#inugami - chapter 05
pink-yuri · 5 months
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♡ Inugami and Nekoyama ♡
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king-of-better · 2 years
Number.38.2: Queen of Lions <Lion Reine>
Originally serialised across 7 editions of Hobby Japan the year after GaoGaiGar, it was collected in novel form, with an added epilogue chapter, the year the last part of FINAL came out, alongside the original 2 part novelisation of FINAL itself. A lot of the models made for the serialisation aren't photographed for the novel version, but I've managed to get the serialised version in hand. This is almost certainly the most important spin off material, due to introducing 3 characters who would become important come FINAL, and a 4th who would return for King of Kings. I'm going to base the chapters off the novel version, might go back and add serialised version notes later.
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Chapter 1: Encounter. Hong Kong 2005.
In the dead of night, Chasseur operative Eric Fowler pursues his quarry, a woman whose body seems mixed with an eagle. Eric knows this this woman to become of Bionet's human hybrids, produced using energy recovered from the Jupiter probe to cultivate a human animal hybrid. Eric sees her eyes and recognises the eagle. Before she can kill Eric, a shot rings out injuring the Hybrid, the shooter is one she recognised as Lion Reine, who rescued Fowler, she rejects that name, identifying herself as Renais Kerdif. 
Renais, aged 17, was called on by Chasseur for an urgent mission, and met with director Jonas. She often receives complaints due to damaging equipment. The mission however, is to stop a terrorist attack on the GGG France technical research institute by known Bionet affiliate Schwarz Oule, normally active in Germany, and due to othersl agents being occupied, he assigns partners Renais and Fowler to investigate, as Renais' friend Pabia Noah is part of GGG France. Renais seeks to destroy Bionet less for justice, more for revenge. While they prevented the attack as Fowler snuck into CERN, no Bionet agents were captured, the two agents pursues Schwarz to Hong Kong. 
Renais had had to track Fowler down after he didn't make contact, working with local police to find him, she attacks the Eagle hybrid, Fowler telling her not to kill it, while she argues it breaks free and dives into the harbour, she cannot pursue with her cyborg body. 
At a safehouse, Fowler attempted to determine Bionet's goal, as there was no GGG branch in Hong Kong, their goal was  probably to use it as an outpost to reach either Japan's Space Development Corporation or China's Scientific Aeronautics Division. Renais isn't concerned the Eagle hybrid knew her, but she also knew Fowler by name, not his code name Gentleman. Fowler suspects her to be Toba Misao, who he met 2 years ago at the Japanese Cabinet Investigation Office, when both were seeking to acquire Over-Technology for their own governments, after Japan started cooperating Toba was exposed, and vanished after killing a friend and rival of Fowler's. Renais decided to pursue Toba, possibly wanting to believe she too is a victim of Bionet's experimentation. 
On a ship, Toba and Schwarz wait. Since being made like this, Toba has yearned for death, but Schwarz and Bionet have consistently prevented it, but she hopes Fowler can kill her. Renais attacked and fought Toba, Fowler rushing to the scene in a Mini. Toba has been lost since the fall of her homeland, the Republic of Velokenia, which was manipulated by Bionet. Angered by her belief Toba has chosen this life, Renais' G-Stone is energised, and she kills Toba. Fowler arrives, and hold Toba as she's dying, saying she can see Inugami again.
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Chapter 2: Farewell.China 2005
For 2 about weeks after the death of Toba, Renais and Fowler were held by local authorities, the ship and all its Bionet research taken over by China's GGG affiliate, then 4 days ago it was finally taken to the Scientific Aeronautics Division. Renais and Fowler continued their pursuit of Schwarz finding him at the Great Wall, they monitored to see who he would make contact with. The operation was disrupted by the attack of ZX-05, and Renais gave chase to Schwarz, only to see him captured by the Primeval. Renais convinced Fowler to help chase it so they could capture Schwarz. 
The pair hope, through Chasseur's link to GGG, to get intel on the Primeval that will let them act, but she refuses to make direct contact, instead wanting to use stolen Biotech weaponry to destroy the Zonder Robo. While ZX-05 is gathering it's energy, they go to attack, only for Bionet men to attack them. A Zonder Robo suddenly targets Renais, her G-Stone affecting it and ZX-05, and works to try and hold them off,but becomes overwhelmed. Suddenly, a stealth plane flies by, and they grab on. The pilot is surprised, referring to Renais by name, she in turn calls him Full-Cyborg and seems annoyed to see him, to the consternation of the Mobile Unit Captain, harsh words from his cousin. 
