to squeeze her again. The motion causes the his shaft to nudge through her senstive folds, making them both sigh into each other's mouths at the warmth and friction.
She wanted to say no. (no she didnt.)
She needed to say no. (no the FUCK she didnt.)
But with a mumbled 'yes' and a sly smile, her response trailed over his jawline and down to his neck while Hyungeon hurriedly slipped his length inside of her.
As expected, the fondness of the memory exists for only a moment. Although his gaze lingered on her lips, recalling the things she accomplished over and over with them, there would now be a bitter aftertaste in his mind.
Images of them pressed against his throat douses his arrousal immediately.
"I know all about him, Lilith. So theres no point in lying now.." Hyungwon responds as Lilith helps herself to what remains of his whiskey.
He catches the corner of her mouth lifting into a smile as she drank but it vanished the moment she placed the glass back in the center of the table.
"Him?" She exhales the question, almost as if she were getting bored or mildly irritated at Hyungwon's pointless line of obtuse questions.
She was rarely the type to hold herself accountable for anything, even when she knew she was dead wrong.
Hyungwon sniffs a chuckle as he steals a look around the empty bar. He needed a reason to look away from her anyway.
She was still just as beautiful when he wanted to hate her.
"Please don't keep playing dumb or innocent about this. Im not in the mood. I know everything, ok? And so does he. We've spoken."
Lilith's gaze drops to Hyungwon's mouth before it drags back up to his stare.
"Have you now?" She asks, the arch of her brow lifting ever so slightly.
"I have. And in our conversations, I've come to know more about you than I ever thought was possible. Things I wish I never had to hear."
He and Lilith weren't exclusive but she'd insisted that no one had her the way he did. Heart, mind and body.
But Hyungwon should have known better than to take the word of a spy.
A professional liar.
The two stare each other down intensely for what feels like minutes, frozen by distrust and indifference with a touch of sexual tension dense enough to coat the air.
Lilith is the first to yield, shifting in her chair but maintaining her disinterested expression. Feigning annoyance, she sighs loudly.
"Ok,So...what now? Did you call me here to break up with me or something? Want me to cry and say I'm sorry? What is it you expect from me?" She asks audaciously.
Before Hyungwon could respond, the chiming door pulled his attention from Lilith's challenging scowl to the door she'd walked through only minutes ago.
Except this time, donning a shirt and slacks the color of night, a regretfully familiar gentleman crosses over the threshold with his sharp brow hardening at the sight of the only woman he expected to see sitting across from his cohort.
Lilith's head turns curiously to see who had stolen Hyungwon's gaze from her so suddenly and just as she'd gone ghostly before, her eyes widen at the sight of Hyunwoo sauntering towards them.
Smirking devilishly in a way only he could...
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To be continued...
11 notes · View notes
jooheonspinky · 1 year
Monsta X Masterlist
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Welcome: Thank you for stopping by. 
*all works are complete unless otherwise stated*
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Ghost Tour Surprise [10.31.2021] {Halloween, Spooky}: Y/N takes a haunted tour of historical downtown, meeting a strange, yet handsome passenger along the way.
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A Midnight Ball on Hallows' Eve [10.16.2019] {Spooky!au, one shot}: You share a dance with a mysterious stranger.
Jooheon x Female Reader
Tamed Hearts: [09.28.2018] {Angst, Fluff}: Do past lives really exist? It’s difficult for Y/N to cling to her beliefs when so much has her leaning towards a yes.: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 
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Got my Number: [08.23.2022] {idol!au, fluff, smut, one shot}:  A trip to see Monsta X in concert turns out to be so much more than expected.
Jooheon x Gender Neutral Reader
Disturbance:[08.13.2021] {Angst}:A waking nightmare shakes you to your core and Jooheon is there to help calm you afterwards despite the fact you two had not been talking to each other all day.
Changkyun x Female Reader
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Wonho X Female Reader, ft BFF Changkyun, BTS
Lure of the Lore [01.30.2019] {Werewolf, angst, fluff, smut}: Y/N‘s never been a believer in lore, unlike her best friend Changkyun. That is until he drags her to yet ANOTHER exhibit where there is a supposed werewolf locked in a cage made of silver and steel. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
Monsta X Cabin in Lure of the Lore [11.25.2019]1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Jooheon X Female Reader
The Draco Prince [09.12.2020]{Fantasy; Inspired by The Witcher series}: Y/N sets on a quest to find the dragon prince. Her goal is to break the curse and return him to his family. This journey finds her befriending several creatures and humans which turn out to be essential to her quest. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
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dailyexo · 11 months
[SCHEDULE] EXO's Schedule for November (2023)
[RELEASE] - Music releases; [BIRTHDAY] - Birthdays; [PERF]️ - Performance events; [SIGN] - Fan-signing events; [MEET] - Fan-meeting events; [BROADCAST] - Live or pre-recorded televised broadcasts; [RADIO] - Radio broadcasts; [REC] - Programme pre-recordings; [LIVE] - Live streams; [AWARD] - Award ceremonies; [OTHER] - Other events.
Only confirmed schedules are included. The number of entries will grow as further schedules are announced.
(Last updated: 231123)
November 3
[BROADCAST] tvN KongKongPatPat Ep.4 (tvN 콩콩팥팥 제4회) - 20:40 KST - (D.O.) [PERF] 2023 On Music Festival - (Manila, Philippines) - (Suho)
November 4
[MEET] Allo Bank Hangout: Meet and Greet in Indonesia - (Baekhyun) [PERF] Grand Line #3: Boundless Journey in Nanjing - 19:30 CST - (Lay) [PERF] Fancon Tour 'The Eternity' in Taoyuan - 18:00 CST - (Chanyeol)
November 6
[OTHER] 2023 National Museum of Korea Appreciation and Support Night (2023 국립중앙박물관 감사와 후원의 밤) - (Baekhyun)
November 10
[BROADCAST] tvN KongKongPatPat Ep.5 (tvN 콩콩팥팥 제5회) - 20:40 KST - (D.O.) [PERF] K-Content Expo in UAE 2023: Korea Spotlight - (Chanyeol)
November 11
[PERF] 9Wave Music Festival - 18:00 ICT - (Surf Beach, Sunway Lagoon, Selangor, Malaysia) - (Xiumin) [PERF] Grand Line #3: Boundless Journey in Guangzhou - (Lay)
November 14
[OTHER] Monsta X member Hyungwon's enlistment send-off - (Xiumin)
November 15
[OTHER] League of Legends Worlds 2023 Media Day - (Bekhyun)
November 17
[BROADCAST] tvN KongKongPatPat Ep.6 (tvN 콩콩팥팥 제6회) - 20:40 KST - (D.O.)
November 18
[PERF] Fancon Tour 'The Eternity' in Bangkok - 18:00 ICT - (Chanyeol) [PERF] Grand Line #3: Boundless Journey in Chengdu - (Lay)
November 19
[OTHER] League of Legends Worlds 2023 Opening Ceremony - (Baekhyun)
November 23
[OTHER] Attending FT Island’s concert in Tokyo - (Xiumin)
November 24
[BROADCAST] tvN KongKongPatPat Ep.7 (tvN 콩콩팥팥 제7회) - 20:40 KST - (D.O.)
November 25
[PERF] Fancon Tour 'The Eternity' in Hong Kong - 19:00 CST - (Chanyeol)
November 27
[BIRTHDAY] Chanyeol's Birthday [OTHER] Happy Sweet Chanyeol Day - 19:00 KST - (Chanyeol)
Credit: dailyexo.tumblr.com. Material not to be redistributed in part or whole without prior permission.
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the-strange-world · 1 year
Rating July Kpop Releases (17-31)
Masterpiece 10 | amazing 9 | good 7-8 | ok 5-6 | skip 0-4
ISTJ - NCT DREAM : 6/10 • not very exciting to me. I like the “let’s get down” part | FAV BSIDES - Blue Wave & Like We Just Met
Save Me - MAMAMOO+ [Prerelease] : 7/10
KICK-START - ICHILLIN’ : ♾/10 • soooooo good! Summer anthem. 2000s movie vibes too
JUMP! - MIRAE : 4/10 • the name of the album is so bad. The song was not something I’d listen to again probably
Shooting Star - DAWON : 7/10
Back To Me - The Rose [prerelease] : 10/10 • I’m getting some Post Malone or 5SOS vibes
Alive - The Rose [prerelease] : 9/10
Beat It - from20 : 9/10
None of My Business - ITZY [Prerelease] : ♾/10
Summer Comes - OH MY GIRL : 6/10 • the chorus isn’t very catchy like their other songs. It might grow on me | FAV BSIDES - Queen B & Dirty Laundry. I liked Miracle too
SIX7EEN - HORI7ON : 8/10 | FAV BSIDE - Death Or Paradise
Love Me A Little - SHOWNU X HYUNGWON : 9/10
MY COLOR - ILY:1 : 4/10 • just not something I’d listen to. I liked both bsides better | FAV BSIDE - Blossom
Stay - SATURDAY : 3/10
Love is like a wave - YOON SEOBIN : 7/10
Aloha - SOYOU feat. Bora : 8/10 | FAV BSIDE - Drivin’ Me & Starry Night feat. MIRANI
Sunrise - JEONGMIN : 7/10
Who moved my Pepsi? - ALEPH : 10/10
CAKE - ITZY : 8/10 • giving nct vibes a bit. I like both prerelease songs better | FAV BSIDE - Psychic Lover
Higher - n.SSign [Prerelease] : 7/10
New Emotions - INFINITE : ♾/10 | FAV BSIDE - I Got You & Find Me
Wonder Land - SEVENUS : 6/10 | FAV BSIDE - Summer Ride
SODA - Rocket Punch (Yunkyoung, Sohee, Dahyun) : 9/10 • it’s a fun and happy song
7 notes · View notes
daebakinc · 2 years
Pretty Woman Pt. 6
Tumblr media
Pretty Woman AU
Pairing: Kihyun x Reader
Word Count: 6.1 K
Synopsis: Rich business man, Kihyun Yoo finds himself lost driving in Los Angeles. Stopping for directions he meets you, a prostitute on Hollywood Boulevard. What starts as a one night stand soon becomes a weeklong proposition, as Kihyun needs arm candy for his visit in the city of angels.
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5
~Admin V
             When you woke the next day, it was late afternoon. Kihyun had already left for work. You allowed yourself to just lay in bed, dozing off and on. Finally getting up, you saw a large white box sitting on the dining table. Lifting the lid of the box, there was a note inside.
             Please have this on by 5:00. You don’t need to come down to the lobby. I will come to you. See you then. ~K
            The note was cute. You wondered if he was coming to you to make up for last night. Setting the note aside, you lifted the tissue paper which revealed a white, silvery gown. You couldn’t help the gasp the came from you. It was truly a stunning dress. When you lifted it out and held it against yourself, goosebumps went up your arm. Wearing it, there was no doubt you’d feel like royalty.
             What even could be happening tonight that you needed such a gown. Part of you was scared that K.Will would be there. You weren’t sure you could handle seeing him again after he made it clear he wanted to use you for your services. However, Kihyun was a smart man. He wouldn’t put you in another situation like that. Not after last night.
             After a quick meal, you cleaned yourself up. With the gown being white, you decided on doing your eyes in a silvery smoky-eye and lips a light, rosy-pink. You pinned your hair up to look sophisticated. Elegant was the word Kihyun used before.
             Once the gown was on, seeing yourself in the mirror made your breath catch. You’d moved up from princess to queen. There wasn’t any jewelry you’d gotten to match the dress. Instead, you gathered long white evening gloves and silver-glittered pumps.
             Five o’clock had finally rolled around. You were smoothing out the dress when Kihyun walked in. His breath was also taken upon seeing your appearance. However, he’d also caught you by surprise. He wasn’t wearing his usual three-piece suit. He was in a tuxedo. It wasn’t a traditional black, but black with purple swirled design. The shirt underneath was silky and black. His bowtie was the same shade of purple in the rest of his attire.
             “Wow,” you breathed.
             “Ditto,” he smiled back at you. He was carrying a square box. It looked like it was to hold a necklace.
             “Are we going to a charity event?” Perhaps he was going to donate it.
             Looking at the box then to you, he smiled wider. “No, this is for you.”
             Your mouth dropped.
             He quickly raised his hand up. “Don’t get too excited. It’s a loan. But I thought you might want to wear it tonight.” Walking closer to you, he opened the box. Inside was a large necklace covered in rubies as well as matching earrings.
             Your hand reached up to touch the necklace, but Kihyun quickly closed the box on it. You squeaked in surprise, which caused him to laugh, then for you to laugh as well.
             He offered to put it on for you. You stood in front of a mirror as he did so you could look at it. It felt heavy.
             “How much would you say this is worth?”
             He made a thoughtful humming sound. “About a quarter of a million.”
             You choked on the air. “A quarter of a million dollars? And the jewelers just loaned it to you?”
             “I’m a very good customer.”
             Reaching up to touch the necklace, you couldn’t believe you were wearing something so expensive. Once the earrings were in, you were ready. “So where are we going?” Looping your arm in his, you both walked out to wait for the elevator.
             “It’s a surprise.”
             His answer caused butterflies to move in your stomach.
             The elevator doors opened and Hyungwon beamed when he took in the sight of you.
             Kihyun audibly cleared his throat to get Hyungwon’s attention. The taller man blushed. “Going down?” he asked.
             Both of you stepped in the elevator. “Yes, to the lobby,” Kihyun confirmed.
             You couldn’t help but feel nervous and excited as the elevator went down. “You really won’t tell me where we’re going?”
             He chuckled. “You’ll see when we get there.”
You squeezed your arm around his tighter because of the anticipation.
             Once in the lobby, everyone you passed seemed to inhale when they saw you. Smiles just like Hyungwon’s appeared on the staffs’ faces. It made you feel self-conscious. You reached to the rubies on your neck to make sure they were still there.
             Changkyun was in the middle of talking to a clerk, but when he saw you, he did a double take. He smiled and nodded in your direction.
             “When you’re not fidgeting, you’re very pretty.” Kihyun leaned in as you walked. “And tall.” The last remark was said with a bit of attitude.
             It made you laugh. The pair of heels you were wearing made you slightly taller than Kihyun, and though you looked amazing, it clearly irked him.
             The limo stopped in front of a small airplane. A red carpet was on the ground when you opened the door, leading to the plane.
             The nervous feeling was back. “I’ve never been on a plane before.”
             Kihyun looked at you, surprised. “Really?”
             “How did you get to California?”
             He pulled on your arm so your focus was on him and not the plane. “We’re just going to San Fransisco. It will be less than an hour.”
             “Okay,” you nodded.
Kihyun was back in his protective mode. He stepped up the steps to the plane first. When you were on, he ushered you in front of him and suggested for you to sit at the window. Since you’d never been on a plane before, you could experience the sights of being in one. He sat across from you and watched you.
When the plane was high in the air above the clouds, the sun was starting to set. You’d never seen something so breathtaking. The clouds all had an orangey-bluish hue.
The sky was still a tiny bit light when the plane landed. Another limo was waiting. It was finally dark out when you arrived at the venue.
People walking into or standing around the building were dressed as fancy as you and Kihyun, or wearing costumes you’d never seen before.
“Hanbok,” he saw you looking at the people in costume. “It’s Korea’s traditional clothing. We’re at a concert for traditional Korean music and dance.”
“Really?” You weren’t sure of what else to say. Kihyun was sharing his culture with you. He wanted you to see something special and important to him.
Ushers led you both to the balcony on the second floor, where Kihyun had a box with seats just for the two of you. The show wasn’t yet starting, so you looked over to him.
“I thought you took over music companies with modern music.”
“I do.”
“So why are we seeing traditional music?”
His smile was slight, but it was genuine. “Korea might be popular today because of Kpop, but this is Korean heritage. Where it all started. Everything the world loves about Kpop started from here.”
You could only stare at him in response. The lights dimmed signaling the show was about to start.
The stage curtain opened and revealed musicians in hanbok sitting in a half circle around the stage holding their instruments. You’d never seen a musician who wasn’t a hippie sitting cross-legged to play. When the music started it took you by surprise. You’d also never heard instruments that sounded like that before. The trumpet sounding one was especially odd to you. Despite the strange sounds, the music itself seemed relatively simple.
Male dances came onto the stage. They were wearing hats with giant pompoms in different colors, or hats that were wide brimmed with a long spinning streamers or plumes on the top. Some of them held drums while others had tambourines. The men started walking in a circle while playing the drums. Those wearing hats with the streamer moved their heads in sync to make the long ribbons dance in unison design.
Their circle started becoming more complex as they danced around and the drumming becoming more rhythmic. The dancers with plumes moved to the center, making the plumes spin and they danced facing each other. The dancers with streamers skipped and spun widely. Those with pompoms continues banging their drums.
As the dance was ending, those playing drums moved inward forming a tight circle, while those with tambourines and streamers formed a wide circle and leapt, kicking both legs in the air while spinning, like some kind of martial art trick.
The audience began clapping so you did the same. The male dancers left the stage and female dancers entered. The music for their dance had more focus on the strange trumpet.
Each dancer was dressed identically in a white and pink hanbok dress. They each held two pink feathery fans. When they first started dancing, it was if the fans were all connected and looked like a snake. Then they broke off in three groups. As each group continued to make designs with their fans, a new dancer in slightly different colors walked out. Her solo dance was unique from the groups’ but still worked together.
The groups made their fans look connected again and their designs looked like spinning flowers. The soloist spun quickly with her fans in the air, making her dress poof out. Then they disbanded the groups, forming a single line on the stage, the soloist joining. They opened and closed their fans, moving into different formations. The opening and closing created its own special dance movement.
They made an inner circle of dancers as well as an outer circle. The two groups moved in opposite directions, making their fans connect and move in unison. It looked like a giant dancing rose.
The dancers broke apart and followed the movements of the soloist. The effect was like a ripple, the soloist moving first, then each dancer doing the same movement, one after the other. The performance ended with them connecting the fans and once again moving like a snake. They stood in a perfect line and moved the fans like a wave. It was incredible to see how quickly they could do it. They broke apart, opening and closing their fans, and once they were in place, one fan was behind them, the other in front and they bowed.
You looked over to Kihyun and could see the pride swelling in his gaze. As the concert continued, you couldn’t help but feel envious. He was so proud of his culture, and it was very cool to see it through the music and dance. The United States as a whole didn’t share a heritage like this. You’d never know the feeling Kihyun had. However, you decided to feel proud with him. Even though they were in the states, they were still able to keep their culture and be themselves. That took courage which was something you deeply admired.