Gai brings them by StealthGao back to the Izanagi, and informs Fowler that Renais is his younger cousin, and he was unconsciously drawn to her G-Stone while testing StealthGao's repairs. Renais hates her cyborg body, which Gai understands but thinks she is lucky, as his body is almost entirely cybernetic, but he was in a terrible accident, she was experimented on by Bionet. Leo thanks Fowler for taking care of his niece, but when he calls the Shishioh's Renais' relatives she gets angry, and when Leo tries to say Liger and her mother loved eachother, she storms off, Gai follows her, and tries to reassure her of her humanity, and while she finds it hard, she understands him, but blames her father for her current body. Gai, whose parents always loved eachother, cannot understand her feelings. 
October 7th, the joint operation to combat ZX-05 launches, Renais and Fowler are allowed to monitor, an agreement was made to turn Schwarz over to Chasseur after he was purified, and Renais would not be mentioned in the report to the Orbit Base. Leo had told Fowler that Liger, while a genius, had a lot of troubles in his private life with his 28 children all taking issue with him, Fowler hoped to help them reconnect. GekiRyuJin rescued the cores, and Special Agent Mamoru purifies the Zonders. The pair took Schwarz, who was now in a state of remorse after purification, admitting he already sent his information. Suddenly Bionet monsters attack, a crocodile bites off Schwarz's head. Renais and Fowler fight, but they are overwhelmed, Fowler takes a blow for Renais, and enrgaed she tears apart all the other monsters. Renais sees that Fowler is mortally wounded. As she watches tearfully, he tells her he did this as his duty to his partner, as he dies.
Chapter 3: Robbery.Somme 2005
After Fowler's funeral, only his widow and 3 year old daughter are at the grave. Due to confidentiality, his wife only onowshe died in a workplace accident. Renais is watching at a distance. The day after Jonas ordered her to Lens, she is to escort the AI units, and is told GGG France have reported her new partner is ready. Renais is unhappy with having to work with the AI, and returning to Lyons, her home until her mother, Freya Kerdif, was killed 3 years ago. She is to escort GBR-8 KoRyu and GBR-9 AnRyu, sister units to FuRyu and RaiRyu, though still maturing. It was determined Bionet in China sought data on the Chinese brothers, so it is possible they will interfere in the transfer, though Renais sees the addition of herself as pointless. 
She arrives at the rendezvous point, Felix Paulette Stadium, meeting with Papillion, who was a lead developer. The two robots have the new upgraded GS-Ride unit. From below appears GGG France's Matter Creation Ship Futsunushi, from which emerge the white maser truck KoRyu, and black missile truck AnRyu. Renais is even more confused over why her escorting is seen as necessary.
Renais wanted to ride with the soldiers, but the sisters offer to let her ride, she reluctantly agrees to ride AnRyu, Papillion takes KoRyu. When KoRyu shows concern after she becomes uncomfortable with the memories, she snappd at her. They are seen as they move out in a hovercar by two figures, Moebius and Laplace, whe if Renais had heard would have been filled with rage.  
As they approach the Somme, Bionet attacks, Papillion orders the sisters to System Change, and stop the bridge collapsing, when a landslide causes AnRyu to have the same landing issue as EnRyu and RaiRyu. Moebius, who can create weapons from his body, as KoRyu is knocked down and freezes. More troops attack, as helicopters appear, Papillion orders AnRyu to use Nightmare Curtain, to block their vision. Renais rushes to KoRyu, when she sees Laplace, who recognises the "failure" Renais. The scientist has already taken control of KoRyu, and she blinds Renais. Theor are safeguards against lethal attacks, so Laplace decides to retreat with her. AnRyu tries to grab her sister, but is disabled by the squad leader, as KyoRyu drives off with Laplace. Renais leaps at KoRyu with a cannon, but is attacked by Moebius, a second attack is blocked by a sudden shadow. It is clear now why Bionet collected information on the Chinese AI units, for a backdoor into KoRyu, aware of the likelihood of AnRyu to fail to land causing KoRyu shock. GGG cannot be raised, as the are fighting ZX-06 right now. 
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Chapter 4: Reminiscence.Lyons 2005
When they lived in Lyons, Renais would see her mother, Freya, wistfully speak of Liger, the man she loved, and while Renais was glad Freya was happy, she was annoyed privately how disruptive it was to their relationship. Renais' life changed just before she turned 14.
In October 2002, as Renais' now realises her mother knew Bionet was watching them, Freya suddenly took them to travel. People broke in in the middle of the night, and shots rang out, Renais realising Freya had thrown herself in front of them to protect her. Bionet took Renais to their Lyons branch, and tried to indoctrinate her as an agent, but she always resisted, swearing vengeance. After 18 months, Bionet decided she would be no good as an agent, and decided to use her for experimentation instead.
Laplace and Moebius wanted to create a soldier from more intelligent stock, turning her into a Bio Cyborg. Resisting, she broke out and fought her way through the branch, but her cybernetic were inefficient and burnt out. She was rescued in a Chasseur raid, and a genius scientist performed surgery to give her a stable body, this scientist was one of the worlds top 10 minds, Shishioh Liger, who installed a G-Stone on her body. Blaming Liger for her mother being targeted by Bionet, and as he left before she regained consciousness, she also decided he was too much of a coward to face his daughter, swearing to never forgive him.