When the concert ended, both of you stood up and clapped. The theater then quickly began to empty. You grabbed his arm and he escorted you from the box. While walking towards the exit, many people came up and greeted Kihyun. Some spoke Korean while some in English. He was a celebrity wherever he went it seemed. However, these people at least seemed more interested in Kihyun as a person than those who were at the yacht party.
By the time you’d gotten back to the airplane, you were feeling sleepy. Kihyun sat next to you on the plane this time, so you rested your head against his shoulder. He reached for your fingers and played with them in his hand. You’d passed out and woke with a start when the plane landed. He chuckled beside you, but stroked your arm, letting you know you were safe.
In the limo ride to the hotel, your stomach growled loudly, putting both you and Kihyun in a fit of giggles. You hadn’t eaten since before 5, and it was sure to be past midnight.
“We’ll get some room service.” He lifted his phone and called the hotel, ordering appetizer samplers so you could have a variety. It would be ready by the time you got in.
The hotel lobby was quiet when you got in. Hyungwon was still running the elevator. He smiled politely at both of you.
You leaned heavily against Kihyun, still groggy. “Thank you for taking me out tonight. I had a really good time.”
Not looking at him, but feeling his stare, you knew Kihyun was giving a small smile. “You’re welcome.”
You could also see Hyungwon smiling in the reflection of the golden doors.
Finally on your floor, a cart was waiting in front of your door. Kihyun handed you the keycard to open the door while he pushed in the cart inside.
When he’d ordered sampler appetizers, your mind went to restaurants like TGI Friday’s and Applebee’s. You’d forgotten you were staying in the penthouse in the Baverse. The trays of food on the cart had different kinds of breads and crackers, tons of dips and caviars, sliced veggies, cheeses, and meats.
Too hungry to change, you both stayed in your formal attires as you placed cheese on crackers and spread dips onto the bread. You were happy to actually see Kihyun eat. Together, the two of you did a pretty good job of clearing the trays.
As you were both full, you slouched lazily in the chairs, enjoying each other’s company.
“What did you think of the concert?”
Grinning thinking back on it, you replied, “It was one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen.”
You nodded. “Did you ever play instruments like that or dance?”
He “hmm”ed in his chair for a moment. “I think when I was very young, like maybe three or four, I did the pungmul dance.”
He lost you. “The what?”
“Ah, the dancers who played the drums and did kicks.”
Excited, you sat up in your chair. “Did you get to wear a hat with the tassely thingy?”
He smiled wide. “Did I wear the what?”
“The tassely thingy!” You mimicked the dancers’ head movements while making your arm helicopter on the top of your head to act as the streamer.
Kihyun started laughing. “That’s not what it’s called.”
“Who cares what it’s called! Did you wear one?”
He went back to “hmm”ing, then let out a low chuckle. “I honestly don’t remember.”
Booing at him made him laugh harder.
“How about you? Did you ever dance or play an instrument as a child?”
Your smile fell and you shook your head. “It was always too expensive so I wasn’t able to. I was always so jealous of my friends. They were ballerinas, and they got to wear these pretty purple sparkly outfits with long tutus. I always wanted a tutu.
“I just learned dancing from watching movies and TV shows.” You picked at a piece of cheese.
His smile fell a little, too. He looked down at his watch. “As much as I’m enjoying our conversation, I wanted to get an early start tomorrow and it’s getting late.”
That made you pout. “What if you don’t go to work tomorrow?”
Caught in surprise, he quirked an eyebrow. “Me not go to work?”
You nodded.
The small smile was back, and you could see the cogs turning as he thought it over. “Well, it is my company.”
Your smile was back and he smiled with you.
             The next morning as you were waking, your stretched hand hit something warm and solid. Opening your eyes, you saw Kihyun looking at you. “You’re still here!”
             “You asked me not to go to work.”
             “Well, yeah. But you’re normally out of bed by now, dressed, eating breakfast.”
             He gave you a sweet smile. “Because I normally have to go to work.”
             Pleased he was still in bed, and actually in bed with you, you snuggled up to him, resting your face on his chest. He froze beneath you for a moment, not expecting the contact, then relaxed. His fingers combed through your hair. “What do you want to do today? More shopping?”
             “Nooooo!” You never wanted to shop again ever in your life, even if staff sucked up to you.
             Laughing for a long time to that, Kihyun’s chest vibrated under you.
             You looked up at him. “Have you gotten to see any of the city? Not just for business meetings and parties, but actually toured around?”
             He shook his head.
             “Then why don’t we just walk around, view what Los Angeles has to offer. And then if we see something, that’s what we’ll do.”
             You wanted to lay with him longer, but he seemed ready to get up. Slowly, you let go of him so you could both get ready.
             Since he hadn’t seen you in it yet, you decided on wearing the purple dress you wore home from Façade. You’d expected Kihyun to wear another three-piece suit, since it seemed all he had to wear, but to your surprise, he was wearing a button-up with a sweater vest over it and shorts. Shorts! Stifling a laugh, you weren’t sure if the city was ready to see such pale legs.
             He looked himself over, confusion clear on his face. “What’s wrong?”
             “Nothing,” you bit your lip to stop laughing.
             “Is there something wrong with my outfit?”
             “Of course not, grandpa.”
             His mouth dropped in disbelief. “This is Tommy Hilfiger!”
             “Mmm hmm,” even with your mouth closed, you weren’t doing a great job to hide your laughter.
             A wild look was in his eyes and he suddenly tackled you to the bed. “I could punish you for that comment.”
             You smiled up at him. “Please do. I’d probably like it.”
             He looked playful and a little frustrated. “You probably would.” Lightly slapping the side of your ass, he got off you. “I’ll deal with you later.”
             The streets were surprisingly busy despite the fact that it was a Wednesday. Kihyun took your hand in his so you wouldn’t lose each other. You were on a street filled with restaurants. Turning a corner, there was a chalkboard sign in front of an open door. There was a small display window revealing piles upon piles of books.
             Spinning to face him, you asked excitedly, “Can we?”
             “Sure,” he nodded.
             Inside was a treasure trove of books stacked high all around. They were clearly used books, and they didn’t seem to be in any kind of order.
             “I didn’t think you’d be interested in books.” Kihyun scanned a stack behind you.
             “Streetwalkers can’t read?”
             “I didn’t say that. After hearing about how you ended up here, I assumed you never finished school and books, being part of that, wouldn’t attract you.”
             Turning on your heel, you looked at him. “Does Korea have the Scholastic Book Fair?”
             Giving a puzzled look he shook his head.
             “Here in the states, elementary schools have this fair in the school lobby where they set up books and stationary stuffs to buy. I was one of the kids who never had money to buy a book, but always looked at the books. They were always shiny and beautiful, and even if you couldn’t buy, you could still look at them.
             “One time on my birthday, my grandfather took me to a book store and told me I could pick out any book I wanted. I chose a picture book with manatees. When we got home, we sat on the front porch and he read it to me.
             “Though my current profession doesn’t grant oodles of time for reading books, I still like them.”
             It wasn’t the normal power in his gaze as he stared at you. Something else you couldn’t quite name. “Then find one, any one you want, and we’ll read it.”
             Beaming, you turned your attention from him back to the books. The spines were wrinkled from their previous owners. There didn’t seem to be a certain rhyme or rhythm to how they were stacked.
             Kihyun also looked along the books, picking one and paging through it before putting it back.
             There was a store cat laying on a knocked over stack. You bent down to pet it when a book lying next to it caught your attention. Patting the cat, you then lifted the book. You recognized the title. Looking on the back cover for info, you were sure you’d read this story before and loved it, but couldn’t remember how it went.
             Kihyun saw the cat next to you, and walked over to also pet it.
             “I found the book I want.” You held it up proudly for Kihyun to see.
             Giving the cat one last scratch he stood up and looked at it.
             “This one. You’re sure?”
             When you nodded, he smiled. He took it to the cashier. He held the book as you continued strolling outside. Soon, you found yourselves at a park. There were a few groups of couples scattered about. A vendor was renting blankets and umbrellas.
             “Do you have cash?”
             His incredulous look was back. “Are you seriously asking if I have cash?”
             “Okay, so why don’t you get the blanket,” you pointed towards a tree casting a lot of shade, “we can cop-a squat under the tree. There’s a snap-dog vendor over there, so I can get us drinks and dogs.”
             You smiled at him. “Squat. It means sitting.”
             He nodded. “What is a snap-dog?”
             “You’ll find out.”
             Giving you one more hard stare, he finally handed you money to get things. You got two hotdogs and two pink lemonades. Kihyun had the blanket set up on the ground under the tree with the book laying on the corner. He was standing next to the tree on his cell phone, clearly talking business.
             Once the drinks and food were set down, you pushed on Kihyun’s shoulder until he sat on the blanket. Since he was distracted by the call, you were able to remove his socks and shoes without any protest. When you were finished and wanted it to be back to his day off, you grabbed the phone from him and hung up.
             “I was in the middle of a call. I was mid-sentence.”
             “And now you’re not.” You raised your eyebrows at him.
             He furrowed his brows at you, but didn’t argue. Then he looked down at his feet. “What happened to my shoes?”
             “See what happens when you’re too busy with work. I could’ve taken your wallet and made off with the hotdog vendor and you’d be none-the-wiser.”
             He gave you a dry, humorless stare. He maintained said stare as you handed him the drink. His focus was then on the lemonade. “It’s pink.”
             “It’s good.”
             He sipped, then nodded in agreement. When you handed him the hotdog, he looked puzzled. “This looks like an American hotdog.”
             “Yeah, ‘cause it is.”
             “You called it a snap-dog.”
             “Mmm hmm.” You sipped your lemonade. “Scared?”
             He huffed at you and eyed the hotdog once more. Finally he bit into it, the casing making the “snap” sound as his teeth broke it. He had his moment of understanding, then continued munching happily.
             When you both finished eating, the two of you settled in against the tree. You snuggled into Kihyun’s side, and he started reading from the book.
             Your fingers played with the hem of his sweater vest as you listened to his voice. There was such a nice cadence to it. His lisp was adorable, seemingly more noticeable as he read.
             He’d gotten a few chapters in when a frisbee landed next to your blanket. The person who threw it asked if y’all could throw it back. Kihyun just stared at it, so you sat up and flung it in their direction.
             “What was the toy?”
             “A frisbee . . . they don’t have those in South Korea?”
             “Seoul’s a bit tight to have anything like that.”
             Sitting up more excited, you grinned at him. “Wanna play?”
             His eyes widened a bit in surprise. You didn’t give him the chance to answer and walked over to the couple playing frisbee, asking if you could join their game.
             Kihyun still looked nervous as he stood up and smoothed out his clothes. You ran back over to him. “They said we could play.”
             The worried look on his face made you laugh. Your fingers reached for his chin so he’d look at you. “They won’t be mean.”
             That caused him to give a little glare, but playful smile as he pushed your shoulder.
             The other couple tossed the frisbee in your direction and you caught it. Showing Kihyun how to hold it, you jerked your hand a few times. “It’s all in the wrist.” Letting go, the frisbee went soaring the perfect distance towards the others. Kihyun nodded, he seemed ready to try when it was your turn again.
             He jumped to catch the frisbee this time as the others threw it. When it was in his hands, he asked you if he was holding it right. You confirmed, so he tried throwing it. It flew straight up in the air and came back down. His cheeks turned pink, which caused you to chuckle. Kihyun blushing had to be the cutest thing you’d ever seen.
             Going behind him, you reached for his hand, showing him how to throw it. Together, you did a practice throw. It didn’t go far, but Kihyun got the idea. He jogged to get it and ran back. He tried again on his own. The frisbee flew perfectly into the other group. You cheered for him, and he yelled out in happiness as well.
             His smile was so big and genuine, which made you smile more.
             You played frisbee for about half an hour. This round as it came towards you, both you and Kihyun tried to catch it. You jumped into each other, both trying to grab it. Falling to the ground, you crawled to the frisbee, screaming in success when you had it. Kihyun tackled you and tried to take it from you.
             “No, I have it!”
             “For now.” He lifted your wrists above your head, the frisbee still in your hand.
             “Hey, that’s not fair!”
             His proud smirk was back. He looked into your eyes, and you into his. The smile was gone from his face. He looked into your eyes deeply, then moved in closer, making your lips part in anticipation.
             The other couple yelled over to you to throw the frisbee back. Both of you blushed and got up. Kihyun took the frisbee from you and tossed it to the others. He thanked them for letting you play, and told them you were finished.
             You agreed, you weren’t in the mood to play anymore. Your heartbeat sped thinking about what almost happened. Kihyun almost kissed you, and you almost let it happen. You never let it happen. You didn’t kiss Tricks. It was the number one rule.
             He started to fold up the blanket, so you gathered all the food trash and stuffed the book in your bag. Once everything was cleaned up and Kihyun was back in shoes, the two of you started walking again, though you kept a bit of distance, still wary about what almost happened.
             The two of you heard music ahead. As a fountain came into view, you saw a musician standing by it, singing and playing guitar. Once you were close enough, Kihyun stopped in front of them and listened. You watched him as he bobbed his head to the music. When the song ended, he grabbed his wallet and left a large bill in the artist’s guitar case. The musician saw it and looked stunned. Kihyun then requested a song, to which the guitarist nodded with extra enthusiasm and began strumming.
             “Dance with me?” Kihyun offered his hand.
             Smiling, you accepted. He still showed his skills like he had on the yacht, but it was different this time. You hadn’t noticed it then, but dancing with him now, it was clear on the yacht he was showing off to the onlookers. He wanted to impress them. But now, he was more relaxed, wasn’t trying to be perfect. His focus wasn’t concerned with who might be watching, but on you. He sincerely just wanted to dance with you.
             After reading, frisbee, and dancing, you were feeling hungry again. You insisted on taking Kihyun to your favorite pizza place.
             “Trust me! It’s Italian owned. The best pizza you will ever have.”
             He looked a little wary. “I’ve never had pizza outside of Korea.”
            You looked to him, shocked. “Really?”
“You’ve seen the restaurants I go to and company I keep. Pizza is never really on the menu.” He looked at the list of toppings. “Why don’t you order what kind we get.”
             Nodding, you ordered sausage and pepperoni. You found a small booth by the window to sit in.
             “Today was a lot of fun. I really like spending time with you.” You hoped the dim lighting would hide your blush.
             “Yes,” Kihyun agreed. “I can’t remember the last time I was barefoot outside.”
             That made you grin.
             Your pizza was brought to the table. Kihyun’s eyes widened. “Why is it so big?”
             “Is it not this big in Korea?”
             He shook his head and looked at the pizza. “I thought you ordered sausage and pepperoni.”
             Looking over the pizza, you didn’t see the problem. “I did.”
             He pointed at the sausage. “This is bulgogi.”
             “I don’t know what that is.”
             “It’s a kind of Korean beef.”
             “It’s sausage. Pretty sure it’s pork.”
             He gave it one more curious inspection then nodded. You waited for him to take the first bite. His eyes closed as he chewed.
             Nodding, he groaned happily.
             Grinning wider, you took a bite of your own slice.
             You’d gotten full, but Kihyun was still chowing down slices. It made you content to see him appreciate food.
             “American sausage is awesome. Sausage in Korea is nothing like this. There’s no comparison.”
             You chuckled. “Technically I think it’s Italian sausage.”
             He waved his hand, not caring. When he was finally full, he looked to you watching him. “I’m scared to ask what you’re thinking.”
             “Why scared?”
             “Last time I asked, you said you were thinking of me and were quite blunt with your answer.”
             “You have to pay extra if you want me to lie.”
             He laughed hard at that. “Do I want to know what you’re thinking?”
             “It’s still about you.”
             “Oh boy,” he was still chuckling.
             “I’ll give you the blunt first. You’re company, Starship, it’s so cold. So heartless.”
             His expression changed, not expecting you to say that.
             “When we were at that business dinner and the yacht party, you were the robot. Doing and saying what made you look like the big, powerful CEO. But last night at the concert, today seeing you watch the musician, that’s you. Really you.
             “It’s so clear you love music. Care about it deeply. I could understand how you got into the business you’re currently doing, but I don’t think it’s who you are now, or what you want to be doing.”
             He sat back in his chair, considering what you said to him.
             “I’ve heard you play, heard you sing. Yeah, it was only once, but I know you’re good. You have skill. If it’s what you love, why don’t you try to pursue it again?”
             He looked a bit surprised in what you were saying, then slowly shook his head. “I told you about how solo acts work in Korea.”
             You interrupted him. “But we’re not in Korea. We’re in U.S.A. Honey Bear Records is in U.S.A. Hell, you have enough money. You could probably pay off their debt and ask them to sign you as an artist. They’d be so grateful to you, they probably would.”
             Kihyun sat quietly for a moment, then turned his gaze hard on you. “And what of you. I can’t imagine you want to be doing this for the rest of your life. What’s your plan after prostitution?”
             He had you there. You never really thought ahead to the future, just making it to your next rent payment and meal.
             “I’ve seen you with cars and you’re a lot more knowledgeable than I am. Maybe you could be a mechanic.”
             Laughing, you shook your head. “A lady mechanic. I’m sure you and every other guy would love that.”
             He smiled. “Admittedly you seem to know much more about my interests than I of yours.”
             “Part of the job,” you reminded him.
             He “ah”ed in understanding and nodded.
             “Well, I never finished school, like you said. So, I guess my first step would be to do that. Or at least get my GED.”
             “That does sound like a good start.”
             The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a bit.
             Kihyun was the first to speak up. “You don’t need to have a dream, you know. Society dictates that we need to be great, need to be leaders at the top, but it’s not true. You’re allowed to just live and celebrate life. I’ve seen you this week, and you brighten every room you’re in.”
             “It’s easy to live and celebrate when you have money,”
             He gave a small, sad smile.
             Deciding you were ready to go back to the hotel, you snagged a cab for the both of you. Hugging Kihyun’s arm, you rested your head against him on the way back.
             Back in the hotel room, Kihyun looked at you. “Do you want to sleep with me tonight?”
             He didn’t mean sleep, he meant sex. “Sure. Let me freshen up a bit.”
             Kihyun nodded and began removing his clothes. You grabbed at a negligee you’d gotten at Façade that he hadn’t seen yet, then closed yourself in the bathroom.
             Butterflies fluttered in your stomach. Imagery of what almost happened while playing frisbee flashed in your mind. Kihyun almost kissed you earlier, and you almost let it happen. And now, preparing to have sex with him, it wasn’t like before. You didn’t want to sleep with him like it was your job, or because you were being paid to do it. You actually wanted to be with him. Have sex with him because he was Kihyun. It wouldn’t be that he was a Trick, but because somehow in the last few days you’d grown feelings for him.
             It was a little bit exciting and also scary. You felt dumb feeling like this. Tomorrow all of this would be over. He’d pay you, and you’d most likely never see him again. But that also made you feel like you wanted to fully embrace your last night with him. Feel and experience him as yourself, not a sex robot.
             Your hands were actually shaking you were so nervous, taking down your wall for him like this. When you were all cleaned up and dressed for him, you took a deep breath and opened the bathroom door.
             Kihyun was laying on the bed with his eyes closed.
             He didn’t answer, so you walked over to him. He was passed out.
             You sighed and gave a wry chuckle. Of course. The man who said he was bad at sleeping fell asleep waiting for you.
             Sitting on the edge of the bed, you ran your fingers through his hair. He didn’t even stir.
             Gazing at his sleeping face, you couldn’t help but admire his beauty. You loved the shape of his eyes and how they were a shade darker in the corners. He had the cutest and most kissable nose. His cheek bones and jawline alone made your breath catch. Then your eyes focused on his lips. Gods did he have plump, soft looking lips.
             Pictures of what it might be like to kiss him started racing in your mind. You’d guess his kissing style was strong, firm like him. But maybe he’d be delicate about it too, kissing back like you were the most precious thing to him. Knowing he liked being in charge, he would part his lips first, running his tongue over your bottom lip. His breath would be hot. Maybe he tasted spicy like cinnamon. His tongue would feel silky against yours. Your hands would grab at his hair.
             Before you realized what you were doing, your lips actually pressed against Kihyun’s.
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iibonniee · 2 years
RM1522: Music Theory
Tumblr media
Pairing: Yoo Kihyun x Reader
Genre: College AU/smut
Rating: M
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: teacher/student relations, oral (fem receiving), kihyun kinda has a praise/sir kink(?), mentions of masturbation
Masterlist | The Faculty Masterlist
This is the fourth installment for a collaboration with @wordycerty. Both Jooheon and Changkyun's parts are posted on her page and Hyungwon on mine!
Taglist: @appachicken @dandelion-aj @xrubyrosex @babykyuniee @bekah931215
Professor Yoo was a jack of all trades when it came down to the music department. Music Theory - an elective class that’s acceptance was harder than getting into Harvard itself - was not only a hands-on experience with an insanely attractive teacher, but because the class was so small, it allowed the professor to work with everyone in the duration.
While the perks were high, the class was not only extremely boring and empty, but it was almost two hours worth of sitting in a next-to-silent room. With classical music playing too softly as he walked around, Mr. Yoo practically gave all the answers away to anyone who asked.
Yet, even with the answers practically thrown at her, Y/N found her grade sitting just between an F and a D. It wasn’t because she was stupid; she simply believed that she could do it on her own. Even as days flew past her and her papers came back with the simple “C-“, Y/N knew that the time was almost up, and if she didn’t start taking his advice into consideration, she’d fail the course and wear the shame because she held such high pride.
Currently, her only issue was asking for tutoring; whether she simply didn't want to or was too shy. She knew her issue was the latter. Professor Yoo was smart enough to see through anyone, even if they weren't a student in his class. Her eyes watched as Professor Yoo took a seat at his desk, his computer now his priority. With class just barely ending and students already leaving the room, she knew she had to make a choice.
“What can I do for you, Miss L/N?” Professor Yoo’s voice was soft, a smile held strong as his round glasses sat perched on his face. Even with his calm approach, her heart felt like it was reeling, and for a moment, she hated how she was alone with him.
“I was wondering what I could do to boost my grade up?” While her voice felt strong in said approach, her heart would not stop pounding. 
She hated how attractive he was. From the moment he entered the room that very first day, Y/N knew she was fucked. She couldn’t stop her mind from thinking all the dirty things it did. She knew she wasn’t the only one guilty of such charges. She did hear Jennie speak her thoughts about if he was good in bed or not.
That open confession only egged on her thoughts, and she wouldn’t admit to a single soul she had thought about that man while pleasuring herself in the middle of the night.
“Well,” Professor Yoo paused, taking her question into consideration with thought as he looked around the empty room. “There is one thing. But you have to trust me and keep it a secret, ok?”
Her nod was eager, showing the man that she was not only interested, but she trusted him enough and she’d keep his secret. 
It was in the name of bringing up her grade, right?
“Perfect.” Y/N didn’t fail to notice the way his once innocent smile flickered to something more. To something… mischievous. “While we were on break, I had asked to get these walls soundproofed. I won’t go over all the nitty gritty, you know how it can be.” He chuckled, pushing his chair back and walking to where she stood. “I just need to know if these walls are good enough. Sit on my desk, please.”
His request was small, but her mind couldn't help but to latch onto the little things in both his sentence and his request. It was all too much to soak in in under 5 minutes. Yet, she found herself listening to his request. His desk was clean and cool to the touch.
The smile Professor Yoo gave her was rewarding; happy she had listened to him.
Her eyes followed him as he got down to his knees while his hands worked on her panties. Trust. He wanted her to trust him. Even with her heart still racing, the feeling wasn’t because she was nervous, rather it was because Professor Yoo was down on his knees in front of her and the desire she felt was strong.
Her inhale was shaky as she felt his warm breath close to her wet core. His chuckle was soft, nestled between her thighs and her skirt. His first kiss that met her pussy was light, taunting her to make even a faint nose.
“You don’t have to be quiet. The louder you are, the higher your grade gets.”
“W-What if someone hears?” She stuttered, trying to bite down her moans. 
“I’ll handle it. Don’t be shy, Y/N. I want to hear it all.”
His tongue was as sinful and smooth as his singing voice. Her back fell against his desk, allowing the cool air to nip at her exposed skin. But, that wasn’t her focus. Professor Yoo’s tongue worked like magic and it was hard at work. She couldn’t remember when he fully removed her underwear - she was solely focused on the pleasure she was feeling.
Trusting his words, she let her moans fall from parted lips. Soft at first, but the more his tongue and mouth sucked and licked, the louder her moans became. She lost track of the world. This was the best damn head she had ever gotten, and it was far better than her fingers.
“I wanted to eat you out for the longest time,” Professor Yoo grunted, listening to her whines as his mouth was replaced with two fingers. “I was going to offer you this a long time ago. I thought you hated me with how much you avoided me. But, here you are being a slut. So trusting, so eager to bring up your grade, huh?”
“Please…” She mewled, moving her body against his fingers to get some friction. 
“Please what? I’m your professor, not a mind reader. What do you want? Do you want to cum all over my fingers? Do you want to cum around my cock?”
“Your cock, please.” 
His chuckle was evident, a clear hint of cockiness behind it. Yet, even as he used his two fingers to fuck her senseless, it was the envasion of a third one that had her whining. The intrusion was a new feeling, causing the pain of it being new to bother her just for a bit.
“Sorry, I just want you to be prepared.” 
Three fingers worked her closer and closer to the edge. Then, just as she started getting used to the feeling, his fingers disappeared, leaving her feeling empty. Professor Yoo was quick to his feet, his pants soon falling to the floor and his hard cock in his hand.
“Just let me know if I’m being rough, ok?” He whispered, finding the condom that was in his desk drawer. Her eyes widened, curious as to if he had done this with other students or not. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ve been keeping these in here just in case you wanted to come to me for extra credit. Also, my name is Kihyun. You can either call me Kihyun or Sir.”
The groans that came from Kihyun were borderline sinful. A song that wasn’t meant for anyone else but her. He paused for a moment, allowing her what time she needed to adjust to his size. He didn’t boast for a reason, Kihyun was huge.
“Go, please.” Y/N whined, feeling the desire growing all over again.
“Please what?”
Groaning, Y/N’s head lolled to the side in a mix of annoyance and impatience. She was far too needy for him to be messing around with her. 
“Please Sir.”
Kihyun’s chuckle was all she needed to hear to know he was more than ready. His pace was quick, and the scraping of the wooden desk across the wooden classroom floor told her all that was needed. He wanted her to be loud, to join his loud and untamed grunts that filled the music classroom. 
He wanted a song.
“Is it bad that this has been on my mind forever? Just bending you over this desk and fucking you so hard that the whole school knows? Fuck, I hate being your professor. What I’d like to do to you everyday.” 
His words turned her into a moaning mess. His pace never faltered, even when she felt herself growing closer for the second time. Hooded eyes watched his cock enter in and out of her pussy at a brutal pace, with an unspoken promise he wasn’t going to stop until he came.
“I bet your pussy is even better bareback. Makin’ me already lose my fuckin' mind. Tell me you enjoy this, too.” Nodding her head was the only thing she could do. She was a screaming mess and she was about to break in just a couple seconds. “Fuck, I can feel you squeezing my cock. You want to cum, baby girl? Beg for it. Beg to cum and I’ll let you.”
“Please, Kihyun,” Her voice was hoarse as she begged. The mix between moaning and screaming would surely kill her voice for the rest of the week. Hell, with how hard he was going, she was sure she’d struggle walking, too. “Let me cum. I’ll be a good girl.”
“Cum for me.”
The feeling of her orgasm was electrifying. It was strong, causing cries and pleas to spill from her lips like a prayer.
“Fuck, fuck-” Kihyun cut himself off as he came. “Shit. I don’t think I want you asking anyone for extra credit, besides me.”
“I don’t think I want to ask, either.” The girl giggled softly, watching as her professor gave her a childish smile.
“I think I’ll be kind enough to boost your grade up to a B-. If you come Friday, I might think about boosting it up to an A.”
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huihuiheart · 3 years
Kinktober 2021:
October 2021 Schedule
Please read before continuing: A new fic drops at 7pm EST everyday. All specific warnings will be included on each piece and below. All pieces will either be smut or heavily suggestive. Pieces are NSFW and not intended for all readers. Please read all warnings before reading the work. All works will be tagged: Kinktober 2021
Continuation Requests: 1/3
Key: 💜 - Gender Neutral 💗 - Female Reader 💙- Male Reader  ⬆ - dom reader ⬇ - subby reader ➡ - switch reader (no arrow) - no dom/sub themes
1. Private Show - Jackson -   Summary: You were still new to this world, so Jackson, decided to help you get more comfortable in it. - Warnings: Switchy Jackson, and implied switch reader, but only subtle dom/sub themes in this piece. Camboy/camgirl themes, masturbation, cursing, light dirty talk, spit, cum eating. - 💜➡ (almost none though)
2. Talk Dirty - Jungwoo -  Summary: Jungwoo was looking delicious in his suit and yet you were stuck at this event, so you decided to tease him a little with your words. Only you didn’t quite get the outcome you were expecting. - Warnings: Dirty talk, slight dom/sub themes(back and forth), teasing, mentions of drinking (light drinking while at a social event). - 💜➡
3. Repercussions - Hyungwon -  Summary: So what if you were a brat that always led the the best nights, and tonight you intended to make Hyungwon go all out. - Warnings: Implied sex, implied bdsm, dom/sub themes, brat taming themes, no safewords (please for the love of god don’t do this, be careful and stay safe), sir kink, degradation, dirty talk, hair pulling, manhandling. - 💜⬇
4. Impatience - Jinyoung -  Summary: Jinyoung’s patience had finally worn thing and he wasn’t going to wait any longer. No, nothing was going to get in his way. - Warnings: Some soft dom/sub themes if you squint, implied smut, some minor manhandling. - 💜⬇(very slight)
5. Brat Behavior - Haechan -  Summary: His brat behavior was getting out of control...it’s a good thing his dom knew just how to fix that. - Warnings: Dom/Sub themes, brat taming, gagging, bondage, sex toys, spit. - 💜⬆
6. Focus - Taeil -  Summary: You’d been too stressed out lately and it’s causing you to lose focus, Taeil has just the solution for you though. - Warnings: Blindfolding, implied smut, some dom/sub themes (soft and very little). - 💜⬇(very little and very soft)
7. Play Thing - Wooseok -  Summary: Wooseok was everything you wanted in a dom, that’s why you hired him. That doesn’t mean you were always good and obedient though, where would the fun be in that? - Warnings: Hired dom, bdsm themes, dom/sub themes, brat taming, bongage, shibari, spanking/impact play, implied smut, cursing, degradation, hair pulling, sir kink. - 💜⬇
8. Lesson One - Seungwoo -  Summary: Seungwoo had started taking on a more dominant role in your relationship recently, and he was about to let you know what happens when you misbehave. - Warnings: Dom/sub themes (soft), punishment themes, bondage, implied smut, slight sir kink. - 💜⬇
9. Mine - Jin -  Summary: Jin is ready to make the commitment, but he wonders are you? - Warnings: BDSM lifestyle themes, collaring, sir kink, mention of marking. - 💜⬇(implied)
10. Hello Operator - Sangyeon -  Summary: Sangyeon was too desperate for his own good and it lead him straight to you, not that you were complaining. -  Warnings: Phone sex, Dom/Sub themes, cursing, Sangyeon is really fucking desperate, he’s in fucking tears, masturbation, guided orgasms, overstimulation, praise kink. - 💜⬆
11. Audition - Wonwoo -  Summary: Just because someone auditioned for the more erotic parts of your ring doesn’t mean that they were worth the time, but then again...sometimes they were just perfect. - Warnings: Stripping, lap dancing, mentions of alcohol, smoking (reader smokes), cursing, implied smut. - 💜➡ (playful slight power struggle)
12. Bed Head - Chan(ACE) -  Summary: You promised Yuchan that you’d wake him up, only you had a nontraditional method in mind. Not that you were going to hear any complaints from him. - Warnings: Somnophilia, oral (m! receiving), subtle soft dom(reader) themes, teasing. - 💜⬆(almost none though)
13. Teasing Touch - Joshua -  Summary: Joshua thought you were finally done teasing, he should have known better. - Warnings: Dom/Sub themes, dirty talk, teasing, Joshua gets off from foreplay alone so if you’re looking for more than that you might want to leave, degradation mixed with praise (the best kind of dirty talk), cursing. - 💜⬆
14. Spotty - Lee Minho -  Summary: Sometimes things got a little messy when you and Minho were together, but that only made it that much sweeter. - Warnings: Dom/Sub themes, vampire themes, biting, light blood play (pertaining to the bites), sex, unprotected sex, slight manhandling, some claiming themes. - 💜⬇(slight)
15. Bonnie & Clyde - Wow -  Summary: You both lived for danger, thrived off it in fact. Maybe that’s why you worked so well together. - Warnings: Criminal themes, bank robbery themes, on the run from police, car sex, cursing, dirty talk (slight degradation mixed with praise), slight manhandling. Sehyoon is slightly more dominant than the reader. - 💗⬇ (Slight)
16. Break Me - Han Jisung -  Summary: Jisung had been sweet in the bedroom, almost too sweet. Which is why you found it impossible to believe his BDSM test results. Of course, if they were true then maybe you should push him to actually show you what they mean. - Warnings: Dom/Sub themes, kind of implies that reader has been dom at some point so switch themes, sadomasochistic themes, implied smut, spanking, cursing, brat taming, Jisung gets a tad feral, degradation. - 💜➡⬇(switch but reader subbing in this piece)
17. Our Little Secret - S.Coups -  Summary: You wanted to show off your good boy, only it turns out he might not be as well trained as you thought. - Warnings: Dom/Sub themes, brat taming, oral (reader receiving), public sex, hair pulling, praise, degradation, master kink. - 💜⬆
18. Tempter - Renjun -   Summary: Renjun he thought he knew what it meant to be a tease, prided himself in it even, you were going to show him what it really means. - Warnings: Dom/sub themes, teasing, Renjun gets a little possessive, sex toys (vibrators both using), implied semi public sex, spanking (not really), reader calls Renjun bunny, cursing, power struggle, Renjun is a brat and thinks he can get control. - 💜⬆(power struggle through the whole thing)
19. Fresh Start - New -  Summary: You had almost everything, but all you wanted was Chanhee and you were willing to give up everything for him. In fact, you had and now it was time to live for you. - Warnings: Outdoor sex, pretty vanilla, life on the run(kinda), light scratching. - 💗
20. Not Your Average Vacation - Stray Kids-  Summary: Stress levels have been high among all of you lately, so what better way to resolve that than to go on a vacation. Of course there were always other methods for stress relief too. - Warnings: Dom/Sub themes, switch themes, implied smut, drinking, drinking games, being drunk, this is just a lead in, so you’re not going to be getting too many details. - 💜➡ - Continuation Requested 
21. Temptation - Sunwoo -  Summary: Sunwoo thought he was so smart to tempt you while on tour, little did he know that there really was something that you could do about it.  - Warnings: Scandalous videos, light dom/sub themes (dom reader), implied smut, cursing. - 💜⬆(light)
22. Good Luck Charm - Johnny -  Summary: Johnny is nervous about the awards show, but it’s nothing his good luck charm can’t fix. - Warnings: Sex in a public setting, exhibition kink, dom/sub themes if you squint.  - 💗⬇ (very slight implied)
23. Tainted Innocence - Yangyang -  Summary: You looked so innocent...so sweet, that it lured him right in. Little did he know he was falling into your trap. - Warnings: Dom/Sub themes, some switch themes, slight power struggle, there’s not roleplaying, but they’re in costume at a party and reader is in like a school girl style costume, and Yangyang is in a werewolf kind of costume, corruption kink, reader calls him puppy, teasing/ mild degradation, hair pulling. - 💗➡⬆
24. Game, Set, & Match. - J-Hope -  Summary: He set the rules, but you wanted to play a dangerous game anyways. Hoseok was going to make sure you faced the consequences though. - Warnings: Dom/Sub themes, masturbation, kind of video sex (recording), brat taming themes, lingerie, cum eating, degradation, daddy kink, drinking, implied blowjob. - 💜⬇
25. Key - Shownu -  Summary: Part of my Werewolf Shownu Collection - Hyunwoo was prepared to handle it all himself despite your willingness to help. Still, you were the key to him making it through his rut. - Warnings: Werewolf themes, unprotected sex (be safe), knotting, Shownu is pretty feral, bondage, biting, marking kink, breeding kink, dom/sub themes, cursing. - 💗(afab, no gendered pronouns)⬇
26. Press My Button - DO -  Summary: Continuation of Punishment from last Kinktober - Kyungsoo may have given in to your begging, but that didn’t mean he was ready to stop punishing you by any means. - Warnings: Unprotected sex, vibrators, forced orgasms, overstimulation, dom/sub themes, spanking, degradation, cursing, hair pulling. - 💜⬇
27. Canvas - Woozi -  Summary:  To Jihoon you were a beautiful piece of art, his perfect muse, but it only got that much better when he could add his own touch to the flawless canvas that was your skin. - Warnings: Dom/Sub themes, bondage, wax play, slight pain play, slight marking kink, cursing, mentions of spanking/impact play, praise kink, implied oral (reader receiving), slight possessive kink, dirty talk.  - 💜⬇
28. Sweet Love - Shotaro -  Summary: Sometimes you just needed to slow down and enjoy some sweet loving. - Warnings: Unprotected sex, food play, a bit of an oral fixation, praise kink, light dirty talk, body worship, pretty vanilla honestly. - 💗
29. Flicker - Kevin -  Summary:  Maybe Kevin had been too soft on you, maybe you were just being a brat, either way you needed to be taught a lesson. - Warnings: Soft dom/sub themes, spanking, use of mirror, mentions of masturbation, implied smut, hair pulling, slight possessiveness, cursing, slight degradation (mixed with dirty talk and praise, balance people balance), slight sir kink (used mostly to mock).  - 💜
30. Step 2 - Jinho -  Summary: Short continuation of Start With the Basics - You wanted Jinho to be your first, and you were only willing to be patient because of how amazing he looked when like this for you. - Warnings: Protected sex, fingering, praise kink, virgin reader, teasing mentions of corruption kink, cursing. - 💗
31. Honeymoon - Minhyuk(MX) - Summary: You both had a love for Halloween and for each other, so what could be better than a Halloween wedding? - Warnings: Wedding themes, implied smut, kinda vampire themes, kind of roleplaying, implied shower sex, biting. - 💗
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lunarimagines · 4 years
I have received many requests to update my masterlist, so here it is! As of October 18, 2020...