Eric Fowler was assigned to instruct Renais as a Chasseur operative, despite being in his 40s he is able to teach her a lot, and where Moebius had for the drop on her was where Fowler normally covered for her. However, they never became close until he died, and she felt guilty for orphaning his daughter.
Chapter 5: Chase.Calais 2005
Renais awakens in a Mercedes-Benz, wich introduces itself as her new partner, Porc-Auto. Renais is annoyed about being assigned a Super AI, not trusting them, but he ignores her complaints, using his Ion Sensor to track AnRyu, but she gets annoyed and learns AnRyu is being taken to Calais, Porc-Auto disagrees, but is forced to take her. Renais takes note of a metal device on the roof she recognises, alongside a metal case. Porc-Auto speeds off for Calais.
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Bionet forces have taken the Channel Tunnel, bringing in a white trailer. Chasseur surrounds the Calais end, while the Army surrounds the Folkestone end, though both are primarily hoping to siege Bionet until GGG can arrive. Renais infiltrates, but attacks from Bionet forces force Porc-Auto to defend her, there chagrin, System Changing into robot form. In his case he has a missile launcher, as the trailer moves, Renais pursues on the Clearrit rocket sled. Porc-Auto catches numerous Bionet agents, as learns GGG has had heavy losses against ZX-06, and the Army is going to attack to capture the train, which could cost KoRyu and destroy the tunnel, and opts to pursue and stop devastation. Renais reaches the train, and slows it down, as Porc-Auto arrives. They investigate the train, but it was a decoy, AnRyu is not aboard. Communication informs them that AnRyu has appeared at Felix Paulette Stadium.
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Papillion was blaming herself for the capture of AnRyu, at Chasseur HQ, and awoke KoRyu, tryin to assure her. KoRyu senses something above them, and with Papillion's blessing goes on the defence. Moebius and Laplace are there, with the controlled AnRyu. She tries to appeal to her sister, but the control is too strong. The two sisters are forced to fight, AnRyu uses Starnight Curtain to block her. The scientists take control of Futsunushi, breaking through the defences set up by Entoji. Papillion cannot comprehend what their true plan was, as the matter creation function should be unusable. AnRyu, still fighting, calls on KoRyu to let their SympaRates rise, which triggers something in her sister, but the scientists already have control of Futsunushi.
Porc-Auto and Renais arrive at the Stadium, as Moebius and Laplace have KoRyu board the Futsunushi. Renais prepares to fire on KoRyu, but AnRyu uses Nightmare Hardrain to shoot down the missiles, since she can sense her sister. The scientist order AnRyu to fire, KoRyu shields Renais, and is badly injured, but begs her to help her sister. Laplace and Moebius wire KoRyu into Futsunushi's power systems, replacing the original GS-Ride, Porc-Auto explains to Renais Bionet's goal, and forces her and KoRyu off the ship.
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The Futsunushi flew from Lyons, shooting down Air Force interceptors, using matter creation to attack, it resembles a Zonder Robo. Reinforcements will be arriving, although GGG are still reeling from the loss of ChoRyuJin and damage to several others. Renais however wants to work alone, not prepared to receive aid from GGG, when a voice tells her Papillion is looking for her. She swings at the speaker, Shishioh Liger. She expects him to beg forgiveness or something else, but instead he argues with her, claiming to understand who she is. She storms off, but he asks the watching Porc-Auto to look out for her, who gives his word as and English Gentleman. Renais surprises the repaired AnRyu by telling her she'll help save KoRyu. KoRyu takes remote control of Izanagi's launcher to take off with Renais aboard, straight for Futsunushi.
Chapter 6: Decisive Battle.Paris 2005
Gai boards Porc-Auto, and they're Mirror Catapulted towards Futsunushi. The army is attempting to down it before it reaches Paris, but the consumption of raw materials terrifies them. Reine and AnRyu infiltrate Futsunushi. AnRyu sense a wave from GS-Ride, and they find a strange monstrosity, attacking with a vibrating blade. This battle is watched by the leaders of Bionet, Prof Mozman and Dr. Thanatos, who developed the Futsunushi capture plan. Bionet has developed fake GS-Rides, which are powering the weapon they created, Scendogarde. Reine risks herself, but AnRyu won't act, but Gai and Porc-Auto arrive. After squabbling, Renais and AnRyu go ahead, letting them take care of Scendogarde, but quietly asks Porc-Auto not to die, apologising for the past.