+  BTS
*WATCH ME BABYGIRL [JUNGKOOK SERIES - COMPLETE] [1] [2] [3] [4] [vmin filler] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]
+ GOT7
TWO WRONGS MAKE… A COUPLE? [Prince!Renjun] [1] [2]
+ F(X)
+ DAY6
+ 2NE1
+ X1
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kz-i-co · 3 years
If Scars Could Dissapear
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Request: "Hi, ummm...I have no idea how to go about this but, I'll give it my best shot! I have no idea If you are still taking requests, but if you are, I'd like you to make one on Hyungwon. With angst and fluff and a depressed reader (10 out of 10 description) because I'm a depressed little sh*t. You don't have to if you don't want to, i understand that you are busy with other past requests and I just thought I'd throw in a request. I'd like to see what you would do with this request IF you even decide to write it. You write your imagines/oneshots (I don't know what you call them!) with amazing detail and I thought I would request this to see how you would go about it. Once again, I understand if you don't accept it, I know you must be very busy with other things but I thought it wouldn't hurt to try. I'm going to end this here because I think I might have made it a little to long, with that being said, bye bye!" - MoMoIsNotFine
Pairing: Hyungwon x Reader
Genre: angst x fluff: depressed reader au
Words: 3k
A/N: I hope this one shot is okay for you. It's a sensitive topic and I hope I don't offend anyone in anyway. I think dealing with depression and suicide is very horrific and needs to be talked about more.
M.list | MX masterlist
You closed the mirror as your eyes were dark with bags, purplish bruises showing that you haven't slept in days. Everything was hazy.
"(Y/N) it's time to take your medication." The nurse spoke to the right of you.
She was forced to keep an eye on you during and that's exactly what she did as you shoved them in your mouth and swallowed a glass of water.
"Tongue." You rolled your eyes as you opened your mouth showing no pills in sight.
"It's time to settle down." The nurse spoke.
"Can I get something from the vending machine first and watch a movie?" You asked.
"Okay." She gave you an accepting expression as she knew you were trying to bend the rules.
"Be back soon." She spoke as you grabbed your cardigan to wear over your warm pajamas and sliding your feet into your nice comfy slippers.
You sighed dragging your feet to the closest machine. You have been at this hospital for two weeks now and you were done seeing the same old scenery everyday. You just wanted to go home already.
You made it to the machine seeing a tall boy selecting something that forced you to wait. You never noticed him before actually. You thought you knew everyone in the juvenile unit.
You sighed loudly as your patience became the worst of you. The boy grabbed what he wanted and bowed respectfully, making you feel guilty immediately.
"Thanks." You said quietly as he stayed quiet.
You wondered what he was here for? Everyone had a different reason that always has an interesting story behind it.
You wandered back down to your hallway seeing the tall boy aimlessly wonder into his room noticing you in the process. He softly waved as a small smile formed onto his pale face.
You waved back but couldn't help but grow confused. What was his story?
You scrolled through your phone bored out your mind as every channel was slowly becoming more and more irrelevant, making you want to pull your hair out. You rolled your eyes seeing random dumb Facebook post and ads filling the white screen, but the further you scrolled the more irritated you have become. Seeing your best friends hanging out at parties, not having a care about the world, especially you at the moment. Sure some would argue "you did this to yourself" but seeing how the people closest to you don't even care was a turn in the blade that was already cutting through the surface.
You ended up throwing your phone across the room, causing two loud bangs as it hit the wall and once again to the floor.
After having a little crying fit, you heard a soft knock on your door but choose to ignore it. But instead of another knock a small piece of paper slid underneath instead causing you to grow confused. You thought it was a nurse that knocked but now you couldn't help but wonder. You got up seeing the note on the floor with a simple message that caused you to softly grin.
"Are you okay?" The message said.
You grabbed your pen from your bedside table and wrote back to the stranger that awaited on the other side of the door.
"Who wants to know?"
"A worried neighbor." The note slide back. You couldn't help but smile as you finally decided to open the door. You saw the boy that stood out to you early sitting up against his door across the hall. He smiled softly as you just closed your door so you could sit and lean against it as well.
You took the note back and turned it over to start a new question. "Why are you so concerned?" You slide the note, leaning forward as he leaned meeting in the middle to grab it.
He took his pen writing something, continuing this weird game of telephone and slid it back over as you were already growing with anticipation. "In a place like this....doesn't everyone?"
"So why are you here?" You slide over the note once again.
He wrote something down but then hesitated to write more. "It's a secret.......but I bet your guess is as good as mine."
You couldn't help but giggle from his response. You figured your guess was as good as anyone else.
He was just like the rest of us in this hospital.
Just kids lost in the darkest parts of our own thoughts. The ones that can't control the temptation that is being spoken at every turn.
It's not like we are crazy. Just depressed.
"Thank you for cheering me up." You slid the note back one last time before receiving a soft smile and a simple wave and finally giving in to a long awaited good nights rest. You felt like it was the night you can finally let yourself have it as you found someone that understands you with the simplest of words.
You dragged your feet, counting the tiles in the process as you made your way to the cafeteria. Once you saw the area, your eyes glanced across the room seeing the boy that couldn't leave your mind. Before you knew it, you were standing in front of his table about to sit down.
"Hi....mind if I sit?" He nodded as a soft smile left his lips. "Just wanted to confirm....you were the stranger at my door right?"
He nodded once again, not saying a word. Did he ever speak?
"Thank you about yesterday. You actually cheered me up." Nothing but a smile. "Umm...do you ever talk?" You finally asked but he just looked down playing with his food.
"I'm sorry." He reached his hand out to gently caress your hand comfortably. Then he slid a note across the table with a simple reply, responding in ink. "You're welcome"
Why didn't he speak?
He looked down at your hand once again noticing another clue to why you were here so you couldn't help but pull away.
"Oh that's nothing." You smiled softly.
He flipped through his little notebook again quickly replying. "You want to be friends?"
"Of course." You smiled brightly.
You heard your daily knock as the morning was approaching and you were already up drawing on the back of your medical pamphlet from your lack of sleep that continued to haunt your days.
"I found this outside, miss (Y/N)." The nurse handed you a note from the one and only. You couldn't help but smile reading a simple "good morning".
"There it is." You looked up as you heard her voice. "I haven't seen you smile since you've been here."
You rolled your eyes as she continued to giggle. "I'm so happy you two are finding a friendship with each other."
"But I think we have to increase your dosage with the melatonin and l-theanine." She wrote on her clipboard. "We need those circles gone."
"Don't you think drugging me to be unconscious is the appropriate way to handle this." She glared at you.
"You need sleep dear. It's good for you."
"I have been sleeping though, much better."
"Yes, it's true. But we need just a little more."
"Jeez, my 2 hours turned into 5 and that's still not enough?" You proudly said sarcastically.
"Can I ask you a question." You began changing the subject. "Do you know why he doesn't speak? I know it's none of my business-"
"Hyungwon? He has a very traumatic past like a lot of you kids here." You come to realize that you never even knew his name.
"Unfortunately It's not my place to disclose that information. But what I can tell you is....continue to speak with him. He likes that." She continued as she started to walk out of the room. "Who knows, maybe he will tell you himself."
"Hey." You smiled as you stood outside his door. "I've come to realize that I have never properly introduce myself.....I'm (Y/N)." You held your hand out.
He smiled but quickly grabbed his notebook writing the name that you have already been spoiled. "Nice to meet you Hyungwon. Shall we go to lunch?"
He smiled.
"May I ask you something? And trust me you don't have to answer anything that makes you uncomfortable." You began. "But do you know how long you're in here for?"
He wrote. "Until I get better I guess."
"When will that be?" You continued to ask.
"When I speak." He wrote.
"I'm sorry but that's nonsense." You quickly grew insulted. Not with him of course but whoever is keeping him here. "There's nothing wrong with you if you choose not to talk."
"Thank you (Y/N) but I'm starting to like it here now."
You couldn't help but blush. You felt the same, all you wanted was to leave this place since you've gotten here but now you felt comfort within these walls. Or more importantly, the person sitting in front of you.
"I don't know how long I'm stuck here either. I guess until I get a proper good nights sleep is the starter." You giggled to yourself. "I've felt this burden inside of me as long as I can remember. I don't think I can get fixed, it's just who I am and I have to learn to live with that."
You looked up to see him just sympathetically smile.
"Miss (Y/N), you have a visitor." Your nurse smiled as she opened the door wider to reveal your parents.
Seeing your parents, you couldn't help but feel hatred as the memories flooded back to you since they dropped you off. Not a call, not a visit for weeks. But the thing was your head wasn't flooded with emotions, at least not anymore, not since the drugs kicked in. The only thing you wanted to do now is show how much appreciation you learned from being here. You founded yourself embraced in a huge hug from your father and next your mother and honestly, you didn't want to let go. You missed them dearly and you understood that they love you and want you to get better.
"That's a good sigh." Your mother spoke and you looked up seeing her eyes flooded with tears. "We missed you so much."
"Me too." Was all you said. Your heart was still sore but it's getting better.
"You look so much better." Your mother caressed your face. "You'll be coming home sooner then your know it."
You stayed silent. You didn't know what to say honestly.
"Thank you for coming."
"We bought you your sketch book. You forgot it."
"Thank you." You smiled. "This will help take my mind off some things."
"How's it going in here?" Your nurse smiled seeing the family reunion.
"It's great." Your mother answered. "(Y/N) will be home before we know it."
"Yes of course. She has made great progress since she's been here. Even the circles are fading a bit."
"And she's even made a friend." Your nurse continued.
"Oh really?" Your mother spoke with an weary tone.  Like she wants you friends with other crazy kids stuck in this hell hole.
"Oh yeah......he's nice."
"Yes, they both have improved tremendously since they've met." Your nurse continued.
"You think that's acceptable to have patients mess with other patients while dealing with their own problems?" Your mother asked.
"Not at all ma'am.....it's best not to let our patients be isolated, communicating is the best way to deal with such problems. It's not about fixing our problems it's about learning to live with it." She sure as hell, shut your mother up.
"Of course". Your mother smiled.
Later after your parents left in a more resentful way then before, you began drawing immediately, almost like you were desperate to express what you missed out in weeks. It was a way to relax, forgot about the world around you and let yourself take in the simple tip of a pencil, mechanical you might add.
You couldn't help but draw a funny animation of Hyungwon and his silent mockery. You imagined him sweet and mute on the outside but on the inside him yelling for attention. Sure it was a dark meaning but the animation viewed it in a different perspective. Not everything needed to be so fragile and hidden away to never be talked about but to show that it's okay to deal with such dark topics and just learn to smile.
You knocked on his door and as soon as he opened it you revealed your drawing with a bright smile. He giggled softly as he let you in his room to probably write down his opinion, which of course he did.
"Thank you." He first wrote. "I love it."
"You're really good." He continued to write.
"Thank you. I've been drawing since I was 12." You smiled. "Do you have any request?"
You read his request as he started jotting things down. He wanted something you couldn't quite imagine. He wanted to be seen as a disk jockey releasing sound waves to make everyone feel happy and forget about this shitty world; to just let people stop and enjoy it while they can.
You pictured it more as he was using music to brainwash everyone but instead of mindless zombies, they were happy. "So musical zombies?" You perked up.
He rolled his eyes at your remark.
"I hate to be lame but I'm really glad I met you, you don't even have to say a word and you're the only one that is here for me."
"My friends haven't even messaged me if I was okay, or even cared enough to visit. My parents act like they care but they didn't have the patients to help me, instead just ship me off to a loony bin - no offense." You felt your eyes water but no tears to shed.
Hyungwon grabbed your hand, holding it softly. "I'm sorry." He whispered that it took you a second to realize he actually spoke instead of writing it down.
You didn't want to make a big deal about it but instead leaned in closer into his warm embrace. His hugs felt like they actually had intentions and feelings instead of a meaningless gesture.
Of course you knew your time in this place would be ending soon but you never know how quick the day would come. It would probably be longer if your parents weren't such paranoid pricks. They are scared of the idea of you friends with someone who is just as messed up as you.
"You think I'm ready to go?" You asked your nurse as you started packing?
"I think you're ready. You were stubborn to get help at first but you really opened up and I'm so proud. I think you just needed someone to understand what you're going through and I'm not talking about me or your parents, but a friend."
"Thank you." You smiled simply. "Can I visit said friend before I leave."
"Of course." And you immediately got up going next door to see an empty room, but of course you knew where your friend was hiding.
You walked into the chapel as your friend was messing with the only music source in this whole hospital. The site made you smile just seeing him mess with the synthesizer, but then it quickly faded as you had to break the news.
"Hey." You sat down next to him. "What you playing?"
"Stuff." He spoke lowly. Hyungwon has opened to you since that night a week ago, he's no chatterbox or anything but he's actually talking again and you felt happy it was because of you.
"I have to tell you something." You said more serious. "I'm.....going home."
"But I promise I'll visit and then we can hangout once you leave." You we're trying to hold back your tears.
"It's okay." He whispered as he grabbed your hand.
"I don't want to leave." Then the tears finally fell. "I mean I wanted to leave since I've got here but I don't want to leave you." He tugged you to lean in closer.
"There you are (Y/N). Your parents are here." Your nurse spoke from the door and she immediately felt sympathetic.
You wiped your tears and leaned in kissing him on the cheek. "Thank you for everything you've done for me. I will see you later."
"Promise." He smiled.
"Promise." You held out your pinky, making it an official contract.
And with that you stepped out that door leaving behind your home away from home. The place you fought for weeks and weeks to leave. But now you were finally leaving but you didn't want to....
And it was all because of him.
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biffhofosho · 2 years
just wanted to tell you that I've read the STS epilogue and felt reeeaaaal emotional afterwards. I'd started reading it the moment you posted the previews and was always looking forward to the next chapter. It's been such a ride and I'm so happy to be part of the adventure. Congratulations on finishing STS, miss biff, and I can't wait to read more of your work!
ALSO!!!!! I read "Another Year Wilder" last night, like breezed through both parts and lahebfofnfornrjsusjs 🥵🥵🥵 there was NOT a dry cunt in a 5 mile radius after finishing it, lemme tell ya
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, MISS ANON! Hope your life is back to manageable speed!
Aw, thanks for coming back to let me know you finished STS. <3 I'm glad I could bring you some colorful emotions. Hope they were good ones. ;) Thank you so much for following from the beginning and interacting with me along the way. It was a ride, to be sure. I'm very happy to have it done, even if I miss it already.
THE WAY THIS AYW REVIEW MADE ME BARK-LAUGH. I was just about to hop in the shower in the middle of the night last night, and I literally cackled into the darkness. Glad you enjoyed because it was a hell of an alternate reality to live in. *wipes brow*
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obligatoryidolblog · 4 years
Sleepwalking Past Hope (Hyungwon - Monsta X) Part 1
Genre: Miniseries with themes of angst and smut
Pairing: Chae Hyungwon/Female Reader Insert
Warnings: sexual themes, alcohol abuse, not nice behavior
Summary: Hyungwon finds solace in the warm embrace of alcohol after Wonho is forced to leave Monsta X, until finding another embrace. But is it as warm?
A/N: This came to me in a dream and I had to bang it out. First part is stupid hella long. Should post the following parts over the next few days. Total of 5 parts.
Hyungwon entered the bar without his usual bravado. The night’s show had been a success, but it almost felt like a betrayal. The group’s first show without Wonho…
Sliding onto a barstool and taking the beer passed to him, he told himself that Wonho would kick his ass for thinking this way. Wonho would be proud of the concert Monsta X had put on. He could see the smiling face of his friend as he lifted the bottle to his lips. But no matter how large the crowd, no matter how good they sounded… it wasn’t the same. 
Without Wonho on that stage, it wasn’t the group Hyungwon had joined. Looking down into the dark brown bottle gripped in his hand, he took a deep breath. This tour wasn’t right. They had to go on, for the fans, and for Wonho, but it hurt to turn around as he performed and find his place empty. His teeth grinding together, Hyungwon stood and made his way to a dim corner of the bar, ignoring the calls from his bandmates. 
He shared a look with Jooheon as he slid into the dark booth. The rapper nodded and turned back to the group he was amusing. They all felt it, Hyungwon knew, but tonight he couldn’t be the idol. Tonight he missed a friend. A brother. Leaning his head back, he closed his eyes and let the alcohol warm him. 
In the past he would have been at a table with the group, laughingly reliving the night, riding the high of performing. Perhaps even his girlfriend would be by his side. But that was just another thing that had fallen to the wayside after Wonho’s exodus from the group. Anger flashed through him, and he gripped the bottle tighter. 
His girlfriend… though he supposed he should start calling her his ex… just hadn’t understood. Of course she had cared for Wonho in a way, but she had grown weary of Hyungwon’s shifting tempers as he dealt with missing his friend. It still tore at him to think of her leaving, telling him that she couldn’t live with his moodiness, his fits of depression, his drinking. Brow wrinkling, he took a deep drink of the beer in his hand. She’d known who he was when she got with him. But perhaps his bank account and status had been all she had seen.
Sighing, he let the bottle fall to the table with a thunk. This celebration around him wasn’t what he wanted. With a heavy inhalation, he lifted the bottle once more and drained it. Opening his eyes, he looked for a waitress, motioning to the woman behind the counter for two more beers. Tonight he wanted nothing more than to lose himself to drink and memories. 
You laughed, patting Kihyun on the back and turning towards the one member of the band that you hadn’t spoken to. Hyungwon had been sitting in a booth alone for the entire night, shunning any attention and slowly drinking himself into oblivion. You knew that tonight had been hard on the entire group, but the rest of them seemed to be celebrating the new career of their lost member. Hyungwon was the only one who seemed to be unable to join the merriment.
Nodding to Shownu as you made your way over to the dark corner, you studied the idol. Slumped over, his latest beer tipping dangerously close to spilling into his lap, he looked as if he wouldn’t last much longer. His handsome face was drawn tight, his eyes closed. You sympathized. You were no stranger to having people forced out of your life. Slowly, you approached, making as much noise as you could, so as not to startle him. 
Hyungwon heard someone drawing near, a feminine noise of a throat clearing. Fuck, he didn’t want to deal with a fan right now. Groaning, he opened his eyes and brought into focus a woman. Great. He didn’t need this shit right now. 
She stopped next to his table, looking down at him, then slid into the seat across from him. Feeling a grimace spread across his face, he took a breath, readying himself to tell her to go away. Before he could speak, she leaned across the table, propping her chin in her hands and studying him.
“You should lay off,” she said, her eyes flicking to the beer he was gripping loosely.
Sneering, he replied in a slur, “None of your business.”
Raising an eyebrow, she leaned back, shooting back, “No, it isn’t, but I’d hate to see you give yourself alcohol poisoning. And I don’t think Wonho would like it much either.”
Rage washed over Hyungwon, and he slammed his beer to the tabletop, growling, “What the fuck would you know about it?”
The woman’s jaw set, her eyes narrowing. Damn her, why couldn’t she just go and leave him in peace?
“I know that Wonho loves you like a brother, and he doesn’t want you guys to give up without him,” she stated, folding her arms across her chest. “And I also know him well enough to know he would never be a belligerent ass to someone who was just trying to help.”
With that she stood, her face tinted with flames of anger. She turned to walk away, and Hyungwon pulled himself to his feet. This bitch dared to tell him who Wonho is? What the fuck would a groupie know about anything? Where did she get off dictating to him how he should feel? With a frustrated growl, he swayed, stumbling after her retreating back, intent upon giving her a piece of his mind. 
You stormed to your car, digging your keys from your bag. You should have just let him be. If there was one thing you knew for certain, it was that there was no talking to a drunk. If he was determined to try to act like Wonho had died as opposed to leaving the group, then fine. Let him drink himself away. 
Your heart constricted in your chest. You didn’t want to see that happen. You’d always had a soft spot for the handsome idol. But no way would you sit there and let him speak to you that way, drunk or not. Anger and deep sadness warred within you as you stopped next to the driver’s side of your car. 
Just as you were moving to open the door, you heard a sound behind you. Turning, you found the man making his weaving way towards you. Steeling yourself, you knew that your temper was going to get the best of you. 
Hyungwon spotted the damned woman and tried to walk a straight line to her. Her figure turned towards him, and he saw matching irritation cover her features. 
“Hey,” he said, stopping before her, “Who the fuck do you think you are?”
Her eyes narrowed, and she ran her eyes over his body, replying in a hiss, “I’m someone who you really don’t want to piss off. And I’m someone who just wants the best for you, so I suggest you get back in that bar, find a ride to the hotel, and sleep that shit off before you say something you’ll regret.”
Hyungwon felt his eyes widen, the fog in his mind clearing a bit as his fury doubled. 
“Where do you get off telling me what to do? You think you can just butt into my business,” he spat, pointing an accusing finger at her, tipping forward slightly before righting himself.
Flames of anger lit the depths of her eyes, and it only fueled his own ire. Deep down, some sober part of his subconscious was telling him that she was completely right, but the rest of him was happy to have an outlet for the storm of emotion within him. He’d held so much back, internalized so many feelings, and she had just set herself up to be his whipping girl. Burying the small voice saying that he would regret this, he let loose again before she could say anything, his finger still jabbing in her direction.
“You have no right to tell me what to feel. You don’t know me. You don’t know Wonho. And you sure as fuck don’t get to tell me when to stop drinking. So why don’t you just get in your fucking car and stop being a bitch?” he hurled.
Out of nowhere, her hand shot out, gripping the finger he was pointing in her direction as wild wrath filled her features.
“First of all,” she seethed, her tone only infuriating him further, “Didn’t your mom ever teach you that it’s rude to point? And second of all, don’t you dare call me a bitch. I’m trying to help you, even if you are a drunk bastard.”
Releasing his finger, she stepped closer, placing her face inches from his as she sneered, “Sober up, Hyungwon. And remember this, because I sure as fuck will.”
As he tried to comprehend what the hell that parting shot meant, she turned and flung her car door open, sliding into the driver’s seat and slamming the door. As she sped away, he stumbled back to lean against the truck behind him. Just as his head began to spin, trying to control himself, the door to the bar opened and Changkyun stepped out, looking around for him. Spotting him, he strode over. 
“Hey, did you just follow _____ outside?” Changkyun asked, pulling his friend straight as Hyungwon slid sideways on the truck.
“Is that the bitch’s name?” he slurred, still looking after the car that was rounding a corner. 
Changkyun looked at him for a moment, his eyes widening, then groaned, lifting Hyungwon with an arm around his waist and hauling him towards the bar, saying, “Aw, shit, man, what did you just do?”
The next morning came far too early and far too bright for Hyungwon. He let loose a long string of curse words as the curtains to his room were thrown back, bright sunlight piercing his closed eyes. Rolling to his stomach and burying his face in the pillow, he heard Shownu laugh from the corner of the room.
“Get your ass up, dude. Interview before tonight’s show. Go get a shower. You reek,” Shownu said, causing Hyungwon to blindly throw a pillow in his direction.
With another laugh, Shownu grabbed the end of the sheet covering Hyungwon’s nude body and yanked. 
“Come on, you already fucked us over enough last night. You aren’t going to go to this interview smelling like a urinal,” he added, smacking the tossed pillow over Hyungwon’s bare ass.
With a groan, Hyungwon rolled over, cracking one eye open and asking in a voice roughened by drink, “What the fuck you mean I fucked us over?”
Dramatically slapping a hand over his eyes, Shownu retorted, “Come on, man, I didn’t need to see that side of you. Cover the cock. And you’ll find out soon enough. Get cleaned up and get to the bus. She’s meeting us there.”
“She?” Hyungwon asked, sitting up and scrubbing at his eyes. 
Backing blindly towards the door, hand still covering his eyes, Shownu replied, “You’ll see. Hurry the fuck up, we don’t have all day.”
As the door closed behind the singer, Hyungwon ran his hands through his sweaty hair, waiting for the throb in his head to subside. What had he done the night before? It was all a blur after he had secluded himself. He vaguely remembered being in the parking lot, filled with pain and anger, but he couldn’t grasp any of the details. Sighing, he shoved himself to his feet. 
He supposed he’d find out soon enough, and if he knew his bandmates, he’d never hear the end of it.
Stretching, Hyungwon sauntered across the parking lot to the bus, wishing the pain killers he’d popped before his shower would kick in. As he reached the door of the bus, knocking for entrance, he tried once more to remember what in hell he’d done the night before to get himself in trouble. Shaking his head, he just couldn’t pull the memories from the fog.
The door slid open, and he stepped on the bus, looking around. The group was congregated in the living area, and a female figure was turned away from him, bent over a laptop. His eyes were drawn to the ass on display, and he dragged them down over the shapely legs beneath. Raising an eyebrow, he found that the pain in his head was suddenly not as distracting. 
“There you are,” Jooheon said, leaning back, lacing his fingers behind his head. “About fucking time.”
Hyungwon nodded to him, walking closer as the woman straightened and turned. He had a moment to appreciate her body as it turned, then her features, before her lips pressed into a straight line and her eyes narrowed at him. His eyebrows shot up in surprise. The interviewer was looking at him as if he’d kicked her puppy. Quickly he scanned his memory, wondering if he’d been interviewed by this woman before. 
But he already knew he hadn’t… he would have remembered this woman. She tugged at all the right parts of his libido. Giving her a tentative smile, he sat next to Changkyun.
“Sorry I was late,” he said, glancing around at the rest of the band before his eyes were drawn back to the sexy interviewer once more. 
Lip curling, she sat, replying, “Perfectly understandable after the night you had.”
Hyungwon felt his brow knit. How did she know about his bender the night before? Fuck, had she been there? Chewing the inside of his lower lip, he studied her closer. Had this woman witnessed his drunken stupor? 
You hit the button to start the voice recorder you had just been cueing on your laptop, then flipped open your notepad. You just wanted to get this interview over with. All the excitement for finally getting to talk to a group that you love was gone, washed away in your anger and hurt from the night before. And Hyungwon was acting as if nothing had happened. You supposed it was lost to the alcohol haze. 
Lucky him. You would never forget. Chae Hyungwon had been a man you had wanted to meet for so long, and that meeting had been ruined by his lack of control. Raising your eyes, you tried to keep your gaze cool, but you could feel the anger in your eyes. You looked at the man in question, taking in the striking features, the lanky body. How sad that such a man could be such an ass.
After meeting so many idols in your long career, you should have expected it, but somehow you had hoped Hyungwon would be different. Pressing your lips together, you shook your head at yourself. You should know better than to have pedestals anymore. Looking up again, You began the interview, shooting one last glare at Hyungwon before turning a softer look to Minhyuk. 
The rest of the band had been more than congenial. But was that because they knew your reputation? For the first time, you felt the longing to once more be just a simple fan, not the pit viper music journalist you had come to be known as. Would you have been treated differently then?
Hyungwon shifted uncomfortably through the entire interview, growing ever more worried. The woman, _____, pointedly asked him the harsh questions, then turned smiles to his bandmates with tossed off fluff questions. What the hell had he done to her to cause her to hate him so obviously? 
Finally she closed the notepad, then clicked a button on her laptop. Turning to the guys, she smiled, her eyes skirting around him. Dammit, what could he do to have that smile directed at him? Life just wasn’t fair. 
“Thank you for your time. I’ll be sending a copy of the interview to you guys before press time for approval,” she said, standing and turning to gather her belongings. 
The rest of the guys stood and approached to shake her hand, thanking her. Hyungwon hung back, waiting to be the last to speak to her. He had to know what he’d done. As Shownu walked past him, he shot a warning look his way then exited the bus.
Stepping forward, Hyungwon cleared his throat, then said, “Did… did I do something to piss you off?”
Turning slowly, her eyes narrowed again, and she replied, “You don’t remember anything from last night, do you?”
Groaning, he looked down, his hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. So she had been there. Fuck. What had he done?
“I’m sorry… I don’t know what I did, but I was drunk…” he began, only to be cut off.
“Yes you were. You were a drunk fucking asshole,” she growled, hitching her laptop bag onto her shoulder and shoving past him to the door of the bus. 
“Wait!” he called, grabbing her arm in an attempt to stop her, but she shook him off, turning a furious snarl to him.
“Go to hell, Hyungwon. I told you I wouldn’t forget, and sweet talking me won’t change that,” she stated in a harsh whisper before spinning and rushing off the bus. 
For a moment, Hyungwon could do nothing but stand in shocked silence. He must have fucked up royally the night before. And as Changkyun’s head appeared at the door to the bus, he had a feeling he was about to find out just how he had done that. 
“What the fuck did you say to her this time, man?” Changkyun charged, flinging his hands out in frustration.
Running his hands through his hair, Hyungwon shot back in frustration, “I don’t know! I was just trying to find out why the hell she was so pissed at me!”
Changkyun paused, then groaned, dropping to a seat and pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers. 
“You don’t remember last night?” he asked in a resigned voice. 
Propping his hands on his hips, Hyungwon charged, “No! Man, I was fucking gone; why is everyone so surprised that I can’t remember anything?”
Leaning back, Changkyun ran his hands down his face, looking up for a moment, then replying, “Dude, she tried to get you to stop drinking. You were an ass to her. You followed her out to her car and called her names. Do you realize what sort of pull she has in the industry?”
As those words sank in, Hyungwon’s arms fell limp to his side, his shoulders sagging. Dim memories began to float to the surface, filling him with shame. Fucking hell, no wonder she…
Spinning on his heel, he ran out, searching the parking lot frantically for her. 
You flung your laptop case into the backseat of your car rather harder than necessary, then paused. Sighing, you laid your arm on the roof of the car, dropping your head to it. You should have given the interview to someone else after last night. You couldn’t help but be biased now. But damn it, you had wanted this interview for years. 
Straightening with a long exhalation, you slowly stepped back to slam the door. Just as you were turning to the driver door, you heard footsteps rushing up behind you. Stiffening, you turned. You should have known.
“You come to call me a bitch again?” you asked, pinning a harsh stare on Hyungwon as he skidded to a halt before you. 
Shaking his head quickly, he held his hands up, saying quickly, “I am so sorry for that. Please, just give me a chance to…”
“To what? Be a dick to me some more?” you asked, storming forward to glare directly up into his eyes. “I was trying to be nice to you, Hyungwon. I just didn’t want to see you drink yourself sick. And you treated me like crap for it. If that’s the sort of man you are, then you get no chances.”
You moved to step back, but his hands shot out, gripping your shoulders tightly, holding you in place as his eyes widened.
“Stop, _____! Just listen to me, okay?” he said in apparent desperation.
Trying to jerk away, you spat, “What can you say to me after that? Just give it up, Hyungwon. Don’t worry, I won’t put it in my article. It would be unprofessional. So stop trying to save face.”
He yanked you closer, the front of your body pressed against his as he said, “Dammit, _____, listen! I’m trying to apologize. I don’t care about saving face, okay?”
Taking a deep breath, he loosened his grip on your shoulders, rubbing his hands soothingly over the skin he had just been clenching tightly. Your mind reeled, unable to come up with a response through the mélange of shock, fury, and several other unnamable emotions rushing through you.
“I am very sorry for what I said to you,” he went on, his tone softer. “I know I can’t excuse treating you that way, but I was wasted, _____, and last night without Wonho…”
Sighing, he looked down, and you gently extracted yourself from his hands. They felt far too good on your shoulders for your peace of mind. And his words confused you, pulled you from the righteous anger that you held so tight to yourself. 
“It was just a rough night, and I took it out on you. I’m sorry. If you’ll just…,” huffing, he dropped his hands, then stuck his right one out towards you in offering. “Can we start over? Hi, you can call me Hyungwon. And you are?”
Looking down at his hand, you blinked, your mind trying to catch up to the situation. A part of you understood his predicament, but another part of you was screeching warning bells, telling you that he was currently unstable, he would do the same thing again. Shaking your head, you looked up, seeing the pleading on his face. Damn that soft spot, it still had room for him. 
Taking his hand, you tugged up one corner of your mouth in a wry smile and said, “I’m _____. Nice to meet you, Hyungwon. I’ve been a fan for a long time.”
Hyungwon felt his face redden at her words, and he kept her hand in his. Feeling an unaccustomed shy smile curl his lips, he looked down, then pulled on a confident grin, looking back at her.
“Well, _____, allow me to take a fan to breakfast. I need some hangover food,” he said, turning so that he stood behind her, tucking her hand into the crook of his arm and leading her to the small diner next to the hotel. “You see, I was a total dumbass last night and got way too drunk.”
She resisted at first, saying, “I dunno, I have to go write this article…” but he won out in the end, pulling her across the parking lot.
After they had been seated, she looked across the table at him, suspicion still evident in her eyes. Grinning, he lifted the menu that was sat before him and cocked an eyebrow at hers, motioning for her to look at it. Narrowing her eyes, she studied him for a moment, then slowly lifted the menu. 
The waitress finally took their orders, and when she was gone, Hyungwon folded his hands on the table and leaned forward, taking in the beautiful woman sitting across from him. He knew that she still was unhappy with him, but he would take all steps necessary to put a stop to that. He wasn’t sure why, but he wanted her to like him. Maybe he was feeling the loss of his girlfriend more acutely, maybe he was just lonely in general. Either way, he wasn’t going to let her walk away mad at him forever.
Just as he was opening his mouth to speak, she pressed her lips together then asked, “Why are you doing this? I get it, you were upset last night. You don’t have to try to win my favor.”
Blinking, he sat back, then shrugged. He could do nothing but answer as honestly as he could. 
“I’m not really sure. I just … want to talk to you. I’m not the guy you talked to last night. Yeah, I was upset. It was our first show since… well, you know that. But I shouldn’t have acted the way I did. You were right, Wonho would have smacked me if he saw that,” he said, looking down at his hands.
Pursing her lips, she replied, “Remembering that, are you?”
Pulling his lips into an apologetic grin he nodded to her, saying, “Yeah. I know I was an ass, and there’s no way to take it back. But … hell, I don’t know. I haven’t talked to anyone about this stuff outside the guys and my gi-… my ex.”
Her smirk faded, and she reached across the table to pat his hand, asking, “How long has it been since she left?”
Looking up slowly, he had to ask, “This is all off the record, right?”
Rolling her eyes, she held her hands up, answering, “I may be a reporter, but I’m not a bitch, Hyungwon. Of course it’s off the record.”
Nodding once more, he gave her an apologetic smile then went on, “It’s been two months. She said she just couldn’t take it anymore. I was drinking a lot…”
“Imagine that,” she added wryly.
Giving her a grudging smile, he continued, “I was depressed a lot, and I took it out on her. I know, I know, ‘imagine that.’ But she just left me high and dry. The guys understand, of course, but… well, I don’t take to change well. I am still trying to accept that Wonho isn’t part of us anymore.”
Gently, she took his hands in her own, and he felt his heart warm towards her. 
“I understand that, Hyungwon. I’m not good with change either, especially when it affects my friends or family. But drinking yourself stupid isn’t going to help,” she said slowly, meeting his eyes, showing him that she wasn’t trying to castigate him. “It won’t change the fact that he is solo now, it’ll only push the people you have left away.”