They finally reach AnRyu, with wires in her to power Futsunushi, she is now aware of herself, and Fakes are around. KoRyu has given up, but Renais encourages her to fight. The words also inspire AnRyu, who encourages her sister to Symmetrical Docking, which she does after a heavy power load is take from her. As KoRyu is pulled out the wiring, the Futsunushi falls. Mozman and Thanatos appear ahead of Renais. The two use Fakes to take on cyborg forms and attack Renais.
As the Futsunushi lands, the last weapon they created, G=Gigantesque, emerges from the wreckage, but is confronted by TenRyuJin, the combination of KoRyu and AnRyu. Equipped with the Crystal Shield. Laplace and Moebius are shocked, as Renais charges them, and Gai and Porc-Auto arrive, but Gai rushes back to the Izanagi. Before Renais can kill Laplace and Moebius, they suddenly call out, offering the truth of Freya Kerdif's identity, showing proof that Freya Kerdif was an agent of Bionet. Renais is shocked, moreso as they show Renais was originally raised to be a test subject. The revelation shocks Renais to the core. They use the chance to deliver a massive attack, but Porc-Auto calls out, throwing himself in the way.
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Porc-Auto tells Renais to chase the scientists. As she chased, he communicates by a low frequency to her to tell her what Liger had told him. Liger and Freya had fallen in love, but she vanished, then a year later told him the truth, having betrayed Bionet out of love for Liger, but never told him about Renais, he first learn tof her the night he performed the reconstruction, and let her believe he was the bad guy. Renais, in Hyper Mode, chases down the scientists, sweating to destroy them.
G=Gigantesque keeps functioning no matter what TenRyuJin does. Renais finds Porc-Auto is heavily damaged, as Raiga and Papillion arrive by GunDober, and start trying to treat him, trying to save the Super AI. GaoGaiGar arrives to fight G=Gigantesque, Liger takes Renais elsewhere. TenRyuJin is considering detonating her GS-Ride to destroy G=Gigantesque, but Gai, recalling recent events, won't see another comrade sacrificed. Unfortunately, the Goldion Hammer is currently out of action. Inside Futsunushi Liger takes Renais to the Molecule Plane, a weapon originally intended for GaoGaiGar, but it requires G-Stone power that GunDober can't provide, when Renais offers her own G-Stone.
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GaoGaiGar's current option is the use of Hell and Heaven, a danger, when the Molecule Plane arrives, Renais aboard to supply power, and is equipped by GaoGaiGar. The Molecule Plane launches an attack that melts through G=Gigantesque. The light fades from Porc-Auto. G=Gigantesque has the Fake GS-Ride exposed, and the Molecule Plane unleashes it's full power. The Amaterasu recovers everyone and starts repairs on the sisters, but Renais is sad to see Porc-Auto, that he has died for her twice in a row, having recognised his AI was derived from Fowler. The body has been destroyed, but the AI remains to support her, to her relief.
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It is now winter, Renais drives her Rover Mini, and acting as a taxi, drives a certain mother and daughter, who are wondering about the current battle of GGG. The girl feels the car smells like her father, which it inadvertently makes a noise in response too, Renais amazed at how it truly is the same person. GGG France has used their allowed G-Stone supply, so they cannot create a new robot body for Porc-Auto. Renais doesn't want to call Liger before GGG's battle, but is considering calling him dad next time she sees him. Porc-Auto decides to tell her what her code name, Queen of Lions means, Shishioh.
Epilogue: 2006 Queen of Lions After
Renais like everyone else is being parasitised, she is able to partly resist thanks to her G-Stone. She awakens, that day was 6 months ago, as she chased Bionet and saw them parasitised, she is one of the few to remember what happened, due to her cyborg nature.
Porc-Auto picks Renais up, informing her of Papillion's loss. There have been kidnapping incidents lately of people with superhuman abilities. However, rather than abduction, Papillion seems to have left of her own accord, vanishing ahead of her transfer to Orbit Base, though she might have been controlled. Porc-Auto has however been tracking her.
Renais infiltrates the amusement park Papillion has been tracked to, and finds a man who takes her for a Bionet agent and hypnotises her, but she breaks free. At this point, he recognises her as Lion Reine.
The man is Soul, who works for a group that, like Chasseur, is under the auspices of GGG. He is looking for his abducted partner, Erable. They work together to find the heart of Bionet's operation.
As they move further, Soul admits to loving Erable, who has the ability to dowse.
They come to the leader of the operation, in a clown mask, Gimlet. Initially only concerned with Soul, he is terrified to realise who Renais is, ordering and attack
Renais and Soul rescued the captives, but the park opened before the battle was finished. Porc-Auto takes Renais to De Gaulle, where she and Papillion see Soul and Erable off to Japan, the knew Papillion old. A proper introduction is made, Erable is Kurenai Kaede, Soul is Yanagi Sho. Renais properly introduced herself as Renais Kerdif Shishioh. They leave for their own stories, while Papillion is surprised Renais is using her father's name.
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