Grimacing, he nodded his agreement, and their moment was broken by the waitress bringing their food. They ate in silence, sharing looks across the table. Finally he pushed his plate aside, the hangover finally abated. She slowly lifted her napkin, dabbing at her mouth. 
Looking askance at him, she asked, “What now?”
His eyes traveled over the parts of her body visible to him. He knew she felt uncomfortable with his scrutiny, but his admissions to her had forged a bond, and that only encouraged his admiration of her. He wanted this woman, and he had a feeling she knew it. But would she take his wanting in the wrong way? Would she think he had told her all these things simply to get closer to her? 
Hell, had he done that? He wasn’t sure himself.
You shifted in your seat, waiting for Hyungwon to answer. You had a feeling he was going to make a pass at you, and you weren't entirely sure how you felt about that. The man had been a passing crush of yours off and on over the years, but this wasn’t a picture on a screen or a face in a video. This was the real man, and he was human. Fallible. Imperfect. Would it ruin the fantasy to go any further? He’d already toppled his pedestal. How much farther could he fall if you allowed him closer?
“Are you coming to the show tonight?” his voice interrupted your musings. 
Nodding, you watched his face, waiting for it…
“You have a press pass, right? I’ll see you backstage?” he went on, his face carefully devoid of emotion.
Taking another breath, you nodded once more. 
Reaching in his pocket, he pulled out money and tossed it on the table, uncounted, then stood, offering her his hand and saying, “Well, then, you go write that article, and I’ll see you tonight. And no drinking, I promise.”
A nervous laugh escaped as you allowed him to help you to your feet. You couldn’t meet his eyes, couldn’t try to decipher what was going on in his head. You would focus on the article, and when tonight came… you’d worry about that then.
Hyungwon watched her drive off, then turned back to the bus, already running and ready to head to the venue. Rushing on board, he nearly ran into Jooheon.
“You make nice with the hard ass reporter?” the rapper asked, raising an eyebrow. 
Giving him a half smile, Hyungwon flung himself to a seat, shooting back, “Yes. And she isn’t such a hard ass. She’s kinda cute.”
“Aw hell,” Minhyuk said, his eyes still glued to the video game he was playing, “Don’t tell me you’re hot for the reporter. That woman is one of the most influential music critics in the world. You get on her bad side and we’re done for.”
Chuckling, Hyungwon lifted his headphones, settling them around his neck, and picking up the other game controller, retorting, “I was already on her bad side. And now I’m not. At least I think I’m not.”
“Make damn sure you aren’t,” Kihyun threw in, walking from the back of the bus. “She isn’t a groupie, man. You can’t fuck her.”
Raising an eyebrow, Hyungwon moved his fingers over the controller, muttering, “We’ll see about that.”
You made your way backstage, your nerves jumping. Hyungwon had seen you in the press pit at the show and flashed inviting smiles at you throughout the night. Part of you was jumping up and down in excitement, and another part was saying to keep the hell away. Hyungwon was wild. He was unpredictable. And most of all, he was an idol. You knew how they worked. 
You had never slept with a musician, though there had been speculation throughout your career. Most of it was jealousy from lesser journalists, but you had been adamant that you wouldn’t be anyone’s toss off. You were around the industry enough to know how it worked. And that wasn’t you. You were sexually attracted to Hyungwon, of course, who wouldn’t be?
But wanting an idol was very different from having one. Once again you saw in your mind the figure of Hyungwon stumbling in the parking lot of the bar, hurling insults at you. You looked around at the fans grappling to get backstage. Fuck, this wasn’t going to happen. 
Just as you were making up your mind to turn around and leave, you heard your name.
“_____!” Hyungwon called, pushing through the crowd. 
She paused, and he saw the doubt on her face. Giving her his best grin, he made his way to her side, snaking an arm around her waist and pulling her to the more private area where the band was congregated after the hi-touch. 
“Come on, the guys want to say hi,” he told her, feeling her tense slightly at the pressure of his arm around her. 
Nodding, she followed him, looking around warily. He knew that they were being watched, but he didn’t care. Ever since leaving her in that parking lot at the hotel, he’d been unable to think of anything but her. Stopping with her, he grinned to the rest of his bandmates. Kihyun gave him a pointed look, then turned a grin to her.
“Hello again. You going to take a second bite at us?” he asked, extracting her from Hyungwon’s grasp and leading her to the couch between himself and Minhyuk. 
“Just here to cover the show this time,” she replied as Hyungwon glared at his bandmates.
He knew they were trying to keep him away from her, but they couldn’t do it all night. He’d be damned if he was going to pass this chance up. She had reached some part of him that made a connection. He’d been bared before her, without any pretense, in his drunken stupor. She’d seen a side of him that few got to see. And she didn’t hate him for it. 
Moving forward, he shoved Kihyun aside and took his seat next to her, tossing an arm over her shoulder, saying, “Well, I’m glad you’re here. You can see that I took your advice. No drinking.”
Wrinkling her nose, she snorted, “While I’m glad for that, I’d like you to take something else… a shower.”
Grinning playfully down at her, ignoring the warning looks of his bandmates, he leaned in closer, whispering, “Only if you come with me. I don’t want one of these guys sweeping you off before I get a chance to talk to you some more.”
He saw her face flame, and he pulled away a bit, knowing he was moving too fast, but there was a desperation running through his veins, a need to feel close to someone. 
No, not someone. Her. 
Taking a deep breath, he stood, needing to be alone with her, to feel her presence all to himself. It had been too long since he had felt this way. Ever since the whole issue with Wonho, Hyungwon had closed himself off. But she had got through to him, and he couldn’t lose that now. He needed her. 
Holding a hand out, he begged her with his eyes, all the others forced from his mind, all the possible repercussions ignored. Slowly she met his eyes, reading them, then reached her hand out, allowing him to pull her to her feet. His eyes slipped closed in relief for a moment. She wouldn’t fight him.
You allowed Hyungwon to lead you out of the room, trying not to be aware of the people watching you both. The last thing either of you needed was for it to get around that you were fucking the recent interviewee. But the look in Hyungwon’s eyes as he had held that hand out to you… you knew that this wouldn’t be a throwaway fuck to him, even if you never spoke again afterwards. 
He pulled you out of the crowded room and into a dark, empty hallway. As the door swung shut behind you, he paused, then turned to you. His hand came slowly up, stroking the wisps of hair in your face back, tucking them behind your ear. 
“Thank you, _____,” he said softly.
You almost asked what for, but you knew. Hyungwon needed this, and you were going to give it to him. Everything he’d been through… you couldn’t deny him this bit of intimacy, even if you wanted to. But there was no denying to yourself, you wanted it just as bad as he did. You nodded at him, glancing up at his face, so close to yours.
Time slowed to a crawl as he leaned in closer, taking your lips in an exploring kiss that sent your head reeling. Without thinking, lost in the feel of his lips on yours, your hands raised to slide up his chest and over his shoulders. In return his arms encircled your waist, the fingers of one of his hands tracing up your spine to curl into the ends of your hair. 
Finally you pulled away, struggling to regain your senses as he tugged gently on your hair and said, “There’s a shower in the dressing room…”
Looking up, you saw the same frantic pleading in his eyes. Nodding, you licked your lower lip, watching his eyes follow your tongue’s movement, his gaze sharpening with lust, mirrored by the tug in your nether regions. 
“Let’s go,” you whispered, your hands cupping his jaw for a moment before stepping back.
Hyungwon bit back a groan as she stepped away, then turned to once more lead her towards the showers, one arm still slung around her waist, the hand venturing down to the curve of her ass, squeezing the inviting globes that had been driving him mad since he had first seen her bent over in the bus. 
Kicking the door open to the dressing room, he snatched her into the room, pushing her up against the wall and accosting her mouth again, unable to stop himself, both his hands now on her ass, pressing her hips forwards, grinding his now-aching cock against her. 
Her breath caught, then she melted into his ministrations once more. Groaning into the kiss, he blindly walked them back towards the small bathroom, his lips sliding down to her neck, flicking his tongue across her pulse as he felt her hands tangle into his hair, tugging his mouth closer as he nipped at the crook of her neck and shoulder. 
Once more he slammed her back to the wall as they reached the bathroom. Working his leg between hers, he rubbed up, pressing his thigh into the seam of her jeans, his lips devouring her neck, reveling in the cries she released for him. One of his hands slipped around her body, and he raised his head for a moment, turning to quickly flick on the hot water in the shower behind them. 
Turning back, he saw the glazed look in her eyes, her lips reddened from his kisses. Cupping her jaw, he ran the calloused pad of his thumb over her lower lip, feeling her shiver as she pressed down on his leg. Fuck, she was so responsive. Slipping his hand back, he fisted the hair at the nape of her neck and leaned in to capture her lips, slipping his tongue in to dance with hers. 
The hand not in her hair inched under the hem of her shirt, trailing the tips of his fingers across her skin as he slowly dragged them closer and closer to the cups of her bra. Feeling her back arch, he filled his palm with the yielding flesh encased in thin lace, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. Breathing sped in both of them, and he pulled from her lips, resting his forehead against hers as he dragged his thumbnail over the hardened peak hidden in her bra. 
She shuddered in his arms, and he licked his lips, the hand in her hair tightening. Pressing her tighter to the wall, he slipped his hand under the scrap of lace, her hot flesh smooth against his rough skin. Damn, he had imagined this all day, but this surpassed any of his imaginings. Letting his eyes slip closed for a moment, he simply stroked her breast, teasing the bud with his thumb, feeling her heartbeat under the skin. 
“Hyungwon,” she gasped in a soft voice, her tone of need ripping a moan from him. 
His eyes opened and he watched the pleasure play across her face. At that moment, he felt more at home, more right than he had in so long. He was glad that it was her he had turned to rather than some random fan. For once he had made the right decision. Even if she ended up hating him, reviled him in the press, or even worse… walked away from him… this moment would be saved in his memory forever as one of pure bliss. 
“_____… you are amazing,” he mumbled, leaning in as he rucked her shirt up, raining kisses over her chest. 
He tugged down the cup of her bra and replaced his thumb with his tongue. She arched against him, a sweet gasp sounding from her. After a moment of living in the taste of her skin he ripped himself away. She sagged against his leg, and he tugged his shirt off, then hers. His eyes devoured her bared skin as his fingers tripped around her ribcage.
Trying not to rush himself, he unfastened her bra, glancing up at her face, biting his lip at the vision of pleasure she made. Unhurriedly, he slid the straps from her shoulders, unable to look away as her flesh was bared for him. Sucking in a gasp, he dropped the bra, looking up at her flushed face as her eyes cut to the side. 
Gripping her chin, he turned her eyes to his once more, murmuring, “So beautiful…” 
She bit her lip, and he couldn’t resist leaning in to kiss it free as his hands moved to lift her breasts, feeling a moment of regret that her silken skin was being subjected to the coarseness of his touch. But her soft sound of carnality told him that she didn’t mind. Gripping her flesh tighter, he dropped his kisses to her collarbone, nipping gently then working his mouth down to one of the peaks in his hand. 
After a long moment of rolling his tongue across her nipple, he reluctantly pulled away again, stepping back. Heart racing, he watched her eyes open as he moved his hands to the button of her jeans. Waiting for her to stop him, he kneeled, working open the denim separating him from his goal. When her fingers laced into his hair again, he moaned, yanking her jeans down and leaning in to nuzzle her abdomen. 
The scent of her arousal rose, making his erection jerk in his pants. She lifted her feet, one at a time, kicking off her shoes as he pulled the jeans from her body. Lowering his mouth, he teased himself and her, running his tongue over the scrap of silk covering her mound. His hands moved to hook into the waistband of her panties, sitting back and drawing them slowly down her thighs. 
“Fuck,” he rasped out as her sex was bared to him. 
His patience broke as he yanked the panties the rest of the way down, a gasp ringing from her parted lips. Jumping up, he shucked his pants, toeing off his shoes and ripping his boxers from his body, his cock springing forth, turgid and weeping for her. For a moment, he merely looked at her, gripping his dick in his hand and squeezing. 
There was no going back now. Releasing his member with a soft moan, he reached his hand out for her. Shaking, her hand came to rest in his, and his heart leapt. He would have her. Slowly he backed into the shower stall, drawing her with him. The hot water hit his back, drawing a pleasured hiss from between his teeth. Slowly he turned them, his hands falling to her hips as he pressed her to the wall of the shower. 
Once more he dropped to his knees, his hands gliding with the water down her thighs, parting them softly. Hearing her breathing speeding, he leaned in, trailing kisses up the path his hands had just taken, aiming for his destination between her legs. As his tongue ventured out to part her nether lips, seeking the bud of pleasure that resided there, her hands gripped his hair, a moan ripping from both of them.
Pressing her hips to the wall, he pressed his face closer, sucking her clit between his lips, flicking his tongue against it as he increased the suction. Her hips trembled, trying to buck, but he held her more firmly, sliding his tongue out to dip into her sex as his teeth scraped lightly over the hood of her clit. 
“God, Hyungwon,” she cried out, pressing his head further in, her own head falling back to the wall with a thud. Swirling his tongue in her juices, he arched as deep as he could, then returned to his slow torture of her clit, drinking in the sweet caramel taste of her. 
When he could stand it no longer, his cock jerking and dancing between his knees, pearls of pre-cum running down his shaft, he stood, pressing his body to hers. She looked up, her hooded eyes meeting his, and he took a shaking inhalation.
“_____… I need you,” he whispered, burying his face in her wet hair, running his lips across the shell of her ear, his dick throbbing against her hip. 
“Do it, Hyungwon, please,” she gasped, her hips arching against him.
Biting back a groan, he slid his hands down, wedging her body tightly between his and the wall as he lifted her legs, wrapping them around his waist. Lifting his head once more, he caught her eyes, watching as he aimed and slid into her. Her eyes fluttered shut, her head falling back as he bit out a curse at the tight heat engulfing his shaft. 
Dropping his forehead to hers once more, he growled, “Thank you, _____… thank you…”
With that he drew his hips back and set a slow pace. Her legs tightened on his slim hips, his fingers digging into the supple roundness of her ass. Her hands scrambled over the shower wall behind her before her fingernails dug into his back, pulling a pleasured hiss from him. Pumping a bit faster into her heat, he ground his pelvic bone into her clit, wanting to give back every ounce of pure physical joy she was giving him.
Rolling his hips, he felt her sheathe begin to grow tighter around him, and he worked his mouth into the hollow of her shoulder, biting a bit harder, sucking at the sweet skin between his teeth as his hips pounded into her harder. On one hand he wanted this to last forever, to feel the elation of her wet heat making him tingle forever. But on the other hand he wanted to feel her clamp down around him, hear her voice scream his name in release, plant his seed deep in her. 
But he knew he couldn’t do that, at least. This was not a relationship, there were no guarantees of a future with her. He couldn’t release himself inside of her, no matter how badly he’d like to. Pushing those thoughts away, he ravaged her neck, bucking into her ever faster, ever harder. Her nails raked down his back, leaving a burning trail of pleasure in their wake, and he gasped, his head jerking back, orgasm on the brink as he slammed into her as deep as he could, then continued to smash into her, feeling as if he would split her in two. 
Suddenly, without warning, she stiffened in his arms, her hands flying out to claw at the wall as her sheath tightened impossibly on his member, her head flying back as his name came pouring from her throat. Sucking in a breath, Hyungwon slammed in faster, his head spinning as he tried his hardest to ride out her climax. But all too soon he was pulling out, thrusting his erupting cock against her wet folds and ass, his seed splattering against the wall behind her to slowly drip down.
Collapsing forward against her, he tried to catch his breath, his head coming to rest on her chest, hearing her racing heart begin to slow. After a long moment of fading afterglow, he gently lowered her legs to the floor of the shower once more. Lifting his head, he cupped her cheek, meeting her eyes. They were guarded once more, and it sent a stab of pain to his heart. 
“Are you okay?” he asked, stroking her wet hair back from her face. 
Nodding, she looked down, then back up at him, saying in a soft voice, “What now, Hyungwon?”
He studied her for a long time, silence only broken by the running water, which was now turning cold. What did she want? Hell, what did he want? Could she give it to him?
“Now we finish showering, and you come back to the hotel with me,” he finally said, smiling as he watched her face jerk back up to his, her eyes widening.  “And from there, I let you decide. I know I’m leaving in the morning, _____, and I know you have a career, but I haven’t had enough of you. When our paths cross… I hope you’ll see me.”
She looked up at him in wonder for a moment, and he tried to read her thoughts in her eyes, desperately needing to know how she felt. 
“I don’t think I can help but see you, Hyungwon,” she finally said in a tiny voice.
Hope sprang inside of him, and he pulled her into an embrace, grinning into her hair. Her words had made the future brighter than the past for the first time since the whole debacle with his group. And no matter what happened between them, he would always be in her debt for that.
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Monsta x reacting to you having a daughter? Seeing them with kids again gave me all the feels, like they hit me with a truck
oof hell yeah
This also has some of my own experiences baby sitting
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(Y/n) said that he was at home sick so Hyunwoo went through the dorms closet and went by a grocer that wasn't too far. He knocked and heard quick footsteps and the door opened to reveal a un sick man. (Y/n)'s eyes widen as he and Hyunwoo's eye met. A quick sharp cry ran through the air distracting them.
"Just come in." (Y/n) muttered
He just stood there with his shoes off and saw bright and small shoes on the rack. (Y/n) walked into the room where the crying was coming from. Soon the man came out with a baby about 9 months to a year old.
"I wasn't sick, she was." He couldn't look at his boyfriend, Hyunwoo was shocked but he saw that he needed to do something. He stepped forward and took the child in his arms and she was fascinated with him. (Y/n) let out a breath as his daughter, named Sooyoung, started grabbing at his hair and squishing his face in her pudgy hands. Hyunwoo could feel how warm she was but paid no attention as she was happy for a moment and he could help but smile at her antics.
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As soon as he saw anything related to kids that his boyfriend was wearing, Wonho would find the truth and he would see the child. (Y/n) blamed the bracelet that he kept on his right wrist for Jiyoo, she made it on her 4th birthday and he would never take it off. Wonho wanted to meet her badly since he knows that he had a daughter, (Y/n) wanted to wait and make sure not to expose to many people to Jiyoo. After pleading on either side he gave in, a day was set to go by a coffee shop and go to the park. Wonho and (Y/n) got a coffee but Jiyoo got a cookie with the frosting as a cute cat. Wonho was great with her, he stole a bit of her cookie and she took a sip of his coffee. Saying it was only fair, Jiyoo grabbed both of your hands when walking and asked Wonho to push her. She reasoned that he was so strong that she could fly. He wouldn't admit it but Wonho's cheeks hurt badly from smiling so much.
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One day he came to surprise his boyfriend and saw the Little girl hanging off his hip. He was a little disappointed but (Y/n) and he had a long talk and agreed that Minhyuk and his daughter could have a relationship. In the end the worst part of it was that Yujin and Minhyuk would have screaming battles. He and Yujin would be best friends. Her favorite was when Minhyuk would read to her, he would do the voices and it wouldn't just be bedtime. (Y/n) took her to the library and she would pick out 12 books just for Minhyuk to read to her. Also, they would love to cook together, Yujin would be on the counter showing Minhyuk how to cook and bake. Her favorite thing to make was cupcakes with him. They both would make the worst messes and the cutest cupcakes. (Y/n) would sit on the floor just to see his little girl yelling at Minhyuk saying that green was an unacceptable color for cupcakes.
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For someone who is called a mom a lot, he would be awkward. He panics too much until he was settled with (Y/n)'s child. Hyunjae would lead him around his boyfriend's own apartment because he was too stiff. (Y/n) laughed at him for being scared of a 5-year-old. Many times Kihyun wouldn't even be able to punish her, (Y/n) didn't even want to but he could see his flushed face after seeing her puppy eyes. Kihyun and Hyunjae loved cooking together, they would do it every time they could. Kihyun would let her mix and do everything that wasn't dangerous. Hyunjae could easily power the whole building with her smile when she cooked. They loved singing Disney and children's songs too. (Y/n) felt sorry for their neighbors but seeing Kihyun and his daughter dance and sing "into the unknown" from Frozen would never be something he apologizes for.
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He would be awkward around his boyfriend's girl, thankfully, she was quiet and reserved like him. Misoon was famous for being quiet around (Y/n)'s home. She wouldn't ask for attention but would come up behind someone and pull on their shirt. Hyungwon was too tall so she resorted to pulling on his pants, it didn't always go well but she was only 4 and trying her best. Hyungwon is the type to put her on the counter when he was cooking or putting something together. Or just give her a piece of tape when he's using it. He quickly learned that things go into her mouth at an alarming rate. Whenever Hyungwon would stay the day, she fell asleep on him. the amount of pictures (Y/n) has of Hyungwon trying to sleep in a small bed where his legs are either 2 feet out of the bed or scrunched, is enough for the member to never see him the same.
Jooheon (I am going to write about an autistic child, I have a bit of experience with taking care of children with autism but these are just my experiences)
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(Y/n) was apprehensive when introducing his daughter to Jooheon, he didn't know how either of them would react. He thought the perfect place would be their house and having a picnic in their back yard. Jooheon was so happy to see her, Nari was nervous and couldn't make eye contact. Jooheon was doing all he could do to make her relaxed, he even brought flowers for her. Nari opened up more at lunch, still holding a flower. She talked about what she was drawing lately and how math was her favorite subject. Some days she and Jooheon would work on it together and he would help her out in literature, it wasn't her best subject but she tried and Jooheon would set up a fake test for her to practice. One day when he came over he saw a fidget cube in her hand and soon she wouldn't put it down, not even for bath time. Everyone could see how much she love to stim with it. Jooheon love this and for her birthday, he got one in her favorite colors and got himself one so she wouldn't feel bad that she only saw her self using one.
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He was shocked that someone so young had a daughter but he didn't question much. His boyfriend was happy and so was his child. Changkyun was with (Y/n) for so long that Yunhee saw Changkyun as another da. Yunhee was a few years old when she said that he was her dad. He still won't admit it but he held her and shed a few tears. He didn't plan to be a dad so young but he loved (Y/n) and Yunhee so he was a dad and he was happy with it. His favorite thing to do with her is to sing, she would be laying on his chest ready to fall asleep and she would fall asleep to his voice. Changkyun would have the books he grew up and read them to Yunhee, with movies to. He'd find the Lion King and Nemo and having them playing all the time. He would often think that he was raising a human and what if he did something wrong, it would keep him up at night.
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mxflo · 5 years
Holding Back (Fluff, with a tiny bit of smut)
Starving (Fluff)
Breakfast (Fluff)
Night Swim (Smut)
Wake Up Call (Smut, nsfw)
Warmth (Fluff)
Private Escape (Fluff)
Wedded (Fluff)
Jealousy (Smut, nsfw)
Post Concert (Smut, nsfw)
Late (Angst)
Surprise Visit (Smut, nsfw)
Cuddles (little mix of fluff and smut)
Goodnight Kisses (fluff)
Morning Coffee (fluff)
Over Coffee - Part 1 (dramatic fluff)
Skin (Smut)
Over Coffee - Part 2 (dramatic angsty fluff)
Over Coffee - Part 3 (fluff)
Workout (little angst, little fluff)
Over Coffee - Part 4 (fluff)
Pancakes - Fluff
Use Me (Smut, nsfw)
Forgive Me (Angst)
Interest - Part 1
Interest - Part 2
Want (Smut, nsfw)
River Park - Part 1 (fluff)
River Park - Part 2 (fluff)
River Park - Part 3 (fluff)
Awkward Silence (Fluff)
Night In (Fluff)
Afternoon Nap (Fluff)
Sleepless (Fluff)
Lullaby (Fluff)
Writers Block (Smut)
Honey Kisses (Fluff)
Honey Bliss (Smut, nsfw)
Roman Holiday (Fluff)
Heartache (angst, fluff)
Bath Time (Smut)
Middle of the Night - Part 1
Middle of the Night - Part 2
Middle of the Night - Part 3
Middle of the Night - Part 4
Middle of the Night - Part 5
Belong (Fluff)
I Love You Secretly (Angst)
My Protector (fluff)
Wine Drunk (Smut)
Making Up for Lost Time (Smut, nsfw)
Good Morning (Fluff)
Confession - Part 1 (angsty fluff)
Dressing Room Fun (Smut, nsfw)
Confession - Part 2 (Smut, nsfw)
Demo Playlist (Smut)
Stay With Me (Smut, nsfw)
Waiting (Angst, little fluff)
Wake Up (Smut)
Teased (Smut)
Connection (Fluff)
New Year Kiss (Fluff)
The Bartender - Part 1
The Bartender - Part 2
Red Flags
The Bartender - Part 3
The Bartender - Part 4
Quiet -( Smut, nsfw)
Red Flags - Part 2
Red Flags - Part 3
The Sweetest Song (Fluff)
Grip (Smut, nsfw)
Wings Of Fate (entire series)
It Ain’t Over (angst)
Admit It (Angst, Fluff)
Blazin - Part 1
Blazin - Part 2
Visitor - Part 1
Visitor - Part 2
The Drive Home (Angst)
Back Home (Fluff)
The Home
Blazin - Part 3
Blazin - Part 4
Working Late (Smut, nsfw)
Unnamed Member
Night Time Pleasure (Smut)
Tremble For Me (Smut, nsfw)
Feral (smut)
Sweet Dreams (fluff)
Heartbeat (Fluff)
In His Arms (angst, fluff)
Beach Walk (Fluff)
Sunrise (Smut)
Requests Master List. - Here is a list of all requests I’ve done!
I started an on going project with all members and you can find that list here:
I Love You
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party night 1
So.. what is this? Let me tell you. Parting with friends is fun and games until someone cries, I guess? This is kinda based on true events. Please enjoy this chaotic story with this chaotic group.
This is Part Numero Uno
Pairing: Well, Monsta X Partying With Reader.. Will Something Happen? Maybe? Who Knows?
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Fixing your hair for the last time you grabbed your small bag and filled it with your keys and phone. You were excited to say the least. You usually only went out partying with your girls and met up with the guys later. It was the first time you went out alone with them. And that was nerve wrecking.
Their dorm was a 5-10 minutes walk away. Your shoes making noises as you walked down the street, which boosts your confidence a little as you took your time on your way. You looked good and you felt good. Obviously you needed more time than only 45 minutes but looking at that outcome a tap on your shoulder was of course necessary.
Being excited of going to the club with the guys you strolled your way down the street, seeing their house as you walked. Finally arriving at their dorm you walked the stairs up, the noise of your shoes now louder in the staircase. The door swung open once you started ringing their front door. A tired looking Shownu with glasses was standing at the door in his sweats. He looked good, you thought. Perfect boyfriend material right in front of you. His shoulders were board. His skin a light taint and his grey sweats were hanging low. Just like you he looked you up and down as he lifted his eyesbrow.
You grinned. “What up”
“Why do you look like that?” He stood still in front of you still mustering you from head to toe. It would have been creepy if he was a stranger. He bit his bottom lip looking back into your face.
“I- excuse me?”
He shook his head confused and blinked a few times realizing what just came out of his mouth.
“I’m sorry I, you look good wow” he said, letting you finally in and shutting the door once you walked past him. You turned around, back to looking at him and smiled, flicking your hair back.
“Thank y-“
“Holy Shit” you were about to thank that gorgeous looking man in front of you when you shrieked at that loud voice behind you. Changkyun dressed in a black shirt and ripped jeans standing in the hallway looking at you.
“Fuck..you scared me” your hand pressed against your chest looking at him. Changkyun just stared back at you.
“Wow who is that?” Wonho said coming to the hallway as well making his appearance noticed by applauding. He was wearing a tight white shirt with dark blue jeans. His black baseball cap was covering his pink hair.
“Excuse me? Do I really look that bad when I don’t look like that?” You huffed out, both your hands on your waist now.
“You always look beautiful but-“ Shownu started as you turned to him only for him to be cut of by Changkyun again.
“Right now you look extra hot.. holyyy” he fanned his face with his hand.
“Ew..” you huffed out. Wonho laughed at you rolling your eyes. Even though you were clearly grossed out by their compliments you loved every little bit of it. Of course you planned to look as good as possible with your choice of outfit. Showing every little detail of your body and letting the rest for the imagination. You were proud to say the least.
“Are you done getting ready?” You asked placing your purse on a table near the door as you walked past them to their living room. The men following right behind you. Placing yourself on their couch, you crossed your legs. All three men staring at you. You lifted both your eyebrows cocking a smile at them.
“Almost” Wonho said walking up to you and sitting beside you. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and started scrolling through whatever app he opened.
“Minhyuk is showering and Jooheon should be ready too soon” Changkyun grinned walking to you and taking a chair, placing it right in front of you and taking a seat on it.
“What is with you?” You asked giving his thigh a slap making Wonho look up.
“You just look bomb i don’t know what to tell you” he said again for the third time now making you laugh again.
“Stop it or Im leaving” you giggled out making his smile turn wider.
Few minutes past and you started to talk to Shownu for a little bit. He was clearly not in the mood to go out partying like the rest of you even though you really wanted him to come along.
“He’s wearing his glasses he won’t come out with you” Kihyun said smiling at you as he walked out of his room.
“By the way you look gorgeous” he yelled walking into the bathroom, disappearing. Walking back to the living room both Minhyuk and Jooheon were already starting to open the bottles to get ready to drink some shots before you made your way to the bars.
“Wait... who is that?” Jooheon yelled walking up to you to greet you, taking your hand in his and twirling you around.
“Look at that sexy human being” he said again taking a shot from his glass. You giggled as Jooheon turned you around once more.
“Here drink” Minhyuk yelled through his cup, taking it between his teeth while pouring you a full cup. Wonho handed you the filled cup as you drank it. The boys started clapping as you drowned the cup in one go, scrunching your face at the burning sensation in your throat.
“Are we taking a cap?” you grabbed another bottle and poured yourself and the other boys the next drinks looking up at them.
“Hyungwon is driving us” you snorted into your cup making Wonho laugh again.
“We forced him of course” Minhyuk said grinning and drowning the next cup down his throat.
“Where is he?” You asked just taking light sips from your drink. You didn’t want to black out just yet. The night was about to be a long one so you were here for a good one.
“I’m here, let’s go so I can go back to sleep” A very cuddly looking Hyungwon walked past the room to grab his keys. You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol you drowned just minutes ago but you suddenly felt the urge to grab this man and give him the biggest and tightest hug ever. Hyungwons eyes shot up to look at you when you loudly whined his name.
“Hyungwonnie” His eyes narrowed as you walked up to him, grabbed his arm and pushed his body to yours, hugging him tightly. He didn’t move just staring bluntly at the other once.
“Are you drunk already?” He said while standing still and looking down at your head.
“No I just think you look cuddly” you said looking up at him grinning. Jooheons face turned to Changkyun who was frowning from his spot watching you. Coughing a little Changkyun walked past you hugging Hyungwon to open the door. It seems to look like someone did not enjoy the cutesy of the moment when he coughed again, making it clear for him that he wants to get going. Still not letting go Hyungwon then squeezed you back a little but pushed you off immediately, making you pout.
“Lets go please” Hyungwon said, tapping your shoulder, looking at Jooheon with his eyebrows up.
“How are we suppose to fit here? I thought we’re taking the bigger car?” You said, your arms folding in front of your chest. Hyungwons rolled his eyes at your comment as he got inside into the front seat.
“SHOT GUN” Jooheon yelled running past Minhyuk climbing into the passenger seat. You weren’t exactly sure on how exactly they wanted this to arrange but now you just were not carrying to the point where you just stayed silent until someone told you what to do.
“Get all in (Y/N) will sit on someone’s lap.” You glared at Hyungwon who was grinning to himself. Your hand snaked into the window slapping the back of his head.
“Ouch..” he rubbed his head as he looked at you. “I thought you liked me”
“Not anymore.”
“Well how else do you want to do it then?” He said looking back to the seats. You opened the door and taking a seat, looking at Changkyun who was standing at the car door.
“Come here” you tapped your thighs and looked at Changkyun who then got the hint.
“What? No!” In that moment, the car door on the other site opened as Wonho and Minhyuk pushed themselfs in, blocking the other seats.
“(Y/N) I will not sit on your lap”
“Oh my child, come on” you giggled as you grabbed his arm pushing him inside. He took a seat on your lap, clearly uncomfortable but secretly liking this. Closing the door Hyungwon turned the car on finally driving off.
“(Y/N) here take this” Minhyuk whispered as he gave you a small cup with brown liquor. You smelled the strong smell as you took it off his hand. With a swift motion you gulped the brown drink in one go coughing a bit at the burn in your throat.
“This will be fun” Wonho said watching you drown another small shot of the drink, winking at you.
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daebakinc · 4 years
Hero Among Thorns - Pt 5
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Pairing: Hyunwoo x Reader Genre: Undercover Detective AU, Action, Romance Word Count: 2.5K Summary: When a mistaken connection results in your kidnapping by one of the city’s most notorious gangs, the undercover detective Hyunwoo has no choice but to rescue and protect you, and, most dangerously of all, fall in love with you. Warning: Mentions of violence and blood. Parts:  1, 2, 3, 4 
Even the most hobbit-like homebody has their limits. You really thought your tolerance for staying inside the apartment with no job and no bills to worry about would be high. You really did.
Hyunwoo stayed with you for a few days, then handed over the majority of his babysitting duty to a rotation of his team members, minus Minhyuk. He’s still avoiding you.
In contrast, the others have ensured you want for almost nothing. Kihyun and Hyungwon delivered what they could of your apartment, moving furniture and other items into a spare room at their shop. Those they couldn’t salvage, they replaced. Jooheon and Hoseok never seem to run out of stories of their team’s adventures and misadventures alike. Changkyun has procured a digital copy of any and every movie and television show you ask for to fill your days. When you asked if they were all legal, he’d only winked.
Despite your wheel of protectors, every night, Hyunwoo returns. Some nights, it’s so late he has to wake you up from the couch so you can go to bed. You do try to stay awake, but it doesn’t always work. As much as you like the other members of his team, it’s your time with Hyunwoo that you look forward to the most. If you spent time thinking about how much you anticipated his return, you might be embarrassed.
At first, you’d awkwardly moved around each other like two newly-assigned dance partners. Overly polite, careful of each other’s space. Eventually, you felt each other out and fell into a routine that fits the two of you. He makes dinner with your help or brings takeout, which the two of you eat while only talking to comment on some aspect of the food, sometimes followed by a movie that Hyunwoo usually sleeps through half of, before heading to your own bedrooms. Hyunwoo drops little details about his days that he spends away from you, but never too much. He tells you most of it is too boring to bother with.
That hurt a little at first, but you always remind yourself of your situation. You’re his charge, his witness. Not his girlfriend or confidant. You like to think you’re becoming friends at least. Never mind that you harbor the secret fantasy of becoming more.
Maybe that internal conflict helped contribute to the fact that it only takes two weeks before you get stir crazy. Two weeks, three days, and only God knows how many hours, minutes and seconds. You now catch yourself staring out the window, heart sour apple green with envy at the people walking down the street. Getting to do normal things like shop at whatever stores they please, feel the wind and sun whenever they want, see something other than the same gray walls and window view.
If you were in the basement of the apartment building, you’d be seriously considering pulling a Count of Monte Cristo and dig your way out with nothing more than a spoon. Or tie your bed-sheets together and rappel down the side of the building. Though both the crawling and rappelling would be hard with one arm out of commission…
“Whatcha thinking about?”
Hoseok’s voice startles you, but this time, you don’t fall off the window seat. For such a big man, he can move as quietly as a cat when he wants. Very, very slowly, you’re getting use to that.
“Can you rappel down a building with one arm?” you ask, not taking your eyes from the window.
“Technically, but I wouldn’t recommend it. One slip and you’re a pancake on the pavement if your rigging isn’t properly set up. And that’s if one arm can handle your whole body weight with gravity pulling on it,” he answers candidly. He sits on the opposite side of the window sill. “Why?”
“I don’t mean to sound ungrateful,” you sigh, “but I’m sick of this apartment. I want fresh air.”
“Open the window then.”
By now, you know when he’s teasing and sure enough, when you look at him, that smile is on his face. You push his foot off the sill with yours. “You know what I mean. I want outside. Isn’t keeping someone in a single space for an extended amount of time a form of torture?”
He gasps dramatically, a hand over his heart. “My presence is torture?” When he grins at your giggle, you know that was his whole point.
“You know what I mean. If I have to look at these same walls for any longer … I feel like I’m going to go crazy.”
“In my defense, I did try to convince Hyunwoo we should paint the place. Make it more homey. I suggested blue, but –”
“I know. I don’t think I could do it myself,” he admits with a sigh. Solemnly, he adds, “We’re just trying to keep you safe. Yew has been quiet since your kidnapping. That could mean he’s decided his threat worked or he’s planning something worse.”
“I know. I appreciate it, but wouldn’t Yew think it’s weird that Hyunwoo’s not letting me go anywhere? Like even if I’m a kept-woman or baby-mama or whatever gangsters are supposed to have.”
“A kept-woman?” Hoseok bursts out laughing. He puts his foot back up. “How old are you, grandma? Who says that anymore?”
“You know what I mean. That’s why I added ‘baby-mama’,” Childishly, you stick out your tongue at him. “I’ve been on an old Hollywood binge lately.”
“Still,” he says, wiping the tears that had leaked from the corner of his eyes. “Look, you kind of have a point. I don’t think Yew is going to try to get to you again as long as he believes you’re with Hyunwoo and not a witness. I’ll can talk to Hyunwoo.”
Hoseok holds up his hands at your ecstatic expression. “I’m not promising anything. Like I said, keeping you alive is the biggest priority next to bringing Yew down. Hyunwoo is the ultimate authority in that regard. He makes the final decisions.”
“I’ll take anything, Hoseok. Even just a walk around the block or the roof.”
A few days later, Hyunwoo doesn’t leave directly after breakfast like usual. Instead, after he rinses your cereal bowls, he stays in the kitchen.
Glancing at your arm, he asks, “Would you like to go out?”
Go out? The water you were drinking rebels, shooting down your windpipe. You splutter and cough, trying to get a hold of yourself. That’s a little difficult with Hyunwoo pounding on your back a little too hard to be really helpful. Did he really say 'do you want to go out?’ With him?
Finally gaining control, your voice hoarse, you repeat his question, “Go out?”
Hyunwoo backs away, still eyeing you worriedly. “Yes. It’d just be to the shop and back, but Hoseok said you needed to get out of the apartment. Something about the Geneva Convention.”
“Yes!” Any regret at your misinterpretation is forgotten at the prospect of breathing new air and returning in some capacity to the outside world. You have an excuse to wear real clothes, see real people! “Hell yes!”
You jump out of the chair, tripping in your hurry to get dressed. Hyunwoo steps in, saving you from falling flat on your face. Naturally, your good arm hooks itself around his waist.
He’s so warm. And solid, too. And smells like heaven on steroids. Even better than those fuzzy memories of yours. You feel your own body heat in response to the contact.
God, when did you get this easy?
“Are you okay?” Hyunwoo asks.
His words break the spell and you realize he’s stiff against you. Damn it, he’s probably thinking he never signed up to have some wounded, touch-starved woman clinging to him like a stoned koala.
In an effort to lessen the awkwardness, you turn the accidental embrace into a hug, immediately releasing him. “Yeah! I’m just really excited about going outside!” Without waiting for a response, you run out of the room.
Shimmying out of your pajamas and into a skirt is easy. Then comes the shirt. Jooheon had let you start moving your shoulder a few days ago, but you still have to be careful. With one hand, you manage to wriggle out of your tank top. You chose a clean one, but not before casting a longing look at a shirt with sleeves. Your choice proves wise though. Even lifting your arm to slide it through the top’s armhole makes the healing muscles scream at the stretch. They continue to ache as you readjust the shirt, but you ignore them. The intoxication of freedom, no matter how limited, mutes the pain.
You run back into the living room. “Ready!”
Hyunwoo nods and grabs his car keys. He opens the door for you, but catches your arm as you move past him. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Why?” you ask, puzzled. You may not have bothered with makeup, but you haven’t since you got here. Hyunwoo’s only seen it running down your face with tears.
“You’re sweating.” He points to your forehead.
You wipe at it, instinctively using your injured arm. The pain is instant. Hoping Hyunwoo didn’t notice your wince, you shrug it off. “Getting the shirt on was more work than I thought, I guess. I’m fine.”
He looks like he wants to say something. However, he doesn’t stop you again as you walk out. Hyunwoo takes the lead down the stairs after locking the door. As you follow him down the stairwell, he says, “We’re just going to the shop, staying a few hours, then coming back. Yew’s been too quiet for me to trust any side stops. When we’re outside, stay right beside me.”
“That’s fine,” you instantly reply.
You don’t meet another soul on the stairs and the lobby is similarly abandoned. It’s not surprising given the hour though. Those who work are long gone and just as far from returning home.
At the door, Hyunwoo pauses. You assume it’s to scan the street before exiting. Instead, he turns back to you. “Yew has at least one person watching this place. We want him to keep thinking you’re my girlfriend. That will keep you safe.”
“Okay.” You’re not quite sure where he’s going with this.
A hint of pink sprouts on Hyunwoo’s cheeks. He smiles, but it’s a different smile than you’ve seen before. It’s apologetic, with a hint of embarrassment.
“We’re going to need to make it believable. So, if you agree, I think we should engage in displays of physical affection.”
You can hear the echo of your jaw hitting the floor. “What?”
“Nothing you don’t consent to,” Hyunwoo rushes to reassure you. “All professional. Just physical touch on arms, waist, and hands.
“All that and no kissing?” you blurt out. Instant regret slams into you. “I mean, wouldn’t it be weird if we didn’t?”
Luckily, Hyunwoo laughs. He shifts his weight. “Yeah, I guess… Kisses on the head, forehead and cheeks should be okay. Right?”
Your eyes fall to Hyunwoo’s lips. You can’t help but feel robbed of the opportunity to kiss him there. Before you fell punch-drunk into your fantasies, you stop yourself. You need to look at this as some kind of weird, elaborate, dance-less ballet. Hyunwoo is your dance partner, not a boyfriend. This is a professional relationship, one your life actually depends on. You can’t fuck this up.
“Right,” you say.
“Good.” With one hand, Hyunwoo pushes open the glass door of the building. The other reaches out to you, palm open and ready.
With a fortifying breath, you take it.
That breath turns out to be about as useless as gulping for air in outer space without a helmet. As you step through the door, Hyunwoo pulls you into his side, his arm encircling your shoulder. From shoulder to hip, you’re glued against him.
You feel his lips graze against the top of your head. The touch is so light you almost think you imagined it. But then Hyunwoo whispers into your hair, “Ready?”
Heart thudding wildly, you look up at him. The smile on his face is full of affection. It’s so natural, you almost believe it yourself. You can only nod and smile, belatedly remembering you have a part to play too. Dazed, you let him guide you down the steps and down the sidewalk.
Hyunwoo stops halfway down the block. He keeps his arm around you like a shield the whole time. If the air hadn’t held a crispness, you would have definitely overheated. The chirp of a car unlocking and Hyunwoo easing away from you to open the door is enough to bring you back to reality. When you actually look at the car, you immediately wonder if you’re hallucinating.
Even to someone who isn’t a car enthusiast, the car breathes class. It lacks the bulk of most modern cars, instead celebrating sleekness from its slim, rectangular nose to mirror-image tail. Yet like its driver, you know beneath all that jet black metal is pure muscle. From the outside, the only hint of this is the silver head of a supercharger sitting on the hood.
The parallel is so perfect, you can’t help but laugh.
Hyunwoo backs away from you, startled.
“Dude, you’ve got to be kidding me. This is your car? This one?”
Hyunwoo looks at the car with its open door, then back to you. “Yes. Why?” he asks when you start laughing all over again.
“It’s a 1970 Dodge Charger R/T.”
Surprise is evident on Hyunwoo’s face. “Yeah. You know cars?”
“Not at all, but holy crap.” You slide into the front seat. Hyunwoo closes it behind you and circles the car to get in as well. “You don’t see why this is funny?”
“No. It’s a good car. Put your seat belt on.” He waits until you do so, then pulls away from the curb and into the street, but you can’t let it go.
“An undercover agent posing as the head of a mechanic shop that also deals with 'stolen’ cars and drives a black 1970 Dodge Charger R/T that’s been modified?” You watch his face, leaning forward so your seat belt presses into your chest. “Doesn’t sound familiar at all?”
Hyunwoo shakes his head.
“This is the exact model car driven by Vin Diesel as Dominic Toretto in The Fast and the Furious!”
“Never seen it.”
“Shut the damn front door. You’ve never seen The Fast and the Furious? Not one?”
“There’s more than one?”
At first, not a sound comes out of your mouth, too frozen in disbelief. You’re about to launch into a full geek rant when you notice a slight curve to the corner of Hyunwoo’s mouth. He’s not looking at you, his gaze purely on the road, but it’s there.
“You’re teasing me, aren’t you?” you say slowly.
A smile fully cracks through, broken by a low laugh that fills the car. “Of course I have. Minhyuk was obsessed with them. He made the entire team watch all of them one night after we got this assignment. I did own this car before I watched them though. It’s a good car.”
“You made it through the entire series in one sitting?” You whistle appreciatively.
“I saw the first one, but after that, they’re fuzzy,” Hyunwoo confesses. “I fell asleep.”
“Can’t blame you.” You shrug. “They’re like 16 hours altogether.”
Your bodyguard-slash-roommate nods, making a small sound in agreement.
Quiet settles between you after that. Where once it would have been tense or clumsy for you, it feels right. Comfortable. You don’t feel any need to fill the empty space in between the street noise and the engine’s sleek purr. Instead, you lean back against the leather seat and watch Hyunwoo with slight side glances.
You’re learning to read Hyunwoo’s silences. Sometimes, they can be just as articulate as if he had spoken with words.
His shoulders are relaxed beneath his dark jean jacket and his hands hold the steering wheel with the easy confidence of someone who knows they can handle the horsepower. Despite the mellowness of his body, Hyunwoo’s eyes keep a careful watch on the passing streets. They flicker left to right, then straight, then back again. Car, bus, and pedestrian get a quick threat assessment before being dismissed. He’s not very worried about an attack, but he’s not being stupid about it either.
Hyunwoo turns his head to turn down a street, facing you for a brief second. You notice suddenly that mouthed lyrics flow steadily from his lips right in time with the radio. The song is some oldie, the singer belting about freedom and fast cars. You wonder what his singing voice sounds like…
Out of nowhere, Hyunwoo says, “You should thank Minhyuk.”
“Minhyuk? Why?” you ask cautiously. Based on your last and only parting, you’re doubtful he’d give you the few seconds saying 'thank you’ would take. He’s the very last of the team you’d expect to be your advocate.
“He’s the one who finally convinced me to let you come with us.”
“Not Hoseok?”
He shakes his head. “Minhyuk,” he says with finality.
“Ask him yourself.”
Hyunwoo turns onto the curb and honks the horn three times. You glance out the window. The building is plain, gray concrete, a number of cracks showing its age like fine wrinkles. There’s a line of windows high in the front wall, but no sign to speak off. Nothing other than the two long, dulled and dented silver garage doors to indicate this is anything other than a warehouse.
One of the doors slides open. Hyunwoo pulls inside, the door closing just behind the car’s tail.
He only has time to turn off the car and slide the key from the ignition when Minhyuk appears at his window.
“We’ve got a problem,” he says, glancing at you.
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iibonniee · 2 years
RM1503: Human anatomy and physiology
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Pairing: Lee Minhyuk x Reader
Genre: College AU/smut
Rating: M
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: teacher/student relations, closet quickie, fingering, oral (male receiving), hinted daddy kink, i use fuck a lot so yeah
Masterlist | The Faculty Masterlist
This is the fifth installment for a collaboration with @wordycerty. Both Jooheon and Changkyun’s parts are on her page and both Hyungwon and Kihyun's on mine!
Taglist for the faculty: @appachicken @dandelion-aj @xrubyrosex @babykyuniee @bekah931215 @guesswhatimthinking
With just 5 short minutes until the class concluded, Y/N counted each second that met the minute. Her eagerness was clearly evident as her mind replayed what had happened merely three hours ago. 
Minhyuk’s tongue was harsh against her own. Even in the dimly lit closet, his hands knew where to go, and the groan that brushed past his chapped lips sent a shot straight to her core. In hindsight, they should care about the consequences of almost fucking during school hours.
“That’s what adds to the thrill, baby.”
His fingers cupped her soaked heat in seconds. His grin was evident even through their heated makeout session. 
“Look at you,” He whispered as his eyes tried to see properly in the light, “No underwear? You know time is ticking today. Do you want others to see you like this? I could smell your sweet pussy from a mile away. You want to make others drool, huh? They should know you’re all fuckin’ mine.”
Fuck. Her head fell back just at his words alone. His fingers were already picking up her juices. The deep growl she heard from him drove her into a spiral. Her vision was already hazy, but the view of her lover with his lips caught harshly between his lips was a sight on his own.
His focus was intent as he watched his slender fingers disappear into her needy core. In and out they went and his words never stopped. Curling his fingers only drove her more crazy.
“You have Professor Byun after this? Lucky bastard.” Yet even as he rambled on, she knew that she was growing close, and so was the time. Ten minutes never felt like a long time for a quickie. “I feel your pussy clamping my fingers. Cum around Daddy's fingers. I want to taste your cum.”
Her cries were muffled by both her hands and the timer that had just reached zero. Minhyuk held her up as he finger fucked her through her orgasm. She knew she shouldn’t watch, but she couldn’t tear her eyes off of him as he brought those same two fingers into his mouth, groaning at the delightful taste.
“Just as fuckin’ sweet as last night.” His smirk was sinister as his eyes remained focused on her. “You better get to class-”
“What about you?” 
“You can make it up to me later.” 
The thought alone had her squirm in her seat. She smiled to herself knowing soon enough she’d be able to run across campus to spend at least a good half an hour with her boyfriend until he’d have to teach his class again. 
Relief flushed her skin as Professor Byun dismissed class just three minutes before the class was due to end. Whether he was aware of her growing sexual frustration or not, he was definitely her savior. 
Professor Byun's music room was well across the campus from Minhyuk’s classroom. Still, she chose to run, needing just that extra bit of time with her boyfriend. 
Five short minutes felt entirely too long to get to his classroom. The silence that spilled from the cracked door told her that he hadn't allowed any students to stay behind for extra help. He knew her all too well. 
The silence, however, didn’t last long.
Just as the door clicked shut, Minhyuk had his hands all over her body, almost as if they had never parted in the first place. His lips were harsh against her own. He was wanting, needy, as he rutted his hard on against her uncovered pussy.
“I need you. So badly,” Minhyuk whined, not stopping his movements. It was only when there was a light knock on the door did both their heads snap towards it in panic. “Oh, shit.”
Oh, shit indeed. Y/N’s heart began to speed up at the thought of someone being on the other side of the door. Not only was their position very compromising, but Minhyuk was no doubt about to get rid of his boner.
“Get under the desk.” Minhyuk whispered harshly, forcing her under. Soon enough, he sat down, legs spread on either side of her. His boner was still no doubt hard, excited by the thrill of almost getting caught and having her now under his desk. “Come in!”
The silence that filled the air was brief, only for it to be interrupted by the sound of heels echoing in the classroom, which had Y/N raise her brow with curiosity. 
“Good evening, Minhyuk,” The feminine voice was unrecognizable to Y/N. She could hear the smile the woman held as she spoke up once more, “I was just walking by with lunch.”
It was then she heard the sound of a paper bag being placed down on his desk. The sound alone surprised her, causing her to jump slightly. Blinking, she moved her body forward to get a good view of her boyfriend. His smile was off, almost forced, but he dealt with the woman anyway.
What a fucking cockblock.
“Your room is across campus.” Minhyuk pointed out with a laugh. Despite the awkward interaction, Y/N rolled her eyes, growing bored of the conversation she was forced to listen to. Her fingers traveled up his black jeans slowly, pausing in a taunting move just where he needed relief the most. “I just had lunch-”
“Did you?” The nameless teacher giggled. “I thought your last class was the first of the three you taught today?”
Her voice was loud enough to get his zipper down, without question. Even as the woman chatted on, trying to call out her boyfriend’s obvious avoidance, Y/N found some humor behind it all. A little payback for all the times Minhyuk wanted to tease her around others.
Minhyuk’s deep inhale was welcomed at the feeling of his cock finally being let free. Tiny beads of precum threatened to fall on his girlfriend’s needy lips. Just as he was sending up a silent prayer, it was answered as he felt her lips meet the tip of his cock.
“Did I say I just had lunch? Silly me. I meant to say I was planning on having lunch with Kihyun and Hoseok, once I was finished grading these papers.” Despite his girlfriend just being under his desk sucking his dick, Minhyuk’s voice was unwavering. Not to be broken, no matter how much the temptation was there.
“I’m sure they wouldn’t mind me stealing you for a day.”
“Really Seulgi-” Just as he started speaking, Minhyuk lost all the words as he felt his cock reach the back of his girlfriend’s throat.  
“Are you ok?” The panic in Seulgi’s voice was evident, and if Y/N didn't know any better, she was trying to get closer.
“Yes - I’m fine. Please, I think I’m going to have to cancel on you and cancel my classes. My stomach feels like it’s going to explode. Bad breakfast.” His lie was smooth, believable to an outsider. Y/N could see his face twist through her lashes, and if her face wasn’t full of his cock, she’d have to try her best not to laugh.
“Do you want me to go-”
“Yes, please. Take your food too.” His answer was immediate, leaving no further room for the other professor to argue with him.
The same heels Y/N heard earlier made their way to the door, not even leaving a goodbye as she left.
“Fuck.” Minhyuk groaned, eyes now on her as his fingers threaded through her hair, finally able to guide her, “I’m about to cum. Fuck, that gets me going. You under my desk sucking my cock without any care. She was about to spot you, too, naughty fuckin' minx.”
Now that he was fully in control, his hips snapped up, fucking her mouth as best as he could without hurting her. The soft moans that came from Minhyuk’s mouth were heavenly.
“Oh fuuuck-” The taste of his warm cum filled her mouth quickly. His thrusts didn’t stop until he was done. 
He was a panting mess as he watched her swallow his cum through hooded lids.
“We have to do that again. I would’ve cum in my pants, even if you palmed me. You don’t understand how crazy you drive me.”
Now sitting on her boyfriend’s lap, his lips pressed soft feathered kisses to her neck.
No matter how much she wanted to ignore her bubbling curiosity, she couldn’t help but ask, “Who was that?”
“Seulgi?” Minhyuk questioned with puzzled eyes. The more his eyes scanned his girlfriend’s face, the more he knew she was serious. “She teaches, like, Studio Arts or something. She’s good friends with Kihyun and they work closely together.”
“What about that girl? The girl he slept with? I thought he had something with her? Or wanted to.”
Minhyuk could see the confusion flowing through her eyes. His chuckle only proved that he found it funny.
“Oh, he is still going after her,” He spoke between fits of laughter, “Trust me, love. We all have our eyes set on someone. Just not all of us have made a move, yet.”
